With all due respect OP, I think this would be too simple.
I'll admit, when I read it, I bought it. It sounds like a really easy way to p… morelay the Clem bias.
I just can't shake the feeling this isn't it. The reaction she had when she heard Richmond was overrun with TNF... That was genuine shock and a 13 year old couldn't fake that. I feel like they really traumatised her at that place... or...
We saw how easily she accidentally killed Eli. Could that be foreshadowing as to why she's run from TNF?
I don't know, but I don't think she's the supervillain, above all David's ego wouldn't allow for a kid his son's age to run a camp with him..
EDIT: David's son's age, not his daughter's.
I don't know, but I don't think she's the supervillain, above all David's ego wouldn't allow for a kid his daughter's age to run a camp with him..
You mean his son's age. Mariana is ten, while Clementine and Gabe are 13.
Yes, exactly! Like I'm VERY sure she has some kind of survivors guilt as literally everyone who ever took care of her died, and maybe she feels like a walking hazard...
You raise a good point that Clementine's negative attitude towards TNF could of been the cause of an accident she committed. This could rais… moree some interesting ideas as to why Clementine doesn't want to hang around groups; maybe distancing herself from others would be the easiest way to avoid hurting others.
I really don't think Clementine is the leader of any group, it just doesn't fit. I mean she had the flashback about the girl trying to bring her in. David wouldn't just be pushed aside. It's obvious that David's the leader, I mean the story opens up with him and Javier. Clementine's just a side character at best this season. Heck I really just wouldn't stand behind the idea of a 13 year old running everything; I think that's one of the main issues I had with season 2, every other second someone would turn to Clementine and be like, "What should we do?" When Rebecca came out of nowhere asking about what she should do about her baby, "Listen, lady. I don't even know how to puberty yet, please stop."
That's why I like this theory. It's kind of a meta comment on how outlandish season 2 was in its characters. Everyone in this universe was so incompetent that they are relying on a young girl to take charge - and for some reason it's working.
I really don't think Clementine is the leader of any group, it just doesn't fit. I mean she had the flashback about the girl trying to bring… more her in. David wouldn't just be pushed aside. It's obvious that David's the leader, I mean the story opens up with him and Javier. Clementine's just a side character at best this season. Heck I really just wouldn't stand behind the idea of a 13 year old running everything; I think that's one of the main issues I had with season 2, every other second someone would turn to Clementine and be like, "What should we do?" When Rebecca came out of nowhere asking about what she should do about her baby, "Listen, lady. I don't even know how to puberty yet, please stop."
Thank you for looking out for me. Fortunately, I take jokes well and am a memer. I could care less about anything anyone says.
However, if this was a ten year old making their first post, Im sure they would get pretty sad from the comments.
So yeah, the Clem lovers do get a bit weird.
The whole point of that comment was calling OP incompetent.
I think you're confused, this is what the exact quote said
Clem be… more like:
"Listen up you incompetent adults!"
So how is that directed at OP? Stop getting so sensitive, even OP doesn't care that people made "high" comments.
That's why I like this theory. It's kind of a meta comment on how outlandish season 2 was in its characters. Everyone in this universe was so incompetent that they are relying on a young girl to take charge - and for some reason it's working.
Maybe thick skin is unique trait amongst damned Yankees, this dude seems really triggered at some light hearted comments or ones he misunderstands. I didn't see the OP really taking anything as a serious insult to him, but then I'd guess you'd have to a sense of humor not to automatically think memes are the result of butthurt fans.
I think RomanEmpire is just on damage control; trying his best to defend whatever "argument" he had. One day he'll learn that blatant statements usually get proven false.
Maybe thick skin is unique trait amongst damned Yankees, this dude seems really triggered at some light hearted comments or ones he misunder… morestands. I didn't see the OP really taking anything as a serious insult to him, but then I'd guess you'd have to a sense of humor not to automatically think memes are the result of butthurt fans.
Yeah I saw your previous comments on you not even taking offense, and I don't think it's necessarily a "Clem lover" thing, it's just that this theory is implausible from what I've deducted (and many others).
Thank you for looking out for me. Fortunately, I take jokes well and am a memer. I could care less about anything anyone says.
However, if… more this was a ten year old making their first post, Im sure they would get pretty sad from the comments.
So yeah, the Clem lovers do get a bit weird.
I thought it was ridiculous how much she had to lead a ragtag bunch of adults in s2. Having her lead an entire military-esque faction would be silliness that I don't think even Telltale could recover from. That's, like, some mega Mary Sue material there. Especially if Clementine somehow knew exactly how Javier and company looked from a distance enough to where she could plant that trap for the truck which really wouldn't seem necessary if she was on good terms with the New Frontier because if she was on good terms with them, then why would she need to steal their truck? If she wanted to get Javier to his brother, then why not just drive him there first? If it was to take out Prescott, then that doesn't make much sense since Clementine knew exactly where Prescott was, and she knew how easily the walls could fall, and she knew the person there sold faulty bullets, and she knew that Prescott was horribly outgunned. For a plan that takes a genius amount of foresight, it has a silly amount of holes. I'm not bashing your idea, but I would dog on Clem if this was her plan. She took days for what could take hours.
Yes, using a quote that Clementine would say to label the OP because the thread was about her, it's a smart ass reply because the person didn't agree with what the OP said.
And you're not getting sensitive by trying to make be believe there's no malice in it? Ok then.
The whole point of that comment was calling OP incompetent.
I think you're confused, this is what the exact quote said
Clem be… more like:
"Listen up you incompetent adults!"
So how is that directed at OP? Stop getting so sensitive, even OP doesn't care that people made "high" comments.
Yes, using a quote that Clementine would say to label the OP because the thread was about her, it's a smart ass reply because the person didn't agree with what the OP said.
