The Last Hour of Osleron: A High Fantasy Interactive Story
Hello, I am Arrodor, you may know me if you are a fellow reader of Forum of Thrones, I have decided to try my own hand at writing, and hopefully this will be a success, anyway. Our tale is in Osleron, which fell quite some time ago with the real last saviors of the planet now trapped in a realm called Earth, yes you heard that right, Earth, our Earth, except in this story Earth isn't real, but an illusion of sorts created only to trap our heroes in a world they think is real, except it isn't. Now for the proper backstory.
Osleron has always been a mysterious world, with not much known of its origin, it is said to have existed for as long as time itself, and that may be true, the dark elves are the ones to ask for such an answer, as they were the first on Osleron, and have been here for at least 200,000 years, Osleron fell 200 years ago to the One Above All, with a great purge that swept all the light users from the world, even all the races combined could not stop his might.
And thus Osleron fell with the two previous attempts to stop The One Who Dwells Above failing, Osleron is in a very dire state and with the most powerful light users trapped in a realm called Earth, the battle seems hopeless.
Currently, Osleron is a world filled with darkness, evil creatures, monsters and undead all roam with complete freedom, nearly all four of Osleron's continents are full of corruption, with only a few safe places remaining, like for example the home city for each race (can be found in description of character submission), these are guarded by powerful magic, Purges happen every ten years, and the next is about to happen very soon, purges attempt to wipe out all light from existence, this so far has been the only thing, The One Above All has failed, and he has seemingly trapped all the light magic within the realm called Earth. Initially the Eiwoqir were the main threat to Osleron, and they almost destroyed it, but ever since the One Above All's conquering the Eiwoqir have not been seen since, this strange happening has made many conspiracies, since The One Above All was strong enough to banish the Eiwoqir and no one has even found out how.
And here are the magic types:
Light and Shadow
Light and Shadow are the most fundamental forces in existence. Although contradictory by their very nature, they are bound together on a cosmic scale. One cannot exist without the other. Pure Light and Shadow dwell in a realm outside the borders of reality, but shades of their presence are found in the physical universe. Light manifests as holy magic, while Shadow (also referred to as "the Void") appears as shadow magic.
Life and Death
In the physical universe, the forces of life and death hold sway over every living thing. The energies of life known commonly as nature magic, promote growth and renewal in all things. Death, in the form of necromantic magic, acts as a counterbalance to life. It is an unavoidable force that breeds despair in mortal hearts and pushes everything towards a state of decay and eventual oblivion. Entropy, as it can be defined, is lack of order or predictability - a gradual decline into disorder.
Order and Disorder
Order, in reality, is most commonly perceived as arcane magic. This type of energy is innately volatile, and wielding it requires intense precision and concentration. Conversely, disorder is manifested as highly destructive lye magic. This brutal and extremely addictive energy is fueled by drawing life from living beings. Life, it seems, cannot be destroyed by the highly destructive lye magic because destruction is the process of destroying structures, breaking them down into the parts that they're constructed of. Life is a construct if it can be destroyed and constructs are not living things, so how can animate beings be alive if the thing that animates them is not a living thing? It is stated that only life can give life and if the thing that animates an animate being isn't a living thing and therefore has no life, the study of magic involving an animate being can definitely be considered necromancy. One thing to consider is the fact that necromancy can be viewed as animancy (or a form of it) and that studying magic used to animate inanimate objects is studying magic one can use to animate the dead.
Dark mages convert life into lye, draining the victim as a source of power. Lye is the primal force of chaos and can pool into a green goop when it's in physical form. It is described as a substance and it can be animated (is that substance alive when animated?). Prior to being animated, Lye is inanimate and so one can, presumably, animate - or fuel - the lye by drawing life from living beings and be considered animancers or necromancers.
The Elements
In the physical universe, the elements of fire, air, earth, and water serve as the basic building blocks of all matter. Shamanic cultures have long sought to live in harmony with, or assert dominion over, the elements. To do so, they call upon the primordial forces of Spirit and Decay. Decay is the tool of shaman seeking to subjugate and weaponize the elements themselves. Those who seek to bring balance to the elements rely on Spirit. This life-giving force interconnects and binds all things in existence as one. Sacrificial magic was considered the greatest violation of life. Despite that fact, it is treated as different from the energies of life, which are known commonly as nature magic. Technically, Spirit is nature magic.
