I'll bet I'm probably the only one who...(minor spoilers)
...did NOT hug Clementine.
Ultimately, I just didn't feel like she and Javi had that sort of bond yet, especially since in the first episode, I chose to escape rather than stay and fight with her. I went with the "I'm sorry" option instead.
Anyone else choose not to hug her?
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I didn't either.
I thought'd it be awkward. And for me Javi and Clem don't have that kind of relationship.
They're more "we're badasses... together"
I'm with you on this. I didn't feel a strong bond either between Javier and Clementine because I don't think they were at that point during the time that the hug option was given.
I didn't either. It felt right in season 2 with Kenny, but Javi and Clem? Nah.
Honestly, even if they're not that close yet - she needed that. How long ago is it that she got a hug from someone? I think little 'human' things like hugs can be incredibly helpful in the apocalypse, even if it's just so show that you care.
Definitely understand where you're coming from, but I disagree. It wasn't a hug based on how close they were or their bond... It was just a hug between two people who just lost their family, the people they were supposed to protect. I saw it as a hug of sympathy and understanding. Hell, I've had people I barely knew hug me when I was going through a rough time.
I didn't. I play Javier as though I only know what he does. My Clem is on the violent side so of course I wouldn't touch her.
The thing is; Clementine and Javier are close enough to hug, though I see what you mean.
Hugging is never a bad thing; if someone needs a hug, it's not weird or awkward to hug them. I know if someone was crying a short hug to show that you care and will help them is something anyone could have regardless of how long you have known them.
I didn't, but I'm attempting to play Javi without knowledge of Clem. He hasn't really been shown to be a hugging sort of person, and hugging outside of family is a personality trait honestly. I adore, and am protective of Clem during Season One and Two. However, since Javi ran across this girl, he's lost Mari, and she speaks poorly of David. Right now, especially right now, my Javi is very defensive about his blood family.
Says s/he didn't hug Clementine. Has Sarah icon.

(Why the fuck isn't that a separate image/meme yet?)
I didn't either. I thought she would have pushed me away.People with trust iusses don't like being hugged. Next time around I'll hug her.
I'll try my best not to be a Troll here. Javi would hug her. She helped him BURY his niece. Then again I'm and old softy so that's my bias talking. However, I did consider letting Javi answer the door for David and Clems deathstare told me "Nope she'll kill you" so anyone who didn't I get it!
I had him hug her, because right then, she needed that. He remembers that no matter what she is still a 13 year old child.
It felt weird to me at first because I feel like despite it being Ep3 now, both Javi and Clem still don't really seem to have that close of a bond that would work with the emotional hug after that scene with AJ.
BUT at the same time, Javier seems to me like the kind of person who would hug Clementine, especially if you take into consideration he's been raising 2 kids for a few years now and understands that she's a kid too. He knows how difficult it is for her and if you stayed with her in ep1 and she helped you bury your niece, it also kind of works.
It felt out of place, I didn't feel like them hugging made much sense but I did it anyway.
I think it depends on choices, I felt like Clementine and Javier is growing pretty close, especially since Javier seems to be the only one understanding what Clementine is going through, (though that may just be me, because as players we know what she has been through)
Besides, Clementine is still a kid, she has been alone for 2 years, she may act all tough and mighty because its a necessity to survive, but inside she is still a child, and she needs someone to care for her. At least, thats my take on Clementines character at the moment, noone can live without love the way Clementine has for so long, Clementine needs someone to show her that she needs people around her.
Yeah, I didn't hug her either. They knew each other only a few days after all, just felt weird to suddenly hug.