Which Walking Dead game character would you like to hear more about?
As the episodes went on, we met a bunch more people but we barely knew anything about them. We really only knew about the characters that we played as, and SOMETIMES the characters that were in our main group. But other than that, not very many characters have a backstory.
So, which WDG character(s) would you like to hear the backstory of?
Arvo: We know he's Russian and we know only of one family member, and that would be his sister Natasha. However, what we don't know is why he was in America in the first place. Were Buricko and Vitali related to Arvo and Natasha? If not, how did he come to know them? How did he end up with the leg brace (and before you say it, no, he did not get that DURING the apocalypse. Those kinds of braces involve screws and metal plates in bones and such)? Did he have anyone else in his group other than Vitali and Buricko? Did he have any other family members? I NEED ANSWERS
Mark: We know he's MOST LIKELY from the military, or was part of it in some way, but we don't know much else beyond that. Was he on his own for the whole of the apocalypse? Did he have friends to help him? Considering he COULD be Military, did he possibly know Lily before the apocalypse? I'm certain more than just a few people want to know about him.
Mike: We don't know almost a thing about him, so what really is there to him? How did he end up in Carver's little "prison"? How long had he been there for? Was he originally part of the community before they started looking for more survivors?
Sarita: We know she met Kenny at some point, but what else do we know about her? Next to nothing, really. Did she happen to have any family when the apocalypse first started? How long did she mill about before happening upon Walter's group?
Matthew: We don't know a damn thing other than his name and the fact that he was friends with Walter. Was he possibly a student to Walter? Or did he know Walter through family? Were they always together or did they not know each other until the start of the apocalypse? Like Luke, was he a college student (he certainly looked old enough) before the apocalypse? What was with the knife he had? Was it a gift from someone?
Anyways, that's just me and the characters I'd like to know about. What about the rest of you?
It doesn't really matter, we're never gonna hear from those characters again.
Honestly? I know this is gonna sound stupid, since she is a main character, but I would like more backstory on Clementine, or.. backstory is the wrong word, I would like to know more about what happened to her between the 2 major timeskips, specifically, how she went from being a scared girl in the ending of season 1, to surturing her own arm in season 2, and what happened to her during the 2 year period between season 2 and A New Frontier, specifically in the alone ending, since alot of stuff seem to have happened, which sounds more interesting to me, than what we have gotten so far in A New Frontier
I'd like to know why she is the exact opposite of what I tried to make her and why she is less smart and more reckless and cocky in season 3
I want to know more about Ava, specifically was she always a terrible person or is she new to being evil.
I'd love to know what possessed her (and Katjaa for that case) to start fucking the psychotic unhinged redneck. It's like the most seemingly normal sound-minded people keep revolving themselves around a man who's not above smashing an unconscious man's face in front of the guy's daughter and continuously beating a bound dweeb while a girl is freezing to death.
Yet, if I so much as don't open the car door for a lady, I'm never hit up again.
This is one of the problems with putting a previously playable character in a supporting role in a game like this though, while the Clem in A New Frontier so far is reasonably like how I imagined her to be, based on my choices and interpretation of her character, I am still not convinced by Telltales choice to write her personality, for example, I had the alone ending in season 2, but thats not because Clem despises people, the way she almost does in A New Frontier, thats because she does better on her own, but doesnt mind other people from time to time, also, Kenny was (in my opinion) unstable, and could potentially be a threat to Clem in the long run, like he became a threat to Jane, and I left Jane after she had me kill Kenny, since Kenny was a very good, but broken man, so I dont like Telltales writing of Clem being very against being with people, since thats not how I imagined her character.
I think the problem is, Telltale cant possibly write all the nuances that people have created in Clems character, which is why I think Clem should have been the lead, because some people have totally different reasons for picking what they do, and that would result in very varying degrees of changes in Clems character, but all that gets lost when we dont get to continue developing her character as players, but are stuck with what Telltale writes her to be.
