I think he existed, but not that he was god's son and if we lived after his teachings, we would be tricked idk how many times, because not every person is as good as he said. So no.
Chaos and the fear of things that are beyond our ability to change makes it quite reasonable to look for solace in a god or great figure. The end asks us to question if it is truly a good man or god that we follow when our fears lead us to seek such.
It is about false gods and prophets. A warning about those who would be dictators using god as a shield. Hitler...Stalin set himself up as a figure of vast knowledge....think bigly.
He was a real dude, there's historical record for that, and Jesus was actually a pretty common name in those days. But was he the son of a God or whatever? Nope, I don't think so.
Tacitus mentioned him somewhere in his histories, so I believe the guy himself existed, but he was just one of many preachers who got so lucky to be worshipped because reasons.
There is absolutely NO HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that man existed. Sorry. Gospels were written long time after his death and they are allegories. … moreRead them fchs; one story (Mark's) expanded by other authors. I know what I'm saying, I've been studying bible for years.
There are too many similarities with Jesus and Horus, Buddha, Mithra, Krishna and probably a lot more to ignore... maybe it's some kind of p… morerophecy and some kind of messiah shows up every a couple hundred years or so in different plces to save the world or smething...
Shall the next one save us from Trump.
"Do you think he existed? Do you think he was the Son Of God/God himself? And do you think his teachings are still practical for today's world?"
Yes, I know He exists. Yes, He is the Son of God and yes Jesus is God in human form who was born of woman in order to defeat death which is to say defeat Satan's plan to destroy all of us. Yes, His teachings was, is and always will be truth. The Creator knows what's best for His creations. For me, that's common sense.
Now, whether others believe the same or not to each their own based on free will. But I know for a fact because I live by faith, not by sight. However, there have been quite a few experiences that has happened to me throughout my life. Like talking to or seeing God's angels even though at the time I never know because they look just like everyday people. But in some cases, they take the appearance of someone around me to talk with me but I never am actually talking to the person they look like. No wonder why the teacher kept looking at me weird and then finally walked over to ask if I was talking to him. Confusing because she was standing right there next to me but he didn't see her. So, what he saw was me talking out loud even though no one was there but I see someone there.
But that's not the first experience I had based on that. So far, that's the only way I know if I'm talking to an angel if the people around say something. But unfortunately, she left and I was really enjoying our conversation. I wanted to talk to her again but the girl sitting seats down from me was completely different, like I knew that wasn't the same person I was just talking to even though she looked exactly the same. That's when my intuition kicked in so I didn't bother her because she was completely different in demeanor. She seemed cold, distant and obviously trying to ignore me. I suppose I wouldn't know how to respond to seeing someone looking in my direction as if talking to me but not. But knowing what I know, I wouldn't judge them thinking they were crazy. I know there is more to this world, to this life than what I know. I cannot understand based on my own understanding because I'll never get it but good thing I don't rely on my own understanding for everything.
There's also another experience where I was working and a woman says to me, "You're a Christian aren't you?" And I'm thinking how could she guess that with so many different religions but I tell her, "Yes, I am. How did you know?" And she says, "Because I can see your aura. I've never seen an aura so big and beautiful before. I can tell God has His hands on you." I personally don't know much or anything about auras, however, I do remember my mother mentioning it before. My mother didn't talk much about it but she could see into the spiritual realm. I even witnessed her talking out loud as if someone was there. So apparently, angels talked to her too. I think during the first heaven and earth age we chose God during the rebellion and it's possible we also are angels ourselves. Yes, everyone must be born of woman in order to be saved by Jesus Christ. And those who lived and died BC who believed may choose to be saved as well.
There are other experiences that my mother has shared with me and my own experiences that makes me believe we did choose God during the rebellion. Because God does not usually intervene in anyone's life except for those He knows He can count on. Those will have already chosen Him before arranging humans to inhabit the earth. But of course, God controls all and can use anyone for His will.
Sure a person named Jesus existing a couple of thousand years ago could be true. Son of god? Resurrection? Please.
I feel like you just copied my previous comment.
a coherent group of propositions formulated to explain a group of facts or phenomena in the natural world and repeatedly confirmed through experiment or observation
I was raised Christian, but currently I'm agnostic. I have my whole life to sort out my religious beliefs, and right now I'm just taking it easy in that department.