Now that the introduction post is out of the way we can move on to chapter titles.
Act I: The Demon's Heart [Ongoing]
Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End [Ongoing]
Chapter 2: The Vanished
Chapter 3: Lost in the Darkness
Act II: The Shadow's Laugh
Chapter 4: Guarded by Time
Chapter 5: A Demon That Smiles
Chapter 6: Knights of Wind
Chapter 7: A Weaver of Dreams
PoVs in bold
Introduced Characters:
On Earth: Joel Rogers, Jimmy Warner,
In Doraggir: Zethra Hardblood, Rothakk Lyehand, Tharegg Frostbane,
In Nin Kolduhr: Narigg Bonecrusher (Galthus Sunbeard), Malvor Skullash (Andron Sunbeard), Selena Ashkar, Bolzoc the White, Nakozzon the Black,
In Oakbreach City: Thanus Elric Grey-Eye, Lexus Aurora,
In Evergreen Forest: Lydia Seachell, Darien Ashkar, Kieran Ravainis,
Deceased or Unknown: Nick Warner, Dreader, Reaver, Andron Sunbeard, Galthus Sunbeard,
Characters waiting to be introduced: Vernesa, Jason Kalloway, Leon Miller, Grimnir the Doomed, Ailredir Goldenthorn, Sanji Wentai, Zunjian Maegorodion, Daryn Thrak, Deathbringer, ASH, Lord Osmer, General Jax Briellger, Mordyn Sorathus, Marix Taldra, Aerion Lightfury, Lord Ferdrix Ladir, Saphyria Drih'as, Bralloch Brahl'gar, Acheron Krauss, Sir Edwin Vellton, Kydro Sorathus, Marwyn Klonus, Venarius Krill, Luthor Bolivar, Baden Blackstryke, Drakkar Nadrir
Submit your characters here:
Hello and good luck! I will submit a character soon.
There she is - PM me if you need any clarification or such.
Good luck! I've been itching for a new story. I'll submit a character as well.
Is there anything I should know about creating a character? Any restrictions? Like "this race can't be that age" stuff like that.
Humans like us can only live until around 150, unless enhanced by magic.
Elves can live to at least 1,000 years, sometimes more.
All races live until at least 100 years, unless they have had their lifespan enhanced.
The only restriction would be is, if your character is more than 200 years old he/she will have slight amnesia, due to a certain memory being wiped, if they are younger than 200 years they will be completely amnesia free.
I've submitted a character. Hope you like him. Be sure to let me know if anything needs to be changed. I actually just remember that I forgot to write how he survived in the backstory.
Chances are the purge wouldn't have targeted him it mainly targets beings of pure light.
Also I might need to remove his mind control abilities or at least reduce them. But everything else is fine
Cool! Can't wait to see where the story goes.
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6th, 8:04 AM
The day started the same way as every other, I would get up, shower, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, the same way as everyone else, but today felt different, and I wasn’t sure why, but something felt of, if only I knew what it was. I dismissed my thoughts, and began crawling out of bed to my bathroom, it didn’t take long to reach, of course it was only a few feet away.
I followed my regular routine of getting ready, after that’s finished, I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair is as gold as it’s ever been, with pale skin and dark blue eyes and a rather athletic build for my age, I wore casual jeans and a jacket to school, I don’t want to stand out more than I do already, nearly everyone says I’m the most attractive guy in school, and honestly I agree, but still the attention can get quite annoying at times.
Once I was done with the bathroom, I proceeded downstairs for breakfast, I saw only my mother as I entered the kitchen.
“Where’s dad” I asked her, she shared my golden hair and blue eyes.
“He’s at the pub, sweetie” She said with only slight hesitation.
“Good, hopefully he stays there.” I kissed my mother on the forehead before I grabbed a piece of toast and began spreading butter on it.
“How is she doing” Mom asked as she began pouring me a glass of milk.
