Hopefully we get to play as Clem if something bad happens to AJ, since it would be way more emotional to be playing as Clem during such a scene, rather than Javier, I also want to slit the person who hurts AJ's throat as Clem, just so I can fuck them up
Hopefully we get to play as Clem if something bad happens to AJ, since it would be way more emotional to be playing as Clem during such a sc… moreene, rather than Javier, I also want to slit the person who hurts AJ's throat as Clem, just so I can fuck them up
Javier and Badger argue for 5 minutes. QTE gets Javier killed because I lost interest in their beef 4 minutes before that and was on my phone. I lose another 5 minutes watching the scene again, if the checkpoints are like episode 2.
Also, March 28th. Was kinda hoping for 21st, but I guess I can wait a little longer.
March 28

Damn, was hoping Badger would pull off the upset there.
We will witness Clementine getting branded. CALLING IT!!!!
I can't stop watching this
I think you can see a fire burning in the background, so yeah, pretty obvious. I'm pumped af now tho
Well now I want to kill Ava and David. If they hurt AJ, I'm going to fucking kill them.
Badass as always. If David has done some shit to her, I think I'll kill him but that's impossible I suppose.
if he as much as touched a strand of her hair, he's a dead man to me.
Thread: Episode 3 Release March 28th!
Discuss what you think may happen
In the background... Are we, dare I say, in the slaughterhouse?
Probably not. But, weird background. Clem has a 'Prescott' sign in the background and in her apparent flashback she seems to be in some sort of camp.
DAMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNN i wonder what clem did man i cant fucking wait
If AJ dies, I will strangle David and every member of the New Frontier with my own testicles.
-longer episode
-improved writing
-more character development
-more clementine playability
-character development for Javier
Kill Badger
Kill David
Slit Ava's neck
He is a bully anyway. If he still bullies Javier like before, I'll kill him.
Hopefully we get to play as Clem if something bad happens to AJ, since it would be way more emotional to be playing as Clem during such a scene, rather than Javier, I also want to slit the person who hurts AJ's throat as Clem, just so I can fuck them up
I said what you think, not if a miracle were to be answered.
I don't know what people have against David, I think he's alright.
I'll second that.
That's what I think. I guess more wishful thinking than anything.
To the right it says Prescott
Clem vs David yooooo this is gona be hype shit shes about to fuck shit up
Amen. I don't care if he is Javi's brother anymore. He is a bully, he bullied Javier before, I'll kill him.
AJ looks really damn ill.

Javier and Badger argue for 5 minutes. QTE gets Javier killed because I lost interest in their beef 4 minutes before that and was on my phone. I lose another 5 minutes watching the scene again, if the checkpoints are like episode 2.
He branded Clementine and took AJ away from her.
We don't know the circumstances.
I'm hoping and praying you're correct brother.
-Kill Badger
-Kill Ava
-Kill David
-Kill everyone that isn't Clem
Something we actually agree on
Who is ready to Lucille Badger?
Lucille anyone who fucks with Clementine.