The Premiere length and Clementine's flashbacks
People have had issues with the lengths of the first two episodes being short, and that Clementine is hardly a playable character. We've heard in the recent interview from Melissa that there were other flashbacks done but they've as of yet not appeared, and understandably that's made a lot of people upset and even myself because hey, we love our Clem and if we're promised to play as her only to be given a few minutes to do so, it feels cheap.
But it's got me wondering if Clementine's flashbacks Melissa mentioned didn't actually get cut, but were moved to later episodes instead. Given that they did sound rather spoilery in how they would've revealed a Carver character [possibly David] and more about what his Frontier group are like, and also AJ's fate much too early, or what Telltale might've consider as such. Keeping that in mind, maybe wanting to keep David's reveal under wraps as the leader [given what a big impact that would have on Javi, Kate and Gabe] might've meant some of Clementine's flashbacks needed to be placed elsewhere so they didn't give the game away and left Episode 2 on the cliffhanger that it had.
So if this theory is true and this was really done, then this would've resulted in Episodes 1 & 2 being much shorter without Clem's other major flashbacks and effected the narrative. So to compensate for that, Telltale might've decided to treat 1 & 2 as one whole premiere and released them at the same time to make up for this shifting of game content. This would explain why although much of Episodes 1 & 2 seem fine and dandy, Clementine's segments are short and feel lacking like something was taken away.
This would make sense if that were the case. So either Melissa accidentally gave away some content of the later episodes, or those flashbacks did indeed get cut and we riot. I'm hoping it's the first one and Melissa didn't realize, because it'll suck balls if the content she mentioned was removed from the game entirely.
But having read all this, what are your thoughts?
I had the same thought and i really hope that's the truth, but I don't really thinking it is.
Seems likely, but I'm not sure. The flashbacks didn't seem that short to me, no shorter than Javi's flashbacks at least.
EDIT: That image of AJ covering his mouth is the best.
I want to hope you're right, I really do.
I'm also hoping we get to play as her in present time too, and i want some hub's were we could explore as her, and talk to other characters like Javi, Tripp e.t.c. from Clem perspective!
I don't think it would really fit. Don't get me wrong I love playing as Clem, but playing as her in the present now would just feel off and a tad forced.
Well, Javs flashbacks don't really have any weight to them, he's a new character with 4 years of story no one even knew existed. Clementines been the series since it's inception, so its a bit different. And I mean a lot different for a good deal of long-term fans.
I think we will play as Clem in the present..I think she will try and get AJ..but I also predict more playable in flashback scenes having to do with life in the NF and her escape. But I agree going 50/50 now would be hard for them to do. I will say that season 4 should Javi live...we will see a 50/50 split from then on out.
I don't think we really need to play as her in the present, I have no problem playing as Clem in flashbacks and Javi in the present, I think it may work better from a story perspective this way. The only time I would want to play as Clem in the present is just to tell Gabe that I'm not interested and that he has a better chance of getting with a female walker than he does with me (Clem).
Harsh man...real harsh. But then again, I think Clem should wait...she has so much on her plate...AJ...survival...but there will be a time she will see out is human nature.
I know it's not a very popular opinion, but I'm all for a Clem & Gabe romance.
I'm hoping that Javier, AJ, and Clememtine are the only survivors (They could suprise me with Tripp if they want
) and Season 4 would be in Clementine's perspective again.
I do like Javier, and there needs to be more flagpole characters, if not this "The New Frontier" thing of introducing more new character will keep on coming and coming until it's the same thing over and over again.
It would be better this way, more characters will be introduced and after a while more will die, more will become flagpole where they can get to the point that killing any character would be traumatizing.
I always figured that because the episode was split into two, that the rest of the episodes were going to be roughly 1 HR 45 MIN.
Your theory would make sense. Also, if they cut out the flashbacks, they ALSO would have to cut out the scenes leading to the flashbacks or the close ups on Clementine, taking away more of the time.
Here is a interview with Melissa Hutchison (voice of Clementine) about the game (ANF), some game problems and her work:
Interesting thread text on Steam about the interview:
(Thanks at "i regret videogames"!)
please let this be true, I'd sacrifice my soul to satan just to get more Clem.
five minutes just doesn't cut it.
I dont think so, she mentions how there was more emotional scenes that got cut, and the Carver-like character was probably Ava, so her scene would be longer.
If it really was Telltale didnt want to reveal David, then why not just make the S2 ending flashbacks longer instead of pissing everyone off for how short and badly done they were?
Not Gabe? You want them to end the season with everyone Javi cares about dead?
Why are you posting this here?
Not because I dislike Gabe. I actually think it would be great for Javier's development, it would really make him relate to Clementine a lot more, which it's quite obvious that she won't be going anywhere until the Series ends.
I hope you're right, but this shouldn't be an excuse for the extremely poor length of the first two episodes. "I want it to end on a cliffhanger, so cut half the content." No, they should have compensated for that. The only way to compensate for it now is by making the next episodes 2 1/2+ hours long, and we all know that's not going to happen.
Also, not to mention, why would we still be learning about Clementine more than halfway through the season? It should have been in the first two episodes. We still know hardly nothing about Clementine. This is me talking more to telltale, not lilac. If Lilac is right about the flashbacks being later on, it's still poorly done on telltale behalf. But I guess it's better than no flashback at all.
You're right, because this never happened:
Screenshots are usually taken strait from the game... and if they removed this, then... Holy shit, wait. Clementine can't be looking at walkers. Look at how she is holding her gun. She's not looking at Ava... There's another person outside of the shot that Clementine is looking at. What if when Clementine aims her gun at Ava as she barges in, another person comes up behind Clem pointing her gun at her? So Clem is forced to drop her gun. Had walkers broke in, Clementine wouldn't put her gun down. What if this mystery person is that Carver-like person? Jesus how much did they remove?
Because the thread poster mentions Melissa and the interview is about some things in this thread here.
Why would TT say to Melissa it's probably going to get cut and rewritten anyway? and let her still record the lines...?very odd
I hope I am too, or things will suck, suck bad.
A normal process I guess. Scenes can always wind up changing. It might've been just for that particular scene they weren't sure if it'd be the final version of it, and they just needed something to work with. That said, Telltale are known for rewrites, and with Clementine being either captured or making her escape by the end of Episode 2, it's entirely possible they're still not 100% sure on how to deal with it, or might be considering last minute changes or altering events surrounding that. You can understand Melissa's frustration though, if she's recorded a lot of good stuff but it's not shown up yet.
I guess we're just going to have to see how this goes. We just have to hope if there are changes, they're for the better, and not sucky, and that those flashbacks of Clemmy's still show up somewhere. But changes during development of anything aren't uncommon I guess, and kinda true about that on this thingy. Have a listen to what the director says between the scenes, on basically the first delete scene winded up having a last minute change not long before the film was to come out and effectively altered the rest of the film and the meaning behind it:

I-I have a thing about film commentaries >.>
I just strikes me that Gabe is not as strong as she is...not a perfect match.
You realize that is from the scene where they met right?
Yeah but she never takes that odd stance.
Strength doesn't really apply in my reasoning. I just think they'd go well together. Opposites attract.
You didn't really respond to anything regarding the discussion. You basically like "Hey look at this!"
Well looking at it...I can sorta see is sorta fugly. Nothing but the best glamour shots for our daughter!
Lol XD
No i still want to play as her really bad in present time, i want it to be like in TFTB, i mean come on Telltale it's not so hard to do and many fans would love that, and also it won't feel off, because the story is not only about "javi" it also about Clemy and AJ!