So is it really released early on Xbox?like in store or it just got available for download out of nowhere on the game?or did you guys do some bypassing for it?
Dark Souls 3 is easily my favorite, my main reason being is that no boss feels awful to me, certainly, some aren't as good, but compared to Dark Souls 1, DS1 (Especially after Ornstein and Smough) really fall off as far as bosses go. Also, I feel like the 3/5 best bosses are apart of the Artorias of the Abyss DLC.
DS3 however, the early game bosses are all relatively easy, usually unique. End game bosses are all hard in their own way and I love the agressive bosses as well. Dancer, Pontiff, Aldrich, Dragonslayer Armour, Twin Princes, Abyss Watchers, Soul of Cinder, Nameless King, and last but not least (My personal hardest boss of all time) Sister Friede.
I love the Souls series so much, but mad did it take a long time to beat Sister Friede.
Great, DS3 has been my favorite of the soulsborne games, Bloodborne never did quite gel with me love the lore but gameplay just never clicke… mored. much prefer Dark Soul's pace. Cant imagine the boss being as tough as Sister Ariandel that bitch took me several hours!
It might not be ready for all platforms yet and Telltale will want to release them as close together as possible, they have set a date and i can't see them breaking it.
By not ready i meant it might not be fully certified on all platforms, companies like Sony, Microsoft and Apple normally check all games before they can go on sale which takes time but i looks like Microsoft passed episode 3 already and released it by mistake.
I know it takes time however I don't believe for a second that Microsoft certified it but Sony/Apple hasn't yet with a week to go until release. Highly unlikely in my view
I believe once they announce a concrete date for platforms, that means it's certified. I think thats the main reason they don't announce dates until close to release, u can't until it's certified. I could be wrong but that's what Im guessing.
By not ready i meant it might not be fully certified on all platforms, companies like Sony, Microsoft and Apple normally check all games bef… moreore they can go on sale which takes time but i looks like Microsoft passed episode 3 already and released it by mistake.
No mercy, no mercy, no mercy, NO MERCY
so i'm suppose to stay off the forums for over a week and avoid videos on youtube and the internet in general? I'd like to know what you wou… moreld propose the rest of us do that were not fortunate enough to have this convenient exclusive leak given to us?
The thing is we all paid equally for the game, and now some players got to enjoy (more or less) the episode before the rest of us. I was getting tired of the waiting, but I thought it was necessary to get everything done, fix some issues, etc., however now I'm not sure anymore.
TT's taken the risk - they knew how big of a deal it was to make S3 out of all the branched endings and complex background they've created - and they jumped recklessly into the deep water when they clearly forgot how to swim. 2 years of development has ended only with chaos and disappointment, Telltale continuously refusing to listen to the constructive criticism and neglecting the ideas for improvement. Not a flying fuck about all of this.
And now the general crisis just confirmes that they are failing miserably on keeping their company professional and fulfill the basic tasks, as they declared themselves to release the game on the 28th. All we've got to do is to grab some popcorn and watch how all of this fall down in flames.
^current Steam reviews. By far S3 is just a regular, featureless game which you can like or dislike for something, then you move on with your life.
Former team of writers pretty fucked the story up, so the new team had difficult job to rectify it. But you know what? They did it. I would give this episode like 7.9/10 and I am sure that things are about to get crazy.
The thing is we all paid equally for the game, and now some players got to enjoy (more or less) the episode before the rest of us. I was get… moreting tired of the waiting, but I thought it was necessary to get everything done, fix some issues, etc., however now I'm not sure anymore.
TT's taken the risk - they knew how big of a deal it was to make S3 out of all the branched endings and complex background they've created - and they jumped recklessly into the deep water when they clearly forgot how to swim. 2 years of development has ended only with chaos and disappointment, Telltale continuously refusing to listen to the constructive criticism and neglecting the ideas for improvement. Not a flying fuck about all of this.
