according to mother nature.The woman has a lock and the man has the key to unlock it. You can put those two togheter and they have a purpose. You can't do that with 2 lock or 2 keys. Everyone has their own opinion and I don't want to start a war so let's end it here.
Not to be mean or anything, but I don't think Sarah was exactly Cut-Out to survive in the post-apocalyptic world of TT TWD. She could've had a chance to redeem herself after her father passed away, but instead her character development Flat-lined and she withdrew from the world around her.
Gabe isn't like that. Unlike Sarah, he actually recognizes his personal weakness and is willing to change and try to overcome it. That's a MAJOR step up from Sarah's design.
Yet oddly enough, mother nature tends to exhibit homosexual and bisexual tendencies in many species with a considerably smaller capacity than humans have to exhibit anything but natural instincts.
according to mother nature.The woman has a lock and the man has the key to unlock it. You can put those two togheter and they have a purpose… more. You can't do that with 2 lock or 2 keys. Everyone has their own opinion and I don't want to start a war so let's end it here.
Yet oddly enough, mother nature tends to exhibit homosexual and bisexual tendencies in many species with a considerably smaller capacity than humans have to exhibit anything but natural instincts.
That's either a lot of deviation in the animal kingdom, or you're confusing love with the instinct to reproduce. And considering the fact that very rarely do animals take a single lifelong partner, every indication is that the much more logical argument would be recreational sex is more for the purpose of pleasure than it is solely to produce offspring. But again, this is mother natures design, not mine. You'll have to take this up with her. Unless you're suggesting married couples or people in relationships strictly reserve sexual interactions for when they have the intention of producing children. You might be in for a surprise on that one.
I don't see where the problem is with the possibility of them being together. First thing is, I'd love that at the condition of Gabe not dyi… moreng any time soon -- it would be the final strike for Clem. But aside from that, my thought is she could actually benefit from it. Learn that caring for someone isn't a deathly curse, but it gives you a reason to live. And at the same time, she could teach Gabe how to really survive on his own.
I don't see it happening this season because Gabe needs to have a bit of a basic development first. But if he survives, next season may give it a try. We'll see.
For now I ship it. I can kinda see this scene where they steal a bottle of wine from Kate (she surely hides some) and have a chat about their past somewhere. Gabe learning that Clem is actually broken and needs time and space to fix herself. And saying he'll be here for her, in case she wants to talk.
I don't see where the problem is with the possibility of them being together. First thing is, I'd love that at the condition of Gabe not dyi… moreng any time soon -- it would be the final strike for Clem. But aside from that, my thought is she could actually benefit from it. Learn that caring for someone isn't a deathly curse, but it gives you a reason to live. And at the same time, she could teach Gabe how to really survive on his own.
I don't see it happening this season because Gabe needs to have a bit of a basic development first. But if he survives, next season may give it a try. We'll see.
For now I ship it. I can kinda see this scene where they steal a bottle of wine from Kate (she surely hides some) and have a chat about their past somewhere. Gabe learning that Clem is actually broken and needs time and space to fix herself. And saying he'll be here for her, in case she wants to talk.
For now I ship it. I can kinda see this scene where they steal a bottle of wine from Kate (she surely hides some) and have a chat about their past somewhere. Gabe learning that Clem is actually broken and needs time and space to fix herself. And saying he'll be here for her, in case she wants to talk.
I don't see where the problem is with the possibility of them being together. First thing is, I'd love that at the condition of Gabe not dyi… moreng any time soon -- it would be the final strike for Clem. But aside from that, my thought is she could actually benefit from it. Learn that caring for someone isn't a deathly curse, but it gives you a reason to live. And at the same time, she could teach Gabe how to really survive on his own.
I don't see it happening this season because Gabe needs to have a bit of a basic development first. But if he survives, next season may give it a try. We'll see.
For now I ship it. I can kinda see this scene where they steal a bottle of wine from Kate (she surely hides some) and have a chat about their past somewhere. Gabe learning that Clem is actually broken and needs time and space to fix herself. And saying he'll be here for her, in case she wants to talk.
Not to be mean or anything, but I don't think Sarah was exactly Cut-Out to survive in the post-apocalyptic world of TT TWD. She could've had a chance to redeem herself after her father passed away, but instead her character development Flat-lined and she withdrew from the world around her.
