All things considered, I'd give Samuel the advantage here. Ryler is stronger, but strength is not everything. Samuel has over a decade more fighting experience and is the more naturally skilled swordsman, which beats raw physical strength. Ryler would certainly not be his easiest enemy, by far not, but Samuel would take him.
The Moggy vs Ulaf
Yeah, as much as I like Ulaf, the Moggy is out of his league. He claims to be the strongest man in Westeros, but the Moggy actually is the strongest man in Westeros. Don't get me wrong there, Ulaf has actual fighting experience, but hasn't had a real fight in years, whereas the Moggy's sole purpose is to kill. Ulaf's style relies on his strength and size, so someone that is vastly stronger and taller won't have a problem with beating him.
The Tom vs Wolfius
You mean Wolfius with his warg powers, right? Otherwise, it would be a very one-sided fight in favour of the Tom. Now however, Wolfius would probably take him. Thing is, the Tom knows Wolfius and he knows a lot of things about him, but not the warg detail. And well, it is a really important detail when it comes to dealing with him, so not knowing it will put the Tom at a serious disadvantage. Both have the instinct of a true killer, so they only need this tiny disadvantage in their opponent to end the fight instantly.
Nymeria vs Raenna
It depends wether or not Raenna gets time to prepare. If she doesn't get any time to prepare, if the fight starts immediately, the Nymeria would straight-up murder Raenna. However, if there will be time to prepare, then I believe Raenna could come up with something to get up on top there. It would be far harder for her than for Nymeria though.
Rodrik vs Clayton
I'd say this is the hardest fight in this bunch, as both have a very similar level of skill. On top of that, both express strong flaws that put them at a disadvantage. In case of Rodrik, it's his arrogance, which also got him killed when he foolishly ignored Sasha, who had a loaded crossbow lying next to her. In case of Clayton, it's his hatred towards Kersea and his refusal to grant her the satisfaction of killing him. They are very flawed villains, which is why they ultimately had to fail. I'd say Clayton wins thanks to being more intelligent and more pragmatic with anything unrelated to Kersea, whereas Rodrik is always an arrogant asshole, so he always has this flaw Clayton can exploit.
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
I was quite interested in this choice, as I wasn't sure how highly you'd value Behara's wish to actually contribute to the current events. It seems, most of you see her safety as more important than that and I am inclined to agree. On top of that, she will be able to cover Janae from up there, even though she's far from a good archer. Speaking of Janae, I am happy her first part has been generally well-received, but don't expect the longest storyline from her in Book 1. She's mostly there to introduce one particular plotline that will play a massive role in later chapters. As a result, her next part, which will be out relatively soon, is going to be her last part in this chapter. The same goes for most of the characters, save for Sadie and Drent, who have two parts left.
Speaking of Sadie, she's going to be the sole PoV for the next part. At least she's currently planned to be the sole PoV. I might manage to include someone else, which would be Drent, but it's currently not looking like it. Thing is, I am not entirely sure if I will manage to finish the part today. I'm a bit in a hurry and about to head out, so I won't be back for several hours. I also have to go to university tomorrow, so no all-nighter for me. I'm having made good progress today, but it remains to be seen if I truly manage to finish the part today. I'm hopeful and that is usually a good sign. If it won't be out today, expect it tomorrow for sure So, the last time we saw Sadie has been longer than I wanted it to be, but well, nothing I can change about it now. Her next to parts should be quite the big ones though, so I hope you're going to enjoy them. Last time we saw her, she had just joined Leo's sellswords during their defend of Maybros. More specifically, she joined the group of Blane Banefort, one of Leo's lieutenant's, who had the job to circle the city, to flank the Ironborn. While doing so, they noticed that Baelor Bloodbane and his soldiers had gotten under attack during their return from the castle outside of Maybros. Blane was unsure if he should help them, as it would technically mean that he might be unable to go through with his mission in time, but Sadie adviced him to do it. The next part will begin directly afterwards.
Since I'm curious I want to ask:since all the PoV's from now on will have only a part (except Sadie and Drent that have two and Samantha that have,together with the deceased Lyra,finish her storyline for this chapter) will Ellena have only a part inside this chapter?
The Voting is closed!
Janae is going to order Behara to remain upstairs
I was quite interested in this choice, as I wasn't sure how hi… moreghly you'd value Behara's wish to actually contribute to the current events. It seems, most of you see her safety as more important than that and I am inclined to agree. On top of that, she will be able to cover Janae from up there, even though she's far from a good archer. Speaking of Janae, I am happy her first part has been generally well-received, but don't expect the longest storyline from her in Book 1. She's mostly there to introduce one particular plotline that will play a massive role in later chapters. As a result, her next part, which will be out relatively soon, is going to be her last part in this chapter. The same goes for most of the characters, save for Sadie and Drent, who have two parts left.
Speaking of Sadie, she's going to be the sole PoV for the next part. At least she's currently… [view original content]
Ah, I forgot to mention Ellena. She is most likely going to have two parts, but there is a good reason why they are going to happen so late in the chapter, as they are depending on developments in the final part of another particular storyline, which is not yet finished. Also, Richard, Samantha and most likely Maya won't have additional parts in this chapter, but Richard will be seen in the final part of another PoV. I'm also considering giving Maya at least one short additional part to tie up her storyline for this chapter. But other than that, the rest is going to have only one part and most of them will be only half as long as the full part length, therefore enabling me to put out two PoV's in one part.
Since I'm curious I want to ask:since all the PoV's from now on will have only a part (except Sadie and Drent that have two and Samantha tha… moret have,together with the deceased Lyra,finish her storyline for this chapter) will Ellena have only a part inside this chapter?
“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need their help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
“Charge!”, Blane ordered and they followed the order without questions. Sadie herself found herself next to Baelor at the back of the attack, something she usually wouldn't have been particularly fond of. In this case however, she was glad for the opportunity to keep an eye on Dan, who was staying close to her.
The first lines of the sellswords already clashed into the back of the raiders. While the Ironborn saw them coming, they were unable to fully turn around quick enough without risking being cornered by Baelor's men. They went from a slightly superior position into a vastly outnumbered one almost in an instant, as steel clashed against steel.
Slowly, the Ironborn started to waver. They sold their lives at a cost, but they died. Sadie already felt the adrenaline rushing through her, as she spotted the raiders. She exchanged a glance with Dan, who looked considerably more worried. Not that she couldn't understand him. It was the first time he was in such a battle and it was probably a very good thing that he remained behind.
In the end, she didn't even get into any fight herself, something she didn't particularly mind. It didn't take long for the Ironborn to realize that they would get slaughtered, stuck between two hosts. Their ranks broke at last, as they tried to escape. A couple of them even managed to, but it was only a tiny portion of the dozens that had tried to intercept Baelor and his men. Wisely, Blane did not decide to waste any time with chasing them.
Sadie glanced over the small army of sellswords and soldiers that had gathered on the road in front of her. The soldiers had taken most of the losses. Only about thirty of them remained. The sellswords meanwhile had taken way fewer losses, but Sadie nonetheless spotted the occasional red and golden tunic of the Forgotten lying on the ground. In exchange, Sadie guessed that about fifty Ironborn had died here.
Her eyes met Blane's who had come to the same conclusion. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. His lips formed a thin smile, as he gave her a nod. Then, he turned towards the soldiers. She spotted the intimidating figure of Baelor Bloodbane. He was standing slightly hunched and with a hand on the heavy breastplate that protected his chest. His other hand was wrapped around his large battleaxe, which he used as a cane, to keep himself standing in.
“Took you damn long”, he growled as Blane and Sadie approached him, though he managed a thankful nod. “But I'm glad you came” Blane shrugged, before he raised his eyebrows at Sadie. “Well, you owe that to her”, he stated bluntly. “She convinced me that this was the right thing”
Baelor sighed, as he straightened his back again. “Well, then I owe you my gratitude, mylady”, he stated, as he looked towards Sadie. “I'd kneel, but would prefer not to” Sadie raised her hands, to signal to him that she didn't require any gestures of affection. “Are you wounded, Ser?”, she asked, a hint of concern in her voice. Baelor shook his head. “Got a hit to the guts, but the steel saved my life”, he explained. “It hurts like hell, but I'll get through it. A Bloodbane's not going down gently”
He glanced at Dan and a grin appeared on his face. “Is that the merchant?”, he asked, as he walked up to him. Dan gave him a proud look, as the warrior patted him on the back. “Not looking like a milksop anymore!” Then, he looked over to Sadie. “Surprised you'd even let him come”
Dan shrugged. “I won't run while y'all have to fight here”, he said and smiled at Sadie. “Besides, I picked up quite some tricks during our travels. I learned from the best” To this, she rolled her eyes. “You've been in exactly zero fights, my dear”, she answered. “Standing in the back of one doesn't count, so don't get cocky now”
“Well, what now?”, Baelor growled, as his men had gathered around him. Blane's men had taken position behind their leader, who looked towards the city. “Leo and the others need our help”, he said. “By now, I bet he already engaged the main force of the Ironborn at the market square. That's why we helped you. We hoped you might assist” Baelor gave him a nod. “For my city, I'll fight by your side”, he agreed. Blane instantly turned fully towards Maybros, lying on the hill above them. From afar, Sadie heard the sound of a massive battle going on.
“Let's go then!”, Blane barked, as he started moving again. Sadie was next to him, with Dan shortly behind them. Suddenly, they were marching in front of the sellswords, an odd feeling, considering that they had grown to nearly a hundred now that Baelor's men were with them.
“You're pretty good at that”, Blane said and she looked up. “What do you mean?”, she said, raising an eyebrow in confusion. He smirked, as if he just had the best idea in his whole life. “At leading”, he said. This only strengthened her confusion. “I'm sorry, but... what?”, she asked.
His smirk turned into a smile. A rather charming one, as she had to admit. “What I mean is, I think you have a talent for leading these men”, he said. She smirked, though avoided to look him right in the eye. “Yeah, sure”, she said sarcastically and he straightened his back. “I'm being serious right now”, he told her. “Hell, look at me. I needed you to tell me to do the right thing just a few minutes ago. You're obviously better than I am”
She suppressed a chuckle, as she noticed that he was indeed serious. Ridiculous, yet serious. “Doesn't mean I am a good leader”, she stated. “I got no experience as a leader. In fact, I'd feel more at home in line with the others than in the back shouting orders at them”
He raised an eyebrow. “You've been a soldier?”, he asked and she gave him a nod. “For three years. Fought for Durrandon in the Dornish Marches” This obviously made him curious and she almost regretted that she had brought it up. “What made you quit?”, he asked and her smile got visibly strained. “Family problems”, she answered. “The bad kind”
Silence followed, only interrupted by Blane's audible gulp, as they marched up the dusty road. “I see”, he said. “Sorry for asking then” She shook her head. “It's fine”, she said, though it wasn't. “It was good that I got out there. Who knows where I would have ended up if I would have remained in the army”
“Promoted to a high rank, I'd like to imagine”, Blane answered with a wink. She chuckled thinly. “Or lying in a nameless grave beneath the marches”, she spoke. “Your idea sounds almost worse. I am no leader and trust me, things are better when I don't have to pull the strings”
“I disagree”, Blane told her. “And I believe so does Leo. He's always looking for capable officers” His blunt suggestion put a smile on Sadie's face. “Nay, not me”, she disagreed. “There are three types of people in an army who should lead. Highborn, cripples and cowards, or any combination of the three. I'm neither, so my place is on the battlefield”
“And yet I'm leading these men”, Blane stated. “At least consider it. The Forgotten could always need someone like you” She raised an eyebrow. “And what do you mean by that?”, she asked. Her smile caught him off guard. “Well, you're pretty... pretty good at that, I mean”, he stuttered. “You got experience from a real army. The right attitude. I'm sure you'd fight right in”
She shook her head. “I don't doubt it. But there are more important things I have to take care of”, she spoke and looked at Dan, who was walking somewhere behind her. Blane noticed her glance and he raised an eyebrow. “Uh, yeah, I wanted to ask about this...”, he started and she looked at him again. “It's about Dan. I noticed you're pretty close. Does that mean you and he are, you know, together?”
It took her a moment to fully understand what he meant. Her grin got wider and she chuckled in disbelief. “What?”, she asked. “No! Seriously?” She shook her head. “He is my friend! The best one I ever had and the only one that stood with me when I needed him”
Blane looked visibly embarrassed by his question and her reaction, so he just sighed. “Well, I just thought...”, he stuttered. “When you mentioned these more important things you have to take care off...” She cut him off. “I was talking about my sister”, she hissed, half amused and half frustrated.
His eyes widened. “Ah, ah yes”, he said. “Leo mentioned her. Melanie, right? That makes sense” His embarrassment faded and his friendly, charming and slightly cocky smile returned. “I got sisters as well, you know”, he told her. “Two of them, though they are much younger than me. They are...”
He stopped by himself when the sound of fighting got stronger. Instantly, he raised a hand and his men stopped walking behind him. “Forgotten, with me!”, Leo's booming voice was heard from the end of the long street they were marching down. Sadie spotted a larger square in the distance, as she watched Leo's large figure rushing across it, holding his axe with two hands, before he was out of view again. Dozens of his men followed, charging at an enemy who was still out of sight.
“Damn it!”, Blane cursed. “We're late, we gotta hurry!” He turned to Baelor. “Bloodbane, I need you and your men to attack them from behind. Mine will flank them” Baelor instantly gave him a nod. “Not a bad idea”, he growled. “But I want a couple of yours with me. My men have been decimated. Thirty won't be much of a charge. If your men cause the Ironborn to flee, we'll be overrun”
Once more, Blane looked uncertain. Sadie knew time was off the essence, so she quickly spoke up. “I'll go with you”, she told Baelor, before she glanced at Blane, who gave her a surprised look. “What?”, she asked. “You want me to take a leadership position. Well, I fucking do now. Give me a dozen of your men and then go and help Leo. I can't have him dying here”
She had to admit, while he was not decisive, Blane was not stupid either. “Alright, alright”, he said. “You're right. Gods, it seems you're always right” She raised an eyebrow. “You can flatter me when this is over. A dozen of your men, now”, she barked and he complied. “You there”, he said, pointing at a section of his men. “You go with Sadie and Bloodbane. Listen to their orders as if they're mine or Leo's”
He looked at Sadie, slight concern on his face. “And you take care of yourself”, he said. She chuckled at his words. “Don't be afraid for me”, she said. “I survived far worse back in the day. Just focus on your own survival” With these words, she turned to Baelor. Dan followed her, while Blane and his men continued their way down the street.
“Alright, lads!”, Baelor growled towards the sellswords that were now under his command. “We go down there, then we'll get out behind the raiders on the square” He pointed down a nearby alleyway. “With me now”, he shouted and glanced towards Sadie. “You and the merchant, stay close to me”
Sadie gave him a nod, as she rushed down the streets by his side. “What is it, you don't trust me in a fight?”, she asked, half-jokingly, already feeling the familiar anxiety she always felt before a battle. Baelor gave her a nod. “Actually, yeah”, he said. “I know my men and I know Leo only picks the best for his, but I don't know how you're handling yourself in a fight. And Dan? Shouldn't even be here if you ask me”
They reached another main street and this time, the sound of the battle as audible from behind them. A grin formed on Baelor's face, as he turned to the town square. “Now we get them!”, he barked. “Follow me and show no mercy!” Grabbing the hilt of his axe with both hands, he started to charge, at a speed that made it hard for Sadie to keep up with him.
She took a moment to get an overview of the battle. The Ironborn had their backs turned on them, but they were many, more than Sadie had expected. There had to be hundreds of them, despite the dozens Blane and Baelor already defeated outside of the city. In the distance, separated from her through a thick line of raiders, she saw Leo, swinging his massive axe. Somewhere down there, Blane had to be as well.
“Charge!”, Baelor yelled, as he led them. A roaring battlecry came out of his throat, answered dozens of times, as his men and the sellswords clashed into the back of the Ironborn army. The raiders had spotted them and unlike the small group that had ambushed Baelor on his way back from the castle, this one actually defended their backs pretty well, forming a rudimentary shield wall that took away most of the momentum the charging group got.
Nonetheless, Baelor reached them first. His axe cut slightly above the shield of an unlucky raider and plunged into his throat. The man next to him turned to attack him, but that was when Sadie reached him. Holding her shield in front of her, she clashed into the raider, completely shattering his balance, causing him to stumble into the man behind him and leaving him vulnerable for Sadie's sword. She cut down, just as he moved up to defend himself. Her sword hit him at the wrist, severing the entire hand and causing the man to sink to the ground. His screams were cut short when Sadie plunged her sword into his neck.
In the meantime, Baelor had managed to get a little bit to his right, further down the line of Ironborn, while the bulk of his forces attacked more to the left. Next to Sadie, Dan had arrived, though the first raider who paid attention to him had to deal with her. A quick parry, followed by a counterattack aimed to the guts and he was no more.
It didn't take the Ironborn long to waver. Somewhere from within their ranks, Sadie heard a horn signal, which caused several of the raiders who weren't fighting yet to retreat, down the only way the troops of Baelor and Leo hadn't yet blocked, to the right side of where Sadie and her group had entered the market square.
Baelor continued to chase them, though he was stopped when two opponents engaged him at once. Sadie rushed in to help him, though another raider, who had just killed a member of the city guard, stood in her way. The man did not wait for her to attack, but instead forced her to parry, by taking a low attack. He did not expect her to parry with her sword though, which left her free to slam the shield into his face. The force of her blow stunned him and there was nothing he was able to do against her sword finding its way into his chest.
“Sadie!”, she heard Dan's voice and as she turned around, she saw him struggling with an Ironborn almost on top of him, having wrestled him to the ground. “Dan!”, she screamed, as she ran towards the two. Another raider stopped her though, by running into her way. Furiously, she started to shower him with a quick blur of strikes, while behind him, the raider on top of Dan slowly tried to push a knife into his chest.
