Do you think Clementine will be used like Kenny was in Season 2?

In my mind, the most logical conclusion I've come to about what Clementine's character development will be like in this season is like how Kenny's was in Season 2. They've already tested the player's loyalty to Clementine, a lot like they did in Season 2 with Kenny, and we've seen her make reckless decisions that led to trouble, much like S2 Kenny. I think, with this is mind, we're going to see Clementine slip further and further into more reckless and dangerous behavior until she seems like a villain, but we'll learn that she was just a flawed person on our side when she's close to death or dead as a result of this season. What do you guys think?


  • That is a really good comparison and I think this could happen. Especially if they are trying to end Clem's story here and make a final choice more difficult like they did with Kenny. But I think she could be the most evil person ever and still have full fan support at this point lol.

  • If she becomes evil I'm fine with that

  • Just make Clementine playable already. Telltale made the mistake of listening to 10% who didn't want to play as Clem
    which resulted in 90% having Javier side with someone who took him hostage.

  • edited January 2017

    I'm sorry, but i think that would be very stupid from Telltale, and for many reasons.

    But before i start listing my reasons, i don't know why they want to complicate it like that, just make Clem playable instead of all of that and everyone will be happy, I mean it's so clear that people want Clementine : )

    but here is why i think that would be very stupid.
    -- you can't really compare Kenny with Clem, yeah Kenny was a very important character in season 1, and him coming back was one of the major story points in season 2, but the story as a Whole was not revolving about him, it's revolving about Clem, and Clem just have so much more importance then Kenny, she is basically the face, and heart and core of this series, i think killing her off would be so stupid from Telltale, especially in a way like this, and it will piss off the fans a lot, which is not great for both of Telltale & the fans.

    -- I don't think they would reuse the same idea again.
    The idea of building a relationship with someone in season 1, then making him comeback in the next season, and then fuckup the player's mind and loyalty with this character is already used, so i don't think they would do it again especially with a character like Clem.

    -- and finally, let's just imagine they do what you say and they use this idea, it would be not effective like when they used it before.
    Because Kenny well .. not everyone liked him.
    so it worked and a lot of people chose to go alone or chose to go with Jane.(i personally chose Kenny and i walked off from Wellington with him).
    But with Clem, well she is my favorite and everybody's favorite, if Telltale decided to do it this way it's gonna be one-sided and you are gonna see things like (YOU and 99% of players chose Clementine) or something like that.
    And i think Telltale know this. Especially after how every decision about Clem in this season is always one-sided.

    Anyway, i hope Telltale don't come down to the path of killing Clem, a lot of great and awesome characters are already killed in this series, it's 2017 and I'm still sad on Lee's death and i still didn't get over it completely.
    And killing Clem will get me more sad and it will get me really depressed.

  • Makes more sense to do it with her than with Kenny, to be honest.

  • As long as she doesn't bury all the new coming characters like Kenny did

  • I doubt Clem dies. She's the thread through every season. At this point, killing Clem would be like killing Batman or Skywalker. I think it ruins the series because you suddenly realize that everyone will always die, so connecting with any character is pointless. From a story telling point of view, you need more main characters to float ending tent pole characters. GOT has a lot of potential tent poles, so it's magic is it keeps you uncertain about which characters end up the actual tent poles until four books in.

  • Eh, seconded I guess.

    Clemenem posted: »

    As long as she doesn't bury all the new coming characters like Kenny did

  • I don't think that's a problem, considering people are already not happy about her lack of screen time...

    Clemenem posted: »

    As long as she doesn't bury all the new coming characters like Kenny did

  • Naw, not gonna happen, if you have been paying attention, she is pretty much the same Clem from season 2, she just hides her real feelings and does some questionable stuff to show that she means business, and the whole business in Prescott was obviously an accident.

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