I literally take tens of thousands of screenshots on every Steam game I play, I picked this one here from my old Photobucket archive though, remember making it right when A House Divided came out.
Considering how Jane operated, I believe it. I actually think their relationship was yet another example of how Jane was oddly utilized.
Fun fact:Originally, Mike wouldn't have been there for more than two-three weeks, while Jane is implied to have only been there for a similarly short period of time.
I don't know if you can upload from the PS4 directly, so when I do it I copy them to a USB stick and upload them from my computer (I don't know if you know this, but you can't upload directly to this site).
Basically what the guy above me said. Capture some screens, head to capture gallery, use a USB stick and copy them into it then put it in the computer. From there just upload it into something like Imgur or tumblr or whatever and then you can post them here. Images have to be on the internet to post them.
Clementines elbow freaks me out.
Also does anyone else think Mari looks a lot like Clementine? Also...
This is way more emotional for me than it should have been.
Clementines elbow freaks me out.
Also does anyone else think Mari looks a lot like Clementine? Also...
This is way more emotional for me than it should have been.
I don't even know why; it was just something about her. She was just an annoying little twerp in my eyes, but she wasn't nearly as bad as Sarah. She's at least got that going for her (which isn't really saying much, either).
I don't even know why; it was just something about her. She was just an annoying little twerp in my eyes, but she wasn't nearly as bad as Sarah. She's at least got that going for her (which isn't really saying much, either).
Like I said, I don't know why. In my eyes, she's just one of those characters people naturally don't like, with no explanation at all. Something about her annoys the living hell out of me and I can't quite put my finger on it.
Haha, yeah. TWD S1 and S2 both made me cry at the end. At least teary-eyed incl lump in throat.
Well—I played the game.
Second and third picture. Javier is creepy as fuck.
Clementine's cateye is strong this season.
Leaked footage of Clementine in season 5:
I love how the arrow sign is pointing at Clem in the last image.
Clementine is giving him that "i'm going to kill you" look
Mike says that to Jane after she proposes the herd idea
Nice, was actually planning on doing one myself.
I didn't realize how creepy Javier's eyes looked in the second picture until now.
Considering how Jane operated, I believe it. I actually think their relationship was yet another example of how Jane was oddly utilized.
Fun fact:Originally, Mike wouldn't have been there for more than two-three weeks, while Jane is implied to have only been there for a similarly short period of time.
Javier's look as Clem pulled the gun
He looks like a Muppet in that first picture.
Second playthrough :P.
Don't worry, on the first playthrough I instantly killed Conrad.
If you choose to surrender when The New Frontier visits Prescott, Clementine has that "worried" look.
If you choose to surrender when The New Frontier visits Prescott, Clementine has that "worried" look.
Shortly after Clem kicks the door to that "hut" open and puts AJ down to block the door.
I don't know if you can upload from the PS4 directly, so when I do it I copy them to a USB stick and upload them from my computer (I don't know if you know this, but you can't upload directly to this site).
Basically what the guy above me said. Capture some screens, head to capture gallery, use a USB stick and copy them into it then put it in the computer. From there just upload it into something like Imgur or tumblr or whatever and then you can post them here. Images have to be on the internet to post them.
Javier really is a walking meme material
If anyone wants to use them, here you go:

These are challenging the Bruce Wayne faces.
I will pretend i didn't hear that
Just... this.
Don't kill me please...
Clementines elbow freaks me out.
Also does anyone else think Mari looks a lot like Clementine? Also...
This is way more emotional for me than it should have been.
To be serious though, they all look awesome, just wanted to clarify.
Are you sure they weren't mixing this up with LiS?
At least we're not seeing Clem get shot in the head
Yeah, their faces look alike. Here, I added Clem's hair on Mari.
Mari is Clementine confirmed.
Dammit, am I the only one that just doesn't like Mariana at all? I thought she was really annoying.
W-why would you think that!?
Why? She didn't really say too much or have that much screentime.
I don't even know why; it was just something about her. She was just an annoying little twerp in my eyes, but she wasn't nearly as bad as Sarah. She's at least got that going for her (which isn't really saying much, either).
Okay, I think now would be a good opportunity to ask: Why annoying?
I was actually starting to like Mariana as a character, the rest of Javier's family I don't care about. Well, then they killed her, :^(.
Like I said, I don't know why. In my eyes, she's just one of those characters people naturally don't like, with no explanation at all. Something about her annoys the living hell out of me and I can't quite put my finger on it.