“She’s fine, I think, why?”
“She seemed sad the other day.”
“Well, I’m seeing her in less than an hour, as soon as I finish this toast I’ll be heading of.” That finished the conversation for the time being, I wolfed down my toast and milk, before realizing it was 9:04, shit, I’m more than an hour late, I didn’t even look at the clock when I got up, it’s not that I really cared that I was late, but Amber counted on me being there, I couldn’t let her down again. I quickly left the house, saying goodbye to mom before I left, it was a foggy day, the sky actually suggested it would rain, it just hadn’t started yet.
I texted Amber while walking to school.
ME: You at school yet?
AMBER: Yeah, where are you? Something weird is happening.
ME: Really, what is it?
AMBER: I don’t know I can’t see, but they won’t let us in.
ME: That is weird, wait until I get there.
AMBER: Alright.
I stopped messaging back and rushed to school, shifting from street to street before I finally got there, I checked the time before I approached school, it read 9:31, surely, they’d be in by now, I’m more than an hour and a half late there is no one they’d lock us out this long.
My house is closer to the back of the school so I couldn’t see if my classmates were still locked out, looking at the school through the steel gates that guard its back entrance, I didn’t see much, a few classrooms, yea, but not much, it seemed more dead than anything, that was to be expected as they would be it class by now.
I kept walking along the footpath, and when I crossed the corner to the front entrance, I saw a large group of kids all hurdled in a makeshift line, I didn't recognize anyone from the distance I was standing, but a group of teachers were attending them, and three police cars, with no policemen in them, are those policemen inside the school? this got me thinking, what the hell is going on, was some crazy gunman holding up the school or something, surely nothing crazier could be happening, no one had noticed me, and they hadn’t blocked the back entrance yet, I could sneak into the school and see what is going on myself, or I could proceed to the front entrance and ask them what’s happening.
[Sneak into the school] [Go to the front gate and question the teachers]
[Sneak into the school] I say just go in there and get some answers. What's the worst that could happen?
[Sneak into the school]
Let's do it! It's starting interesting, can't wait to see what is really going on.
Ah, this was a very nice start. I'm having a great feeling for your story here, so glad you decided to start your own
I also hope to finish my characters very soon, right after the next FoT part. Hopefully they'll be ready before the next part of your story here. Anyways, I'm liking things so far, you did a good job in introducing us to the initial setting. I'm looking forward for more!
[Sneak into the school]
I consider it to be unlikely that the teachers will give him a full answer. If anything bad is going on, they might try to downplay it. And in general, I'm rather interested in seeing things first hand as opposed to hearing it from a third party. Since it is the beginning of the story, I am also thinking that it might not be too dangerous for Nick to take some smaller risks here.
Go to the front gate and question the teachers
Wanna get straight to meeting people!
This looks great I'm definetly going to send you a character
Also ( Sneak Into the school)
I've updated the character submission, feel free to read it, I've added history about the races, and a few details about Osleron in there, but of course most things won't be revealed until we actually reach Osleron.
When is the next part coming? I am hyped! Also sorry about the age of mycharacter I was a bit confused there, I hope it is ok.
Quite soon, I haven't started writing yet, but I intend to after I get back from work, I have alot of free time then. So you can expect it within a day or two at most. (probably much sooner)
Good to hear I am looking forward to it
The Voting is closed!
Nick will sneak into the school
Neither choice was inherently bad, but sneaking into the school will have quite a few consequences. Good and Bad.
The next part should be out today or tomorrow (most likely tomorrow) and it will be the first on Osleron, (there will be a lot of shifting between Earth and Osleron in the next few parts), I haven't had much time to write yet, but I have the next few hours free. So you can expect it either today or tomorrow
Cool, good writing :-)
Is Nick the only POV or will there eventually be multiple?
Multiple, the next part will actually introduce a new one.
The part is finished, all that is left is some editing and it should be up within an hour or two. Sorry about the long wait
Can't wait!