You really think it was "smart ass"? Look at season 2 Clementine, she was more adult than anyone it felt like and constantly kept people in check, they're merely reflecting that theme because it would be still weird for Clem to lead a high class militia group. Stop damage controlling your previous posts and accept you misinterpreted and took a joke too far.
And you're not getting sensitive by trying to make be believe there's no malice in it? Ok then.
I'd prefer you speak English next time (your argument is convoluting), it's quite hard to understand the notion of "you're sensitive because you're arguing there was no direct harm for OP in 'weed posts' and 'competent adults from Clem's view' ", which both I already stated OP was completely fine with, the weed was was just a joke, not even with ill intent, and the Clem "competent" one I explained above, it wasn't an insult.
Yes, using a quote that Clementine would say to label the OP because the thread was about her, it's a smart ass reply because the person did… moren't agree with what the OP said.
And you're not getting sensitive by trying to make be believe there's no malice in it? Ok then.
Why would i do that when i stand by my comment? The comment was a smart ass reply using the quote to say that the OP was incompetent because of the thread they posted was not something they liked to see.
Lol, A joke. That's a cute observation. Next time someone says im high when i write something they don't agree with, ill take it at a joke.
Yes, using a quote that Clementine would say to label the OP because the thread was about her, it's a smart ass reply because the person did… moren't agree with what the OP said.
You really think it was "smart ass"? Look at season 2 Clementine, she was more adult than anyone it felt like and constantly kept people in check, they're merely reflecting that theme because it would be still weird for Clem to lead a high class militia group. Stop damage controlling your previous posts and accept you misinterpreted and took a joke too far.
And you're not getting sensitive by trying to make be believe there's no malice in it? Ok then.
I'd prefer you speak English next time (your argument is convoluting), it's quite hard to understand the notion of "you're sensitive because you're arguing there was no direct harm for OP in 'weed posts' and 'competent adults from Clem's view' ", which both I already stated OP was completely fine with, t… [view original content]
It's from viewing the fact that Clementine fans will jump all over someone who says anything negative towards, i was the victim of it on a thread about Conrad, so yes, i think i know what im talking about.
Maybe thick skin is unique trait amongst damned Yankees, this dude seems really triggered at some light hearted comments or ones he misunder… morestands. I didn't see the OP really taking anything as a serious insult to him, but then I'd guess you'd have to a sense of humor not to automatically think memes are the result of butthurt fans.
I haven't been proven wrong yet, all i've been told is that the comments weren't insults, but jokes. Not true, they are smart ass replies directed a the OP because he posted something that pretty much labels Clementine a bad person. I know OP don't care, i was just stating how pathetic it is that Clementine fans insult someone who says something against her. Are you a Clementine fan? Because if you are, it only proves my point that you're attacking me because i said something negative about the fan base.
Maybe thick skin is unique trait amongst damned Yankees, this dude seems really triggered at some light hearted comments or ones he misunder… morestands. I didn't see the OP really taking anything as a serious insult to him, but then I'd guess you'd have to a sense of humor not to automatically think memes are the result of butthurt fans.
I think RomanEmpire is just on damage control; trying his best to defend whatever "argument" he had. One day he'll learn that blatant statements usually get proven false.
So you still have the far fetched notion of "attacking", where is this coming from? Tell me where someone was like "ay yo fuck u OP piece of shit", all I've seen is a few people with "high" comments, and you didn't comprehend the reference from another person. I am a Clementine fan, but that's literally most of the fan base, you know since it's been about Clem since season 1? I just think it's illogical for her lead a high classed militia group if you care so much, but I didn't post anything sarcastic. So go ahead about proving your point to something unrelated completely.
I haven't been proven wrong yet, all i've been told is that the comments weren't insults, but jokes. Not true, they are smart ass replies di… morerected a the OP because he posted something that pretty much labels Clementine a bad person. I know OP don't care, i was just stating how pathetic it is that Clementine fans insult someone who says something against her. Are you a Clementine fan? Because if you are, it only proves my point that you're attacking me because i said something negative about the fan base.
Why would i do that when i stand by my comment? The comment was a smart ass reply using the quote to say that the OP was incompetent because… more of the thread they posted was not something they liked to see.
Lol, A joke. That's a cute observation. Next time someone says im high when i write something they don't agree with, ill take it at a joke.
Just stop arguing guys. Although directed as a joke, it could've been taken as an insult. Asking whether I was high or not could've implied they thought I was out of my mind and was talking utter shit.
You're both right in some way so just stop.
I guess I'm one from the people you guys are talking about who "insulted" OP.
Oh God, I didn't know it was going this far.
I completely meant it as a joke, it wasn't like "oh OP u r shit" or anything like that, @dezimz if you felt offended or anything, I'm truly sorry man : )
Just stop arguing guys. Although directed as a joke, it could've been taken as an insult. Asking whether I was high or not could've implied they thought I was out of my mind and was talking utter shit.
You're both right in some way so just stop.
I guess I'm one from the people you guys are talking about who "insulted" OP.
Oh God, I didn't know it was going this far.
I completel… morey meant it as a joke, it wasn't like "oh OP u r shit" or anything like that, @dezimz if you felt offended or anything, I'm truly sorry man : )
Ah yes but see that's the idea, you don't want to be verbally abusing OP, just putting some memes or some smart quotes for likes. Your whole argument is based on that it was a joke, not an actually insult. Tell me, if someone says OP was high (that's what Javiers doing right? Smoking weed) is that a compliment?
First 2 seasons were about Clementine of course. But not this season. It's a new story about a new character. Clementine is pushed as a supporting character, sure we have her flashbacks, but it's leading towards the new frontier. And yes the theory that she's bad is less likely to happen but it still is a intriguing idea and shouldn't be met with smart ass replies. But hey, i put up a thread about how so many people chose to shoot Conrad and i got abused on it so i was expecting to be abused on here.
