Clementine in the comics?

What do you think to see to appear clementine in the future in the comic books? And eventually in the TV shows?

I love her charachter so much.
I think her character deserves a place in the comics.
I am not sure how Telltale will end her story after season 3 and eventual next seasons.


  • I think implementing her into the comics would be really awesome but putting her in the TV show wouldn't really work I don't think.... They'd have to get a completely different actor which means the voice will sound different, it would just be weird i think.

  • Better for us as fans is to start seeing her in the comics after the game ends so that who decides her story is a better writer than all of untrusted writers in telltale games

  • We'll never see Clementine in the comics. Not only has a Robert Kirkman stated he has no intent on bringing her in, but how would it even work? Because of our choices, there are many different variations of Clementine, if he were to bring her in, what version of Clementine would it be? Whichever version he brings in, that means the others would be made non-canon. As for the show, it's possible, but highly unlikely.

  • As much as I agree that Kirkman will never put Clementine in the comics, in regards to the version of Clementine that would show up if he did do such a thing, I don't think that would be much of an issue.

    In S3 of TWD game right now it's became apparent that personality wise, regardless of what choices we made for our Clem, she will still have the same personality and attitude (I know we have 2 eps left, but I think it's safe to say that Telltale isn't going to make our choices matter that much). People have became annoyed with this and many say she isn't the Clementine they made, so they have already kinda cut the path off by doing that from the game itself.

    As for the actual choices we had to choose from regarding her backstory. I think they would probably just not mention it much so it becomes vague and easy to project your own vision of Clem onto her. In the comics her backstory would probably be the things that happened that we all had no control over (like Lee dying, dealing with cannibals at a dairy farm, being with Christa and Omid, Christa going MIA, ect).

    We'll never see Clementine in the comics. Not only has a Robert Kirkman stated he has no intent on bringing her in, but how would it even wo

  • I think it would be pretty difficult because her appearence changes depending on your choices. If she'll appear in the comics, will she have a scar on the forehead\ cheek, a tatoo or a missing finger? Whatever Robert would choose will make the other options non-canon.

  • They could make her become silent and using sign language and her voice actor always walks nearby her and translates. (::

    Marsh16194 posted: »

    I think implementing her into the comics would be really awesome but putting her in the TV show wouldn't really work I don't think.... They'

  • I really hope not. Comics don't need to be ruined by her and become a "Clementine is so cute" circle jerk

  • I really hope so. Might be the motivation I need to start reading the comics.

  • Lol, let's just get Melissa Hutchison to play Clem on TV XD

    rabbitrun posted: »

    They could make her become silent and using sign language and her voice actor always walks nearby her and translates. (::

  • Actually, they could make the actress never speak during recordings and have Melissa synch the audio in the studio. Would be weird and lot of effort tho :l

    Marsh16194 posted: »

    Lol, let's just get Melissa Hutchison to play Clem on TV XD

  • Comics: yes!
    TV show: hell no.

    I dont accept a Clementine without Melissa's Voice.

  • Put the ANF version of her. And really the previous forms of clementine are gone now and her ANF character has become her official character. And I believe Kirkman did hint at some point of adding clementine into the comics. Personally I feel clementine should keep seperate from the comics and remain in the game series. Now we may see more comic characters in the game since the writers stated since Jesus knows of clementine that other characters may know of her.

    We'll never see Clementine in the comics. Not only has a Robert Kirkman stated he has no intent on bringing her in, but how would it even wo

  • Comics yeah but Tv show... probably not

  • If anyone's curious, this is how Clem would've looked like in the comics:

    enter image description here

  • No no comics thats fucked up

    Vaxij posted: »

    If anyone's curious, this is how Clem would've looked like in the comics:

  • edited March 2017

    Clem in comics

    This became a weekly topic now...

  • I can't really imagine any telltale characters making it into the comics.
    Kirkman's probably jealous they made better stories with his own universe than he did.

    However having some of them appear in the TV show would be cool, for alternate versions.

  • Kirkman would sell more comics when bringing Clementine in the Comics.
    She is a great character with lots of potential. After season 3 I would love to see the New Frontier Clementine in the comics. She is not the sweet little girl we knew anymore, but a real survivor.
    And we should play a 15-year old Clementine as the main character in season 4 in 2019.

  • Gotta say I am all for bringing Clementine into the Comics, as long as Telltale has no other stories with her planned and don't kill her off in the game (Telltale you better not...) but I am unsure if we would even get another two year time skip in the comics by 2019. that is really the only part I want to dispute. I could maybe see a year at the most, probably.

    Bonbon80 posted: »

    Kirkman would sell more comics when bringing Clementine in the Comics. She is a great character with lots of potential. After season 3 I wo

  • The "Marks" from season 2 can be easily hidden. She can just wear gloves and Ava's bandanna( assuming Ava gives her one. ) That would solve the appearance problem.

    LeeClemKen posted: »

    I think it would be pretty difficult because her appearence changes depending on your choices. If she'll appear in the comics, will she have

  • What about the cheeck scar? she can't hide that with a bandana

    The "Marks" from season 2 can be easily hidden. She can just wear gloves and Ava's bandanna( assuming Ava gives her one. ) That would solve the appearance problem.

  • Lol no Kirkman would sell more if he brought Daryl in way more popular

    Bonbon80 posted: »

    Kirkman would sell more comics when bringing Clementine in the Comics. She is a great character with lots of potential. After season 3 I wo

  • Make-up.

    LeeClemKen posted: »

    What about the cheeck scar? she can't hide that with a bandana

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