And now the general crisis just confirmes that they are failing miserably on keeping their company professional and fulfill the basic tasks, as they declared themselves to release the game on the 28th. All we've got to do is t… [view original content]
No, they can't recover because they refuse to listen. Pissing off fans is financial suicide. ANF Episode 1 and 2 (technically just ONE episode) are so bad that they won't be able to recover from it. Sales and reviews on Steam etc are doing abysmal already.
I agree telltale has pretty much lost their edge with the "your choices matter" stuff.
But, what if episode three turns out to be good or… more at least better then what has been presented so far? You still think they can't recover?
(Not trying to sound aggressive or anything just want your thoughts that's all.)
From what I've already read about Ep3, nothing has changed drastically, there are some minor improvements like the dialogue choices - still pretty similar to each other though, but slightly different depending on your previous decisions - however it seems to be clear that S3 is about Javier Garcia and his family, not about Clementine. The length stayed about 80-90 minutes and hubs are still restricted or non-existent, so in terms of technical difficulties they still haven't moved an inch.
I think TT put their foot down as firmly as they wanted and we, fans, have nothing to say about it. It's their story and they are telling it like they want, we paid for it freely and we can play it or not, that's the Telltale's logic.
I agree telltale has pretty much lost their edge with the "your choices matter" stuff.
But, what if episode three turns out to be good or… more at least better then what has been presented so far? You still think they can't recover?
(Not trying to sound aggressive or anything just want your thoughts that's all.)
Hey, welcome to the forums!
From what I've already read about Ep3, nothing has changed drastically, there are some minor improvements lik… moree the dialogue choices - still pretty similar to each other though, but slightly different depending on your previous decisions - however it seems to be clear that S3 is about Javier Garcia and his family, not about Clementine. The length stayed about 80-90 minutes and hubs are still restricted or non-existent, so in terms of technical difficulties they still haven't moved an inch.
I think TT put their foot down as firmly as they wanted and we, fans, have nothing to say about it. It's their story and they are telling it like they want, we paid for it freely and we can play it or not, that's the Telltale's logic.
Thanks! I always wanted to join in on the conversations (and the occasional shitstorm) that happen here.
So you would say that they made the smallest step towards progression, but still say not impressed?
Me and my dad always look forward to the episodes, but after everyone pointing out the flaws of season 3 and Telltale themselves as a company, I'm starting to lose hope for one of my favorite series here.
Hey, welcome to the forums!
From what I've already read about Ep3, nothing has changed drastically, there are some minor improvements lik… moree the dialogue choices - still pretty similar to each other though, but slightly different depending on your previous decisions - however it seems to be clear that S3 is about Javier Garcia and his family, not about Clementine. The length stayed about 80-90 minutes and hubs are still restricted or non-existent, so in terms of technical difficulties they still haven't moved an inch.
I think TT put their foot down as firmly as they wanted and we, fans, have nothing to say about it. It's their story and they are telling it like they want, we paid for it freely and we can play it or not, that's the Telltale's logic.
There's always shitstorm on this forum, sometimes hidden or personal, but it's always there somewhere. :> We are lovely community.
I absolutely loved S1 and S2 and I tried to stay cool-headed and nonbiased as possible towards S3, but it's getting to a point in which I'll be tired of the constant neglect and I won't give TT another chance. I don't know how close I am to this, but the leaked episode had me shaking my head in disbelief. Writers leaving the company or episode "still in development" suddenly being all over the place can't be happening mid-season.
Thanks! I always wanted to join in on the conversations (and the occasional shitstorm) that happen here.
So you would say that they made … morethe smallest step towards progression, but still say not impressed?
Me and my dad always look forward to the episodes, but after everyone pointing out the flaws of season 3 and Telltale themselves as a company, I'm starting to lose hope for one of my favorite series here.
The only thing we can do is wait and see how the community reacts once episode 3 becomes officially released.
For most of us it's gonna be the "make or Break" episode. Man, it better be one DAMN good make episode after the past 3 months of rewrites, ignoring fan feedback and other garbage.
the occasional shitstorm
There's always shitstorm on this forum, sometimes hidden or personal, but it's always there somewhere. :>… more; We are lovely community.