My Clem was with Kenny because she has that plot armour on so I just assumed it wouldn't matter much. Whatever ending is the most emotional I'll take it.and Clem is the last remaining season 1 character now so I don't think they will kill her off at all unless Christa is alive and she is the protagonist for season 4
Well, if they off Clem I am probably off the ride, probably... the reason I am so interested in Telltales TWD is Clementine, I really like the idea of a young girl surviving in the apocalypse, and the idea of playing your average adult male "hero" type character does not really appeal to me, in season 1 it was decent, because you spent your time protecting Clem, which was interesting, but as Javier I dont feel the same connection to Clem, even though the only thing I really care about in A New Frontier so far is Clem.
Its the same reason I actually prefer season 2 over season 1, I found the experience of playing as a more fragile and not nearly as strong character to be very enthralling, it was super interesting, as it affected the choices I made quite a bit, and now that we are back to playing your average "strong male" character, I find my interest severely lessened compared to season 2, I still like A New Frontier somewhat, and watching Clem from another perspective is certainly interesting, but I much prefer to play her.
Its the same reason I really like The Last of Us too, while Joel is a nice character, its Ellie that makes that game for me, a 14 year old girl, who is a badass in her own right, but is also desired by many people due to being immune to the virus. I really like characters that sort of break the normal tropes, and are interesting for something other than their "raw strength" or badassery.
Javier is just a super bland character to play compared to Clementine to me, and Lee was alot more interesting too, since he had an interesting backstory, but at the same time it did not influence the story, since he had a fresh start, which means you got to know characters through Lee, so you had the same relation as Lee, and you could do whatever you wanted, since Lee didnt have a background that would change your perception the way Javier has. This is also what made season 2 so interesting to me, since I knew Clementine, and knew what she had been through in season 1, I could really immerse myself in the character, and make choices that I thought she would make, rather than choices I would make, which is what makes TWD season 2 probably my most interesting game I have ever played, (Note: I said most interesting, not best game ever, since I think its impossible to give a single game that title)
Clem is my fav character but with how she is in season 3 I'd say it would be her own fault if she dies
Clem is my fav character but with how she is in season 3 I'd say it would be her own fault if she dies
Almost all of em. But for the sake of naming some names:
Diana and Ed
Jolene and Danielle
Jake(the Bandit Leader?) Bart and Linda
Arvo and Natasha
Randy Patricia and Gil
Travis' Special Forces Dad
Stephanie from 400 days - She was personally the best looking WDG female character. I felt terrible when she got in that predicament, wish it was Becca instead.
Well, it does matter, cuz people wanna know about them. Like, what's a character without a backstory? If Lee or Clementine or Javier didn't have a backstory, what good would they be?
We gotta remember, she was with Omid and Christa for the two years and she had to help Christa with her baby, so she grew in maturity.
Dude..... Kenneth wasn't unhinged BEFORE Katjaa and Duck died. He started losing his shit after they died. He started to blame others for what wasn't their fault.
And yeah, I hate Kenneth for the way he treated people in both games, but we gotta remember what he's going through. AND there is a possibility that he had some brain damage after Carver hit him so much (if you remember what Carlos said). So, that's maybe why he was so unhinged in season 2
Dude..... Kenneth wasn't unhinged BEFORE Katjaa and Duck died. He started losing his shit after they died. He started to blame others for what wasn't their fault.
And yeah, I hate Kenneth for the way he treated people in both games, but we gotta remember what he's going through. AND there is a possibility that he had some brain damage after Carver hit him so much (if you remember what Carlos said). So, that's maybe why he was so unhinged in season 2
He is only mentioned. Although, now I would actually like to hear Travis's backstory more than anything. Although, we do know he was in college with Benjamin. And he had a father. That's pretty much it.
Lol. I figured he always had brain damage.
Dude... I hate Ken and I have good reason, but you are just plain-on bashing him.
The only good thing about Kenny is all the material he has to be made fun of on.
It would've been nice to get some more on Matthew and Walter - they seemed like a good bunch to have around. I would've liked to know where they came from, as well as how they found the ski lodge and got it up and running again.
The cabin group was bursting with missed potential, but honestly, I think having some more background on Carlos, Sarah, Rebecca and Alvin would've gone a long way in fleshing out the characters some more. Going from distrusting them in the beginning of the season to learning more about their pasts and even befriending them by the end would've been so awesome. There are a few things off the top of my head that I can think of for them that I've been wanting to know:
Christa and Clem - okay, obviously the pregnancy thing didn't work out after Omid died, but Clem definitely had to have learned some things from Christa, right? What the heck happened for all those months in between?
