What does everyone hate about Javi?

What does everyone hate about Javi? The game cant give you exactly what you want first off. Javi is a good character with good potential. Clementine isnt playable anymore which i do have a problem with since i played every episode of the series. When a character like Clementine is constantly used it makes it harder for the writers to make a story so unless you want them to kill off Clementine dont complain yes i know i said i dont like that we cant play as her but they cant just cant constantly come up with new ideas.



  • That's kind of what most series do, write around a central character, not sure why people think it's a new concept lol. Javier, and his family, are poorly written in the sense that they don't really act like they've been surviving hardships for 4 years, more like they'd be more appropriate for the time period season 1 is set in.

    Javier himself I just find unlikable. Prick lives it big, does something stupid to ruin his career and ends up living with the family he ignored, thanks his brother for giving him a place to stay by determinantly confronting him about his attitude in a manner that throws his sister in law(who he can also flirt with) under the bus and telling him she's going to leave him, then can't even make it to his own fathers deathbed. The last bit is understandable until its established he's been unhireable in the field he wants to return to and plans on moving away again to look for employment.

    There's plenty of times during the actual game where he acts incompetent or hypocritical, but these are the primary reasons I think he's a douchebag, and the "I've changed completely and become responsible and devoted when you weren't looking during the time skip" scenario we're being fed is just lazy.

  • edited March 2017

    There just simply isn't an inch of anything that isn't monotonously dull about him

  • edited March 2017


    • there's not much to like about him, and also not much to hate- (nvm see @SolidStryder 's comment above) he's not nearly as complex as previous protagonists
    • some people may be biased as he's replaced Clementine as the main character (as you said)
    • the hate towards him may not be entirely based on his character, but instead ANF's lackluster story

    I don't hate Javier but I don't like him too much either. He hasn't had enough character development so far to feel involved with him, especially when we're 2/5ths through the story (compare his character development to Lee's at the end of Starved for Help). Also considering this season is often referred to as Javier's story, it doesn't reflect too well on him when the story is currently pretty shit.

  • He's way too beautiful.

  • I don't hate Javi. I don't love him, but I think he's a decent enough character. He's likable and his backstory is interesting enough so far. I think he's fine.

  • He's not BADASS 2 Kool for SKOOL Clementine!

  • Robert Kirkman has been writing Rick Grimes as the series protagonist for 14 years and still manages to come up with new stories, so I don't think Telltale (and their stable of writers) should have much of a problem with Clementine.

    As to Javier, he's every hero of every game ever (an overstatement I know). He's that generically handsome, short brown haired, guy with a family he squabbles with but loves with all his heart really.

    That's the problem I have with Javier. I don't hate him, I just feel as if I've played as him before (many many times).

  • edited March 2017

    The reason Robert Kirkman can do that with a single character is because he runs the story. It's not being changed by anyone else along the way , people aren't forcing him ''do this, do that''. So, if the author can be free and tell the story that he wants to tell, it will always be better than one put together by 15 changing writers being pressured from the executives

    voteDC posted: »

    Robert Kirkman has been writing Rick Grimes as the series protagonist for 14 years and still manages to come up with new stories, so I don't

  • This made me think of Javier, but then I realized this was poorly written on purpose :(

    He's not BADASS 2 Kool for SKOOL Clementine!

  • I don't. I think he is a pretty cool character.

  • I like him but he just lacks any depth to him and comes off as a bland character with a typical family story with very little going for him. I've always said that telltale did more harm to the Javier character by automatically making him the protagonist and automatically reducing clementine to a NPC/supporting role for him. I think people would have warmed up to him if it was a natural progotganist transition.

  • Before I give my opinion on Javier, I wanna call his family out really quick.

    While yes, he could have shown up during the holidays or something of that nature, do these motherfuckers not realize how time consuming being an MLB player is? These poor bastards have zero free time and have basically devoted their entire lives to this sport. 162 games a season, from spring to late fall, that's all they're doing. Playing baseball. Given, he could have made time in the offseason and he's totally in the wrong for that, but they need to understand that its not like he had a fuckload of free time to just mess around and listen to his jerk-off brother brag about menial bullshit.

