What flashback did you hate the most?



  • Jane.
    Partly because she was one of my favourite characters and partly because I thought that her demise was unrealistic.
    To be fair , I expected her to die, just not so soon and definitely not like that.
    A shame, because her character had potential.

  • I hated both Kenny and Jane variants, and Jane probaby the worst, and that's coming from a person who hates Jane. It was completely OOC for her top do that. Kenny was very bad too, but Jane just does not make sense. There are ways to stop pregnancy without medical treatment, and Jane was always about survival. Both flashbacks were generally disrespectful to both characters, and to the player.

  • This x1000 times!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    They all had a ton of problems. Kenny - He was in character, but killing off the other last character from season 1 in a car crash was st

  • Jane. It felt so weird seeing Jane hang herself (even let herself become a walker that Clem had to take care of) and leave 2 children alone.

    My favourite one is the alone ending/flashback.

  • I got the Kenny ending.

    darthsansa posted: »

    Just out of curiosity, did you end up with the alone ending?

  • The Jane one, of course. This is coming from a huge Jane hater.

  • I feel like their whole idea of being able to have new players come in and have the whole Javier story was their way of getting out of the ending situation. That was their excuse of not making your choices because they are trying to make it playable for newer people. "Oh well, we're making a fresh start". It's kind of a fuck you to old players in a way. I still like the game for what it is but it could have been handled with so much better.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I have a feeling that they were originally going to flesh out the outcomes from Season Two but had to change their direction somewhat last minute, these moments make me want to know what's happening at the TTG HQ.

  • I feel like TellTale is just really into introducing new characters instead of keeping old ones. I just find that really stupid because when you really think about it, pretty much everyone we meet just dies. The only character we have from season 1 is Clem and the only reason they haven't killed her off is because most people are only going to play because of her. It really sucks and it can be kind of hard to get attached to anybody. I mean, did anybody really care that Francine died? I know a lot of people hate Ben but I'm pretty more people felt bad about his death than Francine. Conrad was sure upset about it but we barely even know Conrad. So, it's hard to feel what he's going through. Also, another thing: How the hell did they get Francine as a hostage? Did she walk out of the gates? Did The New Frontier sneak in? If they did then wouldn't they get more people? That's a topic I should start now.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    What flashback did you hate the most? The fact that they exist in the first place... ... why didn't we just ruin the mystery of w

  • edited January 2017

    when you really think about it, pretty much everyone we meet just dies. The only character we have from season 1 is Clem and the only reason they haven't killed her off is because most people are only going to play because of her. It really sucks and it can be kind of hard to get attached to anybody

    There were some people that expected that Luke Nick and maybe even Sarah would be in S3 (before EP3 hit).

    I mean... nobody cares about these new people, heck I was expecting that they would've add characters that had something with the old cast (like Christa's savior or Lilly's new group member, something like that), some sort of connection between them so that we see those characters interesting and worth keeping them alive (I had a sketch idea where a lot of Ben's student buddies were together and got separated and later introduced in S1, it's weird how only Ben was a student survivor in that camp there should've been a lot more; or hell even have 1 normal-ish character to play as him later on, but I can dream). They should remaster the previous season and improve on a long term story line (for how many season they planned on making).

    I mean, did anybody really care that Francine died? I know a lot of people hate Ben but I'm pretty more people felt bad about his death than Francine.

    I like how the game is forcing down your throat to feel bad about it, like in that S2 finale trailer; Nick & Sarah's deaths were your fault really? I beg to differ. Or Mari's death it had an impact on Javi and Gabe for like what 10 min in game... that's it? Duck slowly dying plot was 30 minutes long, and these guys just weep for her and that's it! Real emotional.

    I kinda wish Ben's death was another Clem's motive for running away from Lee while he was sleeping, Oh how we naively thought that if we were a bad influence on her that something horrible might happen to Lee or her, but nada, zip. Why don't they add another secret mechanic this season? Like if we die as Javi in some/any episode we are forced to play as Clementine or something... They really don't want this game to age well.

    Also, another thing: How the hell did they get Francine as a hostage? Did she walk out of the gates? Did The New Frontier sneak in? If they did then wouldn't they get more people? That's a topic I should start now.