So you still have the far fetched notion of "attacking", where is this coming from? Tell me where someone was like "ay yo fuck u OP piece of… more shit", all I've seen is a few people with "high" comments, and you didn't comprehend the reference from another person. I am a Clementine fan, but that's literally most of the fan base, you know since it's been about Clem since season 1? I just think it's illogical for her lead a high classed militia group if you care so much, but I didn't post anything sarcastic. So go ahead about proving your point to something unrelated completely.
Just stop arguing guys. Although directed as a joke, it could've been taken as an insult. Asking whether I was high or not could've implied they thought I was out of my mind and was talking utter shit.
You're both right in some way so just stop.
On one hand it makes zero sense for a preteen/teen to be the leader of an organized community but on the other hand seeing telltales loss and lack of direction and half effort into this season anything is possible.
OP must be so offended that someone called him high and made a "smart comment", KEK. I laughed more than I should've honestly when I read that. Oh and if you think people can't voice their opinion on the theory then don't come to a discussion website, you can't just expect everyone to massive analyze the entire post, people will say their interpretation and obviously you're the minority that actually thought it was some blemish to the thread itself, as those posts have the most likes regardless.
Hopefully you've dropped the season 2 meme though, Clem talking about incompetent adults isn't related to OP, anyone who's played season 2 understood what that poster was referring to.
Ah yes but see that's the idea, you don't want to be verbally abusing OP, just putting some memes or some smart quotes for likes. Your whole… more argument is based on that it was a joke, not an actually insult. Tell me, if someone says OP was high (that's what Javiers doing right? Smoking weed) is that a compliment?
First 2 seasons were about Clementine of course. But not this season. It's a new story about a new character. Clementine is pushed as a supporting character, sure we have her flashbacks, but it's leading towards the new frontier. And yes the theory that she's bad is less likely to happen but it still is a intriguing idea and shouldn't be met with smart ass replies. But hey, i put up a thread about how so many people chose to shoot Conrad and i got abused on it so i was expecting to be abused on here.
Always puts a smile on my face when i make someone laugh, thanks for sharing (- :
Not true, we all are entitled to voice our opinions, hence why i am saying there is nothing wrong with this thread. If you want to say "i don't agree because i couldn't see a young kid leading a group" That's cool. That's a logical response, it's a bit different when you say the OP was high when he posted the thread or is incompetent. If you disagree, explain why, don't go insulting the person just because their opinion is different and yes, i already know you think is ain't insulting, i think it is, so we'll have to agree to disagree.
It is though, They're using a quote Clementine says about incompetent adults meaning OPS thread. And fyi it was a quote, not a meme, just putting it out there (- :
OP must be so offended that someone called him high and made a "smart comment", KEK. I laughed more than I should've honestly when I read th… moreat. Oh and if you think people can't voice their opinion on the theory then don't come to a discussion website, you can't just expect everyone to massive analyze the entire post, people will say their interpretation and obviously you're the minority that actually thought it was some blemish to the thread itself, as those posts have the most likes regardless.
Hopefully you've dropped the season 2 meme though, Clem talking about incompetent adults isn't related to OP, anyone who's played season 2 understood what that poster was referring to.
Wasn't that the thread you posted in until getting banned? Where you kept arguing with anyone who dared defy your clearly correct viewpoint on how to handle Conrad, and anyone who disagreed was a blind Clementine fan playing the game wrong? You seem to have an unnecessarily high opinion of yourself, and trouble dealing with any sort of opposition. You gotta take a breath man. You don't always have to prove you're right, especially when you're wrong. You literally seemed to have entered this thread just to whine about the majority of the fan base being meanies because someone referenced peoples sentiments about season 2 and someone else posted a picture of Javier smoking.
Ah yes but see that's the idea, you don't want to be verbally abusing OP, just putting some memes or some smart quotes for likes. Your whole… more argument is based on that it was a joke, not an actually insult. Tell me, if someone says OP was high (that's what Javiers doing right? Smoking weed) is that a compliment?
First 2 seasons were about Clementine of course. But not this season. It's a new story about a new character. Clementine is pushed as a supporting character, sure we have her flashbacks, but it's leading towards the new frontier. And yes the theory that she's bad is less likely to happen but it still is a intriguing idea and shouldn't be met with smart ass replies. But hey, i put up a thread about how so many people chose to shoot Conrad and i got abused on it so i was expecting to be abused on here.
My thread i started was about the % of how many people killed Conrad. I was actually shocked that it was that one sided of a %. I didn't try to out type every single one on there, i started saying how bad it was because the majority of people did by being biased towards Clementine. I didn't actually tell people to F off or resulted in name calling (like i was labelled) I even was talked about behind my back when i was banned if that's any consolation of how i was the victim.
If im wrong, i'd like someone to actually kindly explain that i am rather then result to personal attacks. On this one, i said of people who insulted the OP which they did, but im lying it seems. I already conceded on here to the other person that we'll agree to disagree meaning i accept the persons opinion, so how am i thinking im always right?
Not exactly true, i came on here, because i experienced the same thing on my thread, and i made a comment about people always insulting someone when it's towards Clementine. And here's an actual thought, just because Clementine is the majoritys favourite character, doesn't mean people can't bend over for her.
Wasn't that the thread you posted in until getting banned? Where you kept arguing with anyone who dared defy your clearly correct viewpoint … moreon how to handle Conrad, and anyone who disagreed was a blind Clementine fan playing the game wrong? You seem to have an unnecessarily high opinion of yourself, and trouble dealing with any sort of opposition. You gotta take a breath man. You don't always have to prove you're right, especially when you're wrong. You literally seemed to have entered this thread just to whine about the majority of the fan base being meanies because someone referenced peoples sentiments about season 2 and someone else posted a picture of Javier smoking.
It's not that serious.