    "Oh, you got a new Chrysler, David? Wow...you become more of an unlikeable shitbasket every passing second don't you?"

    (Shoulder punch)

    As far as character goes, he's alright. Decent protagonist. Hotheaded douche with a softer side for his family.

    Groundbreaking? No. Not really. It's been done before. Decent and passable? I think so.

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned
    edited March 2017

    As a character there is not one thing I find interesting about him. He is just so bland and generic, I don't really hate him because there is just nothing to hate, his defining characteristic is, I have a beard and played baseball. He's not hateable or lovable he just exists.

  • Even during the off season, there's not a whole lot of time. Baseball season ends around late October/early November, and players have to report to Spring Training usually around mid to late February. And during that time, they still have to train and practice, it may not be with the team, but individually. And of those 162 games, 81 of them are spent on the road, traveling across the country (and if they're playing the Blue Jays, in Canada).

    Before I give my opinion on Javier, I wanna call his family out really quick. While yes, he could have shown up during the holidays or so

  • edited March 2017

    I think the better question is "Why does the majority like (about) Javi?"

    without that Job response please
  • edited March 2017

    At best he is merely acceptable, some handsome generic guy. At worst he is boring, cheesy, and unrealistic. I seriously cringe during some of his lines.

    The worst part about him is that, in addition to his mediocrity, is the fact that he is completely overshadowing one of the most beloved video game characters of all time in her own series.

  • I hate the ammount of attention he's getting from telltale like why tf not make a spinoff for him if you sucking his dildo so much

  • Because they needed to have clementine for marketing and fan interest.

    I hate the ammount of attention he's getting from telltale like why tf not make a spinoff for him if you sucking his dildo so much

  • edited March 2017

    Did it work Chibikid? Not really they just lost to much respect from their fans

  • I don't have enough care for him to really hate him, he's just kind of there. Somehow he has the broadest backstory out of the new cast of characters yet in reality barely any at all. He feels of generic adult male protagonist and his personality, like many recent TTG playable characters is strongly lacking in diversity or player control.

  • Because we had this really good story and were anxious to see it continue. Then we get hit with some guy none of us even know about. Like wtf I wanted to continue from Wellington or wherever you left off not with some random guy.

  • I have made the right choices to make Javi seem like a nice guy to me so that may be it but i dont know

    ralo229 posted: »

    I don't hate Javi. I don't love him, but I think he's a decent enough character. He's likable and his backstory is interesting enough so far. I think he's fine.

  • Video games are different than tv especially this one and when you make a choice it sometimes has different outcomes like saving Pete or Nick (s2 ep 1) so not only they have to find a way to work it back to the regular story but they have to also make sure the gamer will like the game mechanics how the game looks and when they actually get to do things now he may have not ran out of ideas on the show but i think its possible he did run out of ideas for one character and is just using her as some new type of character since she is so different in season 3

    voteDC posted: »

    Robert Kirkman has been writing Rick Grimes as the series protagonist for 14 years and still manages to come up with new stories, so I don't

  • Same here i like his character

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't. I think he is a pretty cool character.

  • I like that Javi will do anything to protect his family

    TheMPerson posted: »

    I think the better question is "Why does the majority like (about) Javi?" without that Job response please

  • Who is that because with Clem and Javi im gonna guess that you mean Lee?

    At best he is merely acceptable, some handsome generic guy. At worst he is boring, cheesy, and unrealistic. I seriously cringe during some o

  • Who is that because with Clem and Javi im gonna guess that you mean Lee?

    At best he is merely acceptable, some handsome generic guy. At worst he is boring, cheesy, and unrealistic. I seriously cringe during some o

  • Now that i understand i was pissed about that

    BroncoBoy48 posted: »

    Because we had this really good story and were anxious to see it continue. Then we get hit with some guy none of us even know about. Like wtf I wanted to continue from Wellington or wherever you left off not with some random guy.