Narigg Bonecrusher - Dorragir, Chorrod, 201 AC
The arid wastleland of Chorrod was perhaps the dustiest place on Osleron, even the orcs could barely see in it. Narigg Bonecrusher stroke his large black wolf, Gorglo behind the ear, “Slowly now” he said with a low growl, the demons were just a few feet away from Bonecrusher and his men, but so was the fortressed city of Dorragir, from what it seemed there were five demons, each leading ten skeletons, a total of roughly fifty-five hostiles, Bonecrusher himself had a total of ten powerful orcs by his side, his sister, Zethra among them.
“Zethra, we’re going after them” Narigg told his sister, who too sat upon her wolf, she was not a pretty orc by any means, neither was Narigg truthfully, she was tall, around seven-foot atleast, only a foot shorter than Narigg, who stood at eight-feet himself, she had a powerful build, her bulging muscles could be seen as she wore sleeveless armor, she was never quite as strong as Narigg but she was a lot stronger than most male orcs.
Zethra seemed excited that Narigg made this decision, as she tied her coarse and bristly hair into a bun, she grinned through her dirty tusks, “Good, I’ve been itching for a fight, we doing this on foot, or mount”
“I’m thinking we split up, you take five orcs east and cut them off there, you distract them from the back, while my orcs attack from the front, this shouldn’t be too hard, only a few corpses.”
Zethra roared, “Haha, not hard at all, walking corpses are nothing for the Might of the Flame,” Zethra signalled five orcs to her side, they each carried axe’s, while Zethra herself wielded the fire-blade, Soulflare, she charged with a mighty scream, catching the attention of the skeletion’s, and about one demon, she slammed her wolf into the bulk of the horde, her men followed her action, Narigg could no longer see her but he could hear the screams of joy, and the light of fire, as skeleton after skeleton fell to her blade.
“Alright brothers! We charge together and not one damn thing will stand in our way!” Gorglo started howling, so did Narigg’s orcs, they began chanting “FOR! THE! FLAME!” And then they charged, Gorglo paw after paw, ran into the horde of skeletons, Zethra had already made great work, and atleast twenty skeletons were now mere bones, Narigg himself jumped of Gorglo just before the wolf reached the horde, with a roll Narigg landed on his feet.
It was the demons Narigg wanted, there were three shadows and one Traix, “Brothers! you handle the shadows.” Narigg unsheathed his already enraged axe, “I’ve got the big guy!” Bonecrusher let out a battle-cry as he leapt at the thirty foot, four armed, fire demon.
He got about ten feet high, and with one hand slammed his axe into the Traix, the Traix was a tough demon, but Narigg’s axe was tougher it cut deeply across the Traix’s flame engulfed thigh, this greatly wounded the Traix, as it should, Narigg’s axe strengthens with his rage, it’s power was truly godly, Bloodhowler, it was called, the Traix’s blood spurted out a red flame, as Narigg fell to the ground, he landed on his feet although his hand was slighty burned from touching the Traix, the red flame engulfed this small battlefield they fought on, all the skeletons around Zethra burned from the blood of the Traix, but the demon wasn’t dead instead it howled a demonic curse at Narigg and threw a ball of fire at him, he dodged the flame as it flew back to the orcs behind him, Narigg with a two handed cleave sliced the Traix’s flaming foot clean of, and the giant demon fell to the ground.
Narigg was swift with his decision, the Traix was defeated, so now he had to question it, he put his axe to the throat of the flame demon, and screamed, “WHO SENT YOU!” the demon’s speech was unintelligible, it spoke in a tongue Narigg could not understand, but he knew someone who could, Rothakk, the twisted orc, who practiced lye magic, god knows why Tharegg still keeps him around, Rothakk would be able to speak to this creature, even if he hated him, his intelligence would be useful, now all Narigg had to do was capture it, a hard thing, since he couldn’t touch it, and unfortunately he didn’t have his flamed-armor, in fact Narigg wasn’t even armored, he was wearing a single shoulder-guard on his right arm, and nothing else except pants.
Narigg turned around to see if his men had taken care of the shadows, the ball of fire that the Traix had thrown at them was enough to engulf the entire battlefield and it was only the one shadow that remained, except for one orc, who was almost dead, Narigg had to take care of this, he swung Bloodhowler in a circular motion building up some power in it, before he hurled it towards the shadow, Bloodhowler decimated the shadow as it’s remains turned to nothing, Narigg signalled the orc over to him, “Hold the Traix down, I must talk to Zethra” the orc obeyed without question. Narigg quickly ran and retrieved Bloodhowler before speaking with Zethra.