OP himself doesn't care at all, you're the only one who was offended, when it wasn't even directed towards you of all things. If someone makes a high joke about a very implausible theory, I'd say it fits right in, unless you're this new to social conversation and haven't heard anyone say something similar in real life. Also hypothetically, if Clementine is leading a high-classed militia group while sneaking/manipulating others, then shooting her own men, etc, while being 13-years-old, I'd say the "incompetent adults" fits right into place right here, everyone got the joke but you, again.
Always puts a smile on my face when i make someone laugh, thanks for sharing (- :
Not true, we all are entitled to voice our opinions, henc… moree why i am saying there is nothing wrong with this thread. If you want to say "i don't agree because i couldn't see a young kid leading a group" That's cool. That's a logical response, it's a bit different when you say the OP was high when he posted the thread or is incompetent. If you disagree, explain why, don't go insulting the person just because their opinion is different and yes, i already know you think is ain't insulting, i think it is, so we'll have to agree to disagree.
It is though, They're using a quote Clementine says about incompetent adults meaning OPS thread. And fyi it was a quote, not a meme, just putting it out there (- :
I know that, ive said it a dozen times.
I've heard it manys a time, irl and over the internet, don't know where you come from, but from my experience it's not complimenting anyone,.
Leading the group is over the top but manipulating/sneaking isn't. She could do that easy because of how she can manipulate the people who play the game because the majority bend over for her.
You said it yourself, most of the fans on here are supporters of her, so it's not that i was the only one who got the joke, it was that every one on here supported it because they all felt the same towards the post.
Don't get so aggro on the subject. It's just the internet remember. And you can keep attacking me all you want, it wont change my opinion on it, not even how many times you claim im wrong and have no sense of humor lol, al though i did find those accusations quiet funny because with how you've reacted to this, it tells me your sense of humour is pretty dry.
OP himself doesn't care at all, you're the only one who was offended, when it wasn't even directed towards you of all things. If someone mak… morees a high joke about a very implausible theory, I'd say it fits right in, unless you're this new to social conversation and haven't heard anyone say something similar in real life. Also hypothetically, if Clementine is leading a high-classed militia group while sneaking/manipulating others, then shooting her own men, etc, while being 13-years-old, I'd say the "incompetent adults" fits right into place right here, everyone got the joke but you, again.
So I'm still "attacking" you, anyone whom opposes what you say is now "attacking", wew lad. You must be attacking me saying my humor is dry then, right? Jesus, calm down, you're obviously oblivious to social communication over the internet (and season 2). I don't believe Clementine is manipulating Javier anyways, the story is quite clear that she has other objectives primarily regarding AJ, but I doubt they'll make Clem a villain of all things, I think she should just stay as a safe character, then kill Javier's family (boom Clem and Javier have no family together), and then we have a brother/sister type of relationship by the end of season 3, then we play Clem next season and everyone is happy that we have a character that didn't die (hopefully they don't waste Javier's character, they seem to kill literally anyone in the proximity of Clementine it feels like). We need flag pole characters, and we need a Clem to still be the face of this game.
I know that, ive said it a dozen times.
I've heard it manys a time, irl and over the internet, don't know where you come from, but from my… more experience it's not complimenting anyone,.
Leading the group is over the top but manipulating/sneaking isn't. She could do that easy because of how she can manipulate the people who play the game because the majority bend over for her.
You said it yourself, most of the fans on here are supporters of her, so it's not that i was the only one who got the joke, it was that every one on here supported it because they all felt the same towards the post.
Don't get so aggro on the subject. It's just the internet remember. And you can keep attacking me all you want, it wont change my opinion on it, not even how many times you claim im wrong and have no sense of humor lol, al though i did find those accusations quiet funny because with how you've reacted to this, it tells me your sense of humour is pretty dry.
I think you are just overreacting a lot over this subject. While it's true that Clementine fans can be mean and rude, it can also be reversed, people were highly pissed off when people Defended Clem and Shot Conrad, so they started making threads and yelling at people about it.
Overall, it's called a disagreement, something we all have.
I know that, ive said it a dozen times.
I've heard it manys a time, irl and over the internet, don't know where you come from, but from my… more experience it's not complimenting anyone,.
Leading the group is over the top but manipulating/sneaking isn't. She could do that easy because of how she can manipulate the people who play the game because the majority bend over for her.
You said it yourself, most of the fans on here are supporters of her, so it's not that i was the only one who got the joke, it was that every one on here supported it because they all felt the same towards the post.
Don't get so aggro on the subject. It's just the internet remember. And you can keep attacking me all you want, it wont change my opinion on it, not even how many times you claim im wrong and have no sense of humor lol, al though i did find those accusations quiet funny because with how you've reacted to this, it tells me your sense of humour is pretty dry.
Not at all, because ,ike i said, we are all entitled to our opinions, but the fact that i said something you don't agree with, you continue to attack me over it, and then you tell me to calm down when it's obvious you're more mad on this subject than i am. Trying to prove a point that im wrong and trying so hard to do it as well.
Okay here's a simple solution, if Clementine is revealed to be as you say, ill gladly say i got it wrong, but if she is what this thread says or manipulating Javier, would you be able to admit you got it wrong? Because me ive got no shame in admitting im wrong, you might think thats funny but i don.t. If you proved to me i was wrong about this thread, id believe you but you havent, you're only going on based by your opinion, of what it meant, and you never answered my question, if you're labelling someone as being high when they posted something, does that mean a compliment? Yes or no?
So I'm still "attacking" you, anyone whom opposes what you say is now "attacking", wew lad. You must be attacking me saying my humor is dry … morethen, right? Jesus, calm down, you're obviously oblivious to social communication over the internet (and season 2). I don't believe Clementine is manipulating Javier anyways, the story is quite clear that she has other objectives primarily regarding AJ, but I doubt they'll make Clem a villain of all things, I think she should just stay as a safe character, then kill Javier's family (boom Clem and Javier have no family together), and then we have a brother/sister type of relationship by the end of season 3, then we play Clem next season and everyone is happy that we have a character that didn't die (hopefully they don't waste Javier's character, they seem to kill literally anyone in the proximity of Clementine it feels like). We need flag pole characters, and we need a Clem to still be the face of this game.
