Given what over half of the new trailer focused on, I'm hoping it happens towards the end of the episode to build towards that point to help with his characterization issues.
To be fair, that's detereminate. Misleadingly indicated, but still determinate to those who want to pursue the apparent love subplot and/or … morestand up to David.
True, the misleading nature of the option was kinda what got to me, considering the nature of his response from it, and its the only option to argue with him. Rather than confront David about his bitterness towards Javier, Javier can either straight up attempt to further the rift on their marriage or say absolutely nothing. And I think the nature of the only confrontational response he has speaks to his character, as he either holds his tongue or goes into full on destruction mode.
baby is sick (he certainly looked so)
they offer to bring him to camp for doctor
clem is reluctant
they think shes just being a petulant teen and dont want baby to die because of her
they take baby and bring to doctor
doctor is unable to save baby
clem hates and blames them even though it wasnt really their fault that baby died
This is just one scenario.
Clem isn't an adult, she doesn't have the right to do what she wants with the baby, also, they clearly took Clem along too so they didn't exactly split them up for good.
Oh because it can be justified to take a toddler away from the only family he has ever known. Yes Clementine likely did a bunch of crap to t… morehe New Frontier but they are also the group of people that shot a 10 year old girl for stealing pudding.
It doesn't matter what the circumstances are stealing a child from their loving guardians arms is outright disgusting.
Theory Time: Clementine is going to kill javier because he is David's brother, then she kills David, and we will play the rest of the season only as our cutie Clemy
Theory Time: Clementine is going to kill javier because he is David's brother, then she kills David, and we will play the rest of the season only as our cutie Clemy
Not entirely true since this all was created after ANF was released. Every game before now has not created this type of fan environment before which to me would kinda be a indication that perhaps there are problems with the game. Granted there has always been disgruntled or dissatisfied fans on the forums it has never been this prominent and consistent.
Was I the only one who wasn't so hype about this? Really? I'm going to be optimistic af from now on that teaser was meh only 5 sec of clem maybe becuase we won't see her only for like 5 motherfucking min..Oh and I know from now this episode will piss me off 1000% becuase of clem eating dog cat lama poop
Okay, just saw the trailer, so time to officially pop my waiting thread cherry with muh thoughts:
* First off, what's going on with the… more sound and why is it so shit at the beginning? Seriously, I had to rewind four times to even hear most of it.
* Trailer is way too short for my tastes. Hell, at least play old clips with relevant voiceovers like you did at the beginning to pad it out a bit.
* Spent over half of it on the worst characterplot device ever--Mmm, isn't that lovely? Hopefully, they can pull something out of their ass to make him interesting cause he's worse than Tripp or Mariana in that regard.
* Also, I see they're channeling In Harm Way's advertising with that shotgun freeze frame there, so I hope that's a bait-n-switch and not the spoiler it appears to be. At least it's with a waste of space instead of a main plot point this time.
* Ah, finally something interesting and it's only 0:51 seconds in! Hopefully, whatever beef… [view original content]
He's a bad ass, he's a smart ass, he's a hard ass, he's a Latino ass, he got dat ass, he's going Negan 2.0 on Badger's ass. So yea, nothing wrong with him
AJ still alive? Well that sucks... haven't really seen anything in the trailer that impresses me or that I didn't expect. Seems like more rock and roll action over character development, character bonding and dialouge.
Was I the only one who wasn't so hype about this? Really? I'm going to be optimistic af from now on that teaser was meh only 5 sec of clem m… moreaybe becuase we won't see her only for like 5 motherfucking min..Oh and I know from now this episode will piss me off 1000% becuase of clem eating dog cat lama poop
haven't really seen anything in the trailer that impresses me or that I didn't expect
That's what happens when you spend the bulk of… more it on a diabolus ex machina and a pointless (and somewhat out of nowhere) grudge.
Seems like more rock and roll action over character development, character bonding and dialouge.
What else is new? I'm at least hoping the flashback and the part with David will at least make all that mean something.
Well if the fans see javi with a baseball bat, they know there is gonna be a brutal beating. They should be great full that the series is at least changing.