All of Zethra’s men were dead, yet Zethra herself remained unwounded the skeletons did nothing to her, she slaughtered them all alone, with only Gorglo and her wolf as aid.
“Good job, we have one left, Ful’thar’s got him held down, it’s a Traix, I’m thinking we take him back to Rothakk”
“Sounds good, I’ll carry these bones back, maybe Rothakk can reanimate them, and add them to our army” Narigg was a bit surprised by her comment, “When did we start agreeing with Rothakk’s dark ways, I thought you hated him more than me?” Zethra pulled Soulflare out of a corpse, “I do hate him, but times like these, with that asshole up there,” she pointed upwards towards a dark cloud in the sky, that cloud was rumoured to be The One Above All’s resting place, “It means we need to take desperate measures, much as I hate it, and those damn humans, if they did not despise us so much, we probably could have stopped him.”
“The humans are a full continent away, sister, they cannot bother us here. And just because that asshole still lurks does not mean we forsake our honor, honor is the only thing we have left, if you lose that you lose yourself. We leave the skeletons here and take the Traix, nothing else.”
She dropped the skeletal bones, and mounted her wolf “Fine, but those bones would have been useful,” she said stubbornly, as she left Narigg all alone to deal with the Traix, she can be a real bitch at times, “Gorglo,” Narigg called and his wolf walked slowly over to him, with a bone in his mouth, “Always knew you were a warrior, boy, good job,” Narigg rubbed Gorglo’s black fur underneath the chin, the wolf seemed to enjoy this, “You go on ahead boy, I have this Traix to handle,” Gorglo bounded down the desert path and caught up with Zethra.
Time to deal with this Traix, “Ful’thar,” Narigg called, “how are things going brother,” Ful’thar momentarily turned to answer Narigg, his axe still at the Traix’s throat “Not sure, it doesn’t seem to be moving, are you sure it’s not dead,”
“It’s still on fire, that means it’s still alive” Narigg told Ful’thar.
“Yea we- Ful’thar’s head was immediately grabbed by a giant hand the size of his face, Ful’thar didn’t even get time to react as his whole face was melted by fire, Ful’thar dropped to the ground, dead.
The Traix’s missing foot then suddenly regrew, and Narigg had to fight this thing at full strength again, and he wanted to, Ful’thar was a good friend to Narigg and he would make sure he was avenged, “Alright! You fiery fuck! LET’S DO THIS!” Narigg roared a bestial growl, and leapt, this time due to the rage, Narigg had a better leap and Bloodhowler was better fuelled, Narigg jumped right at the center of the Traix’s chest, the Traix in turn, replied with a stream of fire that showered Narigg, what should have killed him didn’t due to his insatiable rage, “ARGHH!!!!” Bloodhowler hit the flame demon straight in the chest, and the power behind this attack made the Traix tumble to the ground with Narigg right on top of it, unfortunately for the Traix, Narigg’s attack was so powerful it had knocked the demon back a great deal, and it fell right on top of Dorragir’s magical barrier, which meant.
The Traix shattered in half, it’s complete upper body disappeared as Narigg rolled onto the dirt of the eastern gate of Dorragir, with Bloodhowler in his hand, loud applause could soon be heard as the guards around Narigg realised what they just saw, “General,” the voice of Malvor Skullash said, “Showing of again, are you?” Malvor was an old orc, grey of hair, with a hunched back, he had served with Narigg’s father, those two were the best the orcs had back then, “Of course, when don’t I” Narigg laughed, “How are you these days Malvor, it’s been awhile since our last chat.”
“Indeed, it has brother, especially since you’re often not even in Dorragir, what exactly brings you back if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Tharegg, he needed me for something, didn’t tell me what it was, I’m actually just about to find out, would you walk with me Malvor, I must to speak with Rothakk as well, thought you might know where he is?”