Quote i said to Spodes
"Not true, we all are entitled to voice our opinions, hence why i am saying there is nothing wrong with this thread. If you want to say "i don't agree because i couldn't see a young kid leading a group" That's cool. That's a logical response, it's a bit different when you say the OP was high when he posted the thread or is incompetent. If you disagree, explain why, don't go insulting the person just because their opinion is different and yes, i already know you think is ain't insulting, i think it is, so we'll have to agree to disagree."
Not being rude, but i was willing to let it fly away, but some choose not to do that.
I made a thread about Conrad, but i never started saying anything until people had stupid answers like "No one hurts my Clemmy" or "no one fucks with clementine" . I have my opinion which im more then entitled to voice and 2: I think it's a bit dodgy to shoot a character blindly out of biased opininos towards Clementine IMO.
How is Spodes attacking you?
I think you are just overreacting a lot over this subject. While it's true that Clementine fans can be mean … moreand rude, it can also be reversed, people were highly pissed off when people Defended Clem and Shot Conrad, so they started making threads and yelling at people about it.
Overall, it's called a disagreement, something we all have.
Ignoring the rest of your post as it added nothing to the discussion, nor does it raise any conversation, just more "you're attacking me!" and "but IF she is????" type of stuff, but in short, if she is manipulating (highly unlikely) then sure I'll go along with it, even though the Clem we know would never do that.
if you're labelling someone as being high when they posted something, does that mean a compliment? Yes or no?
So if you're not complimenting OP, then it's "attacking" him, right? You should probably form a better sentence next time, one that's coherent. These are the things that got you so riled up and thought people were attacking OP:
Did Javi give you some of his weed ?
photo of Javier looking weird/high
Leaked footage of OP when he was writing this thread.
gif of Javier smoking weed here
What weed did you smoke when you wrote this?
And no i don't think Clem is the leader (or with) The New Frontier!
The last one was more direct, but again, no one is offended but yourself, I'd hope you realize that by now.
Not at all, because ,ike i said, we are all entitled to our opinions, but the fact that i said something you don't agree with, you continue … moreto attack me over it, and then you tell me to calm down when it's obvious you're more mad on this subject than i am. Trying to prove a point that im wrong and trying so hard to do it as well.
Okay here's a simple solution, if Clementine is revealed to be as you say, ill gladly say i got it wrong, but if she is what this thread says or manipulating Javier, would you be able to admit you got it wrong? Because me ive got no shame in admitting im wrong, you might think thats funny but i don.t. If you proved to me i was wrong about this thread, id believe you but you havent, you're only going on based by your opinion, of what it meant, and you never answered my question, if you're labelling someone as being high when they posted something, does that mean a compliment? Yes or no?
Quote i said to Spodes
"Not true, we all are entitled to voice our opinions, hence why i am saying there is nothing wrong with this thread… more. If you want to say "i don't agree because i couldn't see a young kid leading a group" That's cool. That's a logical response, it's a bit different when you say the OP was high when he posted the thread or is incompetent. If you disagree, explain why, don't go insulting the person just because their opinion is different and yes, i already know you think is ain't insulting, i think it is, so we'll have to agree to disagree."
Not being rude, but i was willing to let it fly away, but some choose not to do that.
I made a thread about Conrad, but i never started saying anything until people had stupid answers like "No one hurts my Clemmy" or "no one fucks with clementine" . I have my opinion which im more then entitled to voice and 2: I think it's a bit dodgy to shoot a character blindly out of biased opininos towards Clementine IMO.
When we first meet Clem she knocks down a tree to stop the truck. However why wouldnt she have done it sooner instead of just completely ruining the vehicle. If she was so keen on getting it, wouldnt she just drop the tree a bit sooner, causing the driver to slow down and get out?
If she's with TNF, why would she even want to stop the truck at all? It's implied that her original plan was just to make the truck stop without ruining the vehicle, but "The tree fell slower then I [Clementine] thought it would."
Secondly, Clem kills Eli in Prescott. Eli was the gun and ammunition dealer. If she was smart, she wouldn't kill him. Did she do it on purpose so that Prescott would have a harder time defending themselves?
Just cause Eli traded bullets, doesn't mean he's THE weapon supplier for the whole of Prescott and even if he was, I'm sure they already had plenty of their own stashed somewhere. No need to put a character like Eli in charge of all the community's weaponry and none of the characters ever say anything to imply that would be the case. Also, since he traded for batteries, I got the impression he was more of a general trader.
Thirdly, Clementine doesnt want to go with Ealanor. Perhaps she genuinely doesnt trust her, or maybe she trying to make time for A New Frontier to clear the junkyard?
But then she shoots the New Frontier goons at the junk yard in the face. What would she have gained for that? If it's all just to gain Javi's trust, it seems like an awfully elaborate and costly ruse just to mess with some guy who stole your pudding cups.
Then A New Frontier lets Clem and Javi get to the junkyard. Maybe its because Clem is there. (Could just be TellTale tried adding conflixt)
The conflict thing.
If you choose to stay with Clem you get knocked out and wake up. Javi wasnt shot, and I dont think anyone sneaked up on him from the bandits. If the flashbang did it how come Clem was still up, as she was clearly looking at it. They wouldve been killed by the people in the trees. Could it be Clem knocked him out?
This whole scene was a mess of plot holes, but sometimes plot holes are just plot holes. If Clem knocked him out, what does she stand to gain by putting up this front? She would have wasted lot of men and resources for this scheme, I have a hard time imagining what Javi could have or know that would make it worth it.