Her sword finally broke through the raiders defences, hitting him right in the face, as she tried to reach Dan in time. It was then that her friend did something she wasn't expecting. With a quick move of both hands, he forced the knife of the raider to the side, while simultaneously embedding his teeth in the man's throat, where he bit down heavily. The raider let out a shrill, gurgling scream, as Dan pushed him off again. The merchant sluggishly rose from the ground, spatting a gush of blood and pieces of flesh onto the ground, right next to his opponent, who was bleeding out from a nasty throat wound.
It was there that Sadie reached them. The look on her face was pure shock, as she put a hand onto Dan's shoulder. “Dan, are... are you okay?”, she asked and he gave her a nod, followed by a bloody grin. “I told you I can look after myself”, he said.
Baelor' rough laughter sounded. “Well, that was a crazy sight!”, he chuckled. “How are you feeling, Dan?” Dan shrugged. “Good”, he answered, his voice shivering with adrenaline. “In fact, I'm feeling great!” Baelor patted him onto the back, still laughing. “That's the spirit!”, he said. “Keep it up and you might survive this night”
It was there when the sound was heard again. “CHARGE!”, a thundering voice sounded from the ranks of the seemingly fleeing Ironborn, who turned around instantly, to rush back at their opponents. Only that now, they had managed to cut them off, as they clashed into the flank of the soldiers. Baelor himself let out a muffled curse, as he reached for his axe. “Get ready”, he growled. “This is far from over”
With these words, he ran back into the fray that had formed as the Ironborn violently clashed into the soldiers. Sadie took a look at Dan, who was standing there, still with the raider's blood on his mouth, before she followed the soldier. She found him standing above the corpse of a raider, staring down a broad-shouldered raider. Unlike most of the Ironborn this man was wearing heavy armour. At the bevor, two large walrus tusks were implemented into the armour. Paired with a cloak of grey sealskin and a thick, brown moustache, the man had an unsettling resemblance to the animal. He held an axe in each hand, with large blades and curved hilts.
“You're Durren Stallhart”, Baelor said. “I've heard from you” The raider gave him a nod. “From widows and orphans”, he growled in return. “Whereas I've never heard your name before” Sadie tried to approach the two men, though Baelor extended a hand to stop her. “Stay out of this”, he said calmly. “This one's mine”
Stallhart smirked grimly. “A duel”, he said. “I like that. Very well, I wish to see your worth, Greenlander. May you leave another widow, another orphan” He raised his axes, just like Baelor did with his single weapon. Sadie meanwhile took a few steps back, as the fighting around her resumed. She took a moment to admire Baelor's skill, as he parried both of Stallhart's axes with the wooden hilt of his weapon, only to almost shove them back into the captain's face.
It was then that Sadie heard screams. Not any screams, but the kind she'd recognize anywhere. She spun around, seeing Dan locked in a fight with one of the raiders who were now attacking from all sides. As uncoordinated as their retreat had been, as chaotically powerful was their attack now, swarming the soldiers from all sides.
The raider swung his axe and Dan only managed to deflect it. It grazed his shoulder, cutting deeply across it and causing Dan to stumble backwards, a look of pain and fear on his face. Before Sadie could rush to his rescue, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eyes. Baelor parried one of Stallhart's axes, though the other one hit him right in the stomach area. The steel of his armour saved his life, though it was a painful hit and it left him open for the next one, when Stallhart slammed the hilt of his other axe against his forehead. And with terror, Sadie had to realize that the Ironborn captain was better than Baelor. Both needed her help, she knew that and she knew she had to make a quick decision.
“He is my friend! The best one I ever had and the only one that stood with me when I needed him”
[Help Dan]
I'm sorry for Baelor but I think that Dan need more help (leaving aside the fact that the merchant show many times to be a true friend for Sadie helping her not only for save her sister but even during this raid)
About the part I really like the glimpse of Sadie backstory and I'm very curious to discover what will happen now
“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need thei… morer help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
… [view original content]
“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need thei… morer help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
… [view original content]
I'm sorry for Baelor but I think that Dan need more help (leaving aside the fact that the merchant show many times to be a true friend for Sadie helping her not only for save her sister but even during this raid)
Aye, I can understand that. The reasoning to save Baelor, from Sadie's Point-of-View, would basically be that he is the leader of the local soldiers and therefore potentially of importance for the city, whereas Dan would be a more personal decision, considering that he is her best friend.
About the part I really like the glimpse of Sadie backstory and I'm very curious to discover what will happen now
Ah, glad to hear it! With Sadie's backstory, I originally had included a longer part about some details of it, but I ended up having to cut something due to length reasons, so unfortunately it had to go. Maybe there will be a later time to show it, as Sadie has a rather detailed backstory which I look forward to reveal in time.
“He is my friend! The best one I ever had and the only one that stood with me when I needed him”
[Help Dan]
I'm sorry for Baelor … morebut I think that Dan need more help (leaving aside the fact that the merchant show many times to be a true friend for Sadie helping her not only for save her sister but even during this raid)
About the part I really like the glimpse of Sadie backstory and I'm very curious to discover what will happen now
“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need thei… morer help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
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[Help Dan] We aren't planning on staying in this town for long. Plus if we are lucky, we can join the Forgotten and possibly bring Dan along for the ride. And Dan is just a fun guy to be around.
“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need thei… morer help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
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“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need thei… morer help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
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[Help Dan] You can't say he's always been there for you when you needed him and then not be there for him when he needs you. I'd lose a lot of respect for Sadie if she didn't save him. Plus I really like Dan.
“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need thei… morer help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
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“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need thei… morer help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
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[Help Dan] Fuck, I really want to help Baelor but I think Dan needs it more. Plus, he's a much closer friend to Sadie than Baelor is. I do hope that Baelor can somehow make it out safely though.
“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need thei… morer help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
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Fairly certain she'll die if she goes down. Also, Behara will be in a position to shoot anyone who might attack Janae, seeing as how the bow… more and two arrows will still be up there(unless Janae takes them with her).
That is an interesting thought. Indeed, Behara will be able to do that, since Janae is going to leave the bow and the two arrows up there, I think it's only fair to reveal this detail. However, if she actually hits is a completely different thing entirely, since she got no real experience with shooting something or someone. But in theory, she'd be able to cover Janae, you are absolutely right with this!
So, let's take a moment to show the spirit animal of Cleaver Clint:
Haha, oh man, that is priceless Like, seriously, what is that guy even trying to do there? That said, Clint would probably smash that glass to pieces, kill the lady behind the counter, rape the money (somehow, don't ask me how, but he'd find a … [view original content]
“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need thei… morer help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
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Well... this turned out quite differently from what I expected. I mean, don't get me wrong on that one, I fully expected you to choose Dan in the end, but I didn't expect this to be such a near-unanimous choice, since there are rather pragmatic reasons speaking in favour of Baelor. So, I kind of expected a couple more votes for him, even though I personally would have chosen Dan and can without any doubt understand and share your reasons here. Now I feel slightly bad for putting Baelor into such an unfair decision. Ah well, in the end the choice that aligns the best with my plans for Sadie's next part has won, so I am satisfied. This next part is going to be a game-changer and fittingly part of the chapter finale. Prepare for really big things coming up there.
The next part is hopefully going to be out today. I am simultaneously doing another thing and I'm going to go out and grab some stuff to eat now. That means I might not finish it before heading to bed, though I am positive that I will at the very least get very far with the part, potentially even completely finished. This next part is going to be a very important one and it will be the final part for Jenna in this chapter. The last time we saw her has been a couple weeks ago. Back then, she went to Carma's house, where she tried to convince her friend to leave with her to the castle. The problem here were Carma's children, who were understandably terrified. A couple of Ironborn, who had taken Aditha Nathamer captive, found them, but before they were able to do anything, Hackor arrived and saved them. He got into a fight with an Ironborn brute, who heavily wounded him and left him unable to walk on his own. This left Jenna with the choice to either help Aditha to carry her (heavily-armoured) father to the castle or to help Carma in bringing her panicked children to the castle. Jenna decided for the latter and we're going to see the consequences of this choice pretty soon in this next part. As said above, I hope to finish it in a couple of hours, after returning from dinner, though it is definitely going to take me another coupl of hours until I'll have it done. Nonetheless, it is a part I've been looking forward for for a while and I hope you're going to enjoy it!
The Voting is closed!
Sadie is going to help Dan
Well... this turned out quite differently from what I expected. I mean, don't get me … morewrong on that one, I fully expected you to choose Dan in the end, but I didn't expect this to be such a near-unanimous choice, since there are rather pragmatic reasons speaking in favour of Baelor. So, I kind of expected a couple more votes for him, even though I personally would have chosen Dan and can without any doubt understand and share your reasons here. Now I feel slightly bad for putting Baelor into such an unfair decision. Ah well, in the end the choice that aligns the best with my plans for Sadie's next part has won, so I am satisfied. This next part is going to be a game-changer and fittingly part of the chapter finale. Prepare for really big things coming up there.
The next part is hopefully going to be out today. I am simultaneously doing another thing and I'm going to go out and grab some… [view original content]
I very much hope he lives. He's literally the only one of Raylansfair's leaders left who is competent enough to lead the town through this strife and destruction who I trust to actually do just that, although I do foresee Lenard taking a major leadership role in the future.
Come on,don't be so negative until you read the part!Maybe if we are lucky not only Hackor but even Aditha will die! >:D
PS: Obviously I'm joking,let's hope for the best outcome possible (and an awesome part)
For me the main reason because I would like to see Hackor alive isn't the leadership issue but because I found really enjoyable to read during the last chapter the problems of the Narthamer family (I even think of that one of the highlights of the previous chapter that make, for me, Arthur PoV even more interesting) and I would really like read more conversations between them.
Oh well,let's just wait as the spectators that we are what the next perfomance of this tale will show to us.
I very much hope he lives. He's literally the only one of Raylansfair's leaders left who is competent enough to lead the town through this s… moretrife and destruction who I trust to actually do just that, although I do foresee Lenard taking a major leadership role in the future.
Oh, what happen will happen. But hopefully Hackor will live, but my hopes aren't all to high. He is not the warrior he used to be, and now he is all battered and bruised. Plus Jenna left him and Aditha to fend for themselves. Hopefully, this may bring Arthur down an interesting path after he is made an orphan. But you know, we saved some kids who can lead the town to victor-oh wait.... Jokes aside, really excited and anxious to see what's gonna happen next.
For me the main reason because I would like to see Hackor alive isn't the leadership issue but because I found really enjoyable to read duri… moreng the last chapter the problems of the Narthamer family (I even think of that one of the highlights of the previous chapter that make, for me, Arthur PoV even more interesting) and I would really like read more conversations between them.
Oh well,let's just wait as the spectators that we are what the next perfomance of this tale will show to us.
Apologies for the longer wait! However, there is a good reason for it, as this part has twice the length of a usual part. I hope that makes up for me keeping you waiting and I hope you enjoy it
Jenna threw once again a concerned look over her shoulder, as she tried to spot Aditha and Hackor. The woman was still there, several feet behind them, dragging her father up the hill that led to the castle. However, she was getting slower, as she had tired herself to the point of exhaustion. Jenna felt terrible as she saw her, a reminder of how weak she herself was in comparison.
Of course, it wasn't as if she was doing nothing. For two miles now, she had dragged and carried a screaming, crying young boy with her. Farrel was still sobbing, locked in a paralysing fear that Jenna knew all too well. Oh yes, she was afraid too, but she couldn't give in to it, now less than ever, not with that boys life depending on her.
Having at least this purpose gave Jenna some strength to carry on. She imagined that it wasn't that different with Aditha, who fought like a she-lion for the life of her father. She was falling back more and more, even though the castle came closer.
Not being able to help her, it tore Jenna apart and sent tears to her eyes. She had made a difficult decision and now she had to live with the consequences. It gave her an anxious feeling, as it was the first time she had to make a decision that could possibly end in someone else's death. With a heavy heart, she had to ask herself how Saerya was able to make such decisions every single day.
“Come on”, she whispered softly, as she pressed Farrel against her. The boy was shivering, though he calmed down slightly as he put his head onto her shoulder. Softly, she put a hand onto his back. “I'm here”, she said warmly, as she fastened her pace in the futile attempt to catch up with Carma. “It's all good. Your mother and your siblings are here as well. The bad men won't hurt you” This was maybe the one thing Jenna could wholeheartedly admit being good at. After all, she did grow up with two younger brothers. Soon, the boy had calmed down, ever so slightly, but enough to keep him from getting into a full panic.
Eventually, the gates of the castle were in front of them, only maybe a couple hundred feet away. Carma's relieved sigh was audible even from the dozen feet that separated them. She glanced over her shoulder and the smile on her face was hopeful at last.
“Now!”, a rough voice sounded and a second later, Jenna saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Men rushed up the hill, armed with axes and spears. Ironborn, there was no doubt about it. They came from a small street to their side, and from the other side as well, they came from behind them and closed in rapidly.
As Jenna started to run, she glared at Carma. “Run!”, she yelled. “Run for your life!” The other woman followed the order and Jenna fastened her own pace, which wasn't quite as easy with the five-year old in her arms. Panic was rising in her again, something that Farrel undoubtedly felt, since he began to scream as well, his high-pitched shrieks directly next to her right ear almost instantly caused her a headache.
For a moment, it looked as if she could escape them, then, a man from her side had caught up with her. While running, he gave her a heavy punch to the back and Jenna fell. She instantly managed to roll onto her back before hitting the ground, so that she wouldn't bury Farrel underneath her.
“Farrel, look at me!”, she hissed and the mixture of worry and harshness was exactly what caused him to look at her. “You gotta run, run to your mother!” He gave her a nod, as he started to run on his tiny legs. The raider that had tackled Jenna to the ground was momentarily surprised by the sight of the young boy running past him, which gave Farrel an opportunity to catch up with his mother.
Carma looked at Jenna, who staggered back to her knees. “Run!”, Jenna screamed and her voice broke with panic as she slowly saw the raider approaching her. Carma followed the order and dashed off, up the path to the castle, holding her baby, with her kids always next to her. Raiders ran after them and Jenna knew they wouldn't make it. She felt warm tears flowing down her face, as she was only able to shake her head in fear. It was then that she noticed that he wasn't looking at her, but at someone behind her.
As she looked over her shoulder, she saw Hackor standing there, on his own. Just this gesture was putting a serious burden on his wounded body, but despite how pale he was, he still made for an impressive opponent. Aditha stood behind him, ready to catch him if he would fall, though she nervously looked over her shoulder, at the Ironborn that crawled up the path in the distance.
With a roar, the Ironborn charged at Hackor. Jenna gasped as the commander parried the strike, even though it forced him to his knees again. And she understood where he got this strength from. After all, her father would have done the same for her.
But the love of a father wasn't always enough. She staggered back to her feet, as the Ironborn managed to grab Hackor's spear. He took a strike at the commander's unprotected head, who raides his left arm to protect himself. The axe dented the iron at the forearm and tore through the chainmail, enough to draw blood, but not enough to get through the bone. With a grunt, the raider attacked again and this time, Hackor managed to twist to the side, so that a blow that was meant to decapitate him only hit the side of his chest. Even from afar, Jenna heard the cracking sound, as his lower ribs gave in. The armour once again saved his life, though even Jenna knew that this nonetheless caused a serious wound.
The raider raised his axe again, ready to end it. This time, it was Aditha who intervened. “Get off him!”, she barked furiously, as she jumped at the raider. The man, a burly warrior, barely flinched, though she got him with enough force to at least make him drop Hackor's spear again.
With no less fury, he pushed the young woman off him, before slamming the hilt of the axe against her forehead, once, twice and thrice. A second later, Hackor rammed the spear through his chest. Coughing up blood, the raider fell to the ground. So did Aditha, as she landed heavily on the dusty road without doing anything her fall.
Jenna crawled towards them, as she stared down at the dozen raiders who charged up the path. “Commander!”, she whimpered as she put a hand onto his chest. For a moment, she was afraid the man was dead. He wasn't, as the look in his eyes proved to her. “Aditha...”, he gasped, as he used strength he shouldn't have anymore to turn to his daughter.
Instantly, Jenna knelt next to the motionless woman. “She's still breathing”, she said. As she removed her hand from Aditha's forehead, it was covered in blood. “But she needs help. You both do” A determined look formed on her face. “I'm going to get you out of here!” With these words, she grabbed both, Aditha and Hackor, trying to pull them up the path.
Naturally, it was a foolish attempt, doomed to fail. She didn't even manage to move Hackor at all and the commander was finally at the very end of his strength, unable to just lift himself up with the weight of his armour forcing him down. With a groan, half exhaustion, half frustration, Jenna dropped down, realizing that it was futile, that she would barely manage to move one of them, much less both.
“Listen...”, Hackor managed to gasp. “My daughter... take her... save her...” He looked up and the expression in his green eyes revealed a weakness that shook Jenna to the core. No, not a weakness. A softness she never expected from him. “I... I... Commander, I can't leave you”, she said, as helpless tears flew down her face. It wasn't only that. It was mostly the realization that the Ironborn had came too close for her to get away, even if she would be on her own. She wasn't fast enough to get away, she wasn't good enough.
“You must!”, Hackor growled, with sudden anger in his voice. “I will not lose my daughter! Grab Aditha and run. I'll buy you time. I... I'll try” Tears clouded Jenna's vision, as the commander glanced down the path and came to the same conclusion she had reached. They would all three die here. It was odd... this was the second time Jenna looked her death in the eye. And she wasn't afraid. She was broken, a mess, bawling her eyes out, but not afraid. These men, what could they be that Wolfius Woodbark hasn't been already?
“I'm sorry”, she said. “I tried...” She sighed and just in the same moment, something unexpected happened. Someone charged past her, just seconds before the first raider would have reached her. Even in her current state, she recognized Nora Recton, whose sword tore through the throat of the closest Ironborn.
