Will Telltale ever stop making The Walking Dead games?
So I've been thinking. There's already been 4 TWD games from Telltale, will they continue doing them after ANF has finished?
Myself and others I think are hoping for a season 4 with Clementine as the main playable character.
If they did that what other TWD games could they make? Maybe something similar to Michonne that follows a comic book character? Tell me what you think!
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I'm sure they'll continue the primary TWD series for a while, not sure when it'll end but most likely not any soon as it's a huge cash grab for them.
Yeah I agree with you. The Walking Dead was at the heart of making Telltale popular, so I wouldn't be surprised if it lasted for years to come!
It depends on how it ends.
If Clementine dies at the end of this Season, I don't see it likely to continue the game with only Javier, unless they can REALLY give us a reason to continue his journey.
You never really know if a sequel is possible until the end of the Season. As for spin-offs... I can see them doing one with not as fleshed out characters from the comics, maybe even Jesus and Negan. Maybe they could do more with Kenny's escape from Season 1 and we play as him, or the 16 months between Season 1 and 2. Also the 2 years between Season 2 and 3.
If they kill Clem at the end of the season there will be a lot of back lash from the fans... unless they did it spectacularly.
Seeing a Negan backstory would be awesome, I love his character! Also I love the idea of having like DLC type episodes: Possibly following Kenny's escape in season 1, what happened to Christa and Clem between the time skip, what happened to Christa after Clem got separated (and if she's still alive) and yeah what happened between each season!
They better not kill of Clementine, hell, even when they end the series I don't want them to kill her off, she needs a break other than death, she's been fighting the apocalypse since she was 8-years-old, we need a happy ending for Clem (it could still be a very strong one, such as memories of Lee and other people).
I agree whole heartedly haha.
I'm not completely behind Clementine not dying, if she does die, I REALLY want it to be damn amazing, if not it'd feel like a sucker punch to the face to us fans.
Also, I like to see me, you, and Spodes all rock our Season 3 Clementine picture haha!
Haha Clem ftw!

I don't know why but I feel this is the last one xD . We will probably get a spin-off or something.
I'd say that this series could still go on. But maybe not inmediately. Maybe once ANF is over, we have to wait until the comic series to get to some specific point.
I mean, Robert Kirkman probably wont want the games timeline to pass that of the comic by a huge amount so I can't see a large time skip after this season.
How are sales for the new game on various platforms? On the Android Play Store, sales for each game have gone down considerably. It is no doubt still performing well but the downward trend is so clear - that may impact sequels? Any games based on a big license such as TWD, the licensing eats into profits, so Telltale need the game to sell well to continue it. I would be curious how other platforms look compared to this.
Current TWD download stats on Play Store:
S1 - 10 million
S2 - 5 million
Michonne - 10,000
S3 - 1,000
I know older games have had longer to accumulate sales but they're not going in the right direction.
I hope for a complete restart of the series. New protagonist, new group, starting with day 1. All these apocalypse stories get a bit dull after a while, and I prefer the dynamics of the first weeks and months in these kinds of stories.
I think it happens if you say "lead the way"
And a new type of location.
No, I think in an interview in October, Jobs said they would keep making TWDG as long as people keep buying them.
Probably one more season and DLC.
Totally agree.
I hope this is it and this series is done forever at least the telltale version.
I really hope so. There've already been way too many unnecessary sequels.
It's going down because the writing is getting worse and worse, plus most people want to play as Clementine. Season 3 has too many problems right now so people are probably waiting till it improves if it does and it's already at 85% and decreasing on Steam, whereas Season 1 and 2 are at 96%.
The numbers are low but a lot of casual players wait until the whole game is released to buy it. I have 2 friends that do this so I am sure that many more do as well.
I'm afraid it is what will bring painful death to this series, too many seasons made for money.
I did the same for Season 2 while holding off as many spoilers as possible.
I'm curious to know why you say that? Do you think ANF will fail?
Yeah, for people that don't look at these forums, it's relatively easy to avoid spoilers. But I get the episodes right away because I don't trust myself to stay off the forums lol
Real question for me would be, do they also intend to keep the quality up if people keep buying them. Might get lazier and lazier long as they believe they can still make the same high fortune off the games with low effort.
Unfortunately the quality will probably go down, ANF has showed that so far.
Don't. Even. Say. That.
Telltale HAS to continue their Walking Dead games. They just Have to!
Me 4, me 4!
i dont see them quitting it for a while. TWD is their supershow/game
See, this is why the way Season 2 ended(and was followed up in ANF) was a mistake.