I think having Javier have a daughter relationship to Clem would not be smart, we have been through that road with Lee, and Clem doesnt need a "father" anymore like she needed Lee, she just needs a trustworthy friend that she can trust to have her back, considering she is more than capable of surviving on her own now
That'd better be the end of the game series all together at that point.
Also, any humane person would give up their life for a 13 Year Old girl, especially one that he trusts and will most likely see as his own daughter.
Rather they wouldn't, but I'd prefer a episode dedicated to her and only her... I'd want it to be a long process and a sad moment. I don't w… moreant her to die lonely or sad, I want her to die the best death possible. I want to cry like when Lee died.
I could see them doing a save Gabe or Clementine ending, but I don't know if I could pull myself to see Clementine die.
I could see a "Help Clementine" or "Save Yourself" ending, but no one would choose the "Save yourself" ending haha.
How are they gonna end this Season? They threw me off when you had to choose between Jane and Kenny, so now I can only wonder what big character will die at the very end of this season... Javier and Clementine are the two only real big characters that could make people cry when they die.
Said who and why? It's a post apocalyptic world that has survival at it's core value. There wouldn't be any point to the show or comics if in the end everyone died.
I think it would be a cool idea for a future game, play as Clementine, "how far are you willing to go", will you try to help people, or will you protect AJ? what is the border of what is ok? will you be a survivor, or will you become something far worse? will you go too far?
Maybe she can play an even greater role in the future of The Walking Dead continuity. Due to the collapse of civilization, humanity is socia… morelly, culturally and politically redefining itself. She can probably become an agent of that change.
Season one Clementine was a representation of the hopes and ideals of humanity. Hopefully, future character development will allow her to reclaim some of that essence of her former self. She can grow up to be a leader of a new settlement or become a founding mother of a new nation just like Alexander Hamilton. She could also possibly channel that optimistic energy in areas that are both cultural or social. She can become a Leonardo Da Vinci like figure where she can use her creativity to usher a new cultural renaissance in post-outbreak America.
Her potential as a character can even go further in the post- apocalyptic universe. Her strong sense of hope could allow her to become a legendary figure aki… [view original content]
Why does everyone think she has to die? What happens if she lives after the final game/episode? I bet people would be more shocked if she survived given TTG's history....
Yep, I know that my care for The Walking Dead would be alot less if Clementine was gone, she is the staple of the series, the image that we have been creating for 2 seasons.
The Walking Dead have also been about Clementine since season 1, and there is still room for growth in her character
How do you think Telltale should end Clem´s story?
By not doing it any time soon until the series is completely dead, look how Rick … moreis doing and they're still going, we need a character that we can all reflect our thoughts back to. If they end her, so should the series all together.
Well, so far Javiers story has been anything but emotionally intense and satisfying, the most emotional moment has been when Clementines "facade" cracks, and she shows all the sorrow and pain that she has bubbled up inside.
Marianas death was stupid, and we barely knew the character, I just cant be sad when they dont even bother giving her any character development before they kill her off
If they leave Clem behind for Javier and continues his story, I am done, Javier is a really boring character
Fans will always associate TWD with Clementine. But I feel that the creators want to move away from her story now. I don't think that it's a… more good move, but they seem to think Javi can carry everything on his own ("Javi's story is emotionally intense and satisfying... (after seeing his story you'll be thinking) Clem who?").
My theory is that the conflict with the NF will be resolved this season and Clem (and AJ) will go their separate ways from Javi. I don't buy the quick and easy friendship/bond that formed between the two (within like three seconds) and I can't see her 'joining' his family in the finale.
They can't kill of Clem. They just can't.
Clem and AJ will settle somewhere else. Although communities will inevitably fall / there is so much uncertainty, Telltale can leave us with a hopeful feeling at the end that Clem will be ok. Maybe some might not return for the next season, but I think this outcome would satisfy fans.
Yeah, Season 3 Clem is still alot like season 2 Clem on the inside, she just hides it away in the deepest depths of her body, because she cant afford to let all the pain and suffering affect her when she has to survive, her character cracked in episode 2 of ANF, and you can hear the pain in her voice when you talk to her when the cars are stuck.
We also see her real self in the flashbacks with AJ, but as soon as Ava (is that her name?) shows up, she is back to her hardened cold character
Clementine is hands down my favorite character in this game. Lee was amazing, and I felt really connected with him, but he's gone, … morememorable death, not bad at all, but sadly he isn't here anymore.
Kenny, my other favorite and man can I say, he is the true OG next to Clementine. S1E1-S3E1, I can say, it's been an awesome 2 full seasons with him!
However, Clementine is someone we have seen and still continue to see grow up more and more...