She growled, dodging the attacks of the men that instantly swarmed her, as she gutted one, using her pauldron like a shield, to parry an attack in the same moment, before smashing into the raider and forcing him to stagger backwards.
Federico was with her as well, finishing the man she had just wounded. And then, a dozen other men arrived. Jenna's eyes widened, as tears continue to pour down her face. They weren't broken tears anymore though, but of surprise and a growing hope.
“Jenna!”, Federico called for her, as he momentarily paused from driving back the raiders, who obviously hadn't expected such a violent counterattack from the castle guard. Soon, the small group of Ironborn retreated down the path again. Nora and her men did not pursue them. Instead, she watched them disappearing in the alleyways below.
“Gather the wounded”, she barked. Federico gave her a nod, as he gently lifted up Aditha. Jenna tried, once more, to pull Hackor, grunting with exhaustion in the process, before two of the guardsmen did it for her instead. Wide-eyed in the face of the luck she just had, all she could do was to stagger with them, up to the castle. Up to safety.
“Not a moment too late”, she said and she managed to smile at both, Federico and Nora. The latter raised an eyebrow. “So you can smile after all”, she said, reciprocating the gesture. “That was a close call though. Better don't do that again. I wouldn't know what to say to your father”
The mention of her father sent a sting through Jenna's heart. She knew he wasn't here, that he was outside of the city when the attack started. However, she wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing in these times, when Raylansfair was under attack from every single direction.
“How's the situation in there?”, she asked, as she glanced at the courtyard in the distance. From afar, she was able to see the hundreds that had gathered there, to seek shelter. Nora sighed, but before she could answer, a new situation demanded her attention.
“Guys!”, someone screamed from down the path, with a high-pitched, hoarsy voice. “Guys, help!” Jenna, just like Nora, turned towards this newcomer. They spotted a young, tall and incredibly obese young man running up the hill. His long, greasy hair flew in the wind as he ran and to Jenna's surprise, she realized he was one of the guardsmen.
“They're coming!”, he screamed, gasping for breath as he ran towards them. “The Ironborn are coming!” As he came closer, Jenna noticed movement in the city below. She gasped, as she realized that there had to be dozens of them.
“Captain, they're coming!”, the young guard said, as he stopped in front of Nora, gasping for air. She glanced at him, then instantly back at the city. “I can see them”, she growled, before she turned to the castle “Get in there! Everyone, get in there!”
Jenna started to rush up the past and soon caught up with Federico, who was still carrying Aditha. The two guardsmen who carried Hackor were already at the gates. Jenna narrowed her eyes as she spotted the people camping inside of the courtyard. “What's with them?”, she asked. “Isn't it safer in the Great Hall?”
Federico shook his head. “Lord Tyrell has locked himself in there”, he revealed. “That damn coward has pulled his troops away from the fight and is hiding in there. The Lady Helenys is the only one he agreed to see” He sighed. “Now I'm not sure if she negotiates for the smallfolk to get in there as well, or if she has joined him in hiding” He glanced up as they passed through the gate. “But that shouldn't matter as long as we have the portcullis. They'd need a siege weapon to get through it”
Carefully, the guardsmen put down the heavily wounded Hackor, halfway between the bulk of smallfolk and the gates. Federico gently lay Aditha next to him. The commander raised his head to look at his daughter. He mumbled something and as Jenna approached him, she was able to understand.
“... thought we'd have years”, he muttered weakly. “I thought there would be more time. For us. To rebuild what I have broken” He sighed and shivered in pain. “I've been a fool for hurting you” Finally, he noticed Jenna and a smile formed on his face. “Jenna”, he said. “Jenna Harking” She gave him a nod, as she knelt down next to him. “Can I do anything for you?”, she asked.
He shook his head. “You did enough”, he told her. “Good girl” He sighed again, grimacing in pain. “Besides, there's nothing you can do for me right now” It took her a moment to realize what he meant with this. “You... you mean you're dying?”, she gasped. “You can't die! This city needs you!”
Hackor smirked. “This city did just fine without me for hundreds of years and it will do fine long after I'm gone”, he answered. “Another commander will follow. Maybe even a better one” His smirk faded. “It's strange what we tend to realize in our time of dying. It seems regret finally caught up with me”
“Regret?”, Jenna asked. “But you're a good man!” Hackor shook his head. “You couldn't be further away from the truth. Your father, he is a good man”, he answered. “I am merely dutiful. That isn't always a good thing” He looked at Aditha and the look in his eyes was full with sorrow. “It is a hard path, a thankless one, because no matter what, you can never follow all of your duties. Years ago, I sacrificed my duty towards my family in favour of my city”
He looked back at Jenna. “Her mother died, the love of my life, and the one person I cared for the most hated me for it”, he said. “I was the hero of Raylansfair, yet how could I ever feel like a hero for something my wife had to give her life for?” He clenched his eyes. “And now I see what a fool I have been”
“My father called you a wise man”, Jenna tried to cheer him up. Hackor grinned without any joy. “Your father is a fool as well then, sweet girl”, he answered. “My foolishness was thinking that I am the only one who can save this city. That I had to lead the city guard in times of great need. And today? Stratford's doing a fine job with it, as far as I can see. Maybe back then, someone else could have done it. Maybe I could have protected my family instead”
“You saved many lives”, Jenna reminded him and he stared at the nightly sky. “I lost the one I cared for the most”, he replied. “And worse, I lost Aditha as well on that day. I always thought I could make up for it one day. I ignored her... antics, thinking she'd just process her grief with it” He shook his head once again, weaker this time. “She wanted to hurt me. My own daughter hated me enough that she wanted to hurt me by hurting herself” This time, Jenna noticed a sort of doubt she would have never expected from him. “And I only have myself to blame for this”
“I'm sure she knows how much you love her”, she tried to say and Hackor pressed his lips together. “Does she?”, he asked. “I barely looked at her in the past decade. She took it as a sign of my resentment, but it wasn't. She may started to hate me for what I did, but I never stopped loving her. Being with her, talking to her, it pained me more than anything. I was barely able to look at her because of how similar she is to her mother. This bright, beautiful woman my daughter grew up to be... and I never told her how much she meant to me. The world and more, and I never told her”
Jenna wasn't sure what she was trying to do here. Rebuilding his confidence? She, of all people? Or maybe she wanted to comfort a dying man. But he couldn't die. He mustn't die! There had to be something, anything, a healer, anyone. She couldn't just let him die now!
Before she was able to say anything, a scene near the gate demanded her attention. “Lower the portcullis!”, Nora yelled. “What is it now? Hurry up a little bit, they're almost here!” And indeed, Jenna saw dozens of Ironborn pouring up the path. And she noticed the obvious fear on Nora's face. “Lower the portcullis!”, she screamed now.
“It doesn't work!”, one of the guards up in the gatehouse yelled back. “Seven have mercy, it doesn't work!” His voice sounded increasingly more panicked. “Someone did this on purpose! My god, we're all going to die!” His words echoed across the courtyard and the masses of smallfolk heard them loudly.
Panic erupted amid the people. In the crowd, Jenna saw the pale, wide-eyed face of Carma, her children still around them, but the knowledge that her friend had made it to the castle barely calmed her now, as her heart started to beat furiously in her chest. Someone did this on purpose... the gate was broken, the Ironborn could enter the castle, take it without any problem now...
“Sherryl”, she gasped as she jumped up. “Federico!” she rushed towards him, near the gate, as the massively outnumbered castle guards went into a defensive shield wall. The young man looked over his shoulder. “Get back, Jenna!”, he yelled. “Saerya is going to tear me a new one if anything happens to you”
“It's Sherryl!”, she spat. “She destroyed the gate “ Federico raised an eyebrow. “I hate that snake as much as you do, but why would she possibly do that?”, he asked. Jenna shrugged. “I don't know. I don't know why she'd kill so many, but she did it!”, she hissed. “Whom else could it be? Think about it, where is she right now?”
This time, Federico's eyes widened. “Not here...”, he mumbled. “She left the castle when the fighting began. I believe she had a bow with her, a finely crafted thing from the Summer Isles” An expression of anger flared up on his face. “If she did this... if she did this, then I'm going to kill her myself!”
“Federico, get in line!”, Nora barked angrily, as the Ironborn came closer. “And Jenna, get back, for fucks sake!” Jenna gave her a nod and with wide eyes, she staggered away from the gate, still looking at the charging Ironborn. She bumped directly into someone behind her.
As she turned around, she saw a man in front of her, who gave her a displeased look. He was in his forties maybe, with long, blonde hair, a bit on the pudgy side and with the golden and red armour of House Lannister of the Rock. He was wearing a sword and the dozen men behind him had shields and spears with them. “Captain, could you need help?”, he asked.
Nora's eyes widened. “General Tallian!”, she exclaimed. “We though you have left with Ser Willfred” Tallian shook his head. “For once, that stupid boy listened to me”, he growled. “Men, take formation. Support the castle guard!” He himself drew his sword, as Jenna further backed off. She had to get back to the commander!
She rushed towards the downed bodies of Hackor and Aditha. The young woman was still unconscious, while her father was still struggling, if barely. He wasn't dying, right? He couldn't die, Jenna refused to believe it. She refused to just let him die like that, to leave him to bleed out here in the courtyard. He deserved better.
Hackor smiled as she knelt down next to him. “Such a good girl”, he whispered. He extended his hand and she grabbed it, tensing up as she noticed how weak his grip was. Behind him, the masses of smallfolk grew increasingly more panicked, as the doors to the Great Hall, the only protection they had left, weren't opening, as they begged to be let in, cursed those inside and screamed at the gods for mercy. It was almost baffling for Jenna how calm she was in comparison to them.
“I tried”, she whispered and Hackor gave her a nod. “You and me both, Harking, you and me both” Being mentioned by her last name was something highly unusual for Jenna and she neede a moment to pull herself together. “I am sorry commander”, she said. “I should have tried more”
And in that moment, the Ironborn had reached the shield wall. They clashed into it with all their rage and even though half a dozen of them died in an instant when they got pushed into the spears the men from the Rock held, they nonetheless had such a force in their attack that it caused the shield wall to waver just from the first hit.
One of the Ironborn even broke through, his axe splitting the cheek of one of the guardsmen, before he broke through the ranks of the men from the Rock. The moment he had passed them, he collapsed, his own guts covering the ground in front of him, while grinning a smile full of bloo. But most importantly, he did break through and this caused even more of a panic among the smallfolk, as the first people tried to throw themselves against the large wooden doors that led into the Great Hall, to no avail of course.
“Push them back!”, Tallian yelled, as the spears got pushed forwards, into the chests of their enemies. The Ironborn died. The guardsmen died and so did the soldiers from the Rock. The Ironborn were the only ones who had reserves in this fight. They fought like berserkers, swinging their short axes at the wooden shields, splintering them whenever possible, splitting skulls, tearing out throat and embedding their axes in the chests of the defenders.
Nora stood in the first row of her men, parrying with her shield, while swinging her sword wildly, smashing away Ironborn axes and the occasional spear. Federico wasn't less active. The only one who wasn't fighting was General Tallian, who stood behind his men. He stumbled backwards when one of his men got killed by a thrown axe.
“Now!”, Nora yelled, as her men further pushed the Ironborn back. “Don't let them break through!” The man next to her cheered and received a spear to the mouth for his lack of care. Nora herself knocked away the spear, before she screamed in rage. And finally, the Ironborn started to waver. They had killed only half as many as they had lost, though to be fair, they had four times the numbers and were more than able to take it. The defenders meanwhile were clearly outnumbered and Jenna knew it would only be a matter of time until they would fall.
Carefully, the Ironborn retreated, not to flee, but to regroup. Jenna didn't know much about tactics, but even she could see what they were trying to do. From her position behind the frontlines, she was able to see clear gaps in the shield wall the castle guard and the soldiers from the Rock had built up. Almost half of them were dead after the initial attack. The Ironborn still had more men.
“It's hopeless”, Hackor said and this time, Jenna gave him a glare. “Don't speak like this”, she hissed. “Don't take away what little hope they have. They need to get inside the Great Hall” He gave her a nod. “They have to”, he agreed. “I won't. But maybe you can safe yourself. Maybe you can safe my daughter”
Once again, noise from the gate caused Jenna to snap her attention back at it. She gasped as she witnessed a gruesome scene. The first to charge from the second wave weren't common fighters. They had long, thin throwing spears in their hands, as they charged at the defenders.
“Shields up!”, Nora screamed and it was the slight twisting of her body she made as she gave the order that likely saved her life. A spear that would have hit her at the centre of the chest instead only tore through her left upper arm, the wooden deeply digging through the flesh. She let out a short scream as she stumbled backwards, two feet of broken wood in her shield arm, as she fell to the ground.
Others were less lucky. Never before had Jenna seen so much death, especially in such a short time. The defenders lost half of their numbers in this single attack, as the spears impaled chests and heads, killing and maiming in a gruesome way.
“Captain!”, Federico yelled, as he left the shield wall to pull her back. “Nora, stay with me!” He looked up, his eyes finding the obese guardsman. “You there! Get your fat ass over here!” Visibly thankful for the opportunity to leave the shield wall, he rushed towards the two. “Carry her to the other refugees. We mustn't lose her!”
“But Ser, who's in command then?”, one of the guards yelled, as they prepared for the next charge. Federico sighed and form afar, Jenna saw the pain on his face. “That would be me, soldier!”, he growled, as he jumped back into the shield wall. “Shields up!”, he yelled. “Don't give in! Throw them back! For Raylansfair, for all of us!”
The fat guardsman lifted up Nora, without any effort, as he turned to the bulk of refugees in front of the Great Hall. As fast as he could, he rushed away from the fighting, while the others remained behind, half a dozen men from Raylansfair and the same number from the Rock.
“We need to get you inside”, Jenna hissed, as she grabbed the commander by the shoulders. She cursed herself for not being stronger, as she was unable to pull him even a tiny bit in his armour. Hackor mildly allowed her to try it, though the pained look on his face made it clear to her that she was hurting him more than helping him.
With a frustrated groan, she reached for the small knife on his belt. “You are still alive”, she told him sternly. “This city needs you. Don't you dare just dying now. Don't you dare giving up!” With these words, she cut the leather bindings that tied the armour together. Finally, she was able to remove the heavy breastplate.
Hackor sighed deeply and Jenna gasped as she saw the extent of his wounds. “Are you still so convinced that I'm going to make it?”, he asked, as tears welled up in her eyes. He was still wearing chainmail underneath and she was sure she could drag him now, but she wasn't so sure anymore that it would change anything. The thin steel rings were torn at several places. Two wounds were particularly deep and dark puddles of blood stained the metal at these points.
“Woodbark got me badly, worse than I was willing to admit”, Hackor sighed. “But I didn't want to unsettle Arthur back in the moment” He glanced at his unconscious daughter. “Later, I had more important things to do”, he whispered. “Check up on her”
Jenna gave him a nod, unable to say anything without breaking down. Instead, she moved towards Aditha and gently wiped away the strands of hair from her face. “She will make it”, she stated, her voice a shaky, tear-stained mess. “But as long as she's unconscious, I can't really say if she suffered any other damage”
“She will make it”, Hackor repeated in a hopeful tone. “That is why you have to save her. I lost her once. I won't let it happen again” He said something else, but the words were drowned in the clash of steel against wood, as the Ironborn launched their third attack against the dwindling defenders of the castle.
This time, Jenna noticed that the Ironborn numbers had grown smaller as well. They couldn't be all, merely a splinter of what was waiting down in the city, but they were nonetheless intimidating. Yet for every dead defender, two of them lay on the ground. They still kept coming.
Federico, now essentially commanding what little was left of the defences, fought like a lion. Now wavering, he remained in the shield wall, swinging his sword whenever getting the opportunity. Behind him, the men from the Rock put their spears to good use. Yet whenever one of the Ironborn managed to push through the shields, they were the first to die. Even their general had to fight now and Jenna noticed that he did so with far more panic than his men.
It was in this moment that something truly unexpected happened. A loud, collective gasp went through the smallfolk, as the doors to the Great Hall got opened, just a gap at first. Through this gap, Jenna spotted Lord Tyrell, next to an older woman, who wore her white hair in a long braid over her shoulder.
The castellan of Highgarden looked angry and deeply worried. “Mylady, close the door! You'll doom us all!”, he said, as he grabbed her hand. The older woman instantly broke free of his grip and gave him a heavy slap across the face, enough to make him stagger back into the room. “Get in here!”, she yelled. “Everyone, get in here!”
Loud cheers erupted, as the masses in the courtyard waltzed into the building. Jenna heard a voice calling her name and as she looked up, she saw Carma in the distance, as she and her children got dragged with the massive crowd, her friend unable to help her, as she remained next to Aditha and Hackor. Neither of the smallfolk turned back to help them.
“We can't win this!”, Tallian screamed, as the Ironborn retreated once again, no doubt in order to prepare for their final attack. By now, the shield wall had shrunken to about half a dozen men, only two of which still belonged to the Rock. Federico and three others were barely able to block the gates on their own with their shields.
“We can buy them time”, Federico answered, glancing at the masses that still made their way into the Great Hall. Jenna knew they needed more time. And she knew she still had to do something about Hackor. She couldn't take him and Aditha both, she was barely able to carry one of them. “Help!”, she screamed, to no avail, as the others were too far away to hear her, or too far away to bother at least.
“We're all going to die!”, Tallian barked. “We gotta go no, while they don't attack us!” Federico sent a glare into his direction. “It is our duty to protect these people”, he spoke. We swore an oath!” Tallian shook his head, as he looked at the Ironborn, who once again charged up the path. “Your oath, not mine”, he said and Jenna heard a sort of panic in his voice which even she never felt. “I am too important to die in this shithole! Men, retreat!”
