Issue 164 Discussion thread **(SPOILERS)**
Nobody else made a thread for it, so I figured I'd try to do so. What did you think of the issue? My opinion is enclosed at the bottom.
(Jeopardy theme plays)
ALRIGHT, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! I was half tempted to not put a spoiler tag in the thread title, because that's how fucking uneventful the damn thing was. Seriously, come on now.
The conversation between Rick and Negan was very nice, and I like that they're awkwardly bonding. It was pretty fucking hilarious and a memorable moment.
This is where the positives stop.
The rest of this issue was just-...seriously?? The fuck is with the filler? And don't give me that "Not every issue is going to be exciting" shit. The ungodly amount of walkers outside beg to differ. I don't care if they've lived 4 years in, a horde that large should make almost any rational human cake their pants with shit out of fear! And everyone seemed so calm! Your community is falling! Everything is in chaos! And there's a big-...I'm not gonna blow a gasket over this one, moving on.
There's an OCEAN HORDE in Alexandria and you're gonna tell me that only one person, one that hardly served any importance, bites the dust? It amazes me how this issue managed to be an even bigger troll than #163, and that's saying something. I feel like the saviors conflict is going to be really cool, but I'm shocked the cover didn't have utters....'CAUSE KIRKMAN IS MILKIN' THE SHIT OUTTA THIS ONE, LADIES AND GENTS. I'm not even kidding when I say this issue disappointed me so much that I immediately drank afterwards.
sigh "Well, can I at least see Sherry? She has a credit in this apparently."
"Or just give me a nice under-the-chin shot that would make even the most angelic and gorgeous human being in the world look horrific. Thanks, Kirkman."
Alright, my shitfest is over. What did you think of the issue?
I liked it.
Surprised that this issue turned out to be filler? I'm genuinely not. Negan seems to be the only character Kirkman is interested about, and Carl, of course Carl, who ends up becoming a leader because he's the only person amid the Hilltop guys with some resolve, a 13 year old kid surrounded by adults who are not even half as strong as Carl, no way another character could, more realistically, take the spotlight, no way.
Well, I was surprised but I wasn't. It was sorta false hope if that makes any sense.
And yeah, Carl being a leader was just...why, though?
Kirkman has this habit of forcing things in his story, but the Carl scene was not only forced, it was unnecessary plot-wise. At the very least Negan's wasn't forced... Too much (I still don't get why no Alexandria resident gave a shit about their leader.).
Completely agreed, but only time will tell in what occurs.
If The Saviors Rebellion sucks, I'm probably just gonna drop the book for a while.
More boring filler. Yaaaayyy.
On a serious note: If Kirkman dosen't give me an interesting issue that isn't filler by...issue 175, I'm quitting. Just like I quit the show.
I didn't mind this issue so much since it had a ton of Negan. By far my favorite character at this point, I loved hearing his perspective while he was trapped inside with Rick. Rick better not be a dick and lock Negan outside to be eaten.
But yeah.... these issues are pretty damn uneventful. Everyone acts like TWD is one of those mediums where literally anyone can die but in reality it is still Rick's immortal band of badass friends. Kill off Rick already, kill off Michonne. Kill off any major character, just stop killing characters that are so minor I basically forgot who they are in the first place.
"Neil Young concert" got me to laugh pretty hard
Once again, it appears as though we agree, VengefulKenny.
"Fine, play the part of the uptight guy at the dick-sucking contest and keep your fucking mouth shut."
This guy is completely outrageous. Did he just spend those 2 years in captivity thinking of vulgar shit to say when he got out?
The show the game and now the comics are trash.
I wish I never became involved with this franchise because everything is burning. Abandon ship.
Things aren't going well, yeah. And while I agree, I'm gonna jump up onto my soapbox really quick.
I've invested far too much time into this series to give up on it completely. The Walking Dead defines my youth. When I went through those painfully cringeworthy times of hormonal, teenage rage, it was there.
Negan to me is what Darth Vader was to a kid in the 80s.
If The Walking Dead is truly starting to sink, I go down with the fucking ship.
