Blind Sniper said:
...since the deleted positive reviews may or may not have tipped the scales, so who knows - maybe I'm just being obtuse and splitting hairs, but you get the idea.
I am guessing that this is the scene when Clementine says "you're a monster" this makes me wonder what exactly to why for her to say that?
But if you are right about the Arvo then that character is going to get a lot of hate from the players.
Maybe who ever that woman with the dark skin who lets Clementine to join the group only did that because she saw AJ???? what about if this group was like the St John family in S1E2??? In the comics the villains include cannibal / phycopaths / murders. what about the THe New Frontiers is an group that holds that dark secrets. Remember when the first images for series 3 was release remember one was a slaughterhouse that has to show somewhere in S3?????
I admit, just by looking at the YouTube video thumbnail makes me feel hyped and excited.
I haven't seen the clip yet other than reading snips of what you guys said.
It's pretty sad to say that I'm not very excited for the rest of the season. I haven't played a TTG game yet that I wasn't chomping at the b… moreit for the next episode and just constantly on the forums waiting and waiting for news of when it would be released, but this game just doesn't do it for me. Hopefully TT can turn things around.
Comparing Season 2's problems with Season 3's problems is absolutely ludicrous.
Season 2, while not as great as Season 1, had some pretty… more stand out moments/scenes. It had a pretty good start and a majority of people consider A House Divided to be in their top 3 favourite episodes of TWD. It had subtle references to our past choices, like if you teach Sarah how to shoot a gun Clem will give her the same advice you gave Clem as Lee in Long Road Ahead and things like that. The choices while not completely game changing do have a bigger impact on how you view a character. If you decided to go with Nick instead of Pete in All That Remains then you'll learn more about his character and why he acts the way he does or if you go with Pete you'll learn more about him and his relationship with Nick.
ANF has almost nothing that anyone can call objectively good. The only positive aspects I've seen talked about are Javier as a protagonist, the family… [view original content]
I am quite willing to bet that when Season 4 appears people will stop criticising ANF and focus on it instead. Same thing happens now with S… moreeason 2 now that ANF is out. The whole season isn't even complete, you might be surprised by episode 3.
I doubt it's "universally" agreed it's a bad season so far, the reviews are still mostly positive and usually the negativity outshines the positivity. People who enjoy it usually don't bother splitting hairs and just enjoy the game.
Also don't get me wrong, I loved Season 2, but I was just making a comparison. Sure there are issues, but it's blown out of proportion. Every season had its issues, that's undeniable, nothing is perfect after all. Despite that, I still I find that Telltale did an excellent job and came quite close to perfection with every TWD episode to date and I except them to keep that up.
I'm glad they didn't go with this Clem's face design:
Because in this E3 2016 teaser, she looks suuuuuuper ugly, and i'm so glad they changed her to face to this cutie:
Superfluous counterargument considering what is more-or-less being addressed by the posts is the games deeply-rooted problem with not being … moreable to satisfy the many people who have trouble so much as writing a structured sentence.
And the fact many of them are receiving such praise from others cause of their well thought out critique.
Yet look at the percentage value of any of those and you'd see a far less forgiving amount of likes it receives because of that thumbs up.
What I'm saying is that criticism should be a well-versed and intelligently constructive medium to get info from. I love many things that I have disagreed with people on liking just cause in my opinion, they have liked that very thing for completely ill-fitted reasons.
This isn't about liking or disliking, this is about acquiring a taste for firm and thoughtful critique.
Again, so, so many of the positive reviews are things such as 'Cool' or 'nice game'. It's a problem on both sides.
If your issue is that … morepeople thumb up those reviews..then that's an entirely different matter, and has nothing to do with the writing style, really.
Unpopular opinion: I like the first one better. She looks more like a kid in the E3 version although she doesn't look too much like Clem. That said, she looks wayyyy too old for a 13 year old in the main game which is pretty weird. I also kinda like her longer hair in the E3 pic.
I'm glad they didn't go with this Clem's face design:
Because in this E3 2016 teaser, she looks suuuuuuper ugly, and i'm so glad they changed her to face to this cutie:
I am guessing that this is the scene when Clementine says "you're a monster" this makes me wonder what exactly to why for her to say that?
… more
But if you are right about the Arvo then that character is going to get a lot of hate from the players.
Maybe who ever that woman with the dark skin who lets Clementine to join the group only did that because she saw AJ???? what about if this group was like the St John family in S1E2??? In the comics the villains include cannibal / phycopaths / murders. what about the THe New Frontiers is an group that holds that dark secrets. Remember when the first images for series 3 was release remember one was a slaughterhouse that has to show somewhere in S3?????
I know you haven't implied such a thing, Flog. I can see why what I said could be interpreted like that; but I'm clarifying that it was aimed at the forum in general.