  • Eh, he's alright as far as playable characters go. I think he's a small bit better than Clementine was a protagonist in season 2, but that's really not saying much really...

    I suppose it boils down to simple fact that Javier's just a very bland character. His backstory's a redundant, over-used cliche, his personality is generic, nice pretty boy (aka Luke 2.0, except Luke was better), and probably the worst offence, he has no depth. At all. There's nothing to explore or show with Javier. He's just there to be the hero, to stop the big, bad New Frontier. His only motivation so far has been to protect his family, but who actually gives a shit about them when we can't even give a shit about him? We know hardly nothing about Javier and even with flashbacks, it's becoming more and more apparent that the reason for this isn't because we're only 2 episodes in, it's because there's been no thought put into him.

    If he'd been written like an actual human being, one with flaws and with internal conflicts, I'd have liked him. Because then there would've been something to possibly relate to. Hell, maybe there'd have been something to actually dislike him for. He'd evoke an actual response, something within me that'd be interested in seeing where his character would go, whether he'd develop through his flaws or let them consume him. It's the most basic thing every character needs- genuine flaws. The issue with Javier is he doesn't have any of that. Sure, he's made some mistakes in the past apparently, but none of them have actually been explored in the main story, so it's as though they might as well not exist. The story's meant to act as a means to develop the characters. There has to be a purpose for Javier's presence in the plot. We saw it with Lee. The first season was a means for Lee to find redemption. Javier, on the other hand, isn't like that. He's not engaging. He's not developing. He's only there to serve the plot without emotional attachment, to just be a prefect hero and save the day.

  • Best insult ever.

    I hate the ammount of attention he's getting from telltale like why tf not make a spinoff for him if you sucking his dildo so much

  • I agree with this, Javier and his family, and for that matter most people in A New Frontier act like they have never seen a walker before, seemingly only Clementine and Jesus knows how to act in a zombie apocalypse.

    Javier is also super bland with no real variations or things that makes his character interesting in any way

    That's kind of what most series do, write around a central character, not sure why people think it's a new concept lol. Javier, and his fami

  • I don't really see how he's even close to the protagonist Clem was. At least with her we were familiar with what she's been through and how she's acted based on how we've acted, any failure to see development with her was on the part of the player. If season 1 was the story of Lee gaining redemption, then season 2 was just as much the story of Clem taking control of her fate.

    Javiers history is a shrouded for the most part, with brief glimpses to try and get us invested in who he is, which is a poor way to go about developing a relationship between the player and protagonist because we're not only unfamiliar with the majority of the events he's been through over the long period we spent with other characters, but the game places the expectation on the player to feel attachment to characters simply because the character we know so little about is who we're playing as. Whereas worked towards this organically in previous seasons, ANF simply says "look, you like these guys already, just go from there."

    This is pretty rock bottom as far as protagonists I can remember playing in choice based games. They've made very crucial mistakes designing a character for a game like this.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    Eh, he's alright as far as playable characters go. I think he's a small bit better than Clementine was a protagonist in season 2, but that's

  • To be honest I don't hate Javier, but I don't like him all that much either. I guess it's just I don't really care about him, his relationships, and well being. Javier's got a pretty boring background story before the ZA and it's kinda pathetic that Telltale try and make you think "he play baseball, he swing real good at them zombos!" as something redeeming about it. His whole protecting the family thing is fine, but generic and holds the story back a bit, especially since the family sucks. I'll admit I am a biased since he did replace Clementine whom I believe had tons of potential to continue her own story, but it is what it is.

  • Thanks for proving my point even more.

    Exit light, enter night.

    Even during the off season, there's not a whole lot of time. Baseball season ends around late October/early November, and players have to re

  • That's not good enough.