He staggered backwards, while his two remaining men slightly hesitated. “Retreat!”, he barked again. “This is an order! Protect your general! Cover me!” His voice had grown shaky and shrill, as he started to rush to the Great Hall. His men showed visible reluctance, but neither of the two was able to resist a direct order. Slowly, shields and spears raised, they followed him, walking backwards and always facing the gates.
“Tallian!”, Federico screamed. In this moment, the Ironborn launched their final attack. Federico had his back turned on them for a moment, as he looked at the general. He turned back to the fight a second too late to full parry the Ironborn that took a swing with his axe at him. Only barely did the young guard manage to deflect a blow that would have split his skull. Instead, it carved across the right side of his face, still with considerable force.
Jenna screamed in horror, as Federico stumbled around and she was able to see the damage the strike did to him. The right side of his face was a bloody pulp, the cheek split open, the cheekbone smashed, the right eye covered in so much blood that she didn't even know if it was still there.
He staggered, but remained on his feet, as he turned around, parrying the next strike with his shield. His movements were sluggish, dazed and tired, as he only sloppily parried the next strike. The raider, towering above him, unleashed a blur of strikes against the young man, hacking against the shield, before knocking away the sword.
His next attack hit Federico below the ribs. The guard gasped, as the raider raised his axe once again, smashing it down onto Federico's head, two times, before letting go of his dead opponent. Behind him the other Ironborn finished dispatching of the remaining castle guard, leaving the gates unprotected.
“You have to go, now!”, Hackor growled and his strength returned to him. Jenna wasn't even looking at him, she was only able to stare at the corpse of Federico. A sudden, paralysing fear threatened to overcome her, as she realized that this would be how she'd end. “Jenna!”, Hackor barked at her. “Get Aditha to the Great Hall!”
She looked at him, wide-eyed and with an open mouth. “But... but what about you?”, she gasped. She couldn't leave him, couldn't make this decision, couldn't live with the guilt of having left him to die, could she? She looked up and saw the Ironborn that killed Federico approaching her, a twisted grin on his face. Behind him, the other Ironborn approached the courtyard.
Before he came close enough to force her to run, he stopped all of a sudden. His grin faded, as he looked past Jenna. She looked up, as she heard the sound of someone heavy dashing across the courtyard into the direction of the gate. Then, she spotted a figure charging past her, a knight, clad in heavy armour, wearing a tabard of black and gold and wielding a greatsword. A full helmet was obscuring his features, but Jenna noticed that he had the physique of a warrior.
“Durrandon!”, he screamed at the top of his lungs, as he easily broke through the block of the Ironborn that had killed Federico. The raider was hauled across the courtyard for half a dozen feet by the blow and the knight stopped right above him. A terrified shriek was all he was able to get out, as the knight struck his sword down onto him, over and over again. Above the shrieks of the dying man, Jenna heard a far more chilling sound. The knight was laughing.
“Splendid”, he growled, as he came closer to the other raiders. “It appears I get my fight after all” The sight of him, towering above the men he approached, was terrifying enough for them to cause them to slowly retreat to the gates. They outnumbered him twelve to one, but unlike him, they had no armour to protect themselves, nothing but the occasional shield.
“Yes, back off, that's right”, the knight said as he stopped in front of the gate. “You're facing Ser Emphryus Dresfel now. I am not a barely trained boy like the ones you just cut down. I am a sworn knight of House Durrandon and the best swordsman in this world” His sword cut through the dusty ground in front of him, leaving a long, thin line. “And I am going to kill every single one of you that dares to cross this line” Behind his calmness, there was an aura of anger and a strange anticipation of the coming fight.
"So, what do you say?", he growled. "Are you ready to face your Drowned God? Are you ready to tell him of your pathetic failure? Are you ready to die by my hand, every last one of you, slaughtered like the pigs you are?" The sheer confidence he oozed was enough to make the Ironborn hesitate to actually attack him, while more and more of the smallfolk managed to safely get into the Great Hall. But confidence alone wasn't enough, as finally, the Ironborn got the courage to attack.
One of them raised his axe and charged at Emphruys, who had spread his arms, as if to taunt them. Then, with a speed that was remarkable in his armour, his gloved hand moved upwards, grabbing the raider's arm before he reached them, before impaling him with his sword. His own screams, mixing fury with joy, were louder than anything the dying man was able to utter.
“Is this all?”, he barked at the top of his lungs. “IS THIS ALL YOU GOT?” He once more spread his arms and this time his taunt was effective enough to provoke all of them into attacking. Laughing loudly, he grabbed his sword with both hands, before swinging it, using the superior range to gut the first man that came close enough.
With a roaring battlecry, Emphryus attacked the man to his right. The raider parried, but was not prepared for the heavy kick against the shin he received afterwards. Quickly, Emphryus stepped around him, putting his opponent between himself and the other raiders, as he decapitated him with a single strike.
Pointing his blade at the Ironborn, he charged right back at them and the fury of his attack was a terrifying sight to behold. The men separated to avoid being hit by him, until he was in their midst, which was when they all closed in. Emphryus parried a strike to his right, wielding his sword with one hand, using the steel of his glove to parry another strike to his left. He followed this by turning to the left completely and gutting the man whose attack he just parried with his sword. Spinning around, he parried an attack from the man behind him, before impaling the man to his right.
Of course, he wasn't invincible. They landed hits on him, a great number of them. But his armour was more than sturdy enough to prevent anything worse than bruises. One of the Ironborn brought his axe down on his helmet, momentarily forcing Emphryus to pause, though in return, the raider receive a split skull, when the greatsword tore through his unprotected head. Another raider managed to get several hits against Emphryus' back and while he failed to break through the steel, he nonetheless used an amount of force that had to be highly painful. In return, the knight slammed his elbow into the raider's face, to send him to the ground.
“He can't win”, Jenna said, as she noticed how the dozens of hits he received did slow Emphryus down after all. While not enough to draw blood, they had to be painful nonetheless, as the Ironborn closed in on him, to shower him with attacks, their strikes causing a shrill cacophony as they hit his armour. Occasionally, he landed an attack as well, though unlike theirs, his were lethal almost all this time. But they still outnumbered him seven to one by now and there were a handful of others still running up the hill.
“He can only buy us time”, Hackor confirmed, before he sternly looked at Jenna. “Which is why you have to go now!” She tensed up, knowing that he was right, knowing that she had waited for too long already. But she didn't want to make this decision, she still hoped for a miracle. She didn't want to leave Hackor. He was wounded, yes, but she knew of his importance to the city. Maybe he could survive, maybe there was a way to save his life. However, neither did she want to leave Aditha, knowing exactly what the Ironborn would do to her.
“I want you to grab my daughter and to bring her to the Great Hall”, Hackor growled. With what little strength remained inside of him, he managed to push himself up, so that he was able to rest on his elbows. He threw a pleading look at her as she felt tears welling up in her eyes again and the crushing burden of being responsible for the life she would save.
“You want to do the right thing. I respect that”, he said, not without softness. “So listen to me please. I have seen many wounds in my life and I know how bad things look for me. And I am ready. So save my daughter. Tell her that I love her. Tell my son how much I admire him. Tell them how sorry I am for never saying these things myself” He sighed, as he glanced towards his spear, lying just two feet away from him. “And let me die with some dignity”
We know that Hackor won't survive,let's do the right thing and save his daughter to make him at least know that his death won't be useless
Such an epic part Liquid!I really FEEL the tention!Like in the moment that the cityguards save our heroes at the beginning of this part!Or the moment the people discover that the gate will remain open!
Wow,the city guards give all to protect the gate! Nora almost die and Federico,wow I can't even make dumb jokes about his name now,take the command of the city protectors giving his own life!
Well,if I must be honest Tallian and his soldiers did a good job during this fight even if they escape at the end (but is something that I can partially understand since this is not their fight)
Lord Tyrell has been bitch slaped!
Ser Emphryus Dresfel show everyone who is the BADASS today!
I'm the only one that this part remember the speech that Ser Ilhan give at Jenna at the beginning of the story?
Now that I think about it,where is Stratford??
In the end I can really feel the sadness reading the dialogue between Jenna and Hackor T-T
Go on Liquid,you are doing a good job because this chapter continue to be epic...and we must still reach his ending!
Hackor smiled as she knelt down next to him. “Such a good girl”, he whispered. He extended his hand and she grabbed it, tensing up as she no… moreticed how weak his grip was. Behind him, the masses of smallfolk grew increasingly more panicked, as the doors to the Great Hall, the only protection they had left, weren't opening, as they begged to be let in, cursed those inside and screamed at the gods for mercy. It was almost baffling for Jenna how calm she was in comparison to them.
“I tried”, she whispered and Hackor gave her a nod. “You and me both, Harking, you and me both” Being mentioned by her last name was something highly unusual for Jenna and she neede a moment to pull herself together. “I am sorry commander”, she said. “I should have tried more”
And in that moment, the Ironborn had reached the shield wall. They clashed into it with all their rage and even though half a dozen of them died in an instant when they got pushed into the spe… [view original content]
Hackor smiled as she knelt down next to him. “Such a good girl”, he whispered. He extended his hand and she grabbed it, tensing up as she no… moreticed how weak his grip was. Behind him, the masses of smallfolk grew increasingly more panicked, as the doors to the Great Hall, the only protection they had left, weren't opening, as they begged to be let in, cursed those inside and screamed at the gods for mercy. It was almost baffling for Jenna how calm she was in comparison to them.
“I tried”, she whispered and Hackor gave her a nod. “You and me both, Harking, you and me both” Being mentioned by her last name was something highly unusual for Jenna and she neede a moment to pull herself together. “I am sorry commander”, she said. “I should have tried more”
And in that moment, the Ironborn had reached the shield wall. They clashed into it with all their rage and even though half a dozen of them died in an instant when they got pushed into the spe… [view original content]
We know that Hackor won't survive,let's do the right thing and save his daughter to make him at least know that his death won't be useless
Well, at the very least he thinks that he won't survive, but there's the chance that he is just feeling light-headed and no longer rational after losing so much blood. He is dangerously wounded, that much is for sure. However, all I can say is that this choice will be more important than just that and that some things will change quite heavily depending on the outcome you choose.
Such an epic part Liquid!I really FEEL the tention!Like in the moment that the cityguards save our heroes at the beginning of this part!Or the moment the people discover that the gate will remain open!
I am happy to hear this! I have hoped for such an effect, though I wasn't sure if I'd achieve it. After all, this was something new for me as well, the first time we had a big fight without the PoV being involved in any way. But it is great to hear that you enjoyed it so much.
Wow,the city guards give all to protect the gate! Nora almost die and Federico,wow I can't even make dumb jokes about his name now,take the command of the city protectors giving his own life!
Indeed. That's some pretty big dedication to duty there. The thing is, they all know that they have nowhere to run anymore, with the Ironborn attacking the castle. There is no truly safe spot in the entire city at this point. If they abandon their posts, they get killed. Many of them have family members among the smallfolk that was in the courtyard, so they died in the attempt to keep the Ironborn away from their loved ones. Federico however deserves true credit here, because he doesn't even have that and he is one of the newest guardsmen in Raylansfair, meaning he literally died to protect strangers simply because it is the good thing to do. That guy surely deserved more credit than I was able to gave him over the course of the story.
Well,if I must be honest Tallian and his soldiers did a good job during this fight even if they escape at the end (but is something that I can partially understand since this is not their fight)
Indeed, that is Tallian's justification for retreating as well. He knew this was hopeless and at least in his opinion, he is indeed far too important for the future of his kingdom to die in such a raid, which is more or less a footnote in the greater events that happen in Westeros. It doesn't really make him less of a coward, since fear was his primary reason for retreat, but it gives him some very good ground to defend his decision later on. And to his defense, he lost about 80% of his men in this fight before deciding that this is not worth his life.
Lord Tyrell has been bitch slaped!
And never in the history of bitch slaps has there ever be a more well-earned bitch slap! At least in my opinion, Tyrell has proven himself to be even more of a coward than Tallian by all means, since he even held (and still helds) back his knights. Just imagine what a dozen men like Emphryus could achieve in the city. Well, perhaps not exactly like Emphryus, but similarly heavily armed.
Ser Emphryus Dresfel show everyone who is the BADASS today!
Oh yes, he is finally getting a chance to prove that his reputation is justified. A couple pages ago, I once described him as part Barristan Selmy, part Smiling Knight and that has been the scene that was in my mind when making the comparison. In fact, this is part of one of the longest-planned moments in the entire story, which I had literally the moment I have received Emphryus, over two years ago.
I'm the only one that this part remember the speech that Ser Ilhan give at Jenna at the beginning of the story?
I remember it as well! It's save to say that Jenna came a long way from the girl she used to be back then, when Ilhan told her about monsters. He also told her about the dangers that are, among others, posed by the Ironborn. And ah, I can promise that this will come into play for Jenna in the future again. Ilhan's words had a deep influence on her, even if it took her a while to get to the point where she was able to draw strength from them.
Now that I think about it,where is Stratford??
He is still in the city, with everyone still alive from the city guard. With Hackor out of comission and potentially dying, he's the current acting commander of the city guard. Things certainly don't look good for him, but he remains fighting. Right now, his exact position should be somewhere around the town square. Thing is, the city is far from overrun, even if the Ironborn are currently winning. These men have solely been the ones that have been sent by Torvin in his first part in this chapter, who finally saw a good opportunity to take the castle. The other raiders are still involved in heavy fights and Stratford is making sure that they have to bleed for every inch they conquer.
In the end I can really feel the sadness reading the dialogue between Jenna and Hackor T-T
That is another thing I am happy to hear about. Hackor is a very tragic character, who is constantly celebrated for an act he sees as his greatest failure (leading the city guard against the Ironborn instead of protecting his family) and in this part, I intended to show as much as possible of this underlying sadness that has always been with him. It is the first time he really opened up in the story and revealed his flaws to someone and I am glad I got the reaction I was aiming for.
Wow..WOW!This part was E-P-I-C!
[Take Aditha with you]
We know that Hackor won't survive,let's do the right thing and save his daughte… morer to make him at least know that his death won't be useless
* Such an epic part Liquid!I really FEEL the tention!Like in the moment that the cityguards save our heroes at the beginning of this part!Or the moment the people discover that the gate will remain open!
* Wow,the city guards give all to protect the gate! Nora almost die and Federico,wow I can't even make dumb jokes about his name now,take the command of the city protectors giving his own life!
* Well,if I must be honest Tallian and his soldiers did a good job during this fight even if they escape at the end (but is something that I can partially understand since this is not their fight)
* Lord Tyrell has been bitch slaped!
* Ser Emphryus Dresfel show everyone who is the BADASS today!
* I'm the only one that this part remember t… [view original content]
Ugh, I can't decide, so I'm gonna have to work this out here
-Both of Hackor's children get to hear that their father did love them
-Aditha lives
-Hackor goes out on his terms
-If Tyrell uses common sense and sends out his knights, then Hackor will be more likely to survive than if he's moved, and neither of them die(hopefully).
-Hackor dies
-Hackor never gets to tell his children all the things he wants to personally
-Jenna beats herself up over the guilt
-Aditha would probably say something along the lines of take him, not me, he's needed more.
-The last main male leader of Raylansfair might survive
-If Tyrell uses common sense and sends out his knights, then they both survive.
-Hackor gets a moment with his son where he can make amends
-Aditha dies, likely leading to a really dark mood for Hackor in the next book, possibly making him unfit for any sort of ruling seat.
-Jenna beats herself up over the guilt
-Arthur will probably be very angry at Jenna for letting his sister die
-There's no healers at the castle, so he still might die
as much as I may dislike it, I have to say [Take Aditha with you]
Kudos on making such a difficult decision happen Liquid.
I honestly have to say, I hate myself right now. I rarely end up feeling this way about choices, and the last time I did this was with Asher and Rodrik, and I can't think of the time before that, and I must say, I love it!
Hackor smiled as she knelt down next to him. “Such a good girl”, he whispered. He extended his hand and she grabbed it, tensing up as she no… moreticed how weak his grip was. Behind him, the masses of smallfolk grew increasingly more panicked, as the doors to the Great Hall, the only protection they had left, weren't opening, as they begged to be let in, cursed those inside and screamed at the gods for mercy. It was almost baffling for Jenna how calm she was in comparison to them.
“I tried”, she whispered and Hackor gave her a nod. “You and me both, Harking, you and me both” Being mentioned by her last name was something highly unusual for Jenna and she neede a moment to pull herself together. “I am sorry commander”, she said. “I should have tried more”
And in that moment, the Ironborn had reached the shield wall. They clashed into it with all their rage and even though half a dozen of them died in an instant when they got pushed into the spe… [view original content]
A great part! And damn that bitch Sherryl. Of course, we knew about her little sabotage already, but seeing the effects of it now... Just shows how much of an evil bitch she is. Anyway, I really enjoyed Hackor in this part, he is a great guy, and it'll be a big loss if he dies - for Raylansfair, and I assume even more for Aditha and Arthur. That said...
[Take Aditha with you] This is a hard choice, but it's what Hackor wants. And honestly, it's what any loving father would want, so going against his wish here would just feel wrong. Many bring up that Hackor is the last capable leader in Raylansfair, which I more or less agree with, but like he himself pointed out, new leaders will always rise as the old ones fall.
Hackor smiled as she knelt down next to him. “Such a good girl”, he whispered. He extended his hand and she grabbed it, tensing up as she no… moreticed how weak his grip was. Behind him, the masses of smallfolk grew increasingly more panicked, as the doors to the Great Hall, the only protection they had left, weren't opening, as they begged to be let in, cursed those inside and screamed at the gods for mercy. It was almost baffling for Jenna how calm she was in comparison to them.