I don't see what that has to do with what I said: I said likable, not capable. I judge characters on who they are rather than what they do and Sarah was definitely [one of?] the most likable characters in that regard(not that it's particularly hard, mind you) and shouldn't have to redeem herself in the typical use of the word. And I genuinely believe she could've made some amount of progress had the odds not been stacked against her from day one; it's not her fault the developers didn't like her and wanted to shill Jane some more at her continued expense because of bias--and I'm not exaggerating about that first part.
Gabe isn't like that. Unlike Sarah, he actually recognizes his personal weakness and is willing to change and try to overcome it. That's a MAJOR step up from Sarah's design.
True. That's part of another reason why I prefer him to Mariana as a major character.
Though, it is worth noting that Sarah did seem to recognize her weaknesses and expressed a desire to overcome them as well, it's just that circumstances gave her little time and opportunity to work on them.
Also, my reply was meant to point out that he's comparing Sarah to Gabe in a barely positive manner when Sarah definitely isn't the character he should've used.
i don't think Clementine has a crush on gabe since there was very little interaction between them but i think gabe has a crush on her. either way
i don't think telltale will will make them together since that will make the game stupid and useless.
according to mother nature.The woman has a lock and the man has the key to unlock it. You can put those two togheter and they have a purpose… more. You can't do that with 2 lock or 2 keys. Everyone has their own opinion and I don't want to start a war so let's end it here.
That's either a lot of deviation in the animal kingdom, or you're confusing love with the instinct to reproduce. And considering the fact th… moreat very rarely do animals take a single lifelong partner, every indication is that the much more logical argument would be recreational sex is more for the purpose of pleasure than it is solely to produce offspring. But again, this is mother natures design, not mine. You'll have to take this up with her. Unless you're suggesting married couples or people in relationships strictly reserve sexual interactions for when they have the intention of producing children. You might be in for a surprise on that one.
according to mother nature.The woman has a lock and the man has the key to unlock it. You can put those two togheter and they have a purpose… more. You can't do that with 2 lock or 2 keys. Everyone has their own opinion and I don't want to start a war so let's end it here.
I would prefer them to be friends if anything though, Clem has always seemed like a little bit of an odd one out to me ever since season 1 ended, she has lost so much, and I think she just prefers to be alone, she is a much more natural survivor than alot of people in the series, which also comes with sacrifices, as she can come off as very cold at times, which in reality is necessary to survive, I know you can just attribute all this to being written into her character due to her being a main character, but I really dislike that way of thinking, as it takes you straight out of the story and immersion if we start thinking about things that way
You didn't say that, you said homosexuality was wrong according to mother nature. This statement was not an opinion, and ironically was wrong according to mother nature. You're free to have your opinions on what's wrong and what's right, there's nothing wrong with that, but there's no need to make ignorant statements in an attempt to back them up when you've done very little research into the subject.
The girl got off'd the boy didn't. The woman got shot in the stomach. The boy runs and somehow the bullets ignore him or he suddenly becomes invisible.
Did you even read my post correctly? And or was it that you didn't read it all the way through? And please prove your statement that the girl who got killed off but who's brother is somehow still alive is most likely straight.
There's more truth to telltale being bias between mariana and gabe than your assumption on mariana being straight. If your post wasn't directed towards me my points still stand.
In fact I recall in season 2 luke getting clipped in the leg as he was running back with aj or towards him.
And that was when there were less people firing at clem & co.
Yet gabe somehow survives. He doesn't even get grazed. And I recall sarah getting viscously mauled by walkers and she was completely conscious. Compared to duck's situation where he got put down quietly. There's clearly reasons to believe biasness is at play here.
Uh, you do know that Mariana is 10 and most likely straight, right? Also, I love how you say Clementine and Gabe would be biased when every one of your points is "Gabe did this, Mariana didn't."
Romance in the telltale's walking dead series never goes well.
Gabe isn't suitable for clem.
He'd more than likely put her life in danger.
Clem doesn't need him or anyone.
She herself says she prefers to be alone.
Just because she's a girl and gabe's a boy doesn't mean they should be together.
Gabe doesn't even know what love is so him being in love with clem doesn't make any sense.