Clementine suggests going to Richmond even though the New Frontier has it. Maybe she doesn't know. However, when Jesus mentions it, she is not shocked, but angry that her plan was ruined.
Her expression looked like shock to me. What makes you think it was anger?
Well telltale has made Clementine do stuff in season 3 we never thought she'd do i.e point guns at peoples faces (remember what Lee taught her on the train). So it wouldn't shock me if they actually turned her evil.
If this is me riled up, i'd hate to actually see me riled up. No, see you answered a question with a question, so i'll repeat it : If you're labelling someone as being high when they posted the thread, is that a compliment ? Yes or No? Im not asking about if you don't compliment, you're attacking him, im asking with that meme, is that a compliment or not? Im saying this because you said i didn't get the joke, im asking you is it a compliment or not?
Ill make it easier for you, if i say to you now "This guy was high AF writing that comment' Do you think im actually saying you wrote a good post?
I've said it once and i'll say it again, you're clearly offended by what i wrote, other wise, you wouldn't keep coming back here, i've given you a chance to just let this go but you refused to take my offer, so it must be effecting you if you want to keep going.
Ignoring the rest of your post as it added nothing to the discussion, nor does it raise any conversation, just more "you're attacking me!" a… morend "but IF she is????" type of stuff, but in short, if she is manipulating (highly unlikely) then sure I'll go along with it, even though the Clem we know would never do that.
if you're labelling someone as being high when they posted something, does that mean a compliment? Yes or no?
So if you're not complimenting OP, then it's "attacking" him, right? You should probably form a better sentence next time, one that's coherent. These are the things that got you so riled up and thought people were attacking OP:
Did Javi give you some of his weed ?
photo of Javier looking weird/high
Leaked footage of OP when he was writing this thread.
gif of Javier smoking weed here
What weed did you smoke when you wrote this?
And no i don't think Clem is the leader (or w… [view original content]
I think it's a bit dodgy to shoot a character blindly out of biased opininos towards Clementine IMO.
I already made a post earlier in the thread regarding this as not just a Clementine bias choice, but also a moral/logical one.
You mean his son's age. Mariana is ten, while Clementine and Gabe are 13.
My bad, I've edited my comment to reflect that!
Yes, exactly! Like I'm VERY sure she has some kind of survivors guilt as literally everyone who ever took care of her died, and maybe she feels like a walking hazard...
I think you're confused, this is what the exact quote said
So how is that directed at OP? Stop getting so sensitive, even OP doesn't care that people made "high" comments.
I really don't think Clementine is the leader of any group, it just doesn't fit. I mean she had the flashback about the girl trying to bring her in. David wouldn't just be pushed aside. It's obvious that David's the leader, I mean the story opens up with him and Javier. Clementine's just a side character at best this season. Heck I really just wouldn't stand behind the idea of a 13 year old running everything; I think that's one of the main issues I had with season 2, every other second someone would turn to Clementine and be like, "What should we do?" When Rebecca came out of nowhere asking about what she should do about her baby, "Listen, lady. I don't even know how to puberty yet, please stop."
That's why I like this theory. It's kind of a meta comment on how outlandish season 2 was in its characters. Everyone in this universe was so incompetent that they are relying on a young girl to take charge - and for some reason it's working.
Thank you for looking out for me. Fortunately, I take jokes well and am a memer. I could care less about anything anyone says.
However, if this was a ten year old making their first post, Im sure they would get pretty sad from the comments.
So yeah, the Clem lovers do get a bit weird.
I agree. I could see Telltale making Clementine an antagonist because plot. They have a weird way of doing some things.
I think RomanEmpire is just on damage control; trying his best to defend whatever "argument" he had. One day he'll learn that blatant statements usually get proven false.
Yeah I saw your previous comments on you not even taking offense, and I don't think it's necessarily a "Clem lover" thing, it's just that this theory is implausible from what I've deducted (and many others).
I thought it was ridiculous how much she had to lead a ragtag bunch of adults in s2. Having her lead an entire military-esque faction would be silliness that I don't think even Telltale could recover from. That's, like, some mega Mary Sue material there. Especially if Clementine somehow knew exactly how Javier and company looked from a distance enough to where she could plant that trap for the truck which really wouldn't seem necessary if she was on good terms with the New Frontier because if she was on good terms with them, then why would she need to steal their truck? If she wanted to get Javier to his brother, then why not just drive him there first? If it was to take out Prescott, then that doesn't make much sense since Clementine knew exactly where Prescott was, and she knew how easily the walls could fall, and she knew the person there sold faulty bullets, and she knew that Prescott was horribly outgunned. For a plan that takes a genius amount of foresight, it has a silly amount of holes. I'm not bashing your idea, but I would dog on Clem if this was her plan. She took days for what could take hours.
Yes, using a quote that Clementine would say to label the OP because the thread was about her, it's a smart ass reply because the person didn't agree with what the OP said.
And you're not getting sensitive by trying to make be believe there's no malice in it? Ok then.
You really think it was "smart ass"? Look at season 2 Clementine, she was more adult than anyone it felt like and constantly kept people in check, they're merely reflecting that theme because it would be still weird for Clem to lead a high class militia group. Stop damage controlling your previous posts and accept you misinterpreted and took a joke too far.
I'd prefer you speak English next time (your argument is convoluting), it's quite hard to understand the notion of "you're sensitive because you're arguing there was no direct harm for OP in 'weed posts' and 'competent adults from Clem's view' ", which both I already stated OP was completely fine with, the weed was was just a joke, not even with ill intent, and the Clem "competent" one I explained above, it wasn't an insult.
Why would i do that when i stand by my comment? The comment was a smart ass reply using the quote to say that the OP was incompetent because of the thread they posted was not something they liked to see.