“I tried”, she whispered and Hackor gave her a nod. “You and me both, Harking, you and me both” Being mentioned by her last name was something highly unusual for Jenna and she neede a moment to pull herself together. “I am sorry commander”, she said. “I should have tried more”
And in that moment, the Ironborn had reached the shield wall. They clashed into it with all their rage and even though half a dozen of them died in an instant when they got pushed into the spe… [view original content]
That is a great compliment, thank you! The Asher/Rodrik choice has been one of the hardest choices in the Telltale games for me, probably even the hardest, as well as my favourite moment from GoT, so hearing that this scene caused similar emotions in you is a pleasant surprise. While I'm not sure if there's going to be another choice that will cause such a feeling for you, I can promise that this definetly won't remain the only hard choice.
I also like your thoughts on the Pros and Cons here very much. Of course I can't go into detail there, since it might end up as an accidental spoiler, but there are some possible consequences you bring up where you are pretty close to the things I have planned in either route, even though there are a couple of points where things will happen quite differently as well. The one thing that is definitely going to happen is that Jenna is going to feel majorly guilty and arguably, she already does even before making the choice. She's in a lose-lose situation right now, because no matter what, she has to leave someone behind.
A great part! And damn that bitch Sherryl. Of course, we knew about her little sabotage already, but seeing the effects of it now... Just shows how much of an evil bitch she is.
Oh yes, this is by far the worst thing Sherryl did over the course of the story, especially as it would have been even worse if not for Helenys managing to open the gates to the Great Hall and Emphryus channeling his inner Gandalf to buy the smallfolk more time. She was absolutely willing to accept the deaths of hundreds of innocents for her goals. That said, there is going to be more about Sherryl in time. She has a bit more depth to her than just being evil.
Anyway, I really enjoyed Hackor in this part, he is a great guy, and it'll be a big loss if he dies - for Raylansfair, and I assume even more for Aditha and Arthur. That said...
I am glad to hear it! I was never sure how Hackor was received as a character (though I expected him to be received more or less favourably, safe for the times he was a jerk to Arthur), so it is nice to hear that you enjoyed him in this part! And you are right, his death is a terrible blow for Raylansfair, considering that Harris, the other capable and caring leader, has died as well in this chapter. The same goes for Arthur and Aditha and in their case, it'll be even worse once Jenna tells them about Hackor's final words for them.
A great part! And damn that bitch Sherryl. Of course, we knew about her little sabotage already, but seeing the effects of it now... Just sh… moreows how much of an evil bitch she is. Anyway, I really enjoyed Hackor in this part, he is a great guy, and it'll be a big loss if he dies - for Raylansfair, and I assume even more for Aditha and Arthur. That said...
[Take Aditha with you] This is a hard choice, but it's what Hackor wants. And honestly, it's what any loving father would want, so going against his wish here would just feel wrong. Many bring up that Hackor is the last capable leader in Raylansfair, which I more or less agree with, but like he himself pointed out, new leaders will always rise as the old ones fall.
Hackor smiled as she knelt down next to him. “Such a good girl”, he whispered. He extended his hand and she grabbed it, tensing up as she no… moreticed how weak his grip was. Behind him, the masses of smallfolk grew increasingly more panicked, as the doors to the Great Hall, the only protection they had left, weren't opening, as they begged to be let in, cursed those inside and screamed at the gods for mercy. It was almost baffling for Jenna how calm she was in comparison to them.
“I tried”, she whispered and Hackor gave her a nod. “You and me both, Harking, you and me both” Being mentioned by her last name was something highly unusual for Jenna and she neede a moment to pull herself together. “I am sorry commander”, she said. “I should have tried more”
And in that moment, the Ironborn had reached the shield wall. They clashed into it with all their rage and even though half a dozen of them died in an instant when they got pushed into the spe… [view original content]
[Take Hackor with you] this is quite an easy choice. This way if Hackor survives, which probably won't because of how wounded he is and the choice we made as to letting Mathea leave. And if he doesn't Arthur gets all sorts of development. And I don't think Aditya is gonna die, but probably get snatched as a salt wife. There was so much emotion in this part. I'm so glad how tragic of a character Hackor is has been shown. I've always waited for this moment and it all I could've ever hope for. Fedeccini went out like a boss. He is a model guard and Federation finally got his chance to shine. Nora will now gotta live this guilt, which is gonna be interesting. Dresfel was definitely a sight for sore eyes. All and all, such a great part Liquid.
Hackor smiled as she knelt down next to him. “Such a good girl”, he whispered. He extended his hand and she grabbed it, tensing up as she no… moreticed how weak his grip was. Behind him, the masses of smallfolk grew increasingly more panicked, as the doors to the Great Hall, the only protection they had left, weren't opening, as they begged to be let in, cursed those inside and screamed at the gods for mercy. It was almost baffling for Jenna how calm she was in comparison to them.
“I tried”, she whispered and Hackor gave her a nod. “You and me both, Harking, you and me both” Being mentioned by her last name was something highly unusual for Jenna and she neede a moment to pull herself together. “I am sorry commander”, she said. “I should have tried more”
And in that moment, the Ironborn had reached the shield wall. They clashed into it with all their rage and even though half a dozen of them died in an instant when they got pushed into the spe… [view original content]
Hackor smiled as she knelt down next to him. “Such a good girl”, he whispered. He extended his hand and she grabbed it, tensing up as she no… moreticed how weak his grip was. Behind him, the masses of smallfolk grew increasingly more panicked, as the doors to the Great Hall, the only protection they had left, weren't opening, as they begged to be let in, cursed those inside and screamed at the gods for mercy. It was almost baffling for Jenna how calm she was in comparison to them.
“I tried”, she whispered and Hackor gave her a nod. “You and me both, Harking, you and me both” Being mentioned by her last name was something highly unusual for Jenna and she neede a moment to pull herself together. “I am sorry commander”, she said. “I should have tried more”
And in that moment, the Ironborn had reached the shield wall. They clashed into it with all their rage and even though half a dozen of them died in an instant when they got pushed into the spe… [view original content]
All things considered, I'd give Samuel the advantage here. Ryler is stronger, but strength is not everything. Samuel has over a decade more fighting experience and is the more naturally skilled swordsman, which beats raw physical strength. Ryler would certainly not be his easiest enemy, by far not, but Samuel would take him.
Yeah, as much as I like Ulaf, the Moggy is out of his league. He claims to be the strongest man in Westeros, but the Moggy actually is the strongest man in Westeros. Don't get me wrong there, Ulaf has actual fighting experience, but hasn't had a real fight in years, whereas the Moggy's sole purpose is to kill. Ulaf's style relies on his strength and size, so someone that is vastly stronger and taller won't have a problem with beating him.
You mean Wolfius with his warg powers, right? Otherwise, it would be a very one-sided fight in favour of the Tom. Now however, Wolfius would probably take him. Thing is, the Tom knows Wolfius and he knows a lot of things about him, but not the warg detail. And well, it is a really important detail when it comes to dealing with him, so not knowing it will put the Tom at a serious disadvantage. Both have the instinct of a true killer, so they only need this tiny disadvantage in their opponent to end the fight instantly.
It depends wether or not Raenna gets time to prepare. If she doesn't get any time to prepare, if the fight starts immediately, the Nymeria would straight-up murder Raenna. However, if there will be time to prepare, then I believe Raenna could come up with something to get up on top there. It would be far harder for her than for Nymeria though.
I'd say this is the hardest fight in this bunch, as both have a very similar level of skill. On top of that, both express strong flaws that put them at a disadvantage. In case of Rodrik, it's his arrogance, which also got him killed when he foolishly ignored Sasha, who had a loaded crossbow lying next to her. In case of Clayton, it's his hatred towards Kersea and his refusal to grant her the satisfaction of killing him. They are very flawed villains, which is why they ultimately had to fail. I'd say Clayton wins thanks to being more intelligent and more pragmatic with anything unrelated to Kersea, whereas Rodrik is always an arrogant asshole, so he always has this flaw Clayton can exploit.
[Order Behara to remain upstairs]
[Allow Behara to go down with you]
[Order Behara to remain upstairs]
The Voting is closed!
Janae is going to order Behara to remain upstairs
I was quite interested in this choice, as I wasn't sure how highly you'd value Behara's wish to actually contribute to the current events. It seems, most of you see her safety as more important than that and I am inclined to agree. On top of that, she will be able to cover Janae from up there, even though she's far from a good archer. Speaking of Janae, I am happy her first part has been generally well-received, but don't expect the longest storyline from her in Book 1. She's mostly there to introduce one particular plotline that will play a massive role in later chapters. As a result, her next part, which will be out relatively soon, is going to be her last part in this chapter. The same goes for most of the characters, save for Sadie and Drent, who have two parts left.
Speaking of Sadie, she's going to be the sole PoV for the next part. At least she's currently planned to be the sole PoV. I might manage to include someone else, which would be Drent, but it's currently not looking like it. Thing is, I am not entirely sure if I will manage to finish the part today. I'm a bit in a hurry and about to head out, so I won't be back for several hours. I also have to go to university tomorrow, so no all-nighter for me. I'm having made good progress today, but it remains to be seen if I truly manage to finish the part today. I'm hopeful and that is usually a good sign. If it won't be out today, expect it tomorrow for sure
So, the last time we saw Sadie has been longer than I wanted it to be, but well, nothing I can change about it now. Her next to parts should be quite the big ones though, so I hope you're going to enjoy them. Last time we saw her, she had just joined Leo's sellswords during their defend of Maybros. More specifically, she joined the group of Blane Banefort, one of Leo's lieutenant's, who had the job to circle the city, to flank the Ironborn. While doing so, they noticed that Baelor Bloodbane and his soldiers had gotten under attack during their return from the castle outside of Maybros. Blane was unsure if he should help them, as it would technically mean that he might be unable to go through with his mission in time, but Sadie adviced him to do it. The next part will begin directly afterwards.
Since I'm curious I want to ask:since all the PoV's from now on will have only a part (except Sadie and Drent that have two and Samantha that have,together with the deceased Lyra,finish her storyline for this chapter) will Ellena have only a part inside this chapter?
Ah, I forgot to mention Ellena. She is most likely going to have two parts, but there is a good reason why they are going to happen so late in the chapter, as they are depending on developments in the final part of another particular storyline, which is not yet finished. Also, Richard, Samantha and most likely Maya won't have additional parts in this chapter, but Richard will be seen in the final part of another PoV. I'm also considering giving Maya at least one short additional part to tie up her storyline for this chapter. But other than that, the rest is going to have only one part and most of them will be only half as long as the full part length, therefore enabling me to put out two PoV's in one part.
“Do it”, Sadie urged him, glancing at the Maybros garrison, locked in a deadly fight with the Ironborn raiders. “We might need their help. There's strength in numbers an if we don't help them, if they lose, these raiders down there might flank us instead!”
Blane sighed, still hesitating. “Leo won't like that”, he mumbled and now, Sadie shot him a glare. “And how do you think will he feel about some Ironborn flanking him because his lieutenant has been too stubborn to do something against it?”, she said. To this, he gave her a surprised look, followed by a quick smile. “You speak the truth”, he said.
Sadie rolled her eyes, almost playfully. “I know I do”, she agreed. “Now order the men to help Baelor and his soldiers” He gave her a nod. “You heard her!”, he barked loudly. “Get marching! Let's save these poor bastards” A few of his men saluted quickly, though the most already turned to the fighting that took place on the road.
“Charge!”, Blane ordered and they followed the order without questions. Sadie herself found herself next to Baelor at the back of the attack, something she usually wouldn't have been particularly fond of. In this case however, she was glad for the opportunity to keep an eye on Dan, who was staying close to her.
The first lines of the sellswords already clashed into the back of the raiders. While the Ironborn saw them coming, they were unable to fully turn around quick enough without risking being cornered by Baelor's men. They went from a slightly superior position into a vastly outnumbered one almost in an instant, as steel clashed against steel.
Slowly, the Ironborn started to waver. They sold their lives at a cost, but they died. Sadie already felt the adrenaline rushing through her, as she spotted the raiders. She exchanged a glance with Dan, who looked considerably more worried. Not that she couldn't understand him. It was the first time he was in such a battle and it was probably a very good thing that he remained behind.
In the end, she didn't even get into any fight herself, something she didn't particularly mind. It didn't take long for the Ironborn to realize that they would get slaughtered, stuck between two hosts. Their ranks broke at last, as they tried to escape. A couple of them even managed to, but it was only a tiny portion of the dozens that had tried to intercept Baelor and his men. Wisely, Blane did not decide to waste any time with chasing them.
Sadie glanced over the small army of sellswords and soldiers that had gathered on the road in front of her. The soldiers had taken most of the losses. Only about thirty of them remained. The sellswords meanwhile had taken way fewer losses, but Sadie nonetheless spotted the occasional red and golden tunic of the Forgotten lying on the ground. In exchange, Sadie guessed that about fifty Ironborn had died here.
Her eyes met Blane's who had come to the same conclusion. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. His lips formed a thin smile, as he gave her a nod. Then, he turned towards the soldiers. She spotted the intimidating figure of Baelor Bloodbane. He was standing slightly hunched and with a hand on the heavy breastplate that protected his chest. His other hand was wrapped around his large battleaxe, which he used as a cane, to keep himself standing in.
“Took you damn long”, he growled as Blane and Sadie approached him, though he managed a thankful nod. “But I'm glad you came” Blane shrugged, before he raised his eyebrows at Sadie. “Well, you owe that to her”, he stated bluntly. “She convinced me that this was the right thing”
Baelor sighed, as he straightened his back again. “Well, then I owe you my gratitude, mylady”, he stated, as he looked towards Sadie. “I'd kneel, but would prefer not to” Sadie raised her hands, to signal to him that she didn't require any gestures of affection. “Are you wounded, Ser?”, she asked, a hint of concern in her voice. Baelor shook his head. “Got a hit to the guts, but the steel saved my life”, he explained. “It hurts like hell, but I'll get through it. A Bloodbane's not going down gently”
He glanced at Dan and a grin appeared on his face. “Is that the merchant?”, he asked, as he walked up to him. Dan gave him a proud look, as the warrior patted him on the back. “Not looking like a milksop anymore!” Then, he looked over to Sadie. “Surprised you'd even let him come”
Dan shrugged. “I won't run while y'all have to fight here”, he said and smiled at Sadie. “Besides, I picked up quite some tricks during our travels. I learned from the best” To this, she rolled her eyes. “You've been in exactly zero fights, my dear”, she answered. “Standing in the back of one doesn't count, so don't get cocky now”
“Well, what now?”, Baelor growled, as his men had gathered around him. Blane's men had taken position behind their leader, who looked towards the city. “Leo and the others need our help”, he said. “By now, I bet he already engaged the main force of the Ironborn at the market square. That's why we helped you. We hoped you might assist” Baelor gave him a nod. “For my city, I'll fight by your side”, he agreed. Blane instantly turned fully towards Maybros, lying on the hill above them. From afar, Sadie heard the sound of a massive battle going on.
“Let's go then!”, Blane barked, as he started moving again. Sadie was next to him, with Dan shortly behind them. Suddenly, they were marching in front of the sellswords, an odd feeling, considering that they had grown to nearly a hundred now that Baelor's men were with them.
“You're pretty good at that”, Blane said and she looked up. “What do you mean?”, she said, raising an eyebrow in confusion. He smirked, as if he just had the best idea in his whole life. “At leading”, he said. This only strengthened her confusion. “I'm sorry, but... what?”, she asked.
His smirk turned into a smile. A rather charming one, as she had to admit. “What I mean is, I think you have a talent for leading these men”, he said. She smirked, though avoided to look him right in the eye. “Yeah, sure”, she said sarcastically and he straightened his back. “I'm being serious right now”, he told her. “Hell, look at me. I needed you to tell me to do the right thing just a few minutes ago. You're obviously better than I am”
She suppressed a chuckle, as she noticed that he was indeed serious. Ridiculous, yet serious. “Doesn't mean I am a good leader”, she stated. “I got no experience as a leader. In fact, I'd feel more at home in line with the others than in the back shouting orders at them”
He raised an eyebrow. “You've been a soldier?”, he asked and she gave him a nod. “For three years. Fought for Durrandon in the Dornish Marches” This obviously made him curious and she almost regretted that she had brought it up. “What made you quit?”, he asked and her smile got visibly strained. “Family problems”, she answered. “The bad kind”
Silence followed, only interrupted by Blane's audible gulp, as they marched up the dusty road. “I see”, he said. “Sorry for asking then” She shook her head. “It's fine”, she said, though it wasn't. “It was good that I got out there. Who knows where I would have ended up if I would have remained in the army”
“Promoted to a high rank, I'd like to imagine”, Blane answered with a wink. She chuckled thinly. “Or lying in a nameless grave beneath the marches”, she spoke. “Your idea sounds almost worse. I am no leader and trust me, things are better when I don't have to pull the strings”
“I disagree”, Blane told her. “And I believe so does Leo. He's always looking for capable officers” His blunt suggestion put a smile on Sadie's face. “Nay, not me”, she disagreed. “There are three types of people in an army who should lead. Highborn, cripples and cowards, or any combination of the three. I'm neither, so my place is on the battlefield”
“And yet I'm leading these men”, Blane stated. “At least consider it. The Forgotten could always need someone like you” She raised an eyebrow. “And what do you mean by that?”, she asked. Her smile caught him off guard. “Well, you're pretty... pretty good at that, I mean”, he stuttered. “You got experience from a real army. The right attitude. I'm sure you'd fight right in”
She shook her head. “I don't doubt it. But there are more important things I have to take care of”, she spoke and looked at Dan, who was walking somewhere behind her. Blane noticed her glance and he raised an eyebrow. “Uh, yeah, I wanted to ask about this...”, he started and she looked at him again. “It's about Dan. I noticed you're pretty close. Does that mean you and he are, you know, together?”
It took her a moment to fully understand what he meant. Her grin got wider and she chuckled in disbelief. “What?”, she asked. “No! Seriously?” She shook her head. “He is my friend! The best one I ever had and the only one that stood with me when I needed him”
Blane looked visibly embarrassed by his question and her reaction, so he just sighed. “Well, I just thought...”, he stuttered. “When you mentioned these more important things you have to take care off...” She cut him off. “I was talking about my sister”, she hissed, half amused and half frustrated.