Javi will be the badassness of this episode
Clem will get branded(flashback)and will loose aj and God knows what she'll deal with in the present and allllll of that I bet will be marked in 15 min at max lmfao
Well, over half the trailer focused on a battle between Javier and a shitty guy we barely saw, so it's understandable.
Oh and I know from now this episode will piss me off 1000% becuase of clem eating dog cat lama poop
Well if the fans see javi with a baseball bat, they know there is gonna be a brutal beating. They should be great full that the series is at least changing.
Theory Time: Clementine is going to kill javier because he is David's brother, then she kills David, and we will play the rest of the season only as our cutie Clemy
Also Ava took away an ill AJ! She's the NEW JANE! Kill the bitch!
Yeah, a few of us kinda saw that coming. Of course, if my finger cross works out, she might be a fullout foil/"evil"-counterpart to Jane, with everything that implies.
True enough.
Given what over half of the new trailer focused on, I'm hoping it happens towards the end of the episode to build towards that point to help with his characterization issues.
Imagine, if you will.
This is just one scenario.
Clem isn't an adult, she doesn't have the right to do what she wants with the baby, also, they clearly took Clem along too so they didn't exactly split them up for good.
Awesome news . At-least it does't clash with mass effect andromeda
That means AJ is alive!
1 days ago: screw a new frontier, this came is a pile of crap. A few hours ago: omg best game ever. Fan logic
I hope they are not, i'm still hoping for playable Clemy in present time
This is just going to turn into another shit show because this community doesn't have a middle switch.
He punched javier for being stuck in traffic
I hope javier keeps that baseball bat. He will be good guy Negan if he does
Theory Time: Clementine is going to kill javier because he is David's brother, then she kills David, and we will play the rest of the season only as our cutie Clemy

He'd have the white collar thingie if he were a priest so I doubt it
Why does the little devil look so chubby-faced there?
I am sooooo glad my javier is a smart ass and is not like Lee or clem so he will just bash the living shit fuck outta him XD soooo excited
Not entirely true since this all was created after ANF was released. Every game before now has not created this type of fan environment before which to me would kinda be a indication that perhaps there are problems with the game. Granted there has always been disgruntled or dissatisfied fans on the forums it has never been this prominent and consistent.
Well i don't recall riots breaking out at PAX during telltale's presentation.....i must've missed that part.
Was I the only one who wasn't so hype about this? Really? I'm going to be optimistic af from now on that teaser was meh only 5 sec of clem maybe becuase we won't see her only for like 5 motherfucking min..Oh and I know from now this episode will piss me off 1000% becuase of clem eating dog cat lama poop
I heard the sound first time around
sorry for the rhyme
He's a bad ass, he's a smart ass, he's a hard ass, he's a Latino ass, he got dat ass, he's going Negan 2.0 on Badger's ass. So yea, nothing wrong with him
You want a 2 year old... to die? Seek. Help.
Well, over half the trailer focused on a battle between Javier and a shitty guy we barely saw, so it's understandable.
You think David might send javier to killed badger for what he did to Mari?
Well if the fans see javi with a baseball bat, they know there is gonna be a brutal beating. They should be great full that the series is at least changing.
Javi will be the badassness of this episode
Clem will get branded(flashback)and will loose aj and God knows what she'll deal with in the present and allllll of that I bet will be marked in 15 min at max lmfao
The video I watched had terrible audio at the beginning, with Badger''s(?) line being rendered pretty damn hard to understand at first.
I'm not entirely sure why I would I want something I like to change?
It got real for a little bit outside.
That's an oversimplification of a complex familial situation.
Her smile reminds me of Natalia's smile in Resident Evil Revelations 2.
I was just making a joke about how many people talking about the things they want to do to David, Badger and Ava.
I knew what I'd do to Ava from that first screenshot of her....
Your picture didn't render, dude.
Yeah I know, fuck...
You need to upload your images to a website like first, you are currently linking directly from your computers location.
And the release date is March 28th....

I was right all along! I PREDICTED it!
Also Ava took away an ill AJ! She's the NEW JANE! Kill the bitch!
I think you mean pale.
Yeah, a few of us kinda saw that coming. Of course, if my finger cross works out, she might be a fullout foil/"evil"-counterpart to Jane, with everything that implies.