The most disturbing part of the Pax trailer....spoilers
The room Clementine confronts David in...seems to be a trophy room with signs from the town's the NF have killed. What say you?
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The room Clementine confronts David in...seems to be a trophy room with signs from the town's the NF have killed. What say you?
He may have earned his death many times over...I just hope Clementine lives this season.
It's definitely disturbing. Clem looks to be alone with David in that scene. I think he finds her when she's trying to sneak her way in to find AJ.
Ima guna shoot his ugly ass up
Bitch ain't joking with MA clementine
Yeah... I thought about this too...

We haven't actually seen David do anything particularly bad, people are really jumping to conclusions when they hate him.
We haven't really seen him do anything, he's had 5 minutes of screen time and suddenly he's the supreme leader of a group we've seen slaughter people. So there's not much to build off of, but there's more bad than good, unfortunately.
I like how Clementine is threatening to shoot a guy when he is just saying "Hello" and yet he is the one who gets hate shows how everyone on here is a Clementine fanboy
She's pointing a gun at the leader of a group of murderers who had his people forcefully take away the child she was caring for. This just shows how poor your comprehension is.
Murderers? No wonder Clem joined them shes a murderer too! Besides she was clearly being kicked out as Ep 1 clearly proved she can't stay in a group without fucking them all over and causing problems and a baby going out there with her is extremely stupid as he has a much higher chance of dying with her
Episode 1 didn't prove anything, if anything it's implied she left after finding out what kind of people they were in episode 2. And that baby has been determinantly kept alive by Clementine for up to 2 years, its not anyone's responsibility to take him away from his caretaker. But as I've said, your posts only prove how poor your comprehension is and you'll blurt out the first thing that comes to mind just to whine about Clementine, regardless of how little thought you've put into it. Stick to two sentence replies, you start to babble when they're longer.
I thought into this alot lol at first I was pro Clem because of s1 and 2 until I thought about it and realised she is heavily in the wrong most of the time
Except she's not for a multitude of reasons that have been discussed to death. Fact is when this all began she had no reason to accompany Javier, if she's that much of a bitch she would have left his ass unarmed and tied up on the side of the road where she found him, she didn't need him to get to the junkyard since she already knew where it was, and his family wasn't going to stop her from taking the van by force if she did this. She didn't have to take him back to his family, or try to negotiate for the van. That's taking an unnecessary risk on someone you don't even know.
In episode one she shoots a guy in the head because he traded some bad bullets. Did he pack the bullets? Or did he trade a box of bullets for a box of batteries? Did all the batteries work to the full pre apocalypse use? OR we're some of them drained a little? Clem shot a lot of bullets and only three or four didn't fire.
In episode one she shoots a guy in the head because he traded some bad bullets. Did he pack the bullets? Or did he trade a box of bullets for a box of batteries? Did all the batteries work to the full pre apocalypse use? OR we're some of them drained a little? Clem shot a lot of bullets and only three or four didn't fire.
If anyone took the sign it was Badger. David wasn't at Prescott, nor was it a sanctioned attack.
But it fits a pattern...they keep trophies of towns the destroy...calling it...she finds a Wellington sign.
Clem shot a lot of bullets? She used her shotgun the entire time, the only time she tried the pistol it didn't work. And homeboy didn't have a problem wrestling with Javier while she was pointing a gun loaded with his bullets at him, which is odd for someone if they were afraid of getting shot. Neither one of them expected the gun to fire, and Tripp didn't really give too much of a shit, probably because he knew Eli was a swindler.
She fired a few shotgun was her pistol ammo that failed.
if David takes AJ from Clem because she murdered someone in the community and the only thing that they can think of is to kick her out of the community, Then I can accept his action of taking away AJ. Why would a sounded adult let a 12-13 year old go out on the road with slim chances already and have her bear the burden of a baby? David probably feels that he is more capable of taking care of AJ with his resources and wants to give Clem a fighting chance to live, instead of just killing her.Also, I think it would be somewhat selfish if she takes AJ with her.
I think her murdering someone is the reason why she wants to remind unseen by the new frontier because some people in the group have ill will towards her.