I have recently noticed that multiple users have questioned whether future flashbacks that include Kenny, Jane and Wellington would really be coherent and in-tone with the narrative. And I can't help but ask myself—what purpose did the flashbacks in the first two episodes have, if it wasn't to satisfy players who wanted to see more of Kenny and Jane? Did those, in any way, service or compliment the main storyline?
Is it different in any way just because we now know they died?
Yea, season 2 still has a slightly lower rating than season 1. Just because people like to complain about a new game doesn't determine how many people like to complain. ANF has seen a massive drop in quality compared to the first two seasons, and most people who aren't blinded by fanboyism can see how poorly its been handed. That's kinda why alot of negative reviews are longer than the "I luv wdd TELTALES!" reviews.
Now that I think about it this teaser is exactly like the previous teaser for EP1&2. The majority of both teasers focused primarily on Javier and his family with both having a few seconds showing off clementine for fan appeal. This may not mean anything at all although if this is gonna follow how the previous episodes turned out it'll be disappointing.
I have recently noticed that multiple users have questioned whether future flashbacks that include Kenny, Jane and Wellington would really b… moree coherent and in-tone with the narrative. And I can't help but ask myself—what purpose did the flashbacks in the first two episodes have, if it wasn't to satisfy players who wanted to see more of Kenny and Jane? Did those, in any way, service or compliment the main storyline?
Is it different in any way just because we now know they died?
Well the second one had some purpose in that in introduced a character, sure it went absolutely no where and in no way gave us any better understanding of the characters in the story so far, and barely even gave the plot any extra depth. But it did serve a purpose which will probably be squandered in episode 3.
The first just one was just a thumb to the eye, and its probably best to just let all past characters be forgotten at this point.
I have recently noticed that multiple users have questioned whether future flashbacks that include Kenny, Jane and Wellington would really b… moree coherent and in-tone with the narrative. And I can't help but ask myself—what purpose did the flashbacks in the first two episodes have, if it wasn't to satisfy players who wanted to see more of Kenny and Jane? Did those, in any way, service or compliment the main storyline?
Is it different in any way just because we now know they died?
And I can't help but ask myself—what purpose did the flashbacks in the first two episodes have, if it wasn't to satisfy players who wanted to see more of Kenny and Jane? Did those, in any way, service or compliment the main storyline?
They were needed for it to be explained how Clementine ended up alone with AJ, and connected to A New Frontier. If this was never explained, the narrative would've been left with a huge plot point left unresolved, not to mention that it would further disrespect the choices the players made at the end of Season 2.
Future Kenny/Jane flashbacks will serve to no purpose but fan service. They will solely exist to make up to the lazy conclusion they gave Wellington, Kenny and Jane, and it's great that Telltale ackowledges that they kinda screwed up, but for most players, including myself, it doesn't excuse the pure lazyness with Ties That Bind's flashbacks.
Is it different in any way just because we now know they died?
Yes. Future flashbacks, unlike the first ones, won't be giving us closure to Kenny's/Jane's character, nor explaining how Clementine fell onto TNF's ranks. They will just be there for fanservice, and it's unlikely they will in any way tie with the narrative (unless they are, somehow, bringing them back).
I have recently noticed that multiple users have questioned whether future flashbacks that include Kenny, Jane and Wellington would really b… moree coherent and in-tone with the narrative. And I can't help but ask myself—what purpose did the flashbacks in the first two episodes have, if it wasn't to satisfy players who wanted to see more of Kenny and Jane? Did those, in any way, service or compliment the main storyline?
Is it different in any way just because we now know they died?
Well there just comes a time to end it. ANF is a good way to end it before they follow in the footsteps of other products that became extended cash cow grabs.
I'm glad they didn't go with this Clem's face design:
Because in this E3 2016 teaser, she looks suuuuuuper ugly, and i'm so glad they changed her to face to this cutie:
Unpopular opinion: I like the first one better. She looks more like a kid in the E3 version although she doesn't look too much like Clem. Th… moreat said, she looks wayyyy too old for a 13 year old in the main game which is pretty weird. I also kinda like her longer hair in the E3 pic.
And I can't help but ask myself—what purpose did the flashbacks in the first two episodes have, if it wasn't to satisfy players who wanted to see more of Kenny and Jane? Did those, in any way, service or compliment the main storyline?
Maybe i'm super slow (most likely) but it took me a couple of rereads of your comment to understand what you were saying.
