The New Frontier aren't the bad guys?
Do any of you guys think that TNF aren't the bad guys? To be honest, most of the members don't seem to be too bad. I think only Badger is a bit of an ass, but Max, Ava, Lonnie, and Rufus seem to have been pretty reasonable in my opinion. They had many opportunities to outright kill you but they chose to negotiate. Max even gave you a chance to help Kate even after killing a lot of TNF members. What do you think about this possibility? Would it be too far fetched to suggest they have a good reason to want Clementine? Leave your thoughts.
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First of all they have no reason not to help Kate since Kate never really shot or killed any of them. They only have a problem with Javi and I think that's the main reason they are so hesitant to let them in Richmond to begin with. But I still believe they are bad, because holy hell, who the hell kills a young kid who did nothing wrong. If they were alright I don't think Clementine would've had problems coming back to them.
I hear you but the person who killed Mariana was Badger. There is evidence to suggest that he is a rogue member who just does what he wants. First of all, he took Francine hostage much to Max's surprise as he expressed concern over these actions. Max did not want to attack Prescott but Badger forced them into confrontation. Max even mentions that the whole Prescott incident was a mess when you show up to Richmond.
Well it doesn't seem like they are bad people with the exception of Badger. Lonnie,Ava,and Max all seem to be pretty reasonable and nice people and they sparred Javier's life when Max could have just killed him for attacking Lonnie. And Ava seems to be a good person as well.
It seems like they're saviors V2. They force other communities to get them supplies and if they won't they attack like it hapenned in Wellington and in trailer Clem says: "They used to be decent people. Now they're....something else". Similar thing was said about Saviors. It remains to be seen if they're any different.
Max seems like a good guy deep down but he still started shit even after I tried to give their gas back.
Lonnie really stirred a bad vibe inside of me. The combination of his voice, appearance, and behavior just seemed off.
Ava looked like trouble and I had just lost Kenny and wasn't ready to trust any dipshits.
Rufus claimed he really wanted to hurt Javi but that he was bound by his group's rules.
Badger is a complete fucking scumbag and I hope I get the option to force feed him a burning coal.
One thing I love about season three is how Max is written. He has consistently felt very human to me.
I wouldn't be surprised if the New Frontier are nowhere near as bad as Badger and the problem Clem has is more about something Clem did.
I think Telltale didn't make them totally evil and actually gave them some complexity because it seems we'll be spending the rest of the season with them (and at the end, we might even take control of TNF). I'm even expecting Max to apologize to Javier for being an asshole, he looks like a good guy, and it would be refreshing to see someone who was one of the antagonists at the start to actually have a heart and not be "muahah evil". Badger seems to be the exception and a rogue and I think there's a reason why. He's the one who killed Mariana and I bet David is not going to be pleased. Maybe we'll even have a say in his fate.
I think on the outside they don't seem like awful people but I think something more deep down is really twisted. It seems like a lot of characters have been underestimating them. Like Javy thinking walking up to the gates and asking to give Kate help would work, Conrad thinking they'll easily bargain with Clem. Like if The New Frontier are "understanding" people.
But the moment you speak to the actual person, Clementine, who was a part of The New Frontier her dialogue says otherwise. "They used to be decent people... Now they're something else." "They won't bargain with you! You don't know them!"
Also, if The New Frontier isn't really awful, then why would Clementine lie so much and keep her brand a deep secret? She also emphasizes how she had to escape from The New Frontier and how she can't let them see her as if they're out to kill her. And the moment she finds out TNF took over Richmond she instantly panics. It doesn't seem like a lot phases her but TNF really does bother her which makes me think there is a lot more to it than we think.
When your organization brands every member, it's a good sign they're the bad guys.
They seem to fall more in the gray area, if anything.
There are some relatively reasonable people within their ranks-- Max, Lonnie, even Rufus to some degree. But on the other hand, they have psychotics like Badger, who seem to have no problem invading random communities and mowing everyone down.
They have a system they seem to obey by for the most part... but I'm guessing their system isn't the nicest. For example, Max wanting to take Javier back to face 'punishment' probably would have been death, or mutilation, or worse. Who knows? It probably wouldn't have been very fun for Javi, though.
The Saviors are a group of criminals and misfits. I think someone like Negan can only rule such a group. Without Negan, that place would be like the wild-wild-west or been in the same path of stealing goods from communities like before. These people are terrible people and always been.
Yea, I noticed that when Badger brought out Francine and Max reacted with "I didn't know you had taken hostage..."
Badger is the dipshit. In my opinion, New Frontier is not that bad, but it still remains to be seen in episode 3, I guess.
I suspected the same. Really can't wait for ep 3.
Badger is somewhat reminiscent of Norma.
Dwight is doing okay leading in the comics...
There is no evidence to suggest they force other communities to get supplies, or that ANF were behind Wellington
Of course they aren't: that would be the Wendigo!
In this kind of situation, people band together for survival only, and their morals do not have as much weight as their ability to keep you safe. As long as their gun is not pointed towards you, it's fine, even if you don't agree with their methods. I imagine that, like most TWD groups, TNF probably doesn't have only bad people.
Are you caught up?
The model of the man who killed Edith in the Wellington outcome was used to portray two different members of the New Frontier as well, but that is most likely just because Telltale thought few people would notice.
Only pointing it out before someone uses it as an argument!
Well when things like this happen...there is a problem at the top of NF. A strong leader can shut that shit down. One thing I do admire about Negan and Rick...they can keep their people from going too overboard...especially Negan.
Fml. Not caught up. Just looked ahead. Allow me to remove my foot from mouth.
Did I prompt you to spoiling yourself?
Sure thing.
I meant Max, God damn it!
Badger is a Randall on the loose.
This guy replies to himself? That's pathetic.
I deserved it. Thought I knew something, but should've kept quiet until I was caught up.
I don't think they're all bad, but obviously they aren't all good either. I'm curious to see how David reacts when I tell him Badger killed his Mariana.
Oh wow, this guy too?
From until dawn? Those wendigos are like zombies, just want food.
Dude, Davis gonna the fucker, if he isn't dead already.
I'm glad I'm not the ONLY one who noticed.
Aye, but this Wendigo is special--A bone to pick, it has!
I'm guessing maybe David wasn't the original leader perhaps. Maybe things started to go bad after he took over. That would definitely be possible since Clem herself said they weren't always bad.
What? Does that mean they eat bones? Walkers do too.
Gonna KILL THAT fucker.
Being a little to literal there, mat. I mean the score is personal...
I only like Ava so far. Max is not as bad as Badger, but there was no reason to cry about some gas (that Javier gave back anyway) and a few cups of pudding. Like, seriously. That was not a big deal, even after a zombie-apocalypse.