First of all, it all started when i clicked on the "Mary is 28 and she lives 1 metre near your home" ad. As it happened, someone knocked on my door. It was Cinderella. She grabbed a USB and threw it on my monitor, installing 50GB of supreme porn.
First of all, it all started when i clicked on the "Mary is 28 and she lives 1 metre near your home" ad. As it happened, someone knocked on … moremy door. It was Cinderella. She grabbed a USB and threw it on my monitor, installing 50GB of supreme porn.
Basically, click on those ads boi
I took quite a lot of them. Well... I haven't expected i will use them for an artshow... And they arent too amazing, they are really focused… more on Clem's face only... You know... I'm 15, she is 13, so... i find her appealing... sexually.
That was awkward.
"Tell him off"
Kate's gonna leave your ass.
"I'm old enough"
Old enough to shoot your FUCKING HEAD OFF!
"She's one of US"
She has a right to her secrets, just like we do to our secrets
Goddammit guys, i JUST replayed all Seasons of The Walking Dead. Don't make me do it again!
I so wish i was taking screenshots. I can recall a ton of really cool moments.
Lol that joke is older than you junior.
I love AJ in that scene
Pointing at Ava like "who dat"
Yeah, it is
Still worth trying, tho. As a citizen of the internet, it is my duty to inform computer-newbies about ALT+F4. Not saying you are one, but if you were.
First of all, it all started when i clicked on the "Mary is 28 and she lives 1 metre near your home" ad. As it happened, someone knocked on my door. It was Cinderella. She grabbed a USB and threw it on my monitor, installing 50GB of supreme porn.
Basically, click on those ads boi
Oh, I know already.
There's something...uncanny about her expression there.
Lmao. I was staring at the tv like, wait, why lol
How did you find these images?
The "You" makes this picture ten times better though.
She been hitting the blunt too hard lmao
"Tell him off"
Kate's gonna leave your ass.
"I'm old enough"
Old enough to shoot your FUCKING HEAD OFF!
"She's one of US"
She has a right to her secrets, just like we do to our secrets
Great pictures mate! First one's the best imo!
I didn't find them, I took them myself and edited the brightness and stuff
Clem and AJ

She would be an amazing mom. I hope she makes it long enough (looking at you Telltale)
Here's a few I took on my playthrough
Shhhhh don't give them ideas.
I love the goofball this season. He grew onto me quickly.
Ohh very nice!
That's not what I mean, those are dialogue choices. Some people complained about "cringey dialogue", but I didn't see anything bad.
Might wanna tone down the saturation a bit.
I did it like that on purpose because I thought it might look cooler, but ah well :P
This one is from a game called Aragami, but it's too good to pass up
They look so much like Banjo and Kazooie.
Took some more screenshots of Clementine today.

She's such a badass
Im on PS4,how do I upload screenshots from there?
hey when does the first one happen?
Even though they are good screenhots. The fact that you betray her makes me not like it :<
The last image makes this game feel like a horror game.
AHHGGG, everytime I see Conrad pointing the gun on Clem, it makes me wish for him to have a terrible alternative death.
It's heartbreaking to see him cry...

Wish Clem woulda hugged him (if there was no firefight).
When did the first and third one happend?
Men crying are so fucking cute