    There are lot of these things you question later and don't make ANY sense, like how did Clem managed to chop down a tree, time it with the truck to hit it, or why do Kate and Gabe think a room full of saved supplies is a good thing, doesn't that mean that people live here, no? Cool. How did these people survived for 4 years? Now I can't wait how this game will try and trick us that David motive for ANF is good even tho he brands people!

    I would rant more but I had to stop.

    Zekrom87 posted: »

    I feel like TellTale is just really into introducing new characters instead of keeping old ones. I just find that really stupid because when

  • Kenny's one didn't made sense at all... I mean Clementine loses control from nothing and even after the car crash Clementine isn't armed or just can't kill 6 walkers....

  • The only problems with the flashbacks were the character models and the length of the flashbacks. I thought they all worked. And I will fight anyone who says differently.

  • pulls a knife You son of a motherless goat!!!

  • kenny's, anything else is wrong. not sorry, its facts. it was fucking awful.

    janes vas bad as well but wasnt as shit as kenny's. like everyone has said, out of character and not much of a pay off for the family.

    Wellington, wasnt too bad, the only reason why it was because it did what i feared, not showed shit and quickly take us from that place. people are saying 10 guys? where did it ever show just 10 guys taking it over?

    and alone one, it was done well imo. the best one tbh and actually kinda had me on edge for a bit.

    this is really the correct order. facts. and im not kidding.

    well im not totally kidding.

  • That just peeves me off a bit :x

    DabigRG posted: »

    I believe Melissa Hutchins did confirm that the flashback scenes were a bit more fleshed out originally. Don't quote me on that, though.

  • If Clementine's story could actually change based on the previous seasons, wouldn't that give new players' incentive to buy the older seasons, thus getting them more money?

    Zekrom87 posted: »

    I feel like their whole idea of being able to have new players come in and have the whole Javier story was their way of getting out of the e

  • No, the problem was that Kenny should of died in season 1 already

    The only problems with the flashbacks were the character models and the length of the flashbacks. I thought they all worked. And I will fight anyone who says differently.

  • True. Or at the very least, gotten his own spinoff/DLC to stay the hell away.

    No, the problem was that Kenny should of died in season 1 already

  • people are saying 10 guys? where did it ever show just 10 guys taking it over?

    Well, only 3 vehicles are seen pulling up, one of them being a flatbed truck that only could've carried three people. Not only that but one guy with cornrows(who resembles a member of the New Frontier) is the one who sees Clementine and Edith running way and decides to open fire on them for some reason and then, just to rub in how dumb these guys are, at least three guys are seen actively chasing and shooting at one person rather than saving that ammo and energy for the armed settlement they're attacking.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    kenny's, anything else is wrong. not sorry, its facts. it was fucking awful. janes vas bad as well but wasnt as shit as kenny's. like eve

  • Kenny ending is the best ending :^).

    Zekrom87 posted: »

    I got the Kenny ending.

  • Jane because she acted completely out of character.

  • 1.The Flashback at Wellington when Edith was killed
    2.Kenny's death

  • I should say Kenny as that was my main save file, but I find Wellington more offensive. I refuse to beleive that those two vehicles held enough manpower to take Wellington over by themselves, it was so god damn insanely presented that I just couldn't help shake my head. How did they survive for so long when all it took was a dusin men with assault rifles to take a huge community like that.

  • Gotta love how the question is which one did you hate the most, not which one you liked the most.

    Everyone knows they were shitty.

  • Jane's. It was disgusting, and even though I ended up siding against her - I was offended. Whoever wrote that really needs to stop and remember that they're professional, not some sort of fan-fiction writer.

  • only 3 vehicles are seen pulling up, one of them being a flatbed truck that only could've carried three people.

    well shiiiit.

    DabigRG posted: »

    people are saying 10 guys? where did it ever show just 10 guys taking it over? Well, only 3 vehicles are seen pulling up, one of the

  • How did they survive for so long when all it took was a dusin men with assault rifles to take a huge community like that.