I absolutely loved S1 and S2 and I tried to stay cool-headed and nonbiased as possible towards S3, but it's getting to a point in which I'll be tired of the constant neglect and I won't give TT another chance. I don't know how close I am to this, but the leaked episode had me shaking my head in disbelief. Writers leaving the company or episode "still in development" suddenly being all over the place can't be happening mid-season.
Hey, welcome to the forums!
From what I've already read about Ep3, nothing has changed drastically, there are some minor improvements lik… moree the dialogue choices - still pretty similar to each other though, but slightly different depending on your previous decisions - however it seems to be clear that S3 is about Javier Garcia and his family, not about Clementine. The length stayed about 80-90 minutes and hubs are still restricted or non-existent, so in terms of technical difficulties they still haven't moved an inch.
I think TT put their foot down as firmly as they wanted and we, fans, have nothing to say about it. It's their story and they are telling it like they want, we paid for it freely and we can play it or not, that's the Telltale's logic.
No, they can't recover because they refuse to listen. Pissing off fans is financial suicide. ANF Episode 1 and 2 (technically just ONE episo… morede) are so bad that they won't be able to recover from it. Sales and reviews on Steam etc are doing abysmal already.
I actually enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty good. I mean, it's not S1 quality but it sure as hell is better than Amid the Ruins or No Going Back. They definitely listened to feedback, I dunno if people are just being obtuse or memeing but they addressed a lot of the problems with character motivations/development/dialogue/ choices and more. It really felt like the writers were cleaning up the mess from the previous two episodes and I'd say they did a pretty good job at it. The intro was fantastic. Dialogue that you choose is brought up in later conversations which is a nice touch so I hope they keep doing that. Clem no longer swears like a trooper unless you want her to, which is another big plus in my book because I hate her swearing. Clem doesn't get much screentime unfortunately which is still pretty lame. The episode is not 2 hours. It's about 80/90 minutes. If I had to give it a rating i'd say a 8/10. I hope they keep the same writers/animators/director for ep4 and 5.
S2 had great pacing, action properly balanced with exploring hubs, complex characters evolving throughout the story, etc. It had credit songs which I miss deeply. S3 is nothing like S2, except both take place in the same universe.
It's easy to mistake the opinion of some on the forums as being the general opinion. Many liked the game and are waiting patiently and and probably even silently for the rest of the episodes.
I see you joined the forum in December so you missed the Season 2 whining, which is suspiciously gone now. It's just how it happens, newest game is criticised rigurously and intensively. When Season 4 will be hopefully released in the future everyone will just say A New Frontier was a great season and that Season 4 is literally bringing the downfall of Telltale and the end of the world.
As I said, same thing happened to Season 2, same thing will happen to future seasons, it's just how it works so don't let it get to you.
I personally loved Season 1 and 2 in equal measure and I also loved the first two episodes of A New Frontier and I will most certainly love the future episodes as long as Clementine is present. Same goes for future seasons. I am probably biased, but you should know that not everyone hates the game.
I can tell you that Clementine is not going to be a main character nor will we play as her for more than 10 minutes combined for the rest of ANF. Telltale has stated Javier is the playable protagonist of ANF with the story focused on him. It was only a afterthought to give Clementine the primitive flashbacks somewhere in late development.
Do you even know how many times they lied straight to our faces? They did it again in the fucking PAX panel "we always look at feedback and consider feedback". Some people say almost no feedback has been taken into account (I haven't played it yet nor have I watched the spoilers yet and I'm not planning to so I'm not 100% sure but they definitely have lied before Ep1 and 2 were released). We're trying to help Telltale but they refuse to listen. Length is apparently pretty shit as well for a 4 month wait. People have even said some things are worse than Episode 1 and 2.
It seems like they just WANT to go bankrupt with the way they've been acting lately.