Season 1: Sweet, Laughs, Smiles, Innocent
Season 2: Lost her smile and ability to laugh, strong, cold, but still caring
Season 3: Untrusting (at first), but she means well, she cares, she is cold but warm still, she smiles more (but only when it's Javier), and she even trusts Javier. In a way, I see Lee in her. She understands she has to survive, and all though she isn't as innocent as Season 1 Lee/Clementine, she still cares.
I don't know why there is so much hate for her character… [view original content]
Yea you could be a leader of a large community making decisions that will not only affect you but everyone in your group. You could deside to try and be a good leader like Rick or turn into someone like Negan. You would have to chose who does what jobs or negotiate or attack other groups and deal with people questioning your ability to lead and try to overthrow you. See something like would be a goldmine of development for her. From a little girl thrown into this horrible world to a strong leader building form the ashes
I think it would be a cool idea for a future game, play as Clementine, "how far are you willing to go", will you try to help people, or will… more you protect AJ? what is the border of what is ok? will you be a survivor, or will you become something far worse? will you go too far?
Yep there is huge potential for Clementine to grow still, but we wont know what happens until A New Frontier is over, and depending on how it ends, we will see what will happen in a potential next game lol, nothing to do but wait at this point
Yea you could be a leader of a large community making decisions that will not only affect you but everyone in your group. You could deside t… moreo try and be a good leader like Rick or turn into someone like Negan. You would have to chose who does what jobs or negotiate or attack other groups and deal with people questioning your ability to lead and try to overthrow you. See something like would be a goldmine of development for her. From a little girl thrown into this horrible world to a strong leader building form the ashes
Yep there is huge potential for Clementine to grow still, but we wont know what happens until A New Frontier is over, and depending on how it ends, we will see what will happen in a potential next game lol, nothing to do but wait at this point
I didn't read the comic, but I guess it might have a happy ending, like one community will make a government and organize others and find a mass destruction weapon against zombies. But Telltale can't make that ending, only those who write original story can. I doubt that tellTale will keep making new seasons until comics are finished, so they will keep killing heroes in most sad way.
Said who and why? It's a post apocalyptic world that has survival at it's core value. There wouldn't be any point to the show or comics if in the end everyone died.
At least in my story, they're not even close to being friends, i made javi act as if clem was just a stranger trying to rob him. Just as I would have done if it was me
It took them a lot longer than 3 seconds to become friends, I don't think they actually became friends until you stayed and fought with her at the junkyard
Clementine is hands down my favorite character in this game. Lee was amazing, and I felt really connected with him, but he's gone, … morememorable death, not bad at all, but sadly he isn't here anymore.
Kenny, my other favorite and man can I say, he is the true OG next to Clementine. S1E1-S3E1, I can say, it's been an awesome 2 full seasons with him!
However, Clementine is someone we have seen and still continue to see grow up more and more...
Season 1: Sweet, Laughs, Smiles, Innocent
Season 2: Lost her smile and ability to laugh, strong, cold, but still caring
Season 3: Untrusting (at first), but she means well, she cares, she is cold but warm still, she smiles more (but only when it's Javier), and she even trusts Javier. In a way, I see Lee in her. She understands she has to survive, and all though she isn't as innocent as Season 1 Lee/Clementine, she still cares.
I don't know why there is so much hate for her character… [view original content]
I didn't read the comic, but I guess it might have a happy ending, like one community will make a government and organize others and find a … moremass destruction weapon against zombies. But Telltale can't make that ending, only those who write original story can. I doubt that tellTale will keep making new seasons until comics are finished, so they will keep killing heroes in most sad way.
That's true! It is very sad when we hear her voice crack with pain...
I do hope to see her smile more and more throughout the season, and I really do think she will connect with Javier. I mean, even if you say the meanest things to her, she will still follow you to Richmond.
Easily the best Clementine in my opinion. I am also glad we have so many choices with her... It can build up the story around what you want, help the person that has been helping you, or don't help her. We have the option to nicely talk to her and give her the shoulder, that is something I like about this season.
Yeah, Season 3 Clem is still alot like season 2 Clem on the inside, she just hides it away in the deepest depths of her body, because she ca… morent afford to let all the pain and suffering affect her when she has to survive, her character cracked in episode 2 of ANF, and you can hear the pain in her voice when you talk to her when the cars are stuck.
We also see her real self in the flashbacks with AJ, but as soon as Ava (is that her name?) shows up, she is back to her hardened cold character
At least in my story, they're not even close to being friends, i made javi act as if clem was just a stranger trying to rob him. Just as I would have done if it was me
Haha, I actually was sort of split on this choice.
However just like when Luke died (Screw you Bonnie), I believed covering him/them was the best option instead of running away like ducks providing no fire.
So, I believed I was helping them more than just running with them, and also, you gotta see it as this... Clementine is 13, if you go with your family, you leave her alone in the hands of an "evil" group. So yes, I decided against going with my family haha.