Same here. I'm a 'ride or die' kind of guy. My ass stays on the ship until I start seeing anglerfish and shit.
I'll go down with the comics ship. I already jumped off the side of the fucking boat with the show, and sadly I'm thinking of getting a lifeboat to leave the game behind.
How many comics in a row where shit is just not happening? Seriously Kirkman has had a string of boredom and uneventful issues lately.
Not wrong though.
(yeah, i'm not clever enough to come up with a better response than posting the same image twice, sue me)
Well I guess it's time to don my cape and become unpopular-opinions-man again, because I actually liked this issue
I swear, I'm the most contrarian motherfucker on this forum or something
I just never seem to hate the shit out of whatever shit everyone else is hating the shit out of
In my defense, I defended the hell out of #163 here two weeks ago when everyone was shitting on that. It reaaaallly wasn't as bad as everyone says it was.
But there's one thing we totally agree on, and that's staying on this ship until it sinks.
Oh, and if you wanna know why our legs are fucked up, they broke when we hit the A New Frontier iceberg
I liked it. I enjoyed reading Negan's perspective on things and thought it was cool to see Carl taking charge. Really feels like Rick is gonna kick the bucket soon.
Ya'll are way too negative about all this. Jesus Christ.
I haven't read the last few issues because there has been nothing exciting to happen since All-Out War.
I'm glad I didn't read this one either, because it looks like it was just useless filler that Kirkman has become so fond of.
Indeed, I could sum up its content to you in one line and a half.
Same here.
The issue wasn't filler. No issue has ever been filler. All issues lead to something bigger and this issue is leading to something and it developed Negan and Carl more. Some of the members also found the radio Eugene has been using in order to further the Ohio storyline. He is also setting up the Saviors attack on Alexandria. How is that all filler? Not every issue needs to be full of action and this one was a strictly character development issue. An all around great issue. Not the best but not terrible either.
How was the convo between Negan and Rick not interesting?
It just wasn't. I've seen better conversations tbh.
Also, holy shit I forgot about this thread quick.
Well, this issue was a boring to me. Issue 163 was fine and I thought that the following issues would be good, but this one is one of the worst issues that I've read.
I haven't been excited for the comics since issue 159. I hope that Kirkman find a way to make things better.
Developing Negan and Carl is all what Kirkman really cares to do and the comic should focus instead on other characters. Carl is simply a character that doesn't work, his development is ridiculous and his bimbo girlfriend is even worse. Negan isn't bad, although I'd be pissed if at the end he turns out to become a goody two shoes all of a sudden. You're right, not every issue needs to be action packed, but all, and I can't stress this enough, ALL issues from Alpha's slaughter onwards have been a set up for something which we're still waiting to happen, and that's just not good writing. This issue is filler because all relevant things in it happen in two or three panels, the rest is just people stirring the herd and Negan and Rick talking (by the way, would have been cooler if Rick told Negan about the Hunters rather than the formulaic "I'm alive, they're dead thing"), nothing else.
For the sake of clarity, this is just my opinion, if you like the comic the way it is, good for you, I wish I did, but I simply don't.
When did we see a strangely too-bandass-for-their-age 13 kid bossing stupid adults around before?
But at the very least Clementine was never developed to be a leader, just a badass. Kirkman on the other hand wants to shove Carl's leadership down our throats, and he's such a boring character. Clementine is not, thankfully.
And let's make something clear: Clementine>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Carl
There is a Lydia in my Caphia can someone help me to get it out?
Yeah. You're right.
I think we are in the latest Prison Massacre moment. Kirkman tends to write himself into a corner and sees the only way out as destroying everything.
Honestly I think The Walking Dead would have been a better series if he'd had an end goal in sight.
I think Kirkman in that scene is reinforcing the fact the the Hilltop people are sheep.( will follow anyone that takes lead) Remember these are the same people that had Gregory leading them and a pregnant at the time stranger lead them.
It's pretty much filler followed by more filler with the occasional redshirt dying. I've said this before, but that 2 year time jump is, in my opinion, the worst decision Kirkman has made.
I agree, everything went downhill after that.