Oh, okay. I was so confused when I saw you had a problem with that. You know, aside from "Why is the most boring 400 Days PC modeled so heavily after the Big Lebowskis?"
Oh, okay. I was so confused when I saw you had a problem with that. You know, aside from "Why is the most boring 400 Days PC modeled so heavily after the Big Lebowskis?"
I try, only from fun. no offense
A young brave soldier tries to comfort his dying companion; circa 1943 (colorized)
Clementine: ...ARVO!... ARVO!

I already post this in my design thread, might as well post this here too.
Edit: What even went wrong with this
throw back when we all though ANF was going to be Telltale's biggest and best game
And then... you know
You tell me.
Looks like Carver got his other eye.
I thought that was real for a second.
No I tried to make a copy of your joke and It failed horribly
Oh, okay. I was so confused when I saw you had a problem with that. You know, aside from "Why is the most boring 400 Days PC modeled so heavily after the Big Lebowskis?"
My joke was how Pete+Mike=Lee
...That's actually not bad.
Fake as hell.
Jazzy Disco?
I am uncomfortable...
Why is it much much bigger here than as it's own image?
I watched all of his TWD vids he's not faking it, hell he got so mad at Season 3 he swapped Javi for Kenny with the character swap thing
Oh man, the Jane one. I laughed.
One of the more surreal pieces I've seen on here.
When a saw Clementine smoking
That cute and creapy at the one same time, sorry me -_-
The Russian version of A New Frontier looks way better. Clem has way more screen time.
yep xD
Well, I ain't sleeping tonight.
Damn, clem has one nasty overbite.
I remember seeing a season 1 version before. These are so funny XD
Ayyy Doug fan. Yeah Doug is the best, us nerds gotta stick together.
"Got any peanut butter?"
OMG!!!! tears Because it's true.