Maybe we will find out Clem's potential even before the end of New Frontier. It's possible that she has been manipulating the events from this season. From cutting down the tree just to stop the truck to killing Prescott's bullet producer. She might even have a hidden agenda which reflects her suspicous behavior this season
Yep there is huge potential for Clementine to grow still, but we wont know what happens until A New Frontier is over, and depending on how it ends, we will see what will happen in a potential next game lol, nothing to do but wait at this point
I hope more people see that she has been alone for 2 years and in custody of TNF (She didn't like being a part of them), that is why she acts the way she does, but her Season 1 self if still in there and when you see her smile, you can get a glimpse of her old self.
Maybe we will find out Clem's potential even before the end of New Frontier. It's possible that she has been manipulating the events from th… moreis season. From cutting down the tree just to stop the truck to killing Prescott's bullet producer. She might even have a hidden agenda which reflects her suspicous behavior this season
I'd be content enough with her character just simply leaving the series, to be honest. I feel she's had her time in the limelight and that it's now time to focus on more interesting and engaging characters with new, fresh stories.
But to ensure she doesn't come back and to slightly spite those hard-core Clem worshippers, I kinda hope Telltale do kill her off.
Without her the second season would be much more worse.
We have enough stories about adults in TWD world (TV series, comics, games). The perspective of a children is very important to fill up all kind of perspectives.
Okay but then again, what's the reason behind TellTale wanting to get rid of Clementine? Just give the players what they want. Clementine has so much more potential considering her being in 3 seasons already. The story basically started with her. It started for her. So if Clementine goes, so does twdg. Simple as that
Unfortunately, I feel that that is the only way it can get people to move on from Clementine, if she dies. If Clem ends up alone or walks aw… moreay at the end of this season, people will expect more of her. I believe that this season is Telltale trying to transition players away from Clementine and into new stories. (But it seems people don't want that, or don't understand.) They are still very much attached to Clementine, and that isn't good for what TTG seems to have planned so far.)
Though, how I would see her leaving this season is surviving till the end, and leaving Javi's group.
Without her the second season would be much more worse.
We have enough stories about adults in TWD world (TV series, comics, games). The perspective of a children is very important to fill up all kind of perspectives.
I don't know, I mean the series was basically surrounded around her until they put much more emphasis on the new characters in Season 3. I could've swore that I heard Job J. in a interview say that this season was basically a pass through for Clem, meaning that her story is still continuous beyond this season, but I digress. How stupid would it be to kill her in a season where she isn't technically the centralized character??
Even if you feel that Clem's time has been over used already, you don't hear too many people complaining about Rick and he has lasted for 7 seasons!! I feel like we should only be having this convo after we see what they do with this season. If anything let's let season 4 seal the deal. Although I love Clem's character and I really don't want her to die unless an absolutely badass character like Lee fulfills her spot with a proper story, backstory, and a reason for surviving this apocalypse.
Yeah, I think this is preferable.
I think having Javier have a daughter relationship to Clem would not be smart, we have been through that road with Lee, and Clem doesnt need a "father" anymore like she needed Lee, she just needs a trustworthy friend that she can trust to have her back, considering she is more than capable of surviving on her own now
Screw the family
Said who and why? It's a post apocalyptic world that has survival at it's core value. There wouldn't be any point to the show or comics if in the end everyone died.
I think it would be a cool idea for a future game, play as Clementine, "how far are you willing to go", will you try to help people, or will you protect AJ? what is the border of what is ok? will you be a survivor, or will you become something far worse? will you go too far?
Why does everyone think she has to die? What happens if she lives after the final game/episode? I bet people would be more shocked if she survived given TTG's history....
Yep, I know that my care for The Walking Dead would be alot less if Clementine was gone, she is the staple of the series, the image that we have been creating for 2 seasons.
The Walking Dead have also been about Clementine since season 1, and there is still room for growth in her character
What would be even better if she didn't actually die... wow shocking, right?
But Carver have aknowledge that she is a natural survivor, she would probably be one of the last people to go, unless she got unlucky
They better not do any thing to her cus if they killed her iam going to be like this

Well, so far Javiers story has been anything but emotionally intense and satisfying, the most emotional moment has been when Clementines "facade" cracks, and she shows all the sorrow and pain that she has bubbled up inside.
Marianas death was stupid, and we barely knew the character, I just cant be sad when they dont even bother giving her any character development before they kill her off
If they leave Clem behind for Javier and continues his story, I am done, Javier is a really boring character
Yeah, Season 3 Clem is still alot like season 2 Clem on the inside, she just hides it away in the deepest depths of her body, because she cant afford to let all the pain and suffering affect her when she has to survive, her character cracked in episode 2 of ANF, and you can hear the pain in her voice when you talk to her when the cars are stuck.