His eyes widened. “Ah, ah yes”, he said. “Leo mentioned her. Melanie, right? That makes sense” His embarrassment faded and his friendly, charming and slightly cocky smile returned. “I got sisters as well, you know”, he told her. “Two of them, though they are much younger than me. They are...”
He stopped by himself when the sound of fighting got stronger. Instantly, he raised a hand and his men stopped walking behind him. “Forgotten, with me!”, Leo's booming voice was heard from the end of the long street they were marching down. Sadie spotted a larger square in the distance, as she watched Leo's large figure rushing across it, holding his axe with two hands, before he was out of view again. Dozens of his men followed, charging at an enemy who was still out of sight.
“Damn it!”, Blane cursed. “We're late, we gotta hurry!” He turned to Baelor. “Bloodbane, I need you and your men to attack them from behind. Mine will flank them” Baelor instantly gave him a nod. “Not a bad idea”, he growled. “But I want a couple of yours with me. My men have been decimated. Thirty won't be much of a charge. If your men cause the Ironborn to flee, we'll be overrun”
Once more, Blane looked uncertain. Sadie knew time was off the essence, so she quickly spoke up. “I'll go with you”, she told Baelor, before she glanced at Blane, who gave her a surprised look. “What?”, she asked. “You want me to take a leadership position. Well, I fucking do now. Give me a dozen of your men and then go and help Leo. I can't have him dying here”
She had to admit, while he was not decisive, Blane was not stupid either. “Alright, alright”, he said. “You're right. Gods, it seems you're always right” She raised an eyebrow. “You can flatter me when this is over. A dozen of your men, now”, she barked and he complied. “You there”, he said, pointing at a section of his men. “You go with Sadie and Bloodbane. Listen to their orders as if they're mine or Leo's”
He looked at Sadie, slight concern on his face. “And you take care of yourself”, he said. She chuckled at his words. “Don't be afraid for me”, she said. “I survived far worse back in the day. Just focus on your own survival” With these words, she turned to Baelor. Dan followed her, while Blane and his men continued their way down the street.
“Alright, lads!”, Baelor growled towards the sellswords that were now under his command. “We go down there, then we'll get out behind the raiders on the square” He pointed down a nearby alleyway. “With me now”, he shouted and glanced towards Sadie. “You and the merchant, stay close to me”
Sadie gave him a nod, as she rushed down the streets by his side. “What is it, you don't trust me in a fight?”, she asked, half-jokingly, already feeling the familiar anxiety she always felt before a battle. Baelor gave her a nod. “Actually, yeah”, he said. “I know my men and I know Leo only picks the best for his, but I don't know how you're handling yourself in a fight. And Dan? Shouldn't even be here if you ask me”
They reached another main street and this time, the sound of the battle as audible from behind them. A grin formed on Baelor's face, as he turned to the town square. “Now we get them!”, he barked. “Follow me and show no mercy!” Grabbing the hilt of his axe with both hands, he started to charge, at a speed that made it hard for Sadie to keep up with him.
She took a moment to get an overview of the battle. The Ironborn had their backs turned on them, but they were many, more than Sadie had expected. There had to be hundreds of them, despite the dozens Blane and Baelor already defeated outside of the city. In the distance, separated from her through a thick line of raiders, she saw Leo, swinging his massive axe. Somewhere down there, Blane had to be as well.
“Charge!”, Baelor yelled, as he led them. A roaring battlecry came out of his throat, answered dozens of times, as his men and the sellswords clashed into the back of the Ironborn army. The raiders had spotted them and unlike the small group that had ambushed Baelor on his way back from the castle, this one actually defended their backs pretty well, forming a rudimentary shield wall that took away most of the momentum the charging group got.
Nonetheless, Baelor reached them first. His axe cut slightly above the shield of an unlucky raider and plunged into his throat. The man next to him turned to attack him, but that was when Sadie reached him. Holding her shield in front of her, she clashed into the raider, completely shattering his balance, causing him to stumble into the man behind him and leaving him vulnerable for Sadie's sword. She cut down, just as he moved up to defend himself. Her sword hit him at the wrist, severing the entire hand and causing the man to sink to the ground. His screams were cut short when Sadie plunged her sword into his neck.
In the meantime, Baelor had managed to get a little bit to his right, further down the line of Ironborn, while the bulk of his forces attacked more to the left. Next to Sadie, Dan had arrived, though the first raider who paid attention to him had to deal with her. A quick parry, followed by a counterattack aimed to the guts and he was no more.
It didn't take the Ironborn long to waver. Somewhere from within their ranks, Sadie heard a horn signal, which caused several of the raiders who weren't fighting yet to retreat, down the only way the troops of Baelor and Leo hadn't yet blocked, to the right side of where Sadie and her group had entered the market square.
Baelor continued to chase them, though he was stopped when two opponents engaged him at once. Sadie rushed in to help him, though another raider, who had just killed a member of the city guard, stood in her way. The man did not wait for her to attack, but instead forced her to parry, by taking a low attack. He did not expect her to parry with her sword though, which left her free to slam the shield into his face. The force of her blow stunned him and there was nothing he was able to do against her sword finding its way into his chest.
“Sadie!”, she heard Dan's voice and as she turned around, she saw him struggling with an Ironborn almost on top of him, having wrestled him to the ground. “Dan!”, she screamed, as she ran towards the two. Another raider stopped her though, by running into her way. Furiously, she started to shower him with a quick blur of strikes, while behind him, the raider on top of Dan slowly tried to push a knife into his chest.
Her sword finally broke through the raiders defences, hitting him right in the face, as she tried to reach Dan in time. It was then that her friend did something she wasn't expecting. With a quick move of both hands, he forced the knife of the raider to the side, while simultaneously embedding his teeth in the man's throat, where he bit down heavily. The raider let out a shrill, gurgling scream, as Dan pushed him off again. The merchant sluggishly rose from the ground, spatting a gush of blood and pieces of flesh onto the ground, right next to his opponent, who was bleeding out from a nasty throat wound.
It was there that Sadie reached them. The look on her face was pure shock, as she put a hand onto Dan's shoulder. “Dan, are... are you okay?”, she asked and he gave her a nod, followed by a bloody grin. “I told you I can look after myself”, he said.
Baelor' rough laughter sounded. “Well, that was a crazy sight!”, he chuckled. “How are you feeling, Dan?” Dan shrugged. “Good”, he answered, his voice shivering with adrenaline. “In fact, I'm feeling great!” Baelor patted him onto the back, still laughing. “That's the spirit!”, he said. “Keep it up and you might survive this night”
It was there when the sound was heard again. “CHARGE!”, a thundering voice sounded from the ranks of the seemingly fleeing Ironborn, who turned around instantly, to rush back at their opponents. Only that now, they had managed to cut them off, as they clashed into the flank of the soldiers. Baelor himself let out a muffled curse, as he reached for his axe. “Get ready”, he growled. “This is far from over”
With these words, he ran back into the fray that had formed as the Ironborn violently clashed into the soldiers. Sadie took a look at Dan, who was standing there, still with the raider's blood on his mouth, before she followed the soldier. She found him standing above the corpse of a raider, staring down a broad-shouldered raider. Unlike most of the Ironborn this man was wearing heavy armour. At the bevor, two large walrus tusks were implemented into the armour. Paired with a cloak of grey sealskin and a thick, brown moustache, the man had an unsettling resemblance to the animal. He held an axe in each hand, with large blades and curved hilts.
“You're Durren Stallhart”, Baelor said. “I've heard from you” The raider gave him a nod. “From widows and orphans”, he growled in return. “Whereas I've never heard your name before” Sadie tried to approach the two men, though Baelor extended a hand to stop her. “Stay out of this”, he said calmly. “This one's mine”
Stallhart smirked grimly. “A duel”, he said. “I like that. Very well, I wish to see your worth, Greenlander. May you leave another widow, another orphan” He raised his axes, just like Baelor did with his single weapon. Sadie meanwhile took a few steps back, as the fighting around her resumed. She took a moment to admire Baelor's skill, as he parried both of Stallhart's axes with the wooden hilt of his weapon, only to almost shove them back into the captain's face.
It was then that Sadie heard screams. Not any screams, but the kind she'd recognize anywhere. She spun around, seeing Dan locked in a fight with one of the raiders who were now attacking from all sides. As uncoordinated as their retreat had been, as chaotically powerful was their attack now, swarming the soldiers from all sides.
The raider swung his axe and Dan only managed to deflect it. It grazed his shoulder, cutting deeply across it and causing Dan to stumble backwards, a look of pain and fear on his face. Before Sadie could rush to his rescue, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eyes. Baelor parried one of Stallhart's axes, though the other one hit him right in the stomach area. The steel of his armour saved his life, though it was a painful hit and it left him open for the next one, when Stallhart slammed the hilt of his other axe against his forehead. And with terror, Sadie had to realize that the Ironborn captain was better than Baelor. Both needed her help, she knew that and she knew she had to make a quick decision.
[Help Baelor] [Help Dan]
[Help Dan]
I'm sorry for Baelor but I think that Dan need more help (leaving aside the fact that the merchant show many times to be a true friend for Sadie helping her not only for save her sister but even during this raid)
About the part I really like the glimpse of Sadie backstory and I'm very curious to discover what will happen now
[Help Dan]
[Help Dan]
Dan is her best friend, so..
Aye, I can understand that. The reasoning to save Baelor, from Sadie's Point-of-View, would basically be that he is the leader of the local soldiers and therefore potentially of importance for the city, whereas Dan would be a more personal decision, considering that he is her best friend.
Ah, glad to hear it! With Sadie's backstory, I originally had included a longer part about some details of it, but I ended up having to cut something due to length reasons, so unfortunately it had to go. Maybe there will be a later time to show it, as Sadie has a rather detailed backstory which I look forward to reveal in time.
[Help Baelor]
Baelor the Baller. Can't let you die. I mean I bet you'll die anyway, but got to try.
I see Dan has taken some hints from Rick Grimes. I would never have guessed that he would have met him.
[Help Dan] We aren't planning on staying in this town for long. Plus if we are lucky, we can join the Forgotten and possibly bring Dan along for the ride. And Dan is just a fun guy to be around.
[Help Dan] You gotta look out for your best buddy, tis as simple as that. Besides, Baelor himself insisted on having a duel with Stallhart.
Anyway, great part!
[Help Dan] You can't say he's always been there for you when you needed him and then not be there for him when he needs you. I'd lose a lot of respect for Sadie if she didn't save him. Plus I really like Dan.
[Help Dan]
[Help Dan] Fuck, I really want to help Baelor but I think Dan needs it more. Plus, he's a much closer friend to Sadie than Baelor is. I do hope that Baelor can somehow make it out safely though.
She doesn't have to kill, just distract any would be attackers long enough for Janae to get an advantage.
[Help Dan]
Is Blane.... jealous?
The Voting is closed!
Sadie is going to help Dan
Well... this turned out quite differently from what I expected. I mean, don't get me wrong on that one, I fully expected you to choose Dan in the end, but I didn't expect this to be such a near-unanimous choice, since there are rather pragmatic reasons speaking in favour of Baelor. So, I kind of expected a couple more votes for him, even though I personally would have chosen Dan and can without any doubt understand and share your reasons here. Now I feel slightly bad for putting Baelor into such an unfair decision. Ah well, in the end the choice that aligns the best with my plans for Sadie's next part has won, so I am satisfied. This next part is going to be a game-changer and fittingly part of the chapter finale. Prepare for really big things coming up there.
The next part is hopefully going to be out today. I am simultaneously doing another thing and I'm going to go out and grab some stuff to eat now. That means I might not finish it before heading to bed, though I am positive that I will at the very least get very far with the part, potentially even completely finished. This next part is going to be a very important one and it will be the final part for Jenna in this chapter. The last time we saw her has been a couple weeks ago. Back then, she went to Carma's house, where she tried to convince her friend to leave with her to the castle. The problem here were Carma's children, who were understandably terrified. A couple of Ironborn, who had taken Aditha Nathamer captive, found them, but before they were able to do anything, Hackor arrived and saved them. He got into a fight with an Ironborn brute, who heavily wounded him and left him unable to walk on his own. This left Jenna with the choice to either help Aditha to carry her (heavily-armoured) father to the castle or to help Carma in bringing her panicked children to the castle. Jenna decided for the latter and we're going to see the consequences of this choice pretty soon in this next part. As said above, I hope to finish it in a couple of hours, after returning from dinner, though it is definitely going to take me another coupl of hours until I'll have it done. Nonetheless, it is a part I've been looking forward for for a while and I hope you're going to enjoy it!
Good ol' Hackor's last moments upon the world are upon us.
Come on,don't be so negative until you read the part!Maybe if we are lucky not only Hackor but even Aditha will die! >:D
PS: Obviously I'm joking,let's hope for the best outcome possible (and an awesome part)
I very much hope he lives. He's literally the only one of Raylansfair's leaders left who is competent enough to lead the town through this strife and destruction who I trust to actually do just that, although I do foresee Lenard taking a major leadership role in the future.
For me the main reason because I would like to see Hackor alive isn't the leadership issue but because I found really enjoyable to read during the last chapter the problems of the Narthamer family (I even think of that one of the highlights of the previous chapter that make, for me, Arthur PoV even more interesting) and I would really like read more conversations between them.
Oh well,let's just wait as the spectators that we are what the next perfomance of this tale will show to us.
Oh, what happen will happen. But hopefully Hackor will live, but my hopes aren't all to high. He is not the warrior he used to be, and now he is all battered and bruised. Plus Jenna left him and Aditha to fend for themselves. Hopefully, this may bring Arthur down an interesting path after he is made an orphan. But you know, we saved some kids who can lead the town to victor-oh wait.... Jokes aside, really excited and anxious to see what's gonna happen next.
Apologies for the longer wait! However, there is a good reason for it, as this part has twice the length of a usual part. I hope that makes up for me keeping you waiting and I hope you enjoy it
Jenna threw once again a concerned look over her shoulder, as she tried to spot Aditha and Hackor. The woman was still there, several feet behind them, dragging her father up the hill that led to the castle. However, she was getting slower, as she had tired herself to the point of exhaustion. Jenna felt terrible as she saw her, a reminder of how weak she herself was in comparison.
Of course, it wasn't as if she was doing nothing. For two miles now, she had dragged and carried a screaming, crying young boy with her. Farrel was still sobbing, locked in a paralysing fear that Jenna knew all too well. Oh yes, she was afraid too, but she couldn't give in to it, now less than ever, not with that boys life depending on her.
Having at least this purpose gave Jenna some strength to carry on. She imagined that it wasn't that different with Aditha, who fought like a she-lion for the life of her father. She was falling back more and more, even though the castle came closer.
Not being able to help her, it tore Jenna apart and sent tears to her eyes. She had made a difficult decision and now she had to live with the consequences. It gave her an anxious feeling, as it was the first time she had to make a decision that could possibly end in someone else's death. With a heavy heart, she had to ask herself how Saerya was able to make such decisions every single day.
“Come on”, she whispered softly, as she pressed Farrel against her. The boy was shivering, though he calmed down slightly as he put his head onto her shoulder. Softly, she put a hand onto his back. “I'm here”, she said warmly, as she fastened her pace in the futile attempt to catch up with Carma. “It's all good. Your mother and your siblings are here as well. The bad men won't hurt you” This was maybe the one thing Jenna could wholeheartedly admit being good at. After all, she did grow up with two younger brothers. Soon, the boy had calmed down, ever so slightly, but enough to keep him from getting into a full panic.
Eventually, the gates of the castle were in front of them, only maybe a couple hundred feet away. Carma's relieved sigh was audible even from the dozen feet that separated them. She glanced over her shoulder and the smile on her face was hopeful at last.
“Now!”, a rough voice sounded and a second later, Jenna saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Men rushed up the hill, armed with axes and spears. Ironborn, there was no doubt about it. They came from a small street to their side, and from the other side as well, they came from behind them and closed in rapidly.
As Jenna started to run, she glared at Carma. “Run!”, she yelled. “Run for your life!” The other woman followed the order and Jenna fastened her own pace, which wasn't quite as easy with the five-year old in her arms. Panic was rising in her again, something that Farrel undoubtedly felt, since he began to scream as well, his high-pitched shrieks directly next to her right ear almost instantly caused her a headache.
For a moment, it looked as if she could escape them, then, a man from her side had caught up with her. While running, he gave her a heavy punch to the back and Jenna fell. She instantly managed to roll onto her back before hitting the ground, so that she wouldn't bury Farrel underneath her.
“Farrel, look at me!”, she hissed and the mixture of worry and harshness was exactly what caused him to look at her. “You gotta run, run to your mother!” He gave her a nod, as he started to run on his tiny legs. The raider that had tackled Jenna to the ground was momentarily surprised by the sight of the young boy running past him, which gave Farrel an opportunity to catch up with his mother.
Carma looked at Jenna, who staggered back to her knees. “Run!”, Jenna screamed and her voice broke with panic as she slowly saw the raider approaching her. Carma followed the order and dashed off, up the path to the castle, holding her baby, with her kids always next to her. Raiders ran after them and Jenna knew they wouldn't make it. She felt warm tears flowing down her face, as she was only able to shake her head in fear. It was then that she noticed that he wasn't looking at her, but at someone behind her.
As she looked over her shoulder, she saw Hackor standing there, on his own. Just this gesture was putting a serious burden on his wounded body, but despite how pale he was, he still made for an impressive opponent. Aditha stood behind him, ready to catch him if he would fall, though she nervously looked over her shoulder, at the Ironborn that crawled up the path in the distance.
With a roar, the Ironborn charged at Hackor. Jenna gasped as the commander parried the strike, even though it forced him to his knees again. And she understood where he got this strength from. After all, her father would have done the same for her.