Lol, A joke. That's a cute observation. Next time someone says im high when i write something they don't agree with, ill take it at a joke.
It's from viewing the fact that Clementine fans will jump all over someone who says anything negative towards, i was the victim of it on a thread about Conrad, so yes, i think i know what im talking about.
I haven't been proven wrong yet, all i've been told is that the comments weren't insults, but jokes. Not true, they are smart ass replies directed a the OP because he posted something that pretty much labels Clementine a bad person. I know OP don't care, i was just stating how pathetic it is that Clementine fans insult someone who says something against her. Are you a Clementine fan? Because if you are, it only proves my point that you're attacking me because i said something negative about the fan base.
So you still have the far fetched notion of "attacking", where is this coming from? Tell me where someone was like "ay yo fuck u OP piece of shit", all I've seen is a few people with "high" comments, and you didn't comprehend the reference from another person. I am a Clementine fan, but that's literally most of the fan base, you know since it's been about Clem since season 1? I just think it's illogical for her lead a high classed militia group if you care so much, but I didn't post anything sarcastic. So go ahead about proving your point to something unrelated completely.
Yeah all they said was "u r high OP xD", obviously.
Just stop arguing guys. Although directed as a joke, it could've been taken as an insult. Asking whether I was high or not could've implied they thought I was out of my mind and was talking utter shit.
You're both right in some way so just stop.
I guess I'm one from the people you guys are talking about who "insulted" OP.
Oh God, I didn't know it was going this far.
I completely meant it as a joke, it wasn't like "oh OP u r shit" or anything like that, @dezimz if you felt offended or anything, I'm truly sorry man : )
Its all fine. I get that this theory is a bit far-fetched and all.
Ah yes but see that's the idea, you don't want to be verbally abusing OP, just putting some memes or some smart quotes for likes. Your whole argument is based on that it was a joke, not an actually insult. Tell me, if someone says OP was high (that's what Javiers doing right? Smoking weed) is that a compliment?
First 2 seasons were about Clementine of course. But not this season. It's a new story about a new character. Clementine is pushed as a supporting character, sure we have her flashbacks, but it's leading towards the new frontier. And yes the theory that she's bad is less likely to happen but it still is a intriguing idea and shouldn't be met with smart ass replies. But hey, i put up a thread about how so many people chose to shoot Conrad and i got abused on it so i was expecting to be abused on here.
If Spodes is willing to just shake on it and forget it, it's cool. You said you don't care what they say so there really is no problem.
On one hand it makes zero sense for a preteen/teen to be the leader of an organized community but on the other hand seeing telltales loss and lack of direction and half effort into this season anything is possible.
OP must be so offended that someone called him high and made a "smart comment", KEK. I laughed more than I should've honestly when I read that. Oh and if you think people can't voice their opinion on the theory then don't come to a discussion website, you can't just expect everyone to massive analyze the entire post, people will say their interpretation and obviously you're the minority that actually thought it was some blemish to the thread itself, as those posts have the most likes regardless.
Hopefully you've dropped the season 2 meme though, Clem talking about incompetent adults isn't related to OP, anyone who's played season 2 understood what that poster was referring to.
Always puts a smile on my face when i make someone laugh, thanks for sharing (- :
Not true, we all are entitled to voice our opinions, hence why i am saying there is nothing wrong with this thread. If you want to say "i don't agree because i couldn't see a young kid leading a group" That's cool. That's a logical response, it's a bit different when you say the OP was high when he posted the thread or is incompetent. If you disagree, explain why, don't go insulting the person just because their opinion is different and yes, i already know you think is ain't insulting, i think it is, so we'll have to agree to disagree.
It is though, They're using a quote Clementine says about incompetent adults meaning OPS thread. And fyi it was a quote, not a meme, just putting it out there (- :
Wasn't that the thread you posted in until getting banned? Where you kept arguing with anyone who dared defy your clearly correct viewpoint on how to handle Conrad, and anyone who disagreed was a blind Clementine fan playing the game wrong? You seem to have an unnecessarily high opinion of yourself, and trouble dealing with any sort of opposition. You gotta take a breath man. You don't always have to prove you're right, especially when you're wrong. You literally seemed to have entered this thread just to whine about the majority of the fan base being meanies because someone referenced peoples sentiments about season 2 and someone else posted a picture of Javier smoking.
It's not that serious.
My thread i started was about the % of how many people killed Conrad. I was actually shocked that it was that one sided of a %. I didn't try to out type every single one on there, i started saying how bad it was because the majority of people did by being biased towards Clementine. I didn't actually tell people to F off or resulted in name calling (like i was labelled) I even was talked about behind my back when i was banned if that's any consolation of how i was the victim.
If im wrong, i'd like someone to actually kindly explain that i am rather then result to personal attacks. On this one, i said of people who insulted the OP which they did, but im lying it seems. I already conceded on here to the other person that we'll agree to disagree meaning i accept the persons opinion, so how am i thinking im always right?
Not exactly true, i came on here, because i experienced the same thing on my thread, and i made a comment about people always insulting someone when it's towards Clementine. And here's an actual thought, just because Clementine is the majoritys favourite character, doesn't mean people can't bend over for her.
OP himself doesn't care at all, you're the only one who was offended, when it wasn't even directed towards you of all things. If someone makes a high joke about a very implausible theory, I'd say it fits right in, unless you're this new to social conversation and haven't heard anyone say something similar in real life. Also hypothetically, if Clementine is leading a high-classed militia group while sneaking/manipulating others, then shooting her own men, etc, while being 13-years-old, I'd say the "incompetent adults" fits right into place right here, everyone got the joke but you, again.
I know that, ive said it a dozen times.
I've heard it manys a time, irl and over the internet, don't know where you come from, but from my experience it's not complimenting anyone,.
Leading the group is over the top but manipulating/sneaking isn't. She could do that easy because of how she can manipulate the people who play the game because the majority bend over for her.