I agree. If it's a crush that'll be fine and understandable. At best they should be friends. I'm worried about clem and her character though considering how they treated jane and kenny. Especially jane. Telltale loses credibility for making jane do an ooc thing. She provoked an already on the edge kenny. Then she was bold and crazy enough to put her weapon down. Then get into a fight with kenny knowing what one of the potential outcomes of that fight could be. She left her sister and continued to survive. That wasn't the same jane in the new frontier. For telltale to kill off a character you saved and for them to say whatever they always in the beginning of everyone of their games is them either saying if you choose to save someone they're still going to bite it or we lied about what we say in everyone of our games or both.
i don't think Clementine has a crush on gabe since there was very little interaction between them but i think gabe has a crush on her. either way
i don't think telltale will will make them together since that will make the game stupid and useless.
And please prove your statement that the girl who got killed off but who's brother is somehow still alive is most likely straight.
It's safe assumption dude. That's what I said MOST LIKELY, meaning there's a chance she isn't, not that it'd be very relevant anyway. I mean, look at the Clementine and Gabe thing: it's just Javier, Eleanor, and Conrad joking about them "hitting it off" and stuff, with little indication that that's actually the case on either end beyond the fact that they're complementary teenagers who happen get along a bit.
There's more truth to telltale being bias between mariana and gabe than your assumption on mariana being straight.
You know, I really hate to be the one to say this, but if Mariana is the one who got off'd at the end of the first part of the first episode, I don't think that's bias so much as them deciding that the story worked better if she is the one who gets shot and/or that Gabe is the character who'd be the most interesting choice to develop with the story.
The girl got off'd the boy didn't. The woman got shot in the stomach. The boy runs and somehow the bullets ignore him or he suddenly becomes… more invisible.
Did you even read my post correctly? And or was it that you didn't read it all the way through? And please prove your statement that the girl who got killed off but who's brother is somehow still alive is most likely straight.
There's more truth to telltale being bias between mariana and gabe than your assumption on mariana being straight. If your post wasn't directed towards me my points still stand.
In fact I recall in season 2 luke getting clipped in the leg as he was running back with aj or towards him.
And that was when there were less people firing at clem & co.
Yet gabe somehow survives. He doesn't even get grazed. And I recall sarah getting viscously mauled by walkers and she was completely conscious. Compared to duck's situation where he got put down quietly. There's clearly reasons to believe biasness is at play here.
Even though not too many people like gabe. Mariana was the youngest. What you said about gabe a character that's disliked by so many being the most interesting choice to develop a story that's not primarily about him makes no sense for you to say and for telltale to think that if that is indeed what they're thinking. My entire post was my opinion that actually had facts to at least make the assumption that telltale's biased. I don't like gabe and I pretty much explained why. And I believe clem shouldn't return any interest in him because he doesn't deserve to even be in the same game as her. I don't know why some of my sentences are being changed without me being the one changing them.
And please prove your statement that the girl who got killed off but who's brother is somehow still alive is most likely straight.
I… moret's safe assumption dude. That's what I said MOST LIKELY, meaning there's a chance she isn't, not that it'd be very relevant anyway. I mean, look at the Clementine and Gabe thing: it's just Javier, Eleanor, and Conrad joking about them "hitting it off" and stuff, with little indication that that's actually the case on either end beyond the fact that they're complementary teenagers who happen get along a bit.
There's more truth to telltale being bias between mariana and gabe than your assumption on mariana being straight.
You know, I really hate to be the one to say this, but if Mariana is the one who got off'd at the end of the first part of the first episode, I don't think that's bias so much as them deciding that the story worked better if she is the one who gets shot and/or that Gabe is the character who'd be the most interesting choice to develop with the story.
You know, it took me till just now to notice you name and icon; not making of you, it's just...that icon, man.
Back on topic, I admittedly don't remember the context of my original reply beyond pointing out a few things that I thought were a little weird about yours, so I apologize if I missed the point on any of these. However, this series is based around people who are sympathetic but flawed, with some leaning more towards one compared to the other, trying to survive an apocalyptic world. The fact that many people dislike Gabe means he's technically doing job on some level: I say and genuinely believe he's the more interesting character because he actually has flaws, an understandable motivation, and, most importantly, is one of the few characters with an actual arc going into the next episode. His flaws are what make some dislike him and the fact that he has an arc means that (assuming they stick to their fucking guns) he'll grow out of many of them as the story goes on and come out a more likable character than he was before because of it. Whether people like him or Mariana or not is entirely subjective: the writer's job is tell a cohesive story with the characters, settings, and themes they so choose and unless they are in a particular setup or brand of business, they shouldn't be overly concerned about whether someone likes everything they do or not as long as they did their part and it's being consumed.
Your last sentences unfortunately reveals a lot about your mindset regarding this tangent or the topic it's being discussed in, so I'm afraid all I can do is say my part and let you consume it--your response is subjective.