And honestly, I know he could've been living in that boxcar for quite a while, but I think getting some more info on Chuck would've been cool, too. Being homeless and everything, I wonder how he managed to survive those first few months after everything went down. Hell, maybe he'd be more suited than anyone to survive this kind of thing.
Sure, but some stuff must have happened, considering you dont just change from being around, I mean sure, its the apocalypse, but Clem didnt really change much in season 1 until change was needed, if that makes sense?
In Javier's case it wouldn't matter because he's of no good anyway.
Actually, I'm pretty sure they were in high school.
I think I can answer a few of these.
Possibly, though it's worth noting that he refers to her as "All I have left," as well as the fact that Sarah has PTSD and can claim that she's "all alone now" in the trailer. So it's possible that he had a wife that was living for a number of years before potentially dying after the outbreak.
He really didn't.
Remember that they were living in Howe's Hardware for a considerable amount of time, which came with both a consistent job position for Carlos and "protection" from the outside world most of the time; Sarah can also mention that she's never gotten in trouble before talking during the morning report, so it's very possible she may have either done some work beforehand or simply followed the not-quite-psychopathic-yet Carver's rules. Not only that, but certain scenes and lines of dialogue from him and Sarah indicated that he didn't have full control over her, as she apparently had a history of doing things behind his back and trying to lie about it, not to mention going under the Cabin either while he and Rebecca were still inside waiting for someone to come back thanks to Clementine breaking the lock or on a previous occasion. If she can do those things, what's keeping her from outright sneaking out to explore like Becca? And the fact that she clearly participated in the escape and has some understanding of how walkers work, not to mention the fact that she has PTSD at all, indicates that she's been exposed to some number of dangerous situations beforehand.
Really, Carlos's objective wasn't to truly keep her in the dark about everything(that'd be a lost cause solely on the fact that he came up with the plan after they fucking escaped), but to shield her away from any further stimuli that might trigger her and worst of all cause a complete nervous breakdown.
From what I gathered, George was friends with both Alvin and Carver but his loyalties were apparently more with "Bill"'s side of things. Based on this, and the fact that Alvin struck him down during the escape hard enough for Rebecca to know it couldn't have been him if Carver used his name, I think it's safe to say that George may've known about the affair, kept it secret from Alvin until it was revealed somehow(probably Carver being an egotistical dick), and got in the way during the escape, earning him a furious bullet(?) from Alvin that Bonnie says might not have been meant to kill but it did. This would explain why Carver reminds him of what he did in such a personal and noticeably more serious than usual manner and why Alvin doesn't seem to react too much beyond apparently accepting that he did it.
Pete obviously raised Nick alongside his sister due to real dad's usual deadbeat absence and Luke was his childhood friend, but outside of that, I don't think there was any intermingling between the families before Howe's. I think it's pretty obvious that the final trigger was just them deciding that enough was enough concerning Carver's increasing oppression, with Luke, Carlos, and Alvin teaming up with Reggie to execute the escape and bring their loved ones with them so none of them would have to live under Carver's tyranny any longer.
early teens = 12-14
mid teens = 15-17
late teens = 18-20
It's a possibility that they were in college, but also likely they were in high school. I just associate late teens with college students cuz normally 18 year-olds are in college or university.
Or they just had their birthday during their senior year, but noted. Still, they were part of a school band from Stone Mountain High School.
Also, I thought late teens started at 16 to indicate early acceptance of responsibility and ended with 19 for obvious reasons?
You misunderstand me. Backstory matters for every relevant character in the story, but all the guys you mentioned are not anymore, they're gone, so no point in exploring their backstory. If we're talking about those who could still have an impact on the story, well, I want to hear more about all of the, of course, no one in particular.
Because they could obviously see that despite his faults, that he did have nice traits about him. You won't ever look into that though due to blinded hatred for him.
Yeah because maybe those people actually get the reason behind why he did what he did to "the unconscious man", you know the same guy that knocked Lee flat on his ass to die at the drugstore? And the fact that someone's "feelings" were not as important as saving lives.
Haha dweeb. That made me chuckle. Fuck Arvo.