“Well, I do yes, he’s in the main chamber of the fortress, while your brother’s on the throne, and yes I will walk with you, it’d be nice to catch up,” Malvor flashed a grin at Narigg, and Narigg flashed one back.
They entered through the eastern gate, as orcish guards made a line to honor their general, “Have you seen Zethra around anywhere, she should have entered the gates, she has Gorglo with her,”
Narigg looked around, as they were in Dorragir now, Dorragir was always a warrior city, ever since Narigg’s father had first founded it, the city itself almost resembled a battlefield, with long spikes covering every roof of the city, heads among all of them. The grounds of Dorragir were full of complete dirt, and nothing else, and the red banner of the Flame could be seen from all directions, it sat upon the entrance of the throne room, which was a few levels higher than the ground.
“Your sister entered not long before you,” Malvor spoke up, “with two cheerful wolves by her side, she didn’t tell us where she was going, but the throne room would be the best bet, luckily you’re just about to head there.” They walked past a few dirty homes, the blacksmith, and a few stalls for food, they continued moving.
“Do you think she has been acting strange lately Malvor, Zethra, I mean. She has always been rash, yet so have I, still neither of us have ever stooped so low as to trust Rothakk, why would that change now?” Narigg and Malvor were now getting close to the entrance of the hold, they were now just waiting for the wooden elevator.
“Hmm, your right she has been acting strange, a lot more than usual, knowing your sister, she should come to her senses soon. You shouldn’t be too worked up about this right now, you have other things to worry about, like the Might of the Flame, you still have to control, you should leave me to handle Zethra and Rothakk, you just focus on Tharegg.” Malvor had a point, and he had always been good with sage advice. The wooden elevator had just reached the ground, “Fine, but don’t let those two leave your sight, Malvor, I’m trusting you with this, I’ll see what Tharegg needs, but after that, I handle them.” Narigg said as they both entered the elevator.
“As you say General, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” The elevator took it’s time but eventually it reached the top, Narigg took a quick peek into the gates, where the Flames mounts were kept, he said hey to Reaver his large black drake, this was Narigg’s means of flying when he needed to reach other continents, it was Reaver who got him there, Narigg finished petting Reaver, gave Gorglo a quick tussle. Then he left to meet with Tharegg, Narigg and Malvor walked until they reached Dorragir Hold, it was a short walk “They should be just in here,” said Malvor, to which Narigg replied with a nod.
Narigg slammed open the large wooden doors of Dorragir Hold, the doors bashed against the stone wall as Narigg’s powerful frame moved silently across the throne room, with Malvor by his side, the formerly loud throne room turned silent, as Narigg entered, every one scattered of to their duties, Zethra and Rothakk were the only ones who remained they could be seen towards the corner of the throne room, they seemed to be waiting for Tharegg, but also looked very suspicious, Rothakk hid his face under a black robe, although his orcish tusks could still be seen, he had a horrible hunched back, it was so bad he needed a staff to help him walk, it must have been his magic that made him this way, because Rothakk wasn’t much older than Narigg yet he looked twice his age.
“Bonecrusher,” Rothakk said in a guttural voice, as he slowly approached Narigg, Zethra by his side, “We’ve been expecting you. Your brother, Tharegg, should be back shortly, he’s currently over there,” Rothakk pointed towards a small room that was closed, “Yes, but why are you here Rothakk? I thought Tharegg and I had agreed you were to never return to Dorragir,” Rothakk stared at Bonecrusher, visibly angry, to which Narigg strengthened his gaze, “Your brother needs me as much as he needs you, so don’t get all weak with me, boy” this pissed Narigg right of, Rothakk comes back here and he thinks he owns the place…wrong, only a bonecrusher can rule Dorragir.
Narigg tightened his fist and with a heavy hand punched Rothakk in the face, except he didn’t, as Malvor had grabbed his shoulder before he even rose his fist, “Narigg, this is not the time, remember what I told you,” Malvor whispered calmly to Narigg, “Fine!” Narigg said as he threw Malvor’s hand of him and turned back to Rothakk “Don’t think I will let this pass, sorcerer, we will finish this after I speak with Tharegg,” Rothakk laughed, “Whatever you say Bonecrusher,” it was Zethra this time who spoke up, “Don’t be a fool brother, Rothakk is on our side,” Narigg didn’t care to respond.
