My thoughts on Javier VS Badger.
In the very short (but awesome) footage we got from PAX what most caught my eye was the Javier VS Badger scene. Firstly I want to say that the voice acting was great from both Javier and Badger.
I'm thinking that this scene might be determinant. I say that because Javier seems to be the one who starts the altercation. He walks in with a baseball bat then Badger quickly loads his gun. Some players might not want to do such a thing. Granted most of us probably would.
I have to say that the fight was really epic! I think we might get the opportunity to play Javi as a much more darker character in episode 3. When he had the bat and Badger was on the ground completely at his mercy, Javi really gave me Kenny vibes from season 2. Which also happened in episode 3 if you recall, though I imagine that's just a coincidence.
So overall I'm pretty damn excited for episode 3, It's gonna be awesome! What did you think about the footage? Do you agree with anything I said?
And please no passive-aggressive crap. If you're not interested or just gonna rant just don't comment.
Reminds me of how in Batman episode 3, Batman and Lady Arkham had a fight scene, but the two characters don't have their final showdown until episode 5.
I liked the trailer, though nothing about Javiers fight intrigued me in the slightest. David, though. Considering the situations they showed him speaking in, I didn't think he sounded as angry, bitter, or hostile as I remember from him in the flashbacks. He sounded more calm, more matter of fact and in control, which gives me hope they might not just make him another sadistic leader of a sadistic group that has to be dealt with, and go deeper with his character.
I love this trailer, makes me excited to finally have that piece of shit killed.
I like your idea that the scene could be determinant. I would probably be one of the people that choose not to attack Badger, as I want to play a Javier that avoids/is uncomfortable with unnecessary violence.
To be completely honest though, I wasn’t all that impressed by the clip. There were no surprises. David and Clementine knowing each other, AJ being taken away, the Javier vs Badger showdown… it all felt a little obvious. Hopefully there's more to the episode and the clip isn’t as spoilery as it seems to be.
But about that showdown, I would have liked to see David involved. Javier and David vs Badger would be a lot more powerful to me, considering how tragic it is that David was so close to seeing his daughter again, rather than Javier forgetting about Mari upon returning to Prescott and all of a sudden being like “oh yeah screw that guy. tbh I shouldn’t even know he killed Mari the only reason the forum knows is because someone pointed it out in the details people may not notice thread”. A brotherly bonding session like that would be cool especially because they seem to be setting up David as the villain, so working with him for a time would be sweet.
I'm looking forward to crushing his skull with a baseball bat~ ^_^
Javi is going to go full Negan.
And the second after that Maggie will walk in the room and hate us forever.
Kinda makes me wonder why David isn't the one beating the actuall shit out of Badger seeing as it was his daughter he shot.
Someone actually think he went stonecold and did this

I hope that the game let us kill Badger, but I dont wanna kill David. If David dies, the rest of the game will be boring and Telltale would repeat what they did with Carver in season two.
The trailer was awesome, but I hope that Clementine flashbacks are longer than Ties That Bind ones.
WWKD: What Would Kenneth Do?
Definitely beat the shit out of this child-killing piece of trash and then smash his ugly face into non-existence with an aluminum bat.
You hit the nail on the head with that one
The trailer makes me feel really excited about the game again.
And I'm getting some mixed memories about Kenny killing Carver and Negan's style, which is awesome.
But I still have the feeling that killing Badger wouldn't be that easy. Well, we don't know the circumstances of the scenario yet...
tfw you know how to swing a baseball bat
I think the scene where Badger is beaten would be more effective if the player can choose whether to do the deed themselves as Javier, or allow David to get a little retribution for the murder of his daughter.
This would make for an interesting determinant scene and fate for Badger, reminiscent of how Randal was handled from the Michonne mini-series. If Javier is chosen, Badger is badly wounded but survives the attack and appears in future episodes where he can potentially die in a different manner, but if David is chosen, Badger is killed on the spot in a brutal fashion.
It would also give a little more depth in both Javier and David in terms of whether they are able to kill a living person in such a slow and torturous manner, and if the victim has deserved it or not.
I think there would be a choice where we should kill Badger, or spare him.
I mean, It's cool that we get to kill Badger and all but in all honestly, I don't really care about killing him. Okay, he killed Marianna.. alright, I knew her for 10 minutes. Had Badger killed, say, Omid or Christa, I would really be looking forward to this, but I'm just not. Other than that, the teaser was cool I guess.