You said it yourself, most of the fans on here are supporters of her, so it's not that i was the only one who got the joke, it was that every one on here supported it because they all felt the same towards the post.
Don't get so aggro on the subject. It's just the internet remember. And you can keep attacking me all you want, it wont change my opinion on it, not even how many times you claim im wrong and have no sense of humor lol, al though i did find those accusations quiet funny because with how you've reacted to this, it tells me your sense of humour is pretty dry.
So I'm still "attacking" you, anyone whom opposes what you say is now "attacking", wew lad. You must be attacking me saying my humor is dry then, right? Jesus, calm down, you're obviously oblivious to social communication over the internet (and season 2). I don't believe Clementine is manipulating Javier anyways, the story is quite clear that she has other objectives primarily regarding AJ, but I doubt they'll make Clem a villain of all things, I think she should just stay as a safe character, then kill Javier's family (boom Clem and Javier have no family together), and then we have a brother/sister type of relationship by the end of season 3, then we play Clem next season and everyone is happy that we have a character that didn't die (hopefully they don't waste Javier's character, they seem to kill literally anyone in the proximity of Clementine it feels like). We need flag pole characters, and we need a Clem to still be the face of this game.
How is Spodes attacking you?
I think you are just overreacting a lot over this subject. While it's true that Clementine fans can be mean and rude, it can also be reversed, people were highly pissed off when people Defended Clem and Shot Conrad, so they started making threads and yelling at people about it.
Overall, it's called a disagreement, something we all have.
She does seem like a leader. she takes care of herself, plus carver told her she seemed like a leader soo she would be "leader" material
Not at all, because ,ike i said, we are all entitled to our opinions, but the fact that i said something you don't agree with, you continue to attack me over it, and then you tell me to calm down when it's obvious you're more mad on this subject than i am. Trying to prove a point that im wrong and trying so hard to do it as well.
Okay here's a simple solution, if Clementine is revealed to be as you say, ill gladly say i got it wrong, but if she is what this thread says or manipulating Javier, would you be able to admit you got it wrong? Because me ive got no shame in admitting im wrong, you might think thats funny but i don.t. If you proved to me i was wrong about this thread, id believe you but you havent, you're only going on based by your opinion, of what it meant, and you never answered my question, if you're labelling someone as being high when they posted something, does that mean a compliment? Yes or no?
Quote i said to Spodes
"Not true, we all are entitled to voice our opinions, hence why i am saying there is nothing wrong with this thread. If you want to say "i don't agree because i couldn't see a young kid leading a group" That's cool. That's a logical response, it's a bit different when you say the OP was high when he posted the thread or is incompetent. If you disagree, explain why, don't go insulting the person just because their opinion is different and yes, i already know you think is ain't insulting, i think it is, so we'll have to agree to disagree."
Not being rude, but i was willing to let it fly away, but some choose not to do that.
I made a thread about Conrad, but i never started saying anything until people had stupid answers like "No one hurts my Clemmy" or "no one fucks with clementine" . I have my opinion which im more then entitled to voice and 2: I think it's a bit dodgy to shoot a character blindly out of biased opininos towards Clementine IMO.
Ignoring the rest of your post as it added nothing to the discussion, nor does it raise any conversation, just more "you're attacking me!" and "but IF she is????" type of stuff, but in short, if she is manipulating (highly unlikely) then sure I'll go along with it, even though the Clem we know would never do that.
So if you're not complimenting OP, then it's "attacking" him, right? You should probably form a better sentence next time, one that's coherent. These are the things that got you so riled up and thought people were attacking OP:
photo of Javier looking weird/high
gif of Javier smoking weed here
The last one was more direct, but again, no one is offended but yourself, I'd hope you realize that by now.
I already made a post earlier in the thread regarding this as not just a Clementine bias choice, but also a moral/logical one.

If she's with TNF, why would she even want to stop the truck at all? It's implied that her original plan was just to make the truck stop without ruining the vehicle, but "The tree fell slower then I [Clementine] thought it would."
Just cause Eli traded bullets, doesn't mean he's THE weapon supplier for the whole of Prescott and even if he was, I'm sure they already had plenty of their own stashed somewhere. No need to put a character like Eli in charge of all the community's weaponry and none of the characters ever say anything to imply that would be the case. Also, since he traded for batteries, I got the impression he was more of a general trader.
But then she shoots the New Frontier goons at the junk yard in the face. What would she have gained for that? If it's all just to gain Javi's trust, it seems like an awfully elaborate and costly ruse just to mess with some guy who stole your pudding cups.
The conflict thing.
This whole scene was a mess of plot holes, but sometimes plot holes are just plot holes. If Clem knocked him out, what does she stand to gain by putting up this front? She would have wasted lot of men and resources for this scheme, I have a hard time imagining what Javi could have or know that would make it worth it.
Her expression looked like shock to me. What makes you think it was anger?
Well telltale has made Clementine do stuff in season 3 we never thought she'd do i.e point guns at peoples faces (remember what Lee taught her on the train). So it wouldn't shock me if they actually turned her evil.
If this is me riled up, i'd hate to actually see me riled up. No, see you answered a question with a question, so i'll repeat it : If you're labelling someone as being high when they posted the thread, is that a compliment ? Yes or No? Im not asking about if you don't compliment, you're attacking him, im asking with that meme, is that a compliment or not? Im saying this because you said i didn't get the joke, im asking you is it a compliment or not?
Ill make it easier for you, if i say to you now "This guy was high AF writing that comment' Do you think im actually saying you wrote a good post?
I've said it once and i'll say it again, you're clearly offended by what i wrote, other wise, you wouldn't keep coming back here, i've given you a chance to just let this go but you refused to take my offer, so it must be effecting you if you want to keep going.
You should go on my thread i posted and see someone of the comments.