I miss the hubs, characters and credit songs of S1 and 2, a lot. Even the menus for those two games are better than S3. But S2 did have problems too, like the determinants compared to Doug, Carly and Ben, and the pacing of things like Nick and Sarah's arcs being ruined. I think if Telltale can give us -at least- 90 mins minimum from now on though, it's a start to getting back to the good old days of S1 and 2. I'm not sure why credit songs were even left out. That is an instance that seems very lazy tbh.
S2 had great pacing, action properly balanced with exploring hubs, complex characters evolving throughout the story, etc. It had credit songs which I miss deeply. S3 is nothing like S2, except both take place in the same universe.
I do agree with all of this, it's hard to believe it's even the same company if that makes sense. Back in the S1 and 2 days I never would've thought they'd lie like this, or remove things that we've all loved in the games since day one. I just don't think getting too frustrated over it will help, because they're even more likely to give us the crap of being "just a minority of dramatic fans" that they already said, and also because we shouldn't let it get to us too much. It's sad what they've been doing recently, but being so upset won't help.
About Ep3 though, I'm pretty optimistic for it tbh, the things I've heard are mostly good, like better length. Hopefully things get better, but the negativity is just not gonna help as much is all.
Do you even know how many times they lied straight to our faces? They did it again in the fucking PAX panel "we always look at feedback and … moreconsider feedback". Some people say almost no feedback has been taken into account (I haven't played it yet nor have I watched the spoilers yet and I'm not planning to so I'm not 100% sure but they definitely have lied before Ep1 and 2 were released). We're trying to help Telltale but they refuse to listen. Length is apparently pretty shit as well for a 4 month wait. People have even said some things are worse than Episode 1 and 2.
It seems like they just WANT to go bankrupt with the way they've been acting lately.
Thanks, this feels worse than the S2 days when things went crazy during Ep3-5. I like S3 so far but I admit Telltale have made some weird changes, and they've screwed up with removing much of what made the early seasons great, however this negativity is making these forums feel pretty crappy tbh.
I figured many did not hate this game, most youtubers love it, and the Steam/Xbox reviews say the same. Seems like one of the main gripes by people that do like Season 3 is Kenny's death, which I was upset about as well.
Personally, I do not hate this season at all, I think it's better than Episode 1, 3, and 4 of Season 2, and I am hoping that this next episode will be one of the better ones. I mean, if I already enjoyed Episode 1/2 of ANF, than I feel like Episode 3 will be great as even the negative people are talking about how much better it is than the first two, so very excited.
I was not in the forums, but I for sure played the games during the time, but ANF was the reason I joined, I enjoyed Season 3 a lot.
It's easy to mistake the opinion of some on the forums as being the general opinion. Many liked the game and are waiting patiently and and p… morerobably even silently for the rest of the episodes.
I see you joined the forum in December so you missed the Season 2 whining, which is suspiciously gone now. It's just how it happens, newest game is criticised rigurously and intensively. When Season 4 will be hopefully released in the future everyone will just say A New Frontier was a great season and that Season 4 is literally bringing the downfall of Telltale and the end of the world.
As I said, same thing happened to Season 2, same thing will happen to future seasons, it's just how it works so don't let it get to you.
I personally loved Season 1 and 2 in equal measure and I also loved the first two episodes of A New Frontier and I will most certainly love the future episodes as long as Clementine is present. Same goes for future seasons. I am probably biased, but you should know that not everyone hates the game.
I heard that if you choose to go with the plan in Episode 2, Clementine plays a MUCH bigger part, is that true, if so... That is a really good touch up and motivation for that choice.