Well, I don't dispute that he was probably an actual person, but no, I do not believe he was the son of God or that he rose from the dead, for that matter. Whether his teachings are practical today truly depends on which teachings you're referring to, considering at the best of the times, the Bible's a bit contradictory, as are the various interpretations of Christ himself.
What confuses me is that (many, NOT ALL) Christians tend to use faith as their main source of evidence, completely unscientific. Yet the proof of evolution from fossils and everything else must be false because faith is better evidence than facts?
"Do you think he existed? Do you think he was the Son Of God/God himself? And do you think his teachings are still practical for today's wor… moreld?"
Yes, I know He exists. Yes, He is the Son of God and yes Jesus is God in human form who was born of woman in order to defeat death which is to say defeat Satan's plan to destroy all of us. Yes, His teachings was, is and always will be truth. The Creator knows what's best for His creations. For me, that's common sense.
Now, whether others believe the same or not to each their own based on free will. But I know for a fact because I live by faith, not by sight. However, there have been quite a few experiences that has happened to me throughout my life. Like talking to or seeing God's angels even though at the time I never know because they look just like everyday people. But in some cases, they take the appearance of someone around me to talk with me but I never am actually talking to the person t… [view original content]
Tacitus, you say? Yeah, he did mention him in "Annals" written about 116 AD. Jesus died 30/33 AD? Actually, Tacitus wrote about the Great Fire of Rome (64 AD) and mentioned Christians who were blamed and persecuted (first information).
What was his source, how accurate that info is, were Christians called Christians at that time - it's debatable.
But imagine this. You are writing about... scientology. So, it has started 50 years ago, Ron Hubbard, members believe galactic dictator Xenu brought his people to Earth millions years ago, stacked them around volcanos... Wait. Does this make Xenu historical person? Because one group believes it all has happened? No. Same situation with Jesus.
Tacitus mentioned him somewhere in his histories, so I believe the guy himself existed, but he was just one of many preachers who got so lucky to be worshipped because reasons.
I'm an atheist, so I honestly don't really care whether he existed or not. Tacitus, like all other historians of his time, can be unreliable on certain things, but I overall trust him on this since he was a pagan who had no interest whatsoever in Christian matters, so I don't really see why he should've reported something like this if he wasn't sure about it.
Tacitus, you say? Yeah, he did mention him in "Annals" written about 116 AD. Jesus died 30/33 AD? Actually, Tacitus wrote about the Great Fi… morere of Rome (64 AD) and mentioned Christians who were blamed and persecuted (first information).
What was his source, how accurate that info is, were Christians called Christians at that time - it's debatable.
But imagine this. You are writing about... scientology. So, it has started 50 years ago, Ron Hubbard, members believe galactic dictator Xenu brought his people to Earth millions years ago, stacked them around volcanos... Wait. Does this make Xenu historical person? Because one group believes it all has happened? No. Same situation with Jesus.
I'm not completely on either side of the spectrum, while I do believe in the possibility of his existence (divine-wise), it does go against what we know to be logical, but then again, we know so little about our own bodies, let alone our planet and the universe's existence, so who's to say? I use to be a full on denier as a child but I've had my share of successful prayers that made me think differently.
If they voted him, they clearly don't have the ability to do it. Or the intelligence. Or the will. They will pull out this "Being selfish is part of the Human nature and it can't and shouldn't be changed" crap.
There is already actual proof through censuses that Jesus was a real person back then but im an athiest so i dont believe he was the son of god since there is no ''God'' and as of now his teachings are not practical even if he was a good man. GO ATHIESTS Kappa
But do you think that there could be a slight chance even if its like 0.00000001% chance that all of this is false ( Everything to do with there being a God and your experiences) because there is a chance and i dont think anyone can deny that. People believe many things but does that make it true? ( Im an agnostic but more towards the athiest side btw so i like to ask this question from both perspectives)
"Do you think he existed? Do you think he was the Son Of God/God himself? And do you think his teachings are still practical for today's wor… moreld?"