We also see her real self in the flashbacks with AJ, but as soon as Ava (is that her name?) shows up, she is back to her hardened cold character
Yea you could be a leader of a large community making decisions that will not only affect you but everyone in your group. You could deside to try and be a good leader like Rick or turn into someone like Negan. You would have to chose who does what jobs or negotiate or attack other groups and deal with people questioning your ability to lead and try to overthrow you. See something like would be a goldmine of development for her. From a little girl thrown into this horrible world to a strong leader building form the ashes
Yep there is huge potential for Clementine to grow still, but we wont know what happens until A New Frontier is over, and depending on how it ends, we will see what will happen in a potential next game lol, nothing to do but wait at this point
Well I hope telltale start to read these forms more often because it looks like they have run out of ideas
Right, most people do want that. It would really benefit Telltale if they stick with her.. I'm ok either way.
I didn't read the comic, but I guess it might have a happy ending, like one community will make a government and organize others and find a mass destruction weapon against zombies. But Telltale can't make that ending, only those who write original story can. I doubt that tellTale will keep making new seasons until comics are finished, so they will keep killing heroes in most sad way.
Just no
At least in my story, they're not even close to being friends, i made javi act as if clem was just a stranger trying to rob him. Just as I would have done if it was me
With the credits
Where would she find safe place? From zombies and evil guys?
Bro,Clementine is smart,she will find a safe place,and good guys
I'm sure about this! (i think in Atlanta)
Yup i'm fully with you on that one completely
TTG already caught up to the comics, almost, so if they keep making new seasons they have to surpass them.
That's true! It is very sad when we hear her voice crack with pain...
I do hope to see her smile more and more throughout the season, and I really do think she will connect with Javier. I mean, even if you say the meanest things to her, she will still follow you to Richmond.
Easily the best Clementine in my opinion. I am also glad we have so many choices with her... It can build up the story around what you want, help the person that has been helping you, or don't help her. We have the option to nicely talk to her and give her the shoulder, that is something I like about this season.
If they don't, I'd want a very sad goodbye for the final episode of the final season, where someone else dies, or she goes on her own.
How does she act if I may ask?
Like do you only say mean things, or do you also say nice things?
I haven't really been mean to her a whole hell of a lot, but I sure did tell her "To Stop" a lot and "No" when she wanted something.
Haha, I actually was sort of split on this choice.
However just like when Luke died (Screw you Bonnie), I believed covering him/them was the best option instead of running away like ducks providing no fire.
So, I believed I was helping them more than just running with them, and also, you gotta see it as this... Clementine is 13, if you go with your family, you leave her alone in the hands of an "evil" group. So yes, I decided against going with my family haha.
Also I can't do that disgusting surgery seen.
Maybe we will find out Clem's potential even before the end of New Frontier. It's possible that she has been manipulating the events from this season. From cutting down the tree just to stop the truck to killing Prescott's bullet producer. She might even have a hidden agenda which reflects her suspicous behavior this season
Haha, thanks!
I hope more people see that she has been alone for 2 years and in custody of TNF (She didn't like being a part of them), that is why she acts the way she does, but her Season 1 self if still in there and when you see her smile, you can get a glimpse of her old self.
Now that's some nice ass storytelling
No character is it worth that Clem sacrifice herself.
Even AJ. (He is possibly dead already.)
I'd be content enough with her character just simply leaving the series, to be honest. I feel she's had her time in the limelight and that it's now time to focus on more interesting and engaging characters with new, fresh stories.
But to ensure she doesn't come back and to slightly spite those hard-core Clem worshippers, I kinda hope Telltale do kill her off.
Without her the second season would be much more worse.
We have enough stories about adults in TWD world (TV series, comics, games). The perspective of a children is very important to fill up all kind of perspectives.
Okay but then again, what's the reason behind TellTale wanting to get rid of Clementine? Just give the players what they want. Clementine has so much more potential considering her being in 3 seasons already. The story basically started with her. It started for her. So if Clementine goes, so does twdg. Simple as that
Thanks! This is just an idea from a theory that I had found from a article.
If anything, season 2 would have been better without Clementine.
I don't know, I mean the series was basically surrounded around her until they put much more emphasis on the new characters in Season 3. I could've swore that I heard Job J. in a interview say that this season was basically a pass through for Clem, meaning that her story is still continuous beyond this season, but I digress. How stupid would it be to kill her in a season where she isn't technically the centralized character??
Even if you feel that Clem's time has been over used already, you don't hear too many people complaining about Rick and he has lasted for 7 seasons!! I feel like we should only be having this convo after we see what they do with this season. If anything let's let season 4 seal the deal. Although I love Clem's character and I really don't want her to die unless an absolutely badass character like Lee fulfills her spot with a proper story, backstory, and a reason for surviving this apocalypse.