Anyway, I don't think it was as much as 'satisfying seeing more of Kenny and Jane', rather answering the question of what happened to them and why we aren't with them right now. Sure, you could shrug it off and have Clementine say something vague about 'losing' them but that wouldn't really work for the Wellington ending and would feel as if Season 2 didn't matter at all (which is still kind of the case, lol). They absolutely did not compliment the storyline but honestly, I don't give two fucks about the main storyline. I'd rather play a game of Kenny/AJ/Clem living out life in Florida, getting taught how to fish and living on a boat as a happy family. Not exactly an exciting and practical game but that to me is more interesting than whatever is currently going on in ANF.
Is it different in any way just because we now know they died?
I think it is. It's hard to explain my thoughts in writing but, the 'unknown' is far more 'valuable' to people than the straight out truth if that makes any sense. For instance, I love Eddie from the 400 days dlc and would like him to return. He's not dead as far as we know so it's completely possible... but will he? It's unlikely. Even that small glimmer of hope however that they might come back/might be alive is a bigger deal and holds a certain 'value' than a character being flat out dead. Players COULD have believed that Kenny/Jane/Edith are alive and well if there deaths weren't absolutely apparant, it would be unlikely, but it would give some value as to why Clem is acting the way she is and would make her actions more believable. She's tough with everyone because she wants to get back to the people she trusts and cares about. But instead, we're given their fates in a rushed, poorly created 5 minute scene and in during ANF Clementine acts and speaks the exact same way regardless of your ending in Season 2. They could have done a running subplot with the flashbacks and at episode 5 the final flashback would reveal the fates of the characters and it would mean much more than if we were to get something now.
If you ask me, they should just retcon the flashbacks as nightmares honestly. It's the smartest decision for both storytelling and audiences. Nobody is going to complain that there favourite characters are alive and not very many people I imagine will be outraged by them 'not sticking to their story' seeing as their lead writer said the same and not even he's there anymore.
(Sorry for the long post. I don't expect anyone to read that, but I felt like I had to give my input.)
I have recently noticed that multiple users have questioned whether future flashbacks that include Kenny, Jane and Wellington would really b… moree coherent and in-tone with the narrative. And I can't help but ask myself—what purpose did the flashbacks in the first two episodes have, if it wasn't to satisfy players who wanted to see more of Kenny and Jane? Did those, in any way, service or compliment the main storyline?
Is it different in any way just because we now know they died?
Still not enough.
Thanks, bud
I am guessing that this is the scene when Clementine says "you're a monster" this makes me wonder what exactly to why for her to say that?
But if you are right about the Arvo then that character is going to get a lot of hate from the players.
Maybe who ever that woman with the dark skin who lets Clementine to join the group only did that because she saw AJ???? what about if this group was like the St John family in S1E2??? In the comics the villains include cannibal / phycopaths / murders. what about the THe New Frontiers is an group that holds that dark secrets. Remember when the first images for series 3 was release remember one was a slaughterhouse that has to show somewhere in S3?????
I'm just going to assume that was a joke
You haven't played a TTG game yet? ANF is your first?
Well said. I wholeheartedly agree. Nothing wrong with negative reviews when they are spot on like this.
Telltale has stated they have not even thought of a S4 yet. People are just automatically assuming this for whatever reason.
Ahhh, I knew I forgot something. I forgot this game! Nice to finally have a release date.
I'm glad they didn't go with this Clem's face design:

Because in this E3 2016 teaser, she looks suuuuuuper ugly, and i'm so glad they changed her to face to this cutie:
I can be optimistic, can't I?
Several people have forgot about it that don't follow telltale.
Did I imply they weren't?
No. But the comment I replied to was explicitly devaluing all negative opinions.
Again, so, so many of the positive reviews are things such as 'Cool' or 'nice game'. It's a problem on both sides.
If your issue is that people thumb up those reviews..then that's an entirely different matter, and has nothing to do with the writing style, really.
Yet look at the percentage value of any of those and you'd see a far less forgiving amount of likes it receives because of that thumbs up.
What I'm saying is that criticism should be a well-versed and intelligently constructive medium to get info from. I love many things that I have disagreed with people on liking just cause in my opinion, they have liked that very thing for completely ill-fitted reasons.
This isn't about liking or disliking, this is about acquiring a taste for firm and thoughtful critique.
Unpopular opinion: I like the first one better. She looks more like a kid in the E3 version although she doesn't look too much like Clem. That said, she looks wayyyy too old for a 13 year old in the main game which is pretty weird. I also kinda like her longer hair in the E3 pic.
I wouldn't be surprised if Telltale brought Lee back and that is his new character model.
Ya don't say....
That is one of the thoughts.
I know you haven't implied such a thing, Flog. I can see why what I said could be interpreted like that; but I'm clarifying that it was aimed at the forum in general.
That's a bit of a foolish exaggeration.
