Where is AJ?
I know it is a little too early to discuss about this, but My Question is: Where Is AJ??
Well, from the "traces" I gathered in my mind I can, unfortunately, say this: AJ is PROBABLY Dead...
Let me explain this:
As we all know, until now, AJ is not presented in the Present Day of The Walking Dead and we only see him through the flashbacks of Clementine.
Secondly I can say that Clementine is not in a "Rescue Mission" about saving AJ from, god-knows-what, and it is like Clementine "doesn't care about him". Thus, if Clementine, as we see her until now, is not at this kind of mission or Even not mentioning about AJ and how she can save him or take him with her as in the flashbacks I can just say that he is PROBABLY dead...
I have to mention, though, that he may be in a safe place where Clementine may have let him in order for him to be safe (well, as safe as he can be in a zombie apocalypse) but my best guess, until now is that he is dead.
I really don't want to believe this but this my best guess at this moment.
What is Your Opinion on AJ's fate??
I think AJ is in the New Frontier,with Javi brother(my opinion) We will see in episode 3
Yeah, maybe, but why in the world Clementine would let AJ with The New Frontier and not take him with her when she "got out" of there?
I assume he is killed by NF because of his mental illness.
Mental illness???? Who?
Are you referring to his inability to speak?
I think she was forced to let him with New Frontier
I think they keep AJ as a prisonier
...If we're fortunate.
That what i think too but i don't want it to happin
I'm about 80% certain he's in Richmond, which is why Clementine wanted to go there in the first place - to check up on him or to get him back.
I have a feeling that in Episode 3, we'll see him as one of the 'prisoners' that The New Frontier rounded up when they took over Richmond. But because Javier doesn't know who AJ is, what he looks like or that he's related to Clementine, he'll have little reaction other than "Woah, there's a baby here... Cool, I guess."
It'll serve as a minor WTF moment for the player while giving them little agency for Javier to do anything about it due to a lack of knowledge on AJ.
I think AJ's alive. I just can't think of a good reason to kill him off.
He's probably in Richmond. I will be disgusted and completely turned off from this series of we find out he was murdered for no goddamn reason.
Yes, about it exactly. NF seems pretty much have fascist\spartan ideology - to kill those who aren't in ideal health.
UPD: Just in case, I don't treat people who can't speak as mentally ill. But scum like NF probably does.
Alvin Junior has been at community at Richmond all along; even before the New Frontier took over! I believe that Clementine left him there when she drove elsewhere in Virginia.
well, mental illness is wholly arbitrary. all we know is that he cannot speak at the moment, which would undoubtedly be seen as a trait to pick on if you're an asshole, and most people post-zombie-apocalypse are apparently.
That's exactly my point.
I think he's in Richmond with the New Frontier. My best guess is that they took AJ from Clementine to raise him and become strong and well trained. That would also explaine why Clementine hate the New Frontier now. She propeply tried to escape with AJ, but got caught. She might tried to escape a second time but couldn't get to AJ. She might knew that Richmond was taken over by New Frontier when she suggested to go there. She might need that group as distraction to save AJ.
This is my best guess, curious what you guys think about this.
Probably in Richmond thanks to a huge coincidence that TNF decided to take it over and move people there. Clementine may not know he's there, but it just works out for her (and the story) that AJ is there. Clem can stay with the group and won't need a vehicle to travel to wherever AJ may have been originally held. Just my guess.
Zombie Kenny's teaching him how to fish.
But Richmond was only recently taken by the New Frontier, I doubt they took AJ.
Ava might be looking after him!
I believe Alvin was in Richmond before the New Frontier arrived! This would mean that, when she left the latter group, she was able to do so with Alvin with her.
Hmm... True, but where else would AJ be? I doubt Clementine would travel that far away from Richmond if AJ was there unless it was taken over by New Frontier.
My guess is that if AJ is with the New Frontier then what happened is that Clementine left him in Richmond and then the New Frontier took over Richmond and just found AJ there. They'd have no real reason to kill a baby.
If Ava is looking after AJ, I'm fairly confident that it's not out of any obligation for Clem. Namely, that she kidnapped him or took him to antagonise Clementine for whatever reason. Am I the only one who guessed from her introduction she's going to be a lasting villain?
The fact that she's New Frontier herself, the music that plays when she rolls up her sleeve that basically screams "Yeah, this is bad news", the fact that she does the creepiest smile when she suggests that Clem go join The New Frontier, her general attire is someone who I'd attribute as someone who's bad rather than good, the fact that AJ cries when Ava knocks on the door, the fact that AJ cries when Clem goes off to help Ava, the fact that AJ cries when she rolls up her sleeve, the typical run of the mill villain foreshadowing that she does: "Hoo boy, Clemy-cloo, you might not like us now but the world sure does work in mysterious ways, I'm sure we'll cross paths again."
Seriously, there's so many red flags about this girl from the three minutes we saw her in alone.
EDIT - Although, remember the 'quest for vengeance' that was hyped up about Clem before release... If there's one subject to this quest and it is related to AJ, I imagine Ava is a part of that.
This could be the case, probably...
Neither do I.
I have to agree that Ava IS a little creepy and stuff, but I don't think she has any reason to take AJ for herself. I don't think She wants that either.
Yeah, man. Who would kill a Baby??
Well I meant from the writers perspective, but there is that too.
Hmm, I have to mention that when Clementine heard from Jesus that Richmond was taken down from The New Frontier she was upset and Javier didn't show much interest at that time because he was talking with his group. Thus, AJ may be in Richmond and Clementine just hadn't had the chance to "save" him or whatever.
Lol, man.
It's actually pretty easily missed, but when Clementine's having her mini-panic attack you can see Javi in the background looking at Clementine while everyone else is talking. He seemed concerned to me.
Yeah, of course, but not concerned Enough maybe.
Im sure about this!
But if they kill AJ,David brother of Javi and leader of New Frontier,will be sad and i think Clementine will get mad
I disagree. I think he is most likely alive. If you don't think so, ask yourself, why was Clem so anxious to get a car. She tried to stop a truck with a tree. She also pressured Javi for his van multiple times. It is clear that she is searching for him and that she had gotten separated from him somehow. Also, I feel that she left him and Richmond, thus explains the reason why she was hyperventilating when Jesus was explaining that the New Frontier took over Richmond.
Idk, just my two cents..
I dunno...she told Javier that she was all alone when she joined NF...So I dunno.
He got the Christa treatment.
Hmmm.. I forgot, well maybe it's because she didn't trust him at first?? I don't really know.