Larry tried to have a kid's head smashed in, albeit one he thought was bitten. He knocked Lee out - who helped save his life - right in front of the Clementine in an attempt to leave him for dead; even though he thought Lee was a murderer that would have made him a murderer, too. Larry's a scumbag. Just because he had a daughter that he cared so much for doesn't mean anyone should cut him some slack. I personally didn't HATE Larry, but I don't feel sorry for him one bit.
Its interesting isn't it? I do hate him! I hate him because he hates Lee. He's an grade A Bastard to everyone, And you can't change that. From the moment he's introduced he's an Asshat and never redeems himself in anyway. If there were one scene showing him being nice to someone other than a St. John I'd feel more conflicted about that "salt lick" to the head. As it is I don't regret it.
Okay then. Maybe the reason he was such an ass with everyone is because he didn't trust them? Perhaps his war experiences traumatised him to that degree?
Okay then. Maybe the reason he was such an ass with everyone is because he didn't trust them? Perhaps his war experiences traumatised him to that degree?
Maybe; it would fit in with Lilly's comment about him overcompensating after his wife died. Honestly, I think he was such an ass because of both that and because he had such a violent temper anyway.
Okay then. Maybe the reason he was such an ass with everyone is because he didn't trust them? Perhaps his war experiences traumatised him to that degree?
Because he is an ungrateful piece of shit that tried to kill Lee, even after Lee risked his life and had to put down his zombified brother getting the pills for that old prick's ungrateful ass, and then he threatens Lee and treats him with hostility for the entire game. I had no regrets letting Kenny smash his head in
Larry tried to have a kid's head smashed in, albeit one he thought was bitten. He knocked Lee out - who helped save his life - right in front of the Clementine in an attempt to leave him for dead; even though he thought Lee was a murderer that would have made him a murderer, too. Larry's a scumbag. Just because he had a daughter that he cared so much for doesn't mean anyone should cut him some slack. I personally didn't HATE Larry, but I don't feel sorry for him one bit.
Its interesting isn't it? I do hate him! I hate him because he hates Lee. He's an grade A Bastard to everyone, And you can't change that. From the moment he's introduced he's an Asshat and never redeems himself in anyway. If there were one scene showing him being nice to someone other than a St. John I'd feel more conflicted about that "salt lick" to the head. As it is I don't regret it.
Because it takes a real piece of shit to try to kill someone who just risked their life to save yours.
Before I give my opinion, was he in the army?
Yeah, even the saltlick liked him.
With death?

Okay then. Maybe the reason he was such an ass with everyone is because he didn't trust them? Perhaps his war experiences traumatised him to that degree?
Maybe; it would fit in with Lilly's comment about him overcompensating after his wife died. Honestly, I think he was such an ass because of both that and because he had such a violent temper anyway.
he is emotional
So being "emotional" is a good and a logical reason for killing someone who saved your life?
I guess?
I guess?
Because he is an ungrateful piece of shit that tried to kill Lee, even after Lee risked his life and had to put down his zombified brother getting the pills for that old prick's ungrateful ass, and then he threatens Lee and treats him with hostility for the entire game. I had no regrets letting Kenny smash his head in