    Edith: Oh shit, they're actually attacking!
    Clementine: What do we do?!
    Edith: I don't know, we never thought it'd ever happen!

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I should say Kenny as that was my main save file, but I find Wellington more offensive. I refuse to beleive that those two vehicles held eno

  • The Kenny flashback was the worst. It was a terrible conclusion for that character.

  • kenny is love kenny is live

    What you said about Kenny 100%. I knew he was gonna get offed this season (although, since they were showing Clem's story through flashbacks

  • Alright, you said it. So it was good ending for Kenny then? For many people Kenny is like Lee. Would you be fine with Lee dying in a car crash in a 5 minutes flashback?

    The only problems with the flashbacks were the character models and the length of the flashbacks. I thought they all worked. And I will fight anyone who says differently.

  • Ok I agree that the length of the flashbacks needed to be longer...however they way he died...due to a car wreck. We are 4 years after the zombie apocalypse started and how does our hero Kenny die...well much like thousands of people a year...due to a car accident. It is a death that is shocking because it happened and tragic because in the apocalypse death due to car accident is not what you expect. So instead of the usual they ran into a herd...or some other jazz that does not seem realistic given how they know the walkers by now...he is broken by modern technology and an icy road.

    Now do not get me wrong...the bad models are dreadful...and I would have made a series of flashbacks leading up to the deaths...but the end would have been the same. And no...Kenny was never like Lee. Lee would never have beaten an unarmed prisoner like Kenny did. Lee would have listened to the group. Kenny is a flawed character that lets his grief excuse some horrible actions. But in the end even when his back is broken he distracts the walkers so Clem can escape with AJ...so flawed or not..he still went out fighting.

    Mawrak posted: »

    Alright, you said it. So it was good ending for Kenny then? For many people Kenny is like Lee. Would you be fine with Lee dying in a car crash in a 5 minutes flashback?

  • Kenny, You don't kill the third most important character in the series in one 5 minute scene after making the fans wait YEARS to see him again. Imagine if they had Daryl die like Kenny did in the first 5 minutes of season 8? Also doesn't help the only reason he died is so Telltale wouldn't have to put in more work. He died because of laziness end of story.

  • Well you are assuming that there were not more cars than what we saw...and that they did not attack the other 3 gates at the same time...when Clem and Edith make their way out of Wellington...the car that knocked down the gate was one we did not even see pulling up. I think it would be safe to assume that they did not just attack at a single gate.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I should say Kenny as that was my main save file, but I find Wellington more offensive. I refuse to beleive that those two vehicles held eno

  • Agreed.

    Ok I agree that the length of the flashbacks needed to be longer...however they way he died...due to a car wreck. We are 4 years after the

  • this discussion is dumb, i liked all the flashbacks, especially kenny's

  • Of course I am, I can't assume anything besides what the story shows me. It's not my job to fill out the holes in Telltales scenes. We see two cars approach, so far as I remember that's all that's still outside Wellington when we see Clementine and Edith flee, therefore the only thing we can realisitcally assume is that everyone attacking Wellington was in those two cars.

    Well you are assuming that there were not more cars than what we saw...and that they did not attack the other 3 gates at the same time...whe

  • Then you are being willfully ignorant....even though there is a car that was not even in the scene that they had to crawl over...you are going to just say there were not more?

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Of course I am, I can't assume anything besides what the story shows me. It's not my job to fill out the holes in Telltales scenes. We see t

  • Well, I said "as I remember" I have not played the game since release, so I'll have to revise my opinion the next time I play through and check.

    Then you are being willfully ignorant....even though there is a car that was not even in the scene that they had to crawl over...you are going to just say there were not more?

  • Where Jane hung herself. My outcomes were randomly generated, I didn't get that ending but I did see it. It was mainly out of curiosity but suicide hits close to home.
    The one where Kenny died just broke my heart as well.

  • Wellington was dumb idea in last season's finale. No wonder it sucks now.

  • To be fair, it was mentioned in a few throwaway lines early on, so its possible it may have been planned to be a plot point originally before being picked back up out of nowhere in No Going Back.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Wellington was dumb idea in last season's finale. No wonder it sucks now.

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