But the love of a father wasn't always enough. She staggered back to her feet, as the Ironborn managed to grab Hackor's spear. He took a strike at the commander's unprotected head, who raides his left arm to protect himself. The axe dented the iron at the forearm and tore through the chainmail, enough to draw blood, but not enough to get through the bone. With a grunt, the raider attacked again and this time, Hackor managed to twist to the side, so that a blow that was meant to decapitate him only hit the side of his chest. Even from afar, Jenna heard the cracking sound, as his lower ribs gave in. The armour once again saved his life, though even Jenna knew that this nonetheless caused a serious wound.
The raider raised his axe again, ready to end it. This time, it was Aditha who intervened. “Get off him!”, she barked furiously, as she jumped at the raider. The man, a burly warrior, barely flinched, though she got him with enough force to at least make him drop Hackor's spear again.
With no less fury, he pushed the young woman off him, before slamming the hilt of the axe against her forehead, once, twice and thrice. A second later, Hackor rammed the spear through his chest. Coughing up blood, the raider fell to the ground. So did Aditha, as she landed heavily on the dusty road without doing anything her fall.
Jenna crawled towards them, as she stared down at the dozen raiders who charged up the path. “Commander!”, she whimpered as she put a hand onto his chest. For a moment, she was afraid the man was dead. He wasn't, as the look in his eyes proved to her. “Aditha...”, he gasped, as he used strength he shouldn't have anymore to turn to his daughter.
Instantly, Jenna knelt next to the motionless woman. “She's still breathing”, she said. As she removed her hand from Aditha's forehead, it was covered in blood. “But she needs help. You both do” A determined look formed on her face. “I'm going to get you out of here!” With these words, she grabbed both, Aditha and Hackor, trying to pull them up the path.
Naturally, it was a foolish attempt, doomed to fail. She didn't even manage to move Hackor at all and the commander was finally at the very end of his strength, unable to just lift himself up with the weight of his armour forcing him down. With a groan, half exhaustion, half frustration, Jenna dropped down, realizing that it was futile, that she would barely manage to move one of them, much less both.
“Listen...”, Hackor managed to gasp. “My daughter... take her... save her...” He looked up and the expression in his green eyes revealed a weakness that shook Jenna to the core. No, not a weakness. A softness she never expected from him. “I... I... Commander, I can't leave you”, she said, as helpless tears flew down her face. It wasn't only that. It was mostly the realization that the Ironborn had came too close for her to get away, even if she would be on her own. She wasn't fast enough to get away, she wasn't good enough.
“You must!”, Hackor growled, with sudden anger in his voice. “I will not lose my daughter! Grab Aditha and run. I'll buy you time. I... I'll try” Tears clouded Jenna's vision, as the commander glanced down the path and came to the same conclusion she had reached. They would all three die here. It was odd... this was the second time Jenna looked her death in the eye. And she wasn't afraid. She was broken, a mess, bawling her eyes out, but not afraid. These men, what could they be that Wolfius Woodbark hasn't been already?
“I'm sorry”, she said. “I tried...” She sighed and just in the same moment, something unexpected happened. Someone charged past her, just seconds before the first raider would have reached her. Even in her current state, she recognized Nora Recton, whose sword tore through the throat of the closest Ironborn.
She growled, dodging the attacks of the men that instantly swarmed her, as she gutted one, using her pauldron like a shield, to parry an attack in the same moment, before smashing into the raider and forcing him to stagger backwards.
Federico was with her as well, finishing the man she had just wounded. And then, a dozen other men arrived. Jenna's eyes widened, as tears continue to pour down her face. They weren't broken tears anymore though, but of surprise and a growing hope.
“Jenna!”, Federico called for her, as he momentarily paused from driving back the raiders, who obviously hadn't expected such a violent counterattack from the castle guard. Soon, the small group of Ironborn retreated down the path again. Nora and her men did not pursue them. Instead, she watched them disappearing in the alleyways below.
“Gather the wounded”, she barked. Federico gave her a nod, as he gently lifted up Aditha. Jenna tried, once more, to pull Hackor, grunting with exhaustion in the process, before two of the guardsmen did it for her instead. Wide-eyed in the face of the luck she just had, all she could do was to stagger with them, up to the castle. Up to safety.
“Not a moment too late”, she said and she managed to smile at both, Federico and Nora. The latter raised an eyebrow. “So you can smile after all”, she said, reciprocating the gesture. “That was a close call though. Better don't do that again. I wouldn't know what to say to your father”
The mention of her father sent a sting through Jenna's heart. She knew he wasn't here, that he was outside of the city when the attack started. However, she wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing in these times, when Raylansfair was under attack from every single direction.
“How's the situation in there?”, she asked, as she glanced at the courtyard in the distance. From afar, she was able to see the hundreds that had gathered there, to seek shelter. Nora sighed, but before she could answer, a new situation demanded her attention.
“Guys!”, someone screamed from down the path, with a high-pitched, hoarsy voice. “Guys, help!” Jenna, just like Nora, turned towards this newcomer. They spotted a young, tall and incredibly obese young man running up the hill. His long, greasy hair flew in the wind as he ran and to Jenna's surprise, she realized he was one of the guardsmen.
“They're coming!”, he screamed, gasping for breath as he ran towards them. “The Ironborn are coming!” As he came closer, Jenna noticed movement in the city below. She gasped, as she realized that there had to be dozens of them.
“Captain, they're coming!”, the young guard said, as he stopped in front of Nora, gasping for air. She glanced at him, then instantly back at the city. “I can see them”, she growled, before she turned to the castle “Get in there! Everyone, get in there!”
Jenna started to rush up the past and soon caught up with Federico, who was still carrying Aditha. The two guardsmen who carried Hackor were already at the gates. Jenna narrowed her eyes as she spotted the people camping inside of the courtyard. “What's with them?”, she asked. “Isn't it safer in the Great Hall?”
Federico shook his head. “Lord Tyrell has locked himself in there”, he revealed. “That damn coward has pulled his troops away from the fight and is hiding in there. The Lady Helenys is the only one he agreed to see” He sighed. “Now I'm not sure if she negotiates for the smallfolk to get in there as well, or if she has joined him in hiding” He glanced up as they passed through the gate. “But that shouldn't matter as long as we have the portcullis. They'd need a siege weapon to get through it”
Carefully, the guardsmen put down the heavily wounded Hackor, halfway between the bulk of smallfolk and the gates. Federico gently lay Aditha next to him. The commander raised his head to look at his daughter. He mumbled something and as Jenna approached him, she was able to understand.
“... thought we'd have years”, he muttered weakly. “I thought there would be more time. For us. To rebuild what I have broken” He sighed and shivered in pain. “I've been a fool for hurting you” Finally, he noticed Jenna and a smile formed on his face. “Jenna”, he said. “Jenna Harking” She gave him a nod, as she knelt down next to him. “Can I do anything for you?”, she asked.
He shook his head. “You did enough”, he told her. “Good girl” He sighed again, grimacing in pain. “Besides, there's nothing you can do for me right now” It took her a moment to realize what he meant with this. “You... you mean you're dying?”, she gasped. “You can't die! This city needs you!”
Hackor smirked. “This city did just fine without me for hundreds of years and it will do fine long after I'm gone”, he answered. “Another commander will follow. Maybe even a better one” His smirk faded. “It's strange what we tend to realize in our time of dying. It seems regret finally caught up with me”
“Regret?”, Jenna asked. “But you're a good man!” Hackor shook his head. “You couldn't be further away from the truth. Your father, he is a good man”, he answered. “I am merely dutiful. That isn't always a good thing” He looked at Aditha and the look in his eyes was full with sorrow. “It is a hard path, a thankless one, because no matter what, you can never follow all of your duties. Years ago, I sacrificed my duty towards my family in favour of my city”
He looked back at Jenna. “Her mother died, the love of my life, and the one person I cared for the most hated me for it”, he said. “I was the hero of Raylansfair, yet how could I ever feel like a hero for something my wife had to give her life for?” He clenched his eyes. “And now I see what a fool I have been”
“My father called you a wise man”, Jenna tried to cheer him up. Hackor grinned without any joy. “Your father is a fool as well then, sweet girl”, he answered. “My foolishness was thinking that I am the only one who can save this city. That I had to lead the city guard in times of great need. And today? Stratford's doing a fine job with it, as far as I can see. Maybe back then, someone else could have done it. Maybe I could have protected my family instead”
“You saved many lives”, Jenna reminded him and he stared at the nightly sky. “I lost the one I cared for the most”, he replied. “And worse, I lost Aditha as well on that day. I always thought I could make up for it one day. I ignored her... antics, thinking she'd just process her grief with it” He shook his head once again, weaker this time. “She wanted to hurt me. My own daughter hated me enough that she wanted to hurt me by hurting herself” This time, Jenna noticed a sort of doubt she would have never expected from him. “And I only have myself to blame for this”
“I'm sure she knows how much you love her”, she tried to say and Hackor pressed his lips together. “Does she?”, he asked. “I barely looked at her in the past decade. She took it as a sign of my resentment, but it wasn't. She may started to hate me for what I did, but I never stopped loving her. Being with her, talking to her, it pained me more than anything. I was barely able to look at her because of how similar she is to her mother. This bright, beautiful woman my daughter grew up to be... and I never told her how much she meant to me. The world and more, and I never told her”
Jenna wasn't sure what she was trying to do here. Rebuilding his confidence? She, of all people? Or maybe she wanted to comfort a dying man. But he couldn't die. He mustn't die! There had to be something, anything, a healer, anyone. She couldn't just let him die now!
Before she was able to say anything, a scene near the gate demanded her attention. “Lower the portcullis!”, Nora yelled. “What is it now? Hurry up a little bit, they're almost here!” And indeed, Jenna saw dozens of Ironborn pouring up the path. And she noticed the obvious fear on Nora's face. “Lower the portcullis!”, she screamed now.
“It doesn't work!”, one of the guards up in the gatehouse yelled back. “Seven have mercy, it doesn't work!” His voice sounded increasingly more panicked. “Someone did this on purpose! My god, we're all going to die!” His words echoed across the courtyard and the masses of smallfolk heard them loudly.
Panic erupted amid the people. In the crowd, Jenna saw the pale, wide-eyed face of Carma, her children still around them, but the knowledge that her friend had made it to the castle barely calmed her now, as her heart started to beat furiously in her chest. Someone did this on purpose... the gate was broken, the Ironborn could enter the castle, take it without any problem now...
“Sherryl”, she gasped as she jumped up. “Federico!” she rushed towards him, near the gate, as the massively outnumbered castle guards went into a defensive shield wall. The young man looked over his shoulder. “Get back, Jenna!”, he yelled. “Saerya is going to tear me a new one if anything happens to you”
“It's Sherryl!”, she spat. “She destroyed the gate “ Federico raised an eyebrow. “I hate that snake as much as you do, but why would she possibly do that?”, he asked. Jenna shrugged. “I don't know. I don't know why she'd kill so many, but she did it!”, she hissed. “Whom else could it be? Think about it, where is she right now?”
This time, Federico's eyes widened. “Not here...”, he mumbled. “She left the castle when the fighting began. I believe she had a bow with her, a finely crafted thing from the Summer Isles” An expression of anger flared up on his face. “If she did this... if she did this, then I'm going to kill her myself!”
“Federico, get in line!”, Nora barked angrily, as the Ironborn came closer. “And Jenna, get back, for fucks sake!” Jenna gave her a nod and with wide eyes, she staggered away from the gate, still looking at the charging Ironborn. She bumped directly into someone behind her.
As she turned around, she saw a man in front of her, who gave her a displeased look. He was in his forties maybe, with long, blonde hair, a bit on the pudgy side and with the golden and red armour of House Lannister of the Rock. He was wearing a sword and the dozen men behind him had shields and spears with them. “Captain, could you need help?”, he asked.
Nora's eyes widened. “General Tallian!”, she exclaimed. “We though you have left with Ser Willfred” Tallian shook his head. “For once, that stupid boy listened to me”, he growled. “Men, take formation. Support the castle guard!” He himself drew his sword, as Jenna further backed off. She had to get back to the commander!
She rushed towards the downed bodies of Hackor and Aditha. The young woman was still unconscious, while her father was still struggling, if barely. He wasn't dying, right? He couldn't die, Jenna refused to believe it. She refused to just let him die like that, to leave him to bleed out here in the courtyard. He deserved better.
Hackor smiled as she knelt down next to him. “Such a good girl”, he whispered. He extended his hand and she grabbed it, tensing up as she noticed how weak his grip was. Behind him, the masses of smallfolk grew increasingly more panicked, as the doors to the Great Hall, the only protection they had left, weren't opening, as they begged to be let in, cursed those inside and screamed at the gods for mercy. It was almost baffling for Jenna how calm she was in comparison to them.
“I tried”, she whispered and Hackor gave her a nod. “You and me both, Harking, you and me both” Being mentioned by her last name was something highly unusual for Jenna and she neede a moment to pull herself together. “I am sorry commander”, she said. “I should have tried more”
And in that moment, the Ironborn had reached the shield wall. They clashed into it with all their rage and even though half a dozen of them died in an instant when they got pushed into the spears the men from the Rock held, they nonetheless had such a force in their attack that it caused the shield wall to waver just from the first hit.
One of the Ironborn even broke through, his axe splitting the cheek of one of the guardsmen, before he broke through the ranks of the men from the Rock. The moment he had passed them, he collapsed, his own guts covering the ground in front of him, while grinning a smile full of bloo. But most importantly, he did break through and this caused even more of a panic among the smallfolk, as the first people tried to throw themselves against the large wooden doors that led into the Great Hall, to no avail of course.
“Push them back!”, Tallian yelled, as the spears got pushed forwards, into the chests of their enemies. The Ironborn died. The guardsmen died and so did the soldiers from the Rock. The Ironborn were the only ones who had reserves in this fight. They fought like berserkers, swinging their short axes at the wooden shields, splintering them whenever possible, splitting skulls, tearing out throat and embedding their axes in the chests of the defenders.
Nora stood in the first row of her men, parrying with her shield, while swinging her sword wildly, smashing away Ironborn axes and the occasional spear. Federico wasn't less active. The only one who wasn't fighting was General Tallian, who stood behind his men. He stumbled backwards when one of his men got killed by a thrown axe.
“Now!”, Nora yelled, as her men further pushed the Ironborn back. “Don't let them break through!” The man next to her cheered and received a spear to the mouth for his lack of care. Nora herself knocked away the spear, before she screamed in rage. And finally, the Ironborn started to waver. They had killed only half as many as they had lost, though to be fair, they had four times the numbers and were more than able to take it. The defenders meanwhile were clearly outnumbered and Jenna knew it would only be a matter of time until they would fall.
Carefully, the Ironborn retreated, not to flee, but to regroup. Jenna didn't know much about tactics, but even she could see what they were trying to do. From her position behind the frontlines, she was able to see clear gaps in the shield wall the castle guard and the soldiers from the Rock had built up. Almost half of them were dead after the initial attack. The Ironborn still had more men.
“It's hopeless”, Hackor said and this time, Jenna gave him a glare. “Don't speak like this”, she hissed. “Don't take away what little hope they have. They need to get inside the Great Hall” He gave her a nod. “They have to”, he agreed. “I won't. But maybe you can safe yourself. Maybe you can safe my daughter”
Once again, noise from the gate caused Jenna to snap her attention back at it. She gasped as she witnessed a gruesome scene. The first to charge from the second wave weren't common fighters. They had long, thin throwing spears in their hands, as they charged at the defenders.
“Shields up!”, Nora screamed and it was the slight twisting of her body she made as she gave the order that likely saved her life. A spear that would have hit her at the centre of the chest instead only tore through her left upper arm, the wooden deeply digging through the flesh. She let out a short scream as she stumbled backwards, two feet of broken wood in her shield arm, as she fell to the ground.
Others were less lucky. Never before had Jenna seen so much death, especially in such a short time. The defenders lost half of their numbers in this single attack, as the spears impaled chests and heads, killing and maiming in a gruesome way.
“Captain!”, Federico yelled, as he left the shield wall to pull her back. “Nora, stay with me!” He looked up, his eyes finding the obese guardsman. “You there! Get your fat ass over here!” Visibly thankful for the opportunity to leave the shield wall, he rushed towards the two. “Carry her to the other refugees. We mustn't lose her!”
“But Ser, who's in command then?”, one of the guards yelled, as they prepared for the next charge. Federico sighed and form afar, Jenna saw the pain on his face. “That would be me, soldier!”, he growled, as he jumped back into the shield wall. “Shields up!”, he yelled. “Don't give in! Throw them back! For Raylansfair, for all of us!”
The fat guardsman lifted up Nora, without any effort, as he turned to the bulk of refugees in front of the Great Hall. As fast as he could, he rushed away from the fighting, while the others remained behind, half a dozen men from Raylansfair and the same number from the Rock.
“We need to get you inside”, Jenna hissed, as she grabbed the commander by the shoulders. She cursed herself for not being stronger, as she was unable to pull him even a tiny bit in his armour. Hackor mildly allowed her to try it, though the pained look on his face made it clear to her that she was hurting him more than helping him.
With a frustrated groan, she reached for the small knife on his belt. “You are still alive”, she told him sternly. “This city needs you. Don't you dare just dying now. Don't you dare giving up!” With these words, she cut the leather bindings that tied the armour together. Finally, she was able to remove the heavy breastplate.
Hackor sighed deeply and Jenna gasped as she saw the extent of his wounds. “Are you still so convinced that I'm going to make it?”, he asked, as tears welled up in her eyes. He was still wearing chainmail underneath and she was sure she could drag him now, but she wasn't so sure anymore that it would change anything. The thin steel rings were torn at several places. Two wounds were particularly deep and dark puddles of blood stained the metal at these points.