Tharegg had come back just in time and his presence alone immediately settled disputes, Tharegg was short for an orc, he only stood at six feet, but his stance was godly, and he had the spirit of a divine, he wore long grey robes, but did not cover his face, his mighty tusks, and jutting jaw were more than visible, it was Rothakk who he first spoke to “High Sorcerer Rothakk,” he nodded and turned to Zethra, “Overlord Zethra,” nodded again, then turned to Malvor, “High Guardsman Malvor,” he then finally turned to Narigg, “And, General Bonecrusher, the legend himself, and the one I need to speak with,” Tharegg turned to the others, and with a single gaze, they all left, it was as if Tharegg told them to telepathically, Tharegg turned to Narigg, and spoke after a short stare, “Come brother, now that we’re alone, we must talk, this is urgent,”
Narigg followed Tharegg into that small room Tharegg was just in, unsurprisingly this was the war room, Narigg’s home almost, it was filled with red, and the banner of the Flame could be seen, the table itself had chicken on it and a few jugs of ale, Narigg had always drunk straight from the jug, Narigg unsheathed Bloodhowler and placed her upon the wall, before continuing the talk with Tharegg, “Narigg, something bad has happened,” Narigg grabbed a jug of ale before responding, “What, what is it,”
“It is about Lekthr,” said Tharegg, Narigg gulped down another jug of ale, “Yea, what about him,” Narigg kept drinking, “He….He’s dead,” Narigg immediately dropped his jug of ale, “What!”
“The undead in Frostland got to him,” so it was the undead that killed Lekthr, that only meant, “Have they turned him?” asked Narigg, Tharegg himself tried to appear stoically and hide his emotions but it was clear, he was not pleased with the news. Lekthr was there blood brother, he had been dispatched to deal with the undead in Frostland, “Yes, that is what the reports say, he is one of them now.” Tharegg stood up from his chair and walked over to the wall, he closed his eyes, they both remained quiet for a time as Narigg knew what Tharegg was doing “You’re wounded brother, a Traix got to you, yet you’re hiding it, why?” Tharegg had a connection to the Spirits, of course he would be able to tell Narigg was wounded, even when Narigg tried to hide it, “It’s nothing we have more important matters at hand here, as in those whelps that slew Lekthr”
Tharegg opened his eyes and moved silently towards Narigg, “Are you going to speak Tharegg,” asked Narigg, Tharegg knelt on one knee and his large left hand grabbed Narigg by the back of the neck, while his right hand held Narigg’s much bigger forearm, he then placed his own forehead against Narigg’s, it was clear, Narigg’s head was far larger than his brothers, Narigg took one quick look at his burnt hand, it was worse than he thought, “Close your eyes brother, I’m helping you,” Narigg followed his orders and closed his eyes.
It was a peaceful moment, felt as if Narigg and Tharegg were in a different realm for a time, playing on the sand of their home-world, laughing, in a world without war, a world Narigg didn’t want, but Tharegg, all he had ever wanted was peace, it was him who had allied with the humans, yet they did not ally with him.
They returned to the plane of Osleron, Narigg’s hand was fully restored, as water flashed over it and suddenly disappeared, “Why did you take us there?” Narigg angrily asked his brother, Tharegg looked deeply into Narigg’s amber eyes, “It is our home, you’re saying you don’t want to go back,” Narigg wanted to go back home more than anything, yet his world did not look like the one Tharegg had taken them to, the real Droarus had been destroyed by the Eiwoqir, that world now was filled with demons, far worse than Osleron, atleast Osleron was still intact.