I have recently noticed that multiple users have questioned whether future flashbacks that include Kenny, Jane and Wellington would really be coherent and in-tone with the narrative. And I can't help but ask myself—what purpose did the flashbacks in the first two episodes have, if it wasn't to satisfy players who wanted to see more of Kenny and Jane? Did those, in any way, service or compliment the main storyline?
Is it different in any way just because we now know they died?
Yea, season 2 still has a slightly lower rating than season 1. Just because people like to complain about a new game doesn't determine how many people like to complain. ANF has seen a massive drop in quality compared to the first two seasons, and most people who aren't blinded by fanboyism can see how poorly its been handed. That's kinda why alot of negative reviews are longer than the "I luv wdd TELTALES!" reviews.
Now that I think about it this teaser is exactly like the previous teaser for EP1&2. The majority of both teasers focused primarily on Javier and his family with both having a few seconds showing off clementine for fan appeal. This may not mean anything at all although if this is gonna follow how the previous episodes turned out it'll be disappointing.
Well the second one had some purpose in that in introduced a character, sure it went absolutely no where and in no way gave us any better understanding of the characters in the story so far, and barely even gave the plot any extra depth. But it did serve a purpose which will probably be squandered in episode 3.
The first just one was just a thumb to the eye, and its probably best to just let all past characters be forgotten at this point.
They were needed for it to be explained how Clementine ended up alone with AJ, and connected to A New Frontier. If this was never explained, the narrative would've been left with a huge plot point left unresolved, not to mention that it would further disrespect the choices the players made at the end of Season 2.
Future Kenny/Jane flashbacks will serve to no purpose but fan service. They will solely exist to make up to the lazy conclusion they gave Wellington, Kenny and Jane, and it's great that Telltale ackowledges that they kinda screwed up, but for most players, including myself, it doesn't excuse the pure lazyness with Ties That Bind's flashbacks.
Yes. Future flashbacks, unlike the first ones, won't be giving us closure to Kenny's/Jane's character, nor explaining how Clementine fell onto TNF's ranks. They will just be there for fanservice, and it's unlikely they will in any way tie with the narrative (unless they are, somehow, bringing them back).
Well there just comes a time to end it. ANF is a good way to end it before they follow in the footsteps of other products that became extended cash cow grabs.
Man,point out 2 differences cause I struggle to find just one
14 days untill the next explosion of negative feedback on this forum because Telltale will probably drop the ball... again... "grabs popcorn"
Hopefully they turn the series around for the better. I really hope EP3 is absolutely fantastic.
Yeah she definitely looks like a 15 year old
Look at AJ chillin' mid air there.
Will we reach 100 pages before the release? I bet one juice box that we won't.
Maybe i'm super slow (most likely) but it took me a couple of rereads of your comment to understand what you were saying.
Anyway, I don't think it was as much as 'satisfying seeing more of Kenny and Jane', rather answering the question of what happened to them and why we aren't with them right now. Sure, you could shrug it off and have Clementine say something vague about 'losing' them but that wouldn't really work for the Wellington ending and would feel as if Season 2 didn't matter at all (which is still kind of the case, lol). They absolutely did not compliment the storyline but honestly, I don't give two fucks about the main storyline. I'd rather play a game of Kenny/AJ/Clem living out life in Florida, getting taught how to fish and living on a boat as a happy family. Not exactly an exciting and practical game but that to me is more interesting than whatever is currently going on in ANF.
I think it is. It's hard to explain my thoughts in writing but, the 'unknown' is far more 'valuable' to people than the straight out truth if that makes any sense. For instance, I love Eddie from the 400 days dlc and would like him to return. He's not dead as far as we know so it's completely possible... but will he? It's unlikely. Even that small glimmer of hope however that they might come back/might be alive is a bigger deal and holds a certain 'value' than a character being flat out dead. Players COULD have believed that Kenny/Jane/Edith are alive and well if there deaths weren't absolutely apparant, it would be unlikely, but it would give some value as to why Clem is acting the way she is and would make her actions more believable. She's tough with everyone because she wants to get back to the people she trusts and cares about. But instead, we're given their fates in a rushed, poorly created 5 minute scene and in during ANF Clementine acts and speaks the exact same way regardless of your ending in Season 2. They could have done a running subplot with the flashbacks and at episode 5 the final flashback would reveal the fates of the characters and it would mean much more than if we were to get something now.
If you ask me, they should just retcon the flashbacks as nightmares honestly. It's the smartest decision for both storytelling and audiences. Nobody is going to complain that there favourite characters are alive and not very many people I imagine will be outraged by them 'not sticking to their story' seeing as their lead writer said the same and not even he's there anymore.
(Sorry for the long post. I don't expect anyone to read that, but I felt like I had to give my input.)
Yeah we will, two weeks is fucking long
Good chance.
Too long, split it into two.