I actually enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty good. I mean, it's not S1 quality but it sure as hell is better than Amid the Ruins or No Goi… moreng Back. They definitely listened to feedback, I dunno if people are just being obtuse or memeing but they addressed a lot of the problems with character motivations/development/dialogue/ choices and more. It really felt like the writers were cleaning up the mess from the previous two episodes and I'd say they did a pretty good job at it. The intro was fantastic. Dialogue that you choose is brought up in later conversations which is a nice touch so I hope they keep doing that. Clem no longer swears like a trooper unless you want her to, which is another big plus in my book because I hate her swearing. Clem doesn't get much screentime unfortunately which is still pretty lame. The episode is not 2 hours. It's about 80/90 minutes. If I had to give it a rating i'd say a 8/10. I hope they keep the same writers/animators/director for ep4 and 5.
How about you don't judge until you play it yourself?
The man above you stated that Episode 3's early dialogue is brought back up later in the episode and many choices arise. I also heard that Clementine will play a larger/smaller part depending on your choice from Episode 2.
Do you even know how many times they lied straight to our faces? They did it again in the fucking PAX panel "we always look at feedback and … moreconsider feedback". Some people say almost no feedback has been taken into account (I haven't played it yet nor have I watched the spoilers yet and I'm not planning to so I'm not 100% sure but they definitely have lied before Ep1 and 2 were released). We're trying to help Telltale but they refuse to listen. Length is apparently pretty shit as well for a 4 month wait. People have even said some things are worse than Episode 1 and 2.
It seems like they just WANT to go bankrupt with the way they've been acting lately.
What if i buy Xbox version without having Xbox itself, will i get the episode, and where can i buy Xbox version, i can't find it?
I Cannot wait anymore?
It got exclusively leaked to lucky people
I don't have a PS4, so I can't play Bloodbourne
Dark Souls 3 is easily my favorite, my main reason being is that no boss feels awful to me, certainly, some aren't as good, but compared to Dark Souls 1, DS1 (Especially after Ornstein and Smough) really fall off as far as bosses go. Also, I feel like the 3/5 best bosses are apart of the Artorias of the Abyss DLC.
DS3 however, the early game bosses are all relatively easy, usually unique. End game bosses are all hard in their own way and I love the agressive bosses as well. Dancer, Pontiff, Aldrich, Dragonslayer Armour, Twin Princes, Abyss Watchers, Soul of Cinder, Nameless King, and last but not least (My personal hardest boss of all time) Sister Friede.
I love the Souls series so much, but mad did it take a long time to beat Sister Friede.
It's ready for all comes out in a week
By not ready i meant it might not be fully certified on all platforms, companies like Sony, Microsoft and Apple normally check all games before they can go on sale which takes time but i looks like Microsoft passed episode 3 already and released it by mistake.
Yeah I have Xbox and don't have the episode. I think only certain Xbox regions got if
I know it takes time however I don't believe for a second that Microsoft certified it but Sony/Apple hasn't yet with a week to go until release. Highly unlikely in my view
I believe once they announce a concrete date for platforms, that means it's certified. I think thats the main reason they don't announce dates until close to release, u can't until it's certified. I could be wrong but that's what Im guessing.
No Mercy?
I didn't tell you to abandon the internet. Just the forums. For your own sake.
So for the people that played the third episode early, how would you rate it compared to the first two episodes?
The thing is we all paid equally for the game, and now some players got to enjoy (more or less) the episode before the rest of us. I was getting tired of the waiting, but I thought it was necessary to get everything done, fix some issues, etc., however now I'm not sure anymore.
TT's taken the risk - they knew how big of a deal it was to make S3 out of all the branched endings and complex background they've created - and they jumped recklessly into the deep water when they clearly forgot how to swim. 2 years of development has ended only with chaos and disappointment, Telltale continuously refusing to listen to the constructive criticism and neglecting the ideas for improvement. Not a flying fuck about all of this.
And now the general crisis just confirmes that they are failing miserably on keeping their company professional and fulfill the basic tasks, as they declared themselves to release the game on the 28th. All we've got to do is to grab some popcorn and watch how all of this fall down in flames.
^current Steam reviews. By far S3 is just a regular, featureless game which you can like or dislike for something, then you move on with your life.
I changed my location on Xbox One and I still didn't get it
Edit: Oh I don't have the disc version.