Even though not too many people like gabe. Mariana was the youngest. What you said about gabe a character that's disliked by so many being t… morehe most interesting choice to develop a story that's not primarily about him makes no sense for you to say and for telltale to think that if that is indeed what they're thinking. My entire post was my opinion that actually had facts to at least make the assumption that telltale's biased. I don't like gabe and I pretty much explained why. And I believe clem shouldn't return any interest in him because he doesn't deserve to even be in the same game as her. I don't know why some of my sentences are being changed without me being the one changing them.
To make for a good story, a Clem/Gabe romance would be tacked on, and could sacrifice the narrative.
As expressed in a lot of fiction stories, relationships don't always happen overnight, and don't often stem from "love at first sight" if you will. With this in mind, it seems far more likely that, if it happens, a relationship between Clem and Gabe would probably build from both of their emotional journeys (especially Gabe's), as the story progresses, through their friendship and would only be vaguely hinted at from time to time from here on out if anything. That's assuming that it's written correctly.
With that said, I don't really expect a relationship to blossom between Gabe and Clem for some time, assuming that it will at all. If it does, (and this is purely speculation based off my own understanding of fiction) it will likely be shafted until the season is near it's end; perhaps towards the end of episode 4 or early in episode 5, depending on the length of each episode. Even then we may not even get a chance to see their relationship FULLY mature until AFTER the season is over, unless there's some after-story DLC.
I have no objections to Clem finding someone to care for, as she's cared for so many already simply not in a romantic sense. This is the fir… morest season that Clem has been off-standish, and it's not been a fun journey thus far. What I do object to is that she would be romantically involved with Gabe this season. It would be far better to focus on developing them as individuals with as short as the episodes we're given are, to properly address Clem's trust issues, and Gabe's emotional journey.
For Gabe, this could go a long way toward perhaps gaining more of the audience. He shouldn't recover quickly over the grief of watching his baby sister be gunned down in front of him, and how helpless that made him feel. We should be able to explore the anxiety of having Kate critically injured, and his thoughts of being left virtually alone in the world only to be reunited with a father that's now a stranger to him four years after they'd been separated… [view original content]
It might've been my bad grammar. I thought auto correct or something on this forum was messing up my sentences. I was really sleepy when I typed all of that. Telltale can either make or unmake a character. Gabe's first impression on alot of people weren't good. Him liking clem is just further making his character sink. Obviously telltale can do what they want but another obvious thing is that, should their decisions anger or upset the majority of their fan base they're going to be in a lot of trouble. First there was duck. Then Sarah. Gabe isn't needed. He's just another duck or sarah. Though imo duck and sarah are way more likable than and are better characters than gabe. Any development to make him a likeable character would just be telltale try harding in the eyes of a lot of people. A lot of people's opinions of gabe won't change no matter how hard they try to make him likeable. And no matter how they further develop his character. Remember arvo? The fact that telltale try to develop someone like him, not to mention the other many bad story decision makings they've done shows they don't know what they're doing. Them making clem basically a cameo and a side kick further shows and proves this. Season one will forever be the best telltale walking dead game imo until another season is made that proves otherwise. I agree with what you said about development. The writer's job etc. Though it's not something that should be done with gabe because so many people don't want to see him develop. They want him gone. In the very first episode people telltale made it very easy to not like him and be fed up with him.
You know, it took me till just now to notice you name and icon; not making of you, it's just...that icon, man.
Back on topic, I admittedl… morey don't remember the context of my original reply beyond pointing out a few things that I thought were a little weird about yours, so I apologize if I missed the point on any of these. However, this series is based around people who are sympathetic but flawed, with some leaning more towards one compared to the other, trying to survive an apocalyptic world. The fact that many people dislike Gabe means he's technically doing job on some level: I say and genuinely believe he's the more interesting character because he actually has flaws, an understandable motivation, and, most importantly, is one of the few characters with an actual arc going into the next episode. His flaws are what make some dislike him and the fact that he has an arc means that (assuming they stick to their fucking guns) he'll grow out of… [view original content]
Eh, didnt you know? Females cant be friends with males without being in love with each other, if a girl talks to a boy it shows that she is totally in love with him
Romance in the telltale's walking dead series never goes well.
Gabe isn't suitable for clem.
He'd more than likely put her life in danger.… more
Clem doesn't need him or anyone.