Also the dialogue in the teaser has me cringing so hard.
"Hello again, Clementine"
this..... is for marIANNA
pls end me now
Honestly, I don't think so, I'm kinda wondering whether the title of the episode refers to Badger or Javier. Is it because Badger weaseled his way out of responsibility, or is Javier taking it upon himself to get revenge/justice despite/rather than wait for a trial? I don't want to see David just outright ordering deaths without judgments though, I'd like to see him hold the kind of self control you'd expect to see in normal times.
you monster
Double post, have glasses guy instead.
True enough. Bager did appear to have just been chased to that room given how he was hastily arming himself as Javier entered.
I think this will be a "Lucille" situation for Badger.
Honestly, this whole thing would be way more impactful if we actually had a chance to get to know Mariana, as is, she got killed after having 2 or 3 lines, and her being adorable in the flashback doesnt make her death that much sadder, since I barely knew her to begin with, at least in season 1, when that farmers son died in episode 1, it wasnt someone we were supposed to care deeply for, whereas Mariana was supposed to be a really impactful death (I would think at least), but due to low episode length and barely any development it just really fell flat IMO, and I honestly dont even know what I would pick if you can chose between killing him or not, since I dont know how it would affect other characters, will showing mercy help bring Clem back to a less dark road? will killing him affect Gabe in any way?
also, it seems like theyre gonna have a big scene with Clem this episode, if thats the case, I really hope they have us playing as her, since confronting David as Clem is something I would look way more forward to than confronting him as Javier, I would also hate just watching if such a scene would happen, since Javier is still not even near Lee levels of care for Clem if that makes sense? Clem is a friend to him if you decide, but watching a big Clem scene as Javier wouldnt have much of an impact I think
Badger: I did not shoot her! It's not true. It's bullshit! I did not shoot her! I did naht!
Oh hai Javier.
I feel that the following is going to happen:
Badger is going to go on trial for his crimes. He'll get away scott free because the people in his group vouch for him. And seeing that David is the Leader, He will have to stick to his principles, angering Javi. He quickly finds Badger after the trial and gets to a confrontation. During the confrontation Badger convinces that if he is killed , David will have to stick to his principles and would have to sentence Javi to death.
Clem, in the flashback, is suspected of murdering two people in the group in cold blood. In the process of being sentenced to death, Ava pleads with David that she didn't do it, but David claims that the will of the people have been done. At the middle of the night, Clem tries to escape with AJ but is caught by David. Ava pleads one more about letting Clem go. David tells Ava and the group Clem goes, but AJ stays. Taking AJ and telling Clem to never return.
I wonder if Conrad will help you fight Badger if you didn't shoot him
He might help try and track him down at least, but it looks like they're trying to make it a personal fight for Javier.
So it looks like David isn't gonna take responsibility for Marianna's death and punish Badger. I figured as much. He seems so biased towards the faction he has created that I actually think that's...DECENT WRITING?!
That's not bad. If he truly doesn't care that she's dead/blames someone else, I'll actually appreciate him as a villain more, since I originally thought the twist of him leading was dumb as fuck.
The Badger vs. Javi fight looked pretty okay, too. I liked it. If its as determinant as I think it is, I'm making baldy's final seconds of existence the most painful he's ever felt. That salt n pepper beard is entering his prostate before I'm done with him.
Honestly, I still got money on him flipping out on Javier. Dude lost his shit when he found out a little girl was a former member of their group. Now he finds out he's been traveling with the group leaders family?
I'm not so sure about Ava being the good girl, but let's see.
I don't care what they say... I still think Scar was the good guy (THE PARENTS LITERALLY CALLED THEIR CHILDREN "KING" AND "TRASH" WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY EXPECT!?)
Yeah, I know, right? Still, Taka definitely went dark and crossed the line on that one.
Mufasa was a big capitalist dick... he got what he deserved.
I'm aware that Scar's true name is Taka, but how do fans actually know this? Where is it stated?
I believe it was a children's book that explained how he got his scar and apropos nickname.
Aw, but he was a cool dad with the voice of Darth Vader, though. And capitalism is...?
I could potentially see myself as being the Javier that's willing to fight. He doesn't seem like a bad fighter, i dont know if i will continue to hurt badger after he's down though.