    I like that Javi will do anything to protect his family

  • The problem with Javi :

    He's not written as if he'd spent four years attempting to survive, and defend a family as scavengers in the outbreak. Neither were the family members that have been with him for four years. A fine example of a time skip done correctly would have been The Last of Us.

    His 'instant' attraction ability comes off as a poorly written fan-fiction. Even Geralt had a better excuse for ladies throwing themselves at him. At least he was a legendary warrior. The flirtations with Kate ( to his credit can come completely from Kate's side only ) only serve for me to strongly dislike Kate as a character, and wonder what exactly is wrong with Eleanor. No reasoning has been shown to add to the depth of this behavior aside from he's a guy that's here, and is cute.

    There's no bond between him and the existing characters. Yes, even the flirty ones. I had this issue with Clem in Season 2 as well. For the longest time, I only cared about what happened with Clem and that affected how the season could engage with me. This leads to an overall disconnect with the Season.

    I find David to be a far more interesting character. He's returned from service obviously with some heavy PTSD. His new wife is having issues bonding with his existing children, and is flirting with his brother aka the golden child he couldn't live up to that hasn't been here for his family. He would've in my opinion made a better protagonist for this season.

  • I don't hate anything about him.

  • Take my hand!

    We're off to never never land!

    Thanks for proving my point even more. Exit light, enter night.

  • I don't really see how he's even close to the protagonist Clem was. At least with her we were familiar with what she's been through and how she's acted based on how we've acted, any failure to see development with her was on the part of the player. If season 1 was the story of Lee gaining redemption, then season 2 was just as much the story of Clem taking control of her fate.

    Well, I do somewhat agree with you. Season 2 was meant to be about Clem taking control of her fate. That's definitely what it was meant to be and represent. But the main issue with trying to revolve the season around someone like Clementine, was quite simply, her age. Much of the drama and conflict that comes from the story of course has to centre around grown adults, like Kenny or Jane, because it would be ridicules for an 11 year old to do the things that they would do. This creates the issue where we, as the players, seemed to only ever be observers to the actions of others without having much in the way of influence. Yes, Clementine can choose to either agree or disagree with the characters, but there's never any instances where she can truly influence the decision making because, well, she is just a child and it would be stupid for the likes of Kenny to be following orders from her. And then when they do try to give Clementine more importance, it can come across a little silly, such as the scene when a middle aged, psychotic tyrant told the kid that they were alike...If Clementine had been older, a scene like that, while cliche, could've worked.

    I also feel that having had Clementine as the protagonist of the second game put Telltale's writers at a disadvantage of exploring a more engaging and interesting protagonist. An 11 year old isn't going to have the same potential of complex internal flaws, as say, someone like Kenny, so I think, if they were so determined to have Clementine as a playable character, they should've waited later in the series until she was older.

    This is pretty rock bottom as far as protagonists I can remember playing in choice based games. They've made very crucial mistakes designing a character for a game like this.

    That's the thing- they've put little to no effort in constructing Javier's character. There's just nothing to see from Javier that you wouldn't see from some lousy Keanu Reeves movie.

    I don't really see how he's even close to the protagonist Clem was. At least with her we were familiar with what she's been through and how

  • I can see where you're coming from about Clementines role, its true though it wasn't an aspect I had particularly disliked. Whereas Lee, being a middle aged teacher, was a great mediator and someone who's used to being in a position where people look to him and his judgment, Clem was completely the opposite, on the outside looking in and coming to terms with having to make tough choices when the people around you are unreliable or dangerous. She goes from from choosing which table of friends to sit with in episode 2 to the choices at the end of the season. The choices between then really leave as much or as little room for her to change as a character by what she's willing to watch/do along the way. The Carver scene, the frozen lake choice.

    I thought it was a unique perspective, but it was definitely a huge departure from most choice based games, and I can see how it would put off some players.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    I don't really see how he's even close to the protagonist Clem was. At least with her we were familiar with what she's been through and how

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