Imma no fortuneteller, but I predict no fortune for TT. This season seems to have so many holes that even the episode itself got leaked through them. If they don't patch this up, well...
Damn, I have to admit, I was so excited about the episode and even dont know why, considering the bad stuff about the first two episodes. I was kinda hoping for something, but now I honestly dont know what to expect anymore.
I feel like I am in a bad relationship but I can't run away.
So, my dear life I just want to ask you something:
Damn, I have to admit, I was so excited about the episode and even dont know why, considering the bad stuff about the first two episodes. I … morewas kinda hoping for something, but now I honestly dont know what to expect anymore.
I feel like I am in a bad relationship but I can't run away.
So, my dear life I just want to ask you something:
Сould someone PM me how much time do we play as Clem in ep3, and are we playing as her in present time and also how long is episode BUT WITHOUT SPOILERS PLEASE
Сould someone PM me how much time do we play as Clem in ep3, and are we playing as her in present time and also how long is episode BUT WITHOUT SPOILERS PLEASE
Someone who played/watched the episode should answer me this question. Is it good or bad? Is it better than the previous episodes? (Simple asnwer ONLY)
Someone who played/watched the episode should answer me this question. Is it good or bad? Is it better than the previous episodes? (Simple asnwer ONLY)
Someone who played/watched the episode should answer me this question. Is it good or bad? Is it better than the previous episodes? (Simple asnwer ONLY)
Am I the only one trying to avoid spoilers so hard but then DLB comes in here telling us the type of episode it is?
they're not gigantic spoilers but rip (they're not even spoilers i know don't kill me it's a joke rippo)
Be nice if Telltale stopped fucking up with releases.
Also you think its bad now, but get hyped for Rabit Retro, the amazing youtuber who doesnt talk or is a personality at all that Telltale gives early copies to so he can spoil the episode early with his spoiler titles and thumbnails on youtube!
Have you played it already? I am about to
Is it any better compared to Ties that Bind? New team of writers is involved according to credits so it should be
Hey guys, soo.... I think I'm going to a stay a little out of the forums for a while until Above The Law is officially released... I don't want to get too spoiled. Bye bye, see you in ten days!
Hey guys, soo.... I think I'm going to a stay a little out of the forums for a while until Above The Law is officially released... I don't want to get too spoiled. Bye bye, see you in ten days!
Have you played it already? I am about to
Is it any better compared to Ties that Bind? New team of writers is involved according to credits so it should be
Dont give up man. We all have been waiting 3 months. I believe that telltale is gonna release it next week.
You sure about it? Dont wanna spoil it for you.
is it on youtube
This is another Uncharted 4 and Horizon Zero Dawn situation.
Usually I try to wait (and succeed somehow) but this time I thought

At this point telltale should just release the episode already...
Imma no fortuneteller, but I predict no fortune for TT. This season seems to have so many holes that even the episode itself got leaked through them. If they don't patch this up, well...
Our hopes for improvement:
Damn, I have to admit, I was so excited about the episode and even dont know why, considering the bad stuff about the first two episodes. I was kinda hoping for something, but now I honestly dont know what to expect anymore.
I feel like I am in a bad relationship but I can't run away.
So, my dear life I just want to ask you something:
Did you play episode, and it was bad right?
Сould someone PM me how much time do we play as Clem in ep3, and are we playing as her in present time and also how long is episode BUT WITHOUT SPOILERS PLEASE
Noooooo, not at all. Actually I'm avoiding some major spoilers like crazy... I just have a bad feeling about this.
Wow Telltale fucked up again. At this point it would be sweet justice if their company would go down.
Only flashback my dude.
Well It's just:

Someone who played/watched the episode should answer me this question. Is it good or bad? Is it better than the previous episodes? (Simple asnwer ONLY)
We've only seen maybe 50 minutes of it and it's better so far.
God, that's at least a step up.
(Fuck, just realized, have to avoid youtube's home section now.)
So the episode is only 50 minutes? Or am I just....
Am I the only one trying to avoid spoilers so hard but then DLB comes in here telling us the type of episode it is?
they're not gigantic spoilers but rip (they're not even spoilers i know don't kill me it's a joke rippo)
It looks really good tbh and the op said it was 2 hours.
spoiler alert clementine appears in the episode
Are you hyped for Ringed City my man!
I don't know if you saw the Dark Souls 1 area in which you fight the Crimson Bat/Demon Prince boss, I'm so hyped to go back there
Let's switch steam accounts.
no, we just saw a 50 minute leak. not a full episode.
The episode is 100 min long
you heard it here first Folks
If that's true then i'll be like:

Im so glad that it leaked early and then when the 28th comes Itll pull a Batman ep 4 and 5 and not release for steam on time with no explanation.
How the hell am I supposed to stay spoiler free if it's not gonna release for another 10 days with this many people aleady playing it?
No clue, Im with you buddy.
Be nice if Telltale stopped fucking up with releases.
Also you think its bad now, but get hyped for Rabit Retro, the amazing youtuber who doesnt talk or is a personality at all that Telltale gives early copies to so he can spoil the episode early with his spoiler titles and thumbnails on youtube!
No! That is the worst possible spoiler that could ever be leaked! I might as well not play the game now!
Have you played it already? I am about to
Is it any better compared to Ties that Bind? New team of writers is involved according to credits so it should be
This is the way....or you can also buy xbox
Hey guys, soo.... I think I'm going to a stay a little out of the forums for a while until Above The Law is officially released... I don't want to get too spoiled. Bye bye, see you in ten days!
I Also have one little question i don't think that's the spoiler:
Does it have a "Previously On" scene before episode starts?
Good idea
Dont give up man. We all have been waiting 3 months. I believe that telltale is gonna release it next week.
You sure about it? Dont wanna spoil it for you.