What set of wheels would you get Clementine?
Clementine needs a new vehicle, fact. Javier's family are dum dums, leaving the van out like that so the walkers would roast it with their flamethrowers. Now she's got no wheels, and has to chop down another tree unless Javi gets her a new van to hold him at gunpoint over.
What kind of vehicle would you get for our awesome daughter to ensure she gets where she needs to?
I personally have selected the following:
Golf Cart
With this Clem will be riding in style, and in her favorite color. Not so good for protection, but add some planks, nails and superglue and she’ll be fine. Comes with free golf clubs too!
Perfect for the element of surprise. Riding this will temporally baffle bandits as they watch a 13 year old girl in shades drive by while flipping them the bird at 20mph.
Mighty Shopping Cart
More than enough room to store valuable supplies, with a powerful engine and the seating high enough to remain out of reach of walkers, it’s the perfect means of transportation. Our girl will be going places, and while flipping the bird at more stunned bandits, while driving at an incredible 25mph.
Who needs wheels when CLEM’S GOT A RAPTOR! A loyal companion who will eat the intestines of her enemies [including David. Fuck David] there really is no other mode of transportation worthy of a Clementine. A raptor is also great for keeping pony-porno-loving-moody-beanie-hat-wearing-pubescent-boners away from our girl, which I'm sure, many will agree, is a huge bonus.
I was real confused when I saw Clementine driving (had Wellington ending) but also amused. If I had to get her a ride...
Roller skates!
better yet...heelys
Only acceptable answer.
Pretty sure you only see her driving if you leave with Kenny.
Joakim Broden of Sabaton approves of this.
Clem deserves nothing less than...the BATMOBILE

On a side note, this looks like the same abandoned building from Metallica's music video for One.
One that doesnt randomly crash
A rooster. I'd give her giant rooster. Girls like big.. rooster.
So she can travel back in time to keep Lee from dying on us!
Why do you think I put the question mark there?
Type it in as "IT vehicle"...
She should drive a boat. Idc if she's on land, the boat god will help her.
People have walked on water, why not swim on land?
i would give clementine a transformer specifically bumblebee
A spaceship. Preferably the Ebon Hawk, the fastest ship in the outer rim.
Would love to see her cruising down the street in her 64
The moment Clem walks up the ramp and into the ship...
Bao Dur: Yes, General?
Clem: Nothing. Never mind.
HK-47: Query: Is there someone you need killed, master?
Clem: There is a guy...named Arvo...
Visas Marr: My life for yours.
Clem: Oh great...I have another fan...
Mandalore: Yeah, what do you want?
Clem: I could trade you a box of batteries for those alacrity stimulants?
Atton: Something up?
Clem: How about a game of Pazaak, Republic Senate rules?
This could be quite good but walkers might get stuck on the spikes.
This would also be good due to the height advantage.
They also look good for the apocalypse in general
Well, those are all mighty fine options for Clementine.
But, at least in my opinion, what she also needs is a friend. My Javier betrayed her, taking her to New Richmond at gunpoint. I'm a monster ; - ; So it's likely Clementine ain't feeling the generosity of man, especially if it turns out some harm has befallen the Goofball Meister General.
So that got me thinking. What if you knocked out two birds with one stone?
How about we give her a set of wheels AND a friend, all in one?
Ladies and gentlemen. We have the technology.
And, hey, you could have conversations with him! Such as this lovely one, when Clementine and the truck first get to chatting.
[ ... ]
[ Sometimes there just isn't a right answer. ]
[ I wish I picked the golf cart. ]
So, with all this in mind, I think we have the right answer...
... And it's the golf cart.
Purple's the best colour in the universe.
Do not let that girl behind the wheel! Do not let her shift into third gear! Nooo!
Flying carpet would be nice, can you please add it to the list? Lilac colour, to be specific.
A fuckin' Harley, duh. Could you image Clem puttin' some chainsaws on a good ol' fashioned Harley and strollin' up to the party like a god damn Terminator, wiping out like 30 walkers and saying "Come with me if you wanna live" to the peeps she saved. Hey, she is a mary-sue after all. We might as well make her a fucking badass. And I assure you, NOTHING is more badass than a god damned Harley motorcycle.
It should be customized and called.. The Clemobile
You mean that wheel vehicle from South Park?
Something that doesn't require fuel . Fuel's useless after 5 years.
I searched it and this was my first result:
Looks a little uncomfortable, but I respect your opinion.
A bike.
Get some exercise you lazy brat.
Considering that Mr Garrison made it, it's no wonder.
This superior ultimate af vehicle that can drive both on water and land aka CJ's bby.
Clementine => C
Junior (bc she a young fruit clementine) => J
Clementine == CJ
She drives you back to Prescott if you stay with her to fight off The New Frontier instead of going back with your family.
I know. ...Oh, I got you now!
Not for her, it isn't.
What about the Jetpack? She literally doesn't need to touch the ground to steer that one.
Or even better, a plant pot!
Fuck yeah, a Vortex!
That was actually my first thought.
She should have her own Loader Bot. He can fight walkers and she can fly on him.