Yes, I know He exists. Yes, He is the Son of God and yes Jesus is God in human form who was born of woman in order to defeat death which is to say defeat Satan's plan to destroy all of us. Yes, His teachings was, is and always will be truth. The Creator knows what's best for His creations. For me, that's common sense.
Now, whether others believe the same or not to each their own based on free will. But I know for a fact because I live by faith, not by sight. However, there have been quite a few experiences that has happened to me throughout my life. Like talking to or seeing God's angels even though at the time I never know because they look just like everyday people. But in some cases, they take the appearance of someone around me to talk with me but I never am actually talking to the person t… [view original content]
There is already actual proof through censuses that Jesus was a real person back then but im an athiest so i dont believe he was the son of … moregod since there is no ''God'' and as of now his teachings are not practical even if he was a good man. GO ATHIESTS Kappa
I'm an atheist, so I honestly don't really care whether he existed or not. Tacitus, like all other historians of his time, can be unreliable… more on certain things, but I overall trust him on this since he was a pagan who had no interest whatsoever in Christian matters, so I don't really see why he should've reported something like this if he wasn't sure about it.
I'm atheist, but I miss when society was more Christian, though even in the 90s it was becoming less so.
I wish more people believed in Jesus, even if I can't bring myself to do it.
Sometimes it feels like we live in a bit of a dystopia becoming evermore degenerate and immoral.
I personally hold no hope for the future of western civilization, I'd feel guilty raising kids that have to live through the inevitable decline.
But do you think that there could be a slight chance even if its like 0.00000001% chance that all of this is false ( Everything to do with t… morehere being a God and your experiences) because there is a chance and i dont think anyone can deny that. People believe many things but does that make it true? ( Im an agnostic but more towards the athiest side btw so i like to ask this question from both perspectives)
That may be...but we are in the last generation that began in 1948 when Israel became a nation. This 2nd heaven and earth age will eventually end. A lot of people are not going to be ready for when that happens. The new world order/one world government/one world religion is still in progress but not quite established yet. But when it does, it will set people up for accepting the mark of the beast. No one will be able to buy or sell unless they accept the mark of the beast and those who refuse, some of them will be killed. But a physical death is nothing to worry about, however the death of your soul is something to worry about. As it is written, the whole world will whore after the Anti-Christ which will be Satan himself playing the role of Jesus Christ. Except God's Elect because they know the truth and cannot be deceived.
If you or anyone is genuinely looking for God's truth, I suggest Shepherd's Chapel. They teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse. I have grew up in church during my younger years but the only enjoyable part was Sunday school. As I got older, I always felt like I learned nothing with the pastor's sermon so I am happy to have found Shepherd's Chapel. https://shepherdschapel.com/
Question everything. Take no one's word for anything, not even mine until you research and come to your own conclusion. Be careful though, there is a lot of deception and lies out there. However, once you get better acquainted with your spiritual self, it is much easier to discern by using your common sense and intuition. Of course, those who accept Jesus Christ in their lives, the Holy Spirit will never lead them wrong. Also, there are many things that cannot be understood based on your own understanding. There is a bigger picture to be seen instead of a portion of the puzzle.
Just look around you and observe. Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear?
I was raised Christian, but currently I'm agnostic. I have my whole life to sort out my religious beliefs, and right now I'm just taking it easy in that department.
I believe he existed, but I don't see any more actual evidence that he was divine than there is evidence that the ancient greek gods were divine.
I don't understand this re: religion - why are Christians, for example, so sure that they're following the right god when there are so many other religions around which have just as much evidence supporting them?
HEY no need for that man
I think he existed, but not that he was god's son and if we lived after his teachings, we would be tricked idk how many times, because not every person is as good as he said. So no.
Chaos and the fear of things that are beyond our ability to change makes it quite reasonable to look for solace in a god or great figure. The end asks us to question if it is truly a good man or god that we follow when our fears lead us to seek such.
It is about false gods and prophets. A warning about those who would be dictators using god as a shield. Hitler...Stalin set himself up as a figure of vast knowledge....think bigly.
He was a real dude, there's historical record for that, and Jesus was actually a pretty common name in those days. But was he the son of a God or whatever? Nope, I don't think so.
A cruel and angry god indeed!
He's possibly a historical figure, but the whole son of god, curing ailments thing stinks of magical hoo hah.