Former team of writers pretty fucked the story up, so the new team had difficult job to rectify it. But you know what? They did it. I would give this episode like 7.9/10 and I am sure that things are about to get crazy.
I agree telltale has pretty much lost their edge with the "your choices matter" stuff.
But, what if episode three turns out to be good or at least better then what has been presented so far? You still think they can't recover?
(Not trying to sound aggressive or anything just want your thoughts that's all.)
Yeah I didn't find it anywhere so I guess I wasn't lucky
No, they can't recover because they refuse to listen. Pissing off fans is financial suicide. ANF Episode 1 and 2 (technically just ONE episode) are so bad that they won't be able to recover from it. Sales and reviews on Steam etc are doing abysmal already.
85 minutes = 1hr25min.
Hey, welcome to the forums!
From what I've already read about Ep3, nothing has changed drastically, there are some minor improvements like the dialogue choices - still pretty similar to each other though, but slightly different depending on your previous decisions - however it seems to be clear that S3 is about Javier Garcia and his family, not about Clementine. The length stayed about 80-90 minutes and hubs are still restricted or non-existent, so in terms of technical difficulties they still haven't moved an inch.
I think TT put their foot down as firmly as they wanted and we, fans, have nothing to say about it. It's their story and they are telling it like they want, we paid for it freely and we can play it or not, that's the Telltale's logic.
Very stupid logic i'd say, we need Clemy story

Thanks! I always wanted to join in on the conversations (and the occasional shitstorm) that happen here.
So you would say that they made the smallest step towards progression, but still say not impressed?
Me and my dad always look forward to the episodes, but after everyone pointing out the flaws of season 3 and Telltale themselves as a company, I'm starting to lose hope for one of my favorite series here.
There's always shitstorm on this forum, sometimes hidden or personal, but it's always there somewhere. :> We are lovely community.
I absolutely loved S1 and S2 and I tried to stay cool-headed and nonbiased as possible towards S3, but it's getting to a point in which I'll be tired of the constant neglect and I won't give TT another chance. I don't know how close I am to this, but the leaked episode had me shaking my head in disbelief. Writers leaving the company or episode "still in development" suddenly being all over the place can't be happening mid-season.
The only thing we can do is wait and see how the community reacts once episode 3 becomes officially released.
For most of us it's gonna be the "make or Break" episode. Man, it better be one DAMN good make episode after the past 3 months of rewrites, ignoring fan feedback and other garbage.
80-90 is better than Eps 1 and 2. Seriously, 90 worked great in S2
This attitude isn't that great tbh. It helps nothing
I appreciate your positivety, something many don't seem to have anymore.
I actually enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty good. I mean, it's not S1 quality but it sure as hell is better than Amid the Ruins or No Going Back. They definitely listened to feedback, I dunno if people are just being obtuse or memeing but they addressed a lot of the problems with character motivations/development/dialogue/ choices and more. It really felt like the writers were cleaning up the mess from the previous two episodes and I'd say they did a pretty good job at it. The intro was fantastic. Dialogue that you choose is brought up in later conversations which is a nice touch so I hope they keep doing that. Clem no longer swears like a trooper unless you want her to, which is another big plus in my book because I hate her swearing. Clem doesn't get much screentime unfortunately which is still pretty lame. The episode is not 2 hours. It's about 80/90 minutes. If I had to give it a rating i'd say a 8/10. I hope they keep the same writers/animators/director for ep4 and 5.
S2 had great pacing, action properly balanced with exploring hubs, complex characters evolving throughout the story, etc. It had credit songs which I miss deeply. S3 is nothing like S2, except both take place in the same universe.
It's easy to mistake the opinion of some on the forums as being the general opinion. Many liked the game and are waiting patiently and and probably even silently for the rest of the episodes.
I see you joined the forum in December so you missed the Season 2 whining, which is suspiciously gone now. It's just how it happens, newest game is criticised rigurously and intensively. When Season 4 will be hopefully released in the future everyone will just say A New Frontier was a great season and that Season 4 is literally bringing the downfall of Telltale and the end of the world.