“Woodbark got me badly, worse than I was willing to admit”, Hackor sighed. “But I didn't want to unsettle Arthur back in the moment” He glanced at his unconscious daughter. “Later, I had more important things to do”, he whispered. “Check up on her”
Jenna gave him a nod, unable to say anything without breaking down. Instead, she moved towards Aditha and gently wiped away the strands of hair from her face. “She will make it”, she stated, her voice a shaky, tear-stained mess. “But as long as she's unconscious, I can't really say if she suffered any other damage”
“She will make it”, Hackor repeated in a hopeful tone. “That is why you have to save her. I lost her once. I won't let it happen again” He said something else, but the words were drowned in the clash of steel against wood, as the Ironborn launched their third attack against the dwindling defenders of the castle.
This time, Jenna noticed that the Ironborn numbers had grown smaller as well. They couldn't be all, merely a splinter of what was waiting down in the city, but they were nonetheless intimidating. Yet for every dead defender, two of them lay on the ground. They still kept coming.
Federico, now essentially commanding what little was left of the defences, fought like a lion. Now wavering, he remained in the shield wall, swinging his sword whenever getting the opportunity. Behind him, the men from the Rock put their spears to good use. Yet whenever one of the Ironborn managed to push through the shields, they were the first to die. Even their general had to fight now and Jenna noticed that he did so with far more panic than his men.
It was in this moment that something truly unexpected happened. A loud, collective gasp went through the smallfolk, as the doors to the Great Hall got opened, just a gap at first. Through this gap, Jenna spotted Lord Tyrell, next to an older woman, who wore her white hair in a long braid over her shoulder.
The castellan of Highgarden looked angry and deeply worried. “Mylady, close the door! You'll doom us all!”, he said, as he grabbed her hand. The older woman instantly broke free of his grip and gave him a heavy slap across the face, enough to make him stagger back into the room. “Get in here!”, she yelled. “Everyone, get in here!”
Loud cheers erupted, as the masses in the courtyard waltzed into the building. Jenna heard a voice calling her name and as she looked up, she saw Carma in the distance, as she and her children got dragged with the massive crowd, her friend unable to help her, as she remained next to Aditha and Hackor. Neither of the smallfolk turned back to help them.
“We can't win this!”, Tallian screamed, as the Ironborn retreated once again, no doubt in order to prepare for their final attack. By now, the shield wall had shrunken to about half a dozen men, only two of which still belonged to the Rock. Federico and three others were barely able to block the gates on their own with their shields.
“We can buy them time”, Federico answered, glancing at the masses that still made their way into the Great Hall. Jenna knew they needed more time. And she knew she still had to do something about Hackor. She couldn't take him and Aditha both, she was barely able to carry one of them. “Help!”, she screamed, to no avail, as the others were too far away to hear her, or too far away to bother at least.
“We're all going to die!”, Tallian barked. “We gotta go no, while they don't attack us!” Federico sent a glare into his direction. “It is our duty to protect these people”, he spoke. We swore an oath!” Tallian shook his head, as he looked at the Ironborn, who once again charged up the path. “Your oath, not mine”, he said and Jenna heard a sort of panic in his voice which even she never felt. “I am too important to die in this shithole! Men, retreat!”
He staggered backwards, while his two remaining men slightly hesitated. “Retreat!”, he barked again. “This is an order! Protect your general! Cover me!” His voice had grown shaky and shrill, as he started to rush to the Great Hall. His men showed visible reluctance, but neither of the two was able to resist a direct order. Slowly, shields and spears raised, they followed him, walking backwards and always facing the gates.
“Tallian!”, Federico screamed. In this moment, the Ironborn launched their final attack. Federico had his back turned on them for a moment, as he looked at the general. He turned back to the fight a second too late to full parry the Ironborn that took a swing with his axe at him. Only barely did the young guard manage to deflect a blow that would have split his skull. Instead, it carved across the right side of his face, still with considerable force.
Jenna screamed in horror, as Federico stumbled around and she was able to see the damage the strike did to him. The right side of his face was a bloody pulp, the cheek split open, the cheekbone smashed, the right eye covered in so much blood that she didn't even know if it was still there.
He staggered, but remained on his feet, as he turned around, parrying the next strike with his shield. His movements were sluggish, dazed and tired, as he only sloppily parried the next strike. The raider, towering above him, unleashed a blur of strikes against the young man, hacking against the shield, before knocking away the sword.
His next attack hit Federico below the ribs. The guard gasped, as the raider raised his axe once again, smashing it down onto Federico's head, two times, before letting go of his dead opponent. Behind him the other Ironborn finished dispatching of the remaining castle guard, leaving the gates unprotected.
“You have to go, now!”, Hackor growled and his strength returned to him. Jenna wasn't even looking at him, she was only able to stare at the corpse of Federico. A sudden, paralysing fear threatened to overcome her, as she realized that this would be how she'd end. “Jenna!”, Hackor barked at her. “Get Aditha to the Great Hall!”
She looked at him, wide-eyed and with an open mouth. “But... but what about you?”, she gasped. She couldn't leave him, couldn't make this decision, couldn't live with the guilt of having left him to die, could she? She looked up and saw the Ironborn that killed Federico approaching her, a twisted grin on his face. Behind him, the other Ironborn approached the courtyard.
Before he came close enough to force her to run, he stopped all of a sudden. His grin faded, as he looked past Jenna. She looked up, as she heard the sound of someone heavy dashing across the courtyard into the direction of the gate. Then, she spotted a figure charging past her, a knight, clad in heavy armour, wearing a tabard of black and gold and wielding a greatsword. A full helmet was obscuring his features, but Jenna noticed that he had the physique of a warrior.
“Durrandon!”, he screamed at the top of his lungs, as he easily broke through the block of the Ironborn that had killed Federico. The raider was hauled across the courtyard for half a dozen feet by the blow and the knight stopped right above him. A terrified shriek was all he was able to get out, as the knight struck his sword down onto him, over and over again. Above the shrieks of the dying man, Jenna heard a far more chilling sound. The knight was laughing.
“Splendid”, he growled, as he came closer to the other raiders. “It appears I get my fight after all” The sight of him, towering above the men he approached, was terrifying enough for them to cause them to slowly retreat to the gates. They outnumbered him twelve to one, but unlike him, they had no armour to protect themselves, nothing but the occasional shield.
“Yes, back off, that's right”, the knight said as he stopped in front of the gate. “You're facing Ser Emphryus Dresfel now. I am not a barely trained boy like the ones you just cut down. I am a sworn knight of House Durrandon and the best swordsman in this world” His sword cut through the dusty ground in front of him, leaving a long, thin line. “And I am going to kill every single one of you that dares to cross this line” Behind his calmness, there was an aura of anger and a strange anticipation of the coming fight.
"So, what do you say?", he growled. "Are you ready to face your Drowned God? Are you ready to tell him of your pathetic failure? Are you ready to die by my hand, every last one of you, slaughtered like the pigs you are?" The sheer confidence he oozed was enough to make the Ironborn hesitate to actually attack him, while more and more of the smallfolk managed to safely get into the Great Hall. But confidence alone wasn't enough, as finally, the Ironborn got the courage to attack.
One of them raised his axe and charged at Emphruys, who had spread his arms, as if to taunt them. Then, with a speed that was remarkable in his armour, his gloved hand moved upwards, grabbing the raider's arm before he reached them, before impaling him with his sword. His own screams, mixing fury with joy, were louder than anything the dying man was able to utter.
“Is this all?”, he barked at the top of his lungs. “IS THIS ALL YOU GOT?” He once more spread his arms and this time his taunt was effective enough to provoke all of them into attacking. Laughing loudly, he grabbed his sword with both hands, before swinging it, using the superior range to gut the first man that came close enough.
With a roaring battlecry, Emphryus attacked the man to his right. The raider parried, but was not prepared for the heavy kick against the shin he received afterwards. Quickly, Emphryus stepped around him, putting his opponent between himself and the other raiders, as he decapitated him with a single strike.
Pointing his blade at the Ironborn, he charged right back at them and the fury of his attack was a terrifying sight to behold. The men separated to avoid being hit by him, until he was in their midst, which was when they all closed in. Emphryus parried a strike to his right, wielding his sword with one hand, using the steel of his glove to parry another strike to his left. He followed this by turning to the left completely and gutting the man whose attack he just parried with his sword. Spinning around, he parried an attack from the man behind him, before impaling the man to his right.
Of course, he wasn't invincible. They landed hits on him, a great number of them. But his armour was more than sturdy enough to prevent anything worse than bruises. One of the Ironborn brought his axe down on his helmet, momentarily forcing Emphryus to pause, though in return, the raider receive a split skull, when the greatsword tore through his unprotected head. Another raider managed to get several hits against Emphryus' back and while he failed to break through the steel, he nonetheless used an amount of force that had to be highly painful. In return, the knight slammed his elbow into the raider's face, to send him to the ground.
“He can't win”, Jenna said, as she noticed how the dozens of hits he received did slow Emphryus down after all. While not enough to draw blood, they had to be painful nonetheless, as the Ironborn closed in on him, to shower him with attacks, their strikes causing a shrill cacophony as they hit his armour. Occasionally, he landed an attack as well, though unlike theirs, his were lethal almost all this time. But they still outnumbered him seven to one by now and there were a handful of others still running up the hill.
“He can only buy us time”, Hackor confirmed, before he sternly looked at Jenna. “Which is why you have to go now!” She tensed up, knowing that he was right, knowing that she had waited for too long already. But she didn't want to make this decision, she still hoped for a miracle. She didn't want to leave Hackor. He was wounded, yes, but she knew of his importance to the city. Maybe he could survive, maybe there was a way to save his life. However, neither did she want to leave Aditha, knowing exactly what the Ironborn would do to her.
“I want you to grab my daughter and to bring her to the Great Hall”, Hackor growled. With what little strength remained inside of him, he managed to push himself up, so that he was able to rest on his elbows. He threw a pleading look at her as she felt tears welling up in her eyes again and the crushing burden of being responsible for the life she would save.
“You want to do the right thing. I respect that”, he said, not without softness. “So listen to me please. I have seen many wounds in my life and I know how bad things look for me. And I am ready. So save my daughter. Tell her that I love her. Tell my son how much I admire him. Tell them how sorry I am for never saying these things myself” He sighed, as he glanced towards his spear, lying just two feet away from him. “And let me die with some dignity”
[Take Hackor with you] [Take Aditha with you]
Wow..WOW!This part was E-P-I-C!
[Take Aditha with you]
We know that Hackor won't survive,let's do the right thing and save his daughter to make him at least know that his death won't be useless
Go on Liquid,you are doing a good job because this chapter continue to be epic...and we must still reach his ending!
[Take Aditha with you]
Well, at the very least he thinks that he won't survive, but there's the chance that he is just feeling light-headed and no longer rational after losing so much blood. He is dangerously wounded, that much is for sure. However, all I can say is that this choice will be more important than just that and that some things will change quite heavily depending on the outcome you choose.
I am happy to hear this! I have hoped for such an effect, though I wasn't sure if I'd achieve it. After all, this was something new for me as well, the first time we had a big fight without the PoV being involved in any way. But it is great to hear that you enjoyed it so much.
Indeed. That's some pretty big dedication to duty there. The thing is, they all know that they have nowhere to run anymore, with the Ironborn attacking the castle. There is no truly safe spot in the entire city at this point. If they abandon their posts, they get killed. Many of them have family members among the smallfolk that was in the courtyard, so they died in the attempt to keep the Ironborn away from their loved ones. Federico however deserves true credit here, because he doesn't even have that and he is one of the newest guardsmen in Raylansfair, meaning he literally died to protect strangers simply because it is the good thing to do. That guy surely deserved more credit than I was able to gave him over the course of the story.
Indeed, that is Tallian's justification for retreating as well. He knew this was hopeless and at least in his opinion, he is indeed far too important for the future of his kingdom to die in such a raid, which is more or less a footnote in the greater events that happen in Westeros. It doesn't really make him less of a coward, since fear was his primary reason for retreat, but it gives him some very good ground to defend his decision later on. And to his defense, he lost about 80% of his men in this fight before deciding that this is not worth his life.
And never in the history of bitch slaps has there ever be a more well-earned bitch slap! At least in my opinion, Tyrell has proven himself to be even more of a coward than Tallian by all means, since he even held (and still helds) back his knights. Just imagine what a dozen men like Emphryus could achieve in the city. Well, perhaps not exactly like Emphryus, but similarly heavily armed.
Oh yes, he is finally getting a chance to prove that his reputation is justified. A couple pages ago, I once described him as part Barristan Selmy, part Smiling Knight and that has been the scene that was in my mind when making the comparison. In fact, this is part of one of the longest-planned moments in the entire story, which I had literally the moment I have received Emphryus, over two years ago.
I remember it as well! It's save to say that Jenna came a long way from the girl she used to be back then, when Ilhan told her about monsters. He also told her about the dangers that are, among others, posed by the Ironborn. And ah, I can promise that this will come into play for Jenna in the future again. Ilhan's words had a deep influence on her, even if it took her a while to get to the point where she was able to draw strength from them.
He is still in the city, with everyone still alive from the city guard. With Hackor out of comission and potentially dying, he's the current acting commander of the city guard. Things certainly don't look good for him, but he remains fighting. Right now, his exact position should be somewhere around the town square. Thing is, the city is far from overrun, even if the Ironborn are currently winning. These men have solely been the ones that have been sent by Torvin in his first part in this chapter, who finally saw a good opportunity to take the castle. The other raiders are still involved in heavy fights and Stratford is making sure that they have to bleed for every inch they conquer.
That is another thing I am happy to hear about. Hackor is a very tragic character, who is constantly celebrated for an act he sees as his greatest failure (leading the city guard against the Ironborn instead of protecting his family) and in this part, I intended to show as much as possible of this underlying sadness that has always been with him. It is the first time he really opened up in the story and revealed his flaws to someone and I am glad I got the reaction I was aiming for.
Ugh, I can't decide, so I'm gonna have to work this out here
-Both of Hackor's children get to hear that their father did love them
-Aditha lives
-Hackor goes out on his terms
-If Tyrell uses common sense and sends out his knights, then Hackor will be more likely to survive than if he's moved, and neither of them die(hopefully).
-Hackor dies
-Hackor never gets to tell his children all the things he wants to personally
-Jenna beats herself up over the guilt
-Aditha would probably say something along the lines of take him, not me, he's needed more.
-The last main male leader of Raylansfair might survive
-If Tyrell uses common sense and sends out his knights, then they both survive.
-Hackor gets a moment with his son where he can make amends
-Aditha dies, likely leading to a really dark mood for Hackor in the next book, possibly making him unfit for any sort of ruling seat.
-Jenna beats herself up over the guilt
-Arthur will probably be very angry at Jenna for letting his sister die
-There's no healers at the castle, so he still might die
as much as I may dislike it, I have to say
[Take Aditha with you]
Kudos on making such a difficult decision happen Liquid.
I honestly have to say, I hate myself right now. I rarely end up feeling this way about choices, and the last time I did this was with Asher and Rodrik, and I can't think of the time before that, and I must say, I love it!
A great part! And damn that bitch Sherryl. Of course, we knew about her little sabotage already, but seeing the effects of it now... Just shows how much of an evil bitch she is. Anyway, I really enjoyed Hackor in this part, he is a great guy, and it'll be a big loss if he dies - for Raylansfair, and I assume even more for Aditha and Arthur. That said...
[Take Aditha with you] This is a hard choice, but it's what Hackor wants. And honestly, it's what any loving father would want, so going against his wish here would just feel wrong. Many bring up that Hackor is the last capable leader in Raylansfair, which I more or less agree with, but like he himself pointed out, new leaders will always rise as the old ones fall.
That is a great compliment, thank you! The Asher/Rodrik choice has been one of the hardest choices in the Telltale games for me, probably even the hardest, as well as my favourite moment from GoT, so hearing that this scene caused similar emotions in you is a pleasant surprise. While I'm not sure if there's going to be another choice that will cause such a feeling for you, I can promise that this definetly won't remain the only hard choice.
I also like your thoughts on the Pros and Cons here very much. Of course I can't go into detail there, since it might end up as an accidental spoiler, but there are some possible consequences you bring up where you are pretty close to the things I have planned in either route, even though there are a couple of points where things will happen quite differently as well. The one thing that is definitely going to happen is that Jenna is going to feel majorly guilty and arguably, she already does even before making the choice. She's in a lose-lose situation right now, because no matter what, she has to leave someone behind.
Oh yes, this is by far the worst thing Sherryl did over the course of the story, especially as it would have been even worse if not for Helenys managing to open the gates to the Great Hall and Emphryus channeling his inner Gandalf to buy the smallfolk more time. She was absolutely willing to accept the deaths of hundreds of innocents for her goals. That said, there is going to be more about Sherryl in time. She has a bit more depth to her than just being evil.
I am glad to hear it! I was never sure how Hackor was received as a character (though I expected him to be received more or less favourably, safe for the times he was a jerk to Arthur), so it is nice to hear that you enjoyed him in this part! And you are right, his death is a terrible blow for Raylansfair, considering that Harris, the other capable and caring leader, has died as well in this chapter. The same goes for Arthur and Aditha and in their case, it'll be even worse once Jenna tells them about Hackor's final words for them.
[Take Aditha with you]
[Take Hackor with you] this is quite an easy choice. This way if Hackor survives, which probably won't because of how wounded he is and the choice we made as to letting Mathea leave. And if he doesn't Arthur gets all sorts of development. And I don't think Aditya is gonna die, but probably get snatched as a salt wife. There was so much emotion in this part. I'm so glad how tragic of a character Hackor is has been shown. I've always waited for this moment and it all I could've ever hope for. Fedeccini went out like a boss. He is a model guard and Federation finally got his chance to shine. Nora will now gotta live this guilt, which is gonna be interesting. Dresfel was definitely a sight for sore eyes. All and all, such a great part Liquid.
[Take Aditha with you]
This part was superb!!! You never fail to impress me, Liquid.
[Take Aditha with you]