Some have merit, though whether they're actually his teachings is another matter entirely.
Tacitus mentioned him somewhere in his histories, so I believe the guy himself existed, but he was just one of many preachers who got so lucky to be worshipped because reasons.
I don't believe in fairy tales.
Nah, people have to help themselves in this regard.
No thank you.
"Do you think he existed? Do you think he was the Son Of God/God himself? And do you think his teachings are still practical for today's world?"
Yes, I know He exists. Yes, He is the Son of God and yes Jesus is God in human form who was born of woman in order to defeat death which is to say defeat Satan's plan to destroy all of us. Yes, His teachings was, is and always will be truth. The Creator knows what's best for His creations. For me, that's common sense.
Now, whether others believe the same or not to each their own based on free will. But I know for a fact because I live by faith, not by sight. However, there have been quite a few experiences that has happened to me throughout my life. Like talking to or seeing God's angels even though at the time I never know because they look just like everyday people. But in some cases, they take the appearance of someone around me to talk with me but I never am actually talking to the person they look like. No wonder why the teacher kept looking at me weird and then finally walked over to ask if I was talking to him. Confusing because she was standing right there next to me but he didn't see her. So, what he saw was me talking out loud even though no one was there but I see someone there.
But that's not the first experience I had based on that. So far, that's the only way I know if I'm talking to an angel if the people around say something. But unfortunately, she left and I was really enjoying our conversation. I wanted to talk to her again but the girl sitting seats down from me was completely different, like I knew that wasn't the same person I was just talking to even though she looked exactly the same. That's when my intuition kicked in so I didn't bother her because she was completely different in demeanor. She seemed cold, distant and obviously trying to ignore me. I suppose I wouldn't know how to respond to seeing someone looking in my direction as if talking to me but not. But knowing what I know, I wouldn't judge them thinking they were crazy. I know there is more to this world, to this life than what I know. I cannot understand based on my own understanding because I'll never get it but good thing I don't rely on my own understanding for everything.
There's also another experience where I was working and a woman says to me, "You're a Christian aren't you?" And I'm thinking how could she guess that with so many different religions but I tell her, "Yes, I am. How did you know?" And she says, "Because I can see your aura. I've never seen an aura so big and beautiful before. I can tell God has His hands on you." I personally don't know much or anything about auras, however, I do remember my mother mentioning it before. My mother didn't talk much about it but she could see into the spiritual realm. I even witnessed her talking out loud as if someone was there. So apparently, angels talked to her too. I think during the first heaven and earth age we chose God during the rebellion and it's possible we also are angels ourselves. Yes, everyone must be born of woman in order to be saved by Jesus Christ. And those who lived and died BC who believed may choose to be saved as well.
There are other experiences that my mother has shared with me and my own experiences that makes me believe we did choose God during the rebellion. Because God does not usually intervene in anyone's life except for those He knows He can count on. Those will have already chosen Him before arranging humans to inhabit the earth. But of course, God controls all and can use anyone for His will.
I seriously did not read your comment before posting mine. But after I posted it I realized we both phrased it very similarly
scientific theory
a coherent group of propositions formulated to explain a group of facts or phenomena in the natural world and repeatedly confirmed through experiment or observation
I was raised Christian, but currently I'm agnostic. I have my whole life to sort out my religious beliefs, and right now I'm just taking it easy in that department.
Well, I don't dispute that he was probably an actual person, but no, I do not believe he was the son of God or that he rose from the dead, for that matter. Whether his teachings are practical today truly depends on which teachings you're referring to, considering at the best of the times, the Bible's a bit contradictory, as are the various interpretations of Christ himself.
Most Christians believe the earth is 4.8 billion years old and evolution is real; obviously, not all Christians do, but most do.
Holy dogma, Batman!
Tacitus, you say? Yeah, he did mention him in "Annals" written about 116 AD. Jesus died 30/33 AD? Actually, Tacitus wrote about the Great Fire of Rome (64 AD) and mentioned Christians who were blamed and persecuted (first information).
What was his source, how accurate that info is, were Christians called Christians at that time - it's debatable.
But imagine this. You are writing about... scientology. So, it has started 50 years ago, Ron Hubbard, members believe galactic dictator Xenu brought his people to Earth millions years ago, stacked them around volcanos... Wait. Does this make Xenu historical person? Because one group believes it all has happened? No. Same situation with Jesus.