As I said, same thing happened to Season 2, same thing will happen to future seasons, it's just how it works so don't let it get to you.
I personally loved Season 1 and 2 in equal measure and I also loved the first two episodes of A New Frontier and I will most certainly love the future episodes as long as Clementine is present. Same goes for future seasons. I am probably biased, but you should know that not everyone hates the game.
I can tell you that Clementine is not going to be a main character nor will we play as her for more than 10 minutes combined for the rest of ANF. Telltale has stated Javier is the playable protagonist of ANF with the story focused on him. It was only a afterthought to give Clementine the primitive flashbacks somewhere in late development.
♪Your tears are what I live for♫
Do you even know how many times they lied straight to our faces? They did it again in the fucking PAX panel "we always look at feedback and consider feedback". Some people say almost no feedback has been taken into account (I haven't played it yet nor have I watched the spoilers yet and I'm not planning to so I'm not 100% sure but they definitely have lied before Ep1 and 2 were released). We're trying to help Telltale but they refuse to listen. Length is apparently pretty shit as well for a 4 month wait. People have even said some things are worse than Episode 1 and 2.
It seems like they just WANT to go bankrupt with the way they've been acting lately.
I miss the hubs, characters and credit songs of S1 and 2, a lot. Even the menus for those two games are better than S3. But S2 did have problems too, like the determinants compared to Doug, Carly and Ben, and the pacing of things like Nick and Sarah's arcs being ruined. I think if Telltale can give us -at least- 90 mins minimum from now on though, it's a start to getting back to the good old days of S1 and 2. I'm not sure why credit songs were even left out. That is an instance that seems very lazy tbh.
I do agree with all of this, it's hard to believe it's even the same company if that makes sense. Back in the S1 and 2 days I never would've thought they'd lie like this, or remove things that we've all loved in the games since day one. I just don't think getting too frustrated over it will help, because they're even more likely to give us the crap of being "just a minority of dramatic fans" that they already said, and also because we shouldn't let it get to us too much. It's sad what they've been doing recently, but being so upset won't help.
About Ep3 though, I'm pretty optimistic for it tbh, the things I've heard are mostly good, like better length. Hopefully things get better, but the negativity is just not gonna help as much is all.
Thanks, this feels worse than the S2 days when things went crazy during Ep3-5. I like S3 so far but I admit Telltale have made some weird changes, and they've screwed up with removing much of what made the early seasons great, however this negativity is making these forums feel pretty crappy tbh.
I figured many did not hate this game, most youtubers love it, and the Steam/Xbox reviews say the same. Seems like one of the main gripes by people that do like Season 3 is Kenny's death, which I was upset about as well.
Personally, I do not hate this season at all, I think it's better than Episode 1, 3, and 4 of Season 2, and I am hoping that this next episode will be one of the better ones. I mean, if I already enjoyed Episode 1/2 of ANF, than I feel like Episode 3 will be great as even the negative people are talking about how much better it is than the first two, so very excited.
I was not in the forums, but I for sure played the games during the time, but ANF was the reason I joined, I enjoyed Season 3 a lot.
Say I if you have been spoiled already, and say "we are Melton" if you got spoiled more than 3 times just like me
Is it ALL Xbox users who get it? If so I'm buying an Xbox 1 idc if there's only 1 week left
I heard that if you choose to go with the plan in Episode 2, Clementine plays a MUCH bigger part, is that true, if so... That is a really good touch up and motivation for that choice.
How about you don't judge until you play it yourself?
The man above you stated that Episode 3's early dialogue is brought back up later in the episode and many choices arise. I also heard that Clementine will play a larger/smaller part depending on your choice from Episode 2.
If you get the Xbox version, you need an Xbox to play it.
So.... don't buy an Xbox just to play the newest episode. Plus, it might not be available anymore. Microsoft probably fixed this slip-up already.