“That was not our world, it was only your projection of what it once was,” Tharegg didn’t respond to his brother but it was clear this remark had hurt him, “Now what did you need me for, Lekthr is clearly not the only problem,”
Tharegg spoke up but refused to face Narigg’s direction, “It is time for this to end, brother” he said stoically, before turning around to face Narigg, “You’re going to Komladur,” he paused for a second,” You’re entering the portal,”
“Wait, you want me to go to Earth, that strange dream world, the only thing the dark elves fail to solve.” Narigg stood up now, he was angered from the news. “Why me, I’m hardly the best orc for solving riddles,”
Tharegg grabbed Narigg by the shoulders although it was hard for him to reach, he forced Narigg to look down at him, “You won’t be solving any riddles, brother, I assure you the mission will be a success, as long as you’re careful the dwarves and the halflings have already finished making the portal, all you must do is enter it” Narigg pushed his brother of him, he wasn’t very fond of affection, yet Tharegg was.
“Take me back a few steps here, you want me to infiltrate the dwarven stronghold in the Eastern continent, do you know how large that stronghold is, I’m a warrior not a thief, why would you send me there?”
“Well, obviously, you won’t be in your current orcish form,”
“You want me to shapeshift into a dwarf, sorry, brother, but I’m not a Volrohn unless you have forgotten”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Rothakk has a potion that will transform you into a dwarf, we even gave you a name, Galthus Sunbeard, and the dwarves are expecting you,”
“This is the dumbest idea, you’ve ever had Tharegg, allowing this to happen, how desperate are you?”
“Very,” Tharegg looked pleased as he knew he had won, “These times call for such measures brother, it won’t be so bad as long as you keep calm, just watch out while you are there, I don’t know what the dwarves are packing in terms of defences, but they will be strong nonetheless, just don’t get caught and you’ll be fine,”
“Fine, I suppose you want me to fly there on Reaver,”
“Well, yes of course you’ll take the drake, but you aren’t going alone,”
“I’m not? who’s coming with me?”
“I’m giving you a choice here, you can choose between Rothakk, Zethra or Malvor, choose wisely, as one slight mistake can screw this entire mission, I’ll give you time to think on this decision, this is your war room after all.” Tharegg left the room, and closed the door behind him, Narigg had time to calculate.
This was a harder decision than Narigg wanted it to be, Rothakk could be useful but such dark magic can never be trusted. Zethra was very hot headed even more than Narigg, she could probably wreck the entire mission on her own, yet if a battle occurs she would be highly useful. Malvor was definitely the most calm and collected of the three, but he was quite old and slow, he would most likely slow Narigg down, yet Narigg looked at him like a father, and trusted him more than anything.
[Take Rothakk with you] [Take Zethra with you] [Take Malvor with you]
Alright, once again sorry for the long wait, and sorry I had to split the part into two seperate posts, still I hope you enjoy
[Take Zethra with you]
I'd have preferred to take Malvor but I'm just too suspicious of Rothakk and Zethra to leave them alone together.
[Take Zethra with you]
That was quite long part!
[Take Malvor with you] he is propably the best choice for an infiltration hot heads would be a big the same as un trostworthy people
[Take Malvor with you] Some wisdom and level headed thinking is what you need for an infiltration mission.
I have to say that the Orcs are really interesting! I also really liked this part.
So, we're two parts in and you have already encountered my mortal enemy, the post-length limit. I like that, I like that a serious lot
Speaking of things I like, there's this part, which is great. Orcs are always an interesting, since rare perspective in such stories and I like that you go with the whole Warcaft approach to the race in which they are not just the bad guys, but have actual depth to them. And you wrote them really well! I look forward for more parts from them and this story just continues to get better. I can't wait for future parts, this is awesome!
[Take Malvor with you]
I was a bit torn between him and Zethra and I wouldn't mind her to win this choice either. I really don't trust Rothakk, so I won't take him, though I wouldn't be too surprised if he ends up as a bit of a red herring and isn't actually that much of a bad guy. But as Narigg himself thought about, his magic can't be trusted. And Zethra's temper could be a problem, whereas Malvor might be able to avoid any fight, therefore having a similar use to her. So, he seems like the best choice out of the three, defintiely better than Rothakk and maybe better than Zethra.
[Take Zethra with you]
Got to love some bonding time
[Take Rothakk with you]
Any guess when the next part is up, if you don't mind me asking?
Should be out soon, maybe today, (can't guarantee that), or tomorrow, but I will close the voting a few hours before I post the part.
Cool, thanks.