You're acting as if she gave a shit about Javi or his family she didn't she only cared about the van, and if you chose to decline the deal she says "How about i just shoot you and take the van anyway" so it's basically forced robbery nothing else
And now we're back to your comprehension issues. What are you not understanding about the situation here? What is confusing you? Where did she have to set him free and take him to the junk yard? What did she get out of it that she couldn't get by just leaving the idiot on the side of the road bound and unarmed to the fate he deserved?
She literally benefited in no way from releasing him and hoping he'd agree to her deal. She knows the area, and easily could have went alone and taken the van from Javiers useless family, then drove by Javier in his van while flipping him off. And that is what basically forced robbery looks like. I'm done with this is you're just gonna repeat incomplete thoughts.
That's a lot of ifs and speculation. Fact is she could determinantly survive for around 2 years alone with a child, so we know she's capable. What we don't know is who David is, because the entire Garcia family story is built on exposition we were never made privy to. The little we know about him is he's the leader of a faction a character we have spent two games with says went bad, and said faction had also been shown to ruthlessly murder others, as well as destroy/take over settlements. So the safer assumption, based on what we know about his affiliations and not on speculation, is this probably wasn't a noble act, and just a case of douchebags douchebagging it up. Clems reaction doesn't sound like one of a person who's being done a favor.
If the bullets didn't work Eli would still be around. HE didn't make them, and he probably wasn't an ammo factory quality control inspector. so how would you know if they were good or bad before your fired them? unless the slug was loose but then what asshole would load a visibly damaged bullet into a weapon?
HE didn't make them? He have a friend that works in a still operational factory? Dudes selling them enmass.
If Eli thought the bullets worked he wouldn't have had a wrestling match in front of someone pointing a gun with his bullets in it at him. Someone fucked up and she ended up with a real one in the clip. Eli gave no shits that she was pointing a gun at him once she revealed his bullets were in loaded, because both of them knew it was a con.
Eli intentionally sold faulty bullets for real goods, and ended up getting killed by a real bullet he thought was faulty. Fitting end to a deserving character.
If David's acts were strictly "douchebag", why not just kick Clem and AJ out? Why keep a liability? Also, David doesn't know Clem that well. If I saw a 12 year old girl, I would just assume that she is unable to defend herself, yet alone a kid, too. I just think that to make David act make sense, ill have to follow some process. So far, David is known as a man of principle, more than any leader the TWD.( Javi kills some of the New Frontier men and still get a trial)
Hoping? now means Give me your van or I will kill you. Which is similar to what a certain to what a certain character says on the show and how tf am I the one confused when I think that Clementine is a POS for threatening Javi when she did threaten Javi
Actually, Eli only attacks her after she points the gun at him and pulls the trigger on him. This causes him to make a slight flinch in surprise and he mutters "Un-fuckin-believeable..." to himself as he gets up to attack her/Javier.
Whether he knew about some of the bullets not working or not, he clearly didn't think she'd actually pull the trigger at him and risk shooting him for real, so it's possible he truly believed the bullets did work and just wasn't to shook up when she claimed it didn't launch the one time she did use it beforehand.
Plus Eli tries to trade back the batteries for the bad bullets and Clem refuses and shoots him in the face. Clem threw a temper tantrum shot a guy. Then when people ask why she says because he attacked Javi, nothing about the bullets. She knew she didn't have a leg to stand on.
Looking at when she shoots him again, her mistake was cocking the gun and keeping it pointed at his head with her finger on the trigger and then she got outta hand and pulled it in a fit of anger. Conrad saying "I warned you" further adds to the undertone that Clementine has definitely developed issues with aggression.
Well I'll not even hesitate to kill David
For me the most disturbing thing was the clip's reliance on action and forced drama.
I like your avatar.
I think Conrad warned Javi at the bar.
He only tries that after Javi kicks his fuck Eli...he deserved to die.
Well if David is good at something, mind as well get a trophy for it. In this case it's taking down communities. That beats a gold star sticker any day.
Just "hello"? Really? Ever watch the various scenes in The Matrix where Agent Smith ominously says to Neo "Hello, Mr. Anderson"? What David says in the teaser sounds more like THAT than just a simple HELLO. I mean come on.
I like your avatar too!
I like your avatar too too!
Pretty sure he was talking to Clementine, dude.