No, but I do believe in Brandon Keener, the guy who voices Jesus.

I'm an atheist, so I honestly don't really care whether he existed or not. Tacitus, like all other historians of his time, can be unreliable on certain things, but I overall trust him on this since he was a pagan who had no interest whatsoever in Christian matters, so I don't really see why he should've reported something like this if he wasn't sure about it.
I'm not completely on either side of the spectrum, while I do believe in the possibility of his existence (divine-wise), it does go against what we know to be logical, but then again, we know so little about our own bodies, let alone our planet and the universe's existence, so who's to say? I use to be a full on denier as a child but I've had my share of successful prayers that made me think differently.
If they voted him, they clearly don't have the ability to do it. Or the intelligence. Or the will. They will pull out this "Being selfish is part of the Human nature and it can't and shouldn't be changed" crap.
There is already actual proof through censuses that Jesus was a real person back then but im an athiest so i dont believe he was the son of god since there is no ''God'' and as of now his teachings are not practical even if he was a good man. GO ATHIESTS Kappa
But do you think that there could be a slight chance even if its like 0.00000001% chance that all of this is false ( Everything to do with there being a God and your experiences) because there is a chance and i dont think anyone can deny that. People believe many things but does that make it true? ( Im an agnostic but more towards the athiest side btw so i like to ask this question from both perspectives)
I also believe in John Turturro
"Proof through consensus."
That sounds strange, and erroneous.
"Yeah? Well that's just like, y'know, your opinion man."
Jesus actually did exist! However, although he did exist, people DO NOT believe he was the Son of God. That's the only thing they refuse to believe.
If I'd call myself atheist I'd like to know why. Nvm. You're giving guy a big credit. Despite many doubts, you're faith is strong.
I go back and fourth. I truly don't know, nobody has the true answer accept those who were alive during that time. So, only the dead knows.
I'm atheist, but I miss when society was more Christian, though even in the 90s it was becoming less so.
I wish more people believed in Jesus, even if I can't bring myself to do it.
Sometimes it feels like we live in a bit of a dystopia becoming evermore degenerate and immoral.
I personally hold no hope for the future of western civilization, I'd feel guilty raising kids that have to live through the inevitable decline.
No, Jesus never existed.
People have to find their own way, come to their own conclusions. Seek and you shall find.
I know my path. Whether others think it is false or not...well, people are going to think what they want. So be it.
Of course Tacitus could be wrong, but frankly it doesn't matter that much.
That may be...but we are in the last generation that began in 1948 when Israel became a nation. This 2nd heaven and earth age will eventually end. A lot of people are not going to be ready for when that happens. The new world order/one world government/one world religion is still in progress but not quite established yet. But when it does, it will set people up for accepting the mark of the beast. No one will be able to buy or sell unless they accept the mark of the beast and those who refuse, some of them will be killed. But a physical death is nothing to worry about, however the death of your soul is something to worry about. As it is written, the whole world will whore after the Anti-Christ which will be Satan himself playing the role of Jesus Christ. Except God's Elect because they know the truth and cannot be deceived.
If you or anyone is genuinely looking for God's truth, I suggest Shepherd's Chapel. They teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse. I have grew up in church during my younger years but the only enjoyable part was Sunday school. As I got older, I always felt like I learned nothing with the pastor's sermon so I am happy to have found Shepherd's Chapel. https://shepherdschapel.com/
Question everything. Take no one's word for anything, not even mine until you research and come to your own conclusion. Be careful though, there is a lot of deception and lies out there. However, once you get better acquainted with your spiritual self, it is much easier to discern by using your common sense and intuition. Of course, those who accept Jesus Christ in their lives, the Holy Spirit will never lead them wrong. Also, there are many things that cannot be understood based on your own understanding. There is a bigger picture to be seen instead of a portion of the puzzle.
Just look around you and observe. Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear?
I believe he existed, but I don't see any more actual evidence that he was divine than there is evidence that the ancient greek gods were divine.
I don't understand this re: religion - why are Christians, for example, so sure that they're following the right god when there are so many other religions around which have just as much evidence supporting them?