She herself says she prefers to be alone.
Just because she's a girl and gabe's a boy doesn't mean they should be together.
Gabe doesn't even know what love is so him being in love with clem doesn't make any sense.
Eh, didnt you know? Females cant be friends with males without being in love with each other, if a girl talks to a boy it shows that she is totally in love with him
Him liking clem is just further making his character sink.
I'm pretty sure he only likes Clementine as much as any random person would, as he's pretty flatly denied Javier's teasing despite his hotblooded nature. The whole notion of him getting with her was just joking on Eleanor and Javier's part and the fanbase just overreacted over it, but what else is new?
He's just another duck or sarah.
I have to disagree on this one, since one of the reasons I kinda like Gabe is that he isn't just another Sarah for the most part--and Sarah's one of my favorite characters! And another reason is that he's technically the first major boy character we've had since Duck, although I'd be lying if I said I didn't really like the fact that he's outright 13.
Though imo duck and sarah are way more likable than and are better characters than gabe.
...true, at least with Sarah. Duck was one of the simpler characters of Season 1. but hey simple can be good! But I'm still holding out hope he will significantly improve seeing how he's one of the few characters with any development going on besides Clementine and Conrad.
Any development to make him a likeable character would just be telltale try harding in the eyes of a lot of people
Hasn't that happened in the past, though? TV shows and games do that all the time: take a character people don't like very much, review the reasons why, and if possible, reuse them in a way that makes them more tolerable. Duck, Ben, Christa, Nick, Rebecca, and Jane are all examples of this, whether it was unanimous or not.
A lot of people's opinions of gabe won't change no matter how hard they try to make him likeable.
Well, I hate to say it(not really, but I don't like sounding rude), but those people will just have to deal with it. That's the thread Telltale has set up and now they have to stick to their guns on what they originally had in mind as long as it doesn't get in the way of the story as a whole. After all, remember the backlash Season 2, particularly the Sarah Situation and the final fight, got? That collection of problems come from the fact that the story was constantly changing alongside fan reaction and elements that were clearly meant to be one thing were shortchanged in favor of something else, leaving a bit of sloppy direction and a number of characters that didn't really go anywhere. If there's one thing ANF has going for it right now, it's that the story, while definitely on the shallow side, is far more streamlined in focus thanks to the fact that there are less characters to worry about and they clearly have a more solidified direction in mind. Gabe is practically the tritagonist of that direction due to his connections to Javier, Kate, and David, thus just up and tossing him aside now would just be repeating those mistakes.
Remember arvo? The fact that telltale try to develop someone like him, not to mention the other many bad story decision makings they've done shows they don't know what they're doing.
Arvo was supposed to be an antagonist, though the fact that he got overshadowed by Kenny taking him prisoner so Jane can look good despite being the reason he was even mad at the group was indeed dumb.
Though it's not something that should be done with gabe because so many people don't want to see him develop. They want him gone.
I'm pretty much expecting both, personally. After all, can you see Javier or any other characters who survive tagging along with Clementine instead of going their separate ways?
Season one will forever be the best telltale walking dead game imo until another season is made that proves otherwise.
It might've been my bad grammar. I thought auto correct or something on this forum was messing up my sentences. I was really sleepy when I t… moreyped all of that. Telltale can either make or unmake a character. Gabe's first impression on alot of people weren't good. Him liking clem is just further making his character sink. Obviously telltale can do what they want but another obvious thing is that, should their decisions anger or upset the majority of their fan base they're going to be in a lot of trouble. First there was duck. Then Sarah. Gabe isn't needed. He's just another duck or sarah. Though imo duck and sarah are way more likable than and are better characters than gabe. Any development to make him a likeable character would just be telltale try harding in the eyes of a lot of people. A lot of people's opinions of gabe won't change no matter how hard they try to make him likeable. And no matter how they further develop his character. Rememb… [view original content]
Clem doesn't need him or anyone. She herself says she prefers to be alone.
Well, that's not entirely accurate. She DID say that, but I dont think that she REALLY felt that way.
Remember in episode 2, when Clem spoke to Javi, admitting that she was with The New Frontier before, she explained that part of the reason she joined them was because SHE WAS ALONE. She actually stated, "I had nobody."
While it cannot be argued that Clementine is physically capable of surviving on her own, that DOES NOT make her immune to feelings of loneliness. She may be tough but she's still human.
Romance in the telltale's walking dead series never goes well.
Gabe isn't suitable for clem.
He'd more than likely put her life in danger.… more
Clem doesn't need him or anyone.
She herself says she prefers to be alone.
Just because she's a girl and gabe's a boy doesn't mean they should be together.
Gabe doesn't even know what love is so him being in love with clem doesn't make any sense.
Eh, didnt you know? Females cant be friends with males without being in love with each other, if a girl talks to a boy it shows that she is totally in love with him
It would be nice if they were in some kind of a relationship.
according to mother nature.The woman has a lock and the man has the key to unlock it. You can put those two togheter and they have a purpose. You can't do that with 2 lock or 2 keys. Everyone has their own opinion and I don't want to start a war so let's end it here.
Not to be mean or anything, but I don't think Sarah was exactly Cut-Out to survive in the post-apocalyptic world of TT TWD. She could've had a chance to redeem herself after her father passed away, but instead her character development Flat-lined and she withdrew from the world around her.
Gabe isn't like that. Unlike Sarah, he actually recognizes his personal weakness and is willing to change and try to overcome it. That's a MAJOR step up from Sarah's design.
Yet oddly enough, mother nature tends to exhibit homosexual and bisexual tendencies in many species with a considerably smaller capacity than humans have to exhibit anything but natural instincts.
even animals can have brain deviation
That's either a lot of deviation in the animal kingdom, or you're confusing love with the instinct to reproduce. And considering the fact that very rarely do animals take a single lifelong partner, every indication is that the much more logical argument would be recreational sex is more for the purpose of pleasure than it is solely to produce offspring. But again, this is mother natures design, not mine. You'll have to take this up with her. Unless you're suggesting married couples or people in relationships strictly reserve sexual interactions for when they have the intention of producing children. You might be in for a surprise on that one.
Maybe sooner still if there's After-Story DLC.
To that I say "Amen."
"I want to be a man!"
There. Done. XD
I don't see what that has to do with what I said: I said likable, not capable. I judge characters on who they are rather than what they do and Sarah was definitely [one of?] the most likable characters in that regard(not that it's particularly hard, mind you) and shouldn't have to redeem herself in the typical use of the word. And I genuinely believe she could've made some amount of progress had the odds not been stacked against her from day one; it's not her fault the developers didn't like her and wanted to shill Jane some more at her continued expense because of bias--and I'm not exaggerating about that first part.
True. That's part of another reason why I prefer him to Mariana as a major character.
Though, it is worth noting that Sarah did seem to recognize her weaknesses and expressed a desire to overcome them as well, it's just that circumstances gave her little time and opportunity to work on them.
Also, my reply was meant to point out that he's comparing Sarah to Gabe in a barely positive manner when Sarah definitely isn't the character he should've used.
i don't think Clementine has a crush on gabe since there was very little interaction between them but i think gabe has a crush on her. either way
i don't think telltale will will make them together since that will make the game stupid and useless.
Well, you technically can, but it'd be awkward and pretty pointless.
I guess, but I'd personally prefer a mostly platonic one that can blossom towards the end, but doesn't have to and I'd honestly prefer that.
Is that a typo or was it intentional?
Look, I have my opinion , you have yours , and we won't change them so discussing is pointless
At least you didn't use the Bible but this is even more stupid
and if two woman/men enjoy being together its not pointless
I disagree but at least i respect other's opinions unlike you
I guess, I don't usually call studies or observed fact an opinion, but maybe that word means something different where you're from.
I think homosexuality is wrong. That's an opinion, not a study or an observed fact.
I would prefer them to be friends if anything though, Clem has always seemed like a little bit of an odd one out to me ever since season 1 ended, she has lost so much, and I think she just prefers to be alone, she is a much more natural survivor than alot of people in the series, which also comes with sacrifices, as she can come off as very cold at times, which in reality is necessary to survive, I know you can just attribute all this to being written into her character due to her being a main character, but I really dislike that way of thinking, as it takes you straight out of the story and immersion if we start thinking about things that way
You didn't say that, you said homosexuality was wrong according to mother nature. This statement was not an opinion, and ironically was wrong according to mother nature. You're free to have your opinions on what's wrong and what's right, there's nothing wrong with that, but there's no need to make ignorant statements in an attempt to back them up when you've done very little research into the subject.
The girl got off'd the boy didn't. The woman got shot in the stomach. The boy runs and somehow the bullets ignore him or he suddenly becomes invisible.
Did you even read my post correctly? And or was it that you didn't read it all the way through? And please prove your statement that the girl who got killed off but who's brother is somehow still alive is most likely straight.
There's more truth to telltale being bias between mariana and gabe than your assumption on mariana being straight. If your post wasn't directed towards me my points still stand.
In fact I recall in season 2 luke getting clipped in the leg as he was running back with aj or towards him.
And that was when there were less people firing at clem & co.
Yet gabe somehow survives. He doesn't even get grazed. And I recall sarah getting viscously mauled by walkers and she was completely conscious. Compared to duck's situation where he got put down quietly. There's clearly reasons to believe biasness is at play here.
Romance in the telltale's walking dead series never goes well.
Gabe isn't suitable for clem.
He'd more than likely put her life in danger.
Clem doesn't need him or anyone.
She herself says she prefers to be alone.
Just because she's a girl and gabe's a boy doesn't mean they should be together.
Gabe doesn't even know what love is so him being in love with clem doesn't make any sense.
I agree. If it's a crush that'll be fine and understandable. At best they should be friends. I'm worried about clem and her character though considering how they treated jane and kenny. Especially jane. Telltale loses credibility for making jane do an ooc thing. She provoked an already on the edge kenny. Then she was bold and crazy enough to put her weapon down. Then get into a fight with kenny knowing what one of the potential outcomes of that fight could be. She left her sister and continued to survive. That wasn't the same jane in the new frontier. For telltale to kill off a character you saved and for them to say whatever they always in the beginning of everyone of their games is them either saying if you choose to save someone they're still going to bite it or we lied about what we say in everyone of our games or both.
It's safe assumption dude. That's what I said MOST LIKELY, meaning there's a chance she isn't, not that it'd be very relevant anyway. I mean, look at the Clementine and Gabe thing: it's just Javier, Eleanor, and Conrad joking about them "hitting it off" and stuff, with little indication that that's actually the case on either end beyond the fact that they're complementary teenagers who happen get along a bit.
You know, I really hate to be the one to say this, but if Mariana is the one who got off'd at the end of the first part of the first episode, I don't think that's bias so much as them deciding that the story worked better if she is the one who gets shot and/or that Gabe is the character who'd be the most interesting choice to develop with the story.
Even though not too many people like gabe. Mariana was the youngest. What you said about gabe a character that's disliked by so many being the most interesting choice to develop a story that's not primarily about him makes no sense for you to say and for telltale to think that if that is indeed what they're thinking. My entire post was my opinion that actually had facts to at least make the assumption that telltale's biased. I don't like gabe and I pretty much explained why. And I believe clem shouldn't return any interest in him because he doesn't deserve to even be in the same game as her. I don't know why some of my sentences are being changed without me being the one changing them.
You know, it took me till just now to notice you name and icon; not making of you, it's just...that icon, man.
Back on topic, I admittedly don't remember the context of my original reply beyond pointing out a few things that I thought were a little weird about yours, so I apologize if I missed the point on any of these. However, this series is based around people who are sympathetic but flawed, with some leaning more towards one compared to the other, trying to survive an apocalyptic world. The fact that many people dislike Gabe means he's technically doing job on some level: I say and genuinely believe he's the more interesting character because he actually has flaws, an understandable motivation, and, most importantly, is one of the few characters with an actual arc going into the next episode. His flaws are what make some dislike him and the fact that he has an arc means that (assuming they stick to their fucking guns) he'll grow out of many of them as the story goes on and come out a more likable character than he was before because of it. Whether people like him or Mariana or not is entirely subjective: the writer's job is tell a cohesive story with the characters, settings, and themes they so choose and unless they are in a particular setup or brand of business, they shouldn't be overly concerned about whether someone likes everything they do or not as long as they did their part and it's being consumed.
Your last sentences unfortunately reveals a lot about your mindset regarding this tangent or the topic it's being discussed in, so I'm afraid all I can do is say my part and let you consume it--your response is subjective.
As expressed in a lot of fiction stories, relationships don't always happen overnight, and don't often stem from "love at first sight" if you will. With this in mind, it seems far more likely that, if it happens, a relationship between Clem and Gabe would probably build from both of their emotional journeys (especially Gabe's), as the story progresses, through their friendship and would only be vaguely hinted at from time to time from here on out if anything. That's assuming that it's written correctly.
With that said, I don't really expect a relationship to blossom between Gabe and Clem for some time, assuming that it will at all. If it does, (and this is purely speculation based off my own understanding of fiction) it will likely be shafted until the season is near it's end; perhaps towards the end of episode 4 or early in episode 5, depending on the length of each episode. Even then we may not even get a chance to see their relationship FULLY mature until AFTER the season is over, unless there's some after-story DLC.
It might've been my bad grammar. I thought auto correct or something on this forum was messing up my sentences. I was really sleepy when I typed all of that. Telltale can either make or unmake a character. Gabe's first impression on alot of people weren't good. Him liking clem is just further making his character sink. Obviously telltale can do what they want but another obvious thing is that, should their decisions anger or upset the majority of their fan base they're going to be in a lot of trouble. First there was duck. Then Sarah. Gabe isn't needed. He's just another duck or sarah. Though imo duck and sarah are way more likable than and are better characters than gabe. Any development to make him a likeable character would just be telltale try harding in the eyes of a lot of people. A lot of people's opinions of gabe won't change no matter how hard they try to make him likeable. And no matter how they further develop his character. Remember arvo? The fact that telltale try to develop someone like him, not to mention the other many bad story decision makings they've done shows they don't know what they're doing. Them making clem basically a cameo and a side kick further shows and proves this. Season one will forever be the best telltale walking dead game imo until another season is made that proves otherwise. I agree with what you said about development. The writer's job etc. Though it's not something that should be done with gabe because so many people don't want to see him develop. They want him gone. In the very first episode people telltale made it very easy to not like him and be fed up with him.
Eh, didnt you know? Females cant be friends with males without being in love with each other, if a girl talks to a boy it shows that she is totally in love with him
That's essentially Eleanor and the fanbases's logic.
I'm pretty sure he only likes Clementine as much as any random person would, as he's pretty flatly denied Javier's teasing despite his hotblooded nature. The whole notion of him getting with her was just joking on Eleanor and Javier's part and the fanbase just overreacted over it, but what else is new?
I have to disagree on this one, since one of the reasons I kinda like Gabe is that he isn't just another Sarah for the most part--and Sarah's one of my favorite characters! And another reason is that he's technically the first major boy character we've had since Duck, although I'd be lying if I said I didn't really like the fact that he's outright 13.
...true, at least with Sarah. Duck was one of the simpler characters of Season 1. but hey simple can be good! But I'm still holding out hope he will significantly improve seeing how he's one of the few characters with any development going on besides Clementine and Conrad.
Hasn't that happened in the past, though? TV shows and games do that all the time: take a character people don't like very much, review the reasons why, and if possible, reuse them in a way that makes them more tolerable. Duck, Ben, Christa, Nick, Rebecca, and Jane are all examples of this, whether it was unanimous or not.
Well, I hate to say it(not really, but I don't like sounding rude), but those people will just have to deal with it. That's the thread Telltale has set up and now they have to stick to their guns on what they originally had in mind as long as it doesn't get in the way of the story as a whole. After all, remember the backlash Season 2, particularly the Sarah Situation and the final fight, got? That collection of problems come from the fact that the story was constantly changing alongside fan reaction and elements that were clearly meant to be one thing were shortchanged in favor of something else, leaving a bit of sloppy direction and a number of characters that didn't really go anywhere. If there's one thing ANF has going for it right now, it's that the story, while definitely on the shallow side, is far more streamlined in focus thanks to the fact that there are less characters to worry about and they clearly have a more solidified direction in mind. Gabe is practically the tritagonist of that direction due to his connections to Javier, Kate, and David, thus just up and tossing him aside now would just be repeating those mistakes.
Arvo was supposed to be an antagonist, though the fact that he got overshadowed by Kenny taking him prisoner so Jane can look good despite being the reason he was even mad at the group was indeed dumb.
I'm pretty much expecting both, personally. After all, can you see Javier or any other characters who survive tagging along with Clementine instead of going their separate ways?
Well, that's not entirely accurate. She DID say that, but I dont think that she REALLY felt that way.
Remember in episode 2, when Clem spoke to Javi, admitting that she was with The New Frontier before, she explained that part of the reason she joined them was because SHE WAS ALONE. She actually stated, "I had nobody."
While it cannot be argued that Clementine is physically capable of surviving on her own, that DOES NOT make her immune to feelings of loneliness. She may be tough but she's still human.
I would be furious if they put Clem and Gabe in a relationship and they didn't even give Lee and Carley a chance.
maybe they will kiss XD
Or maybe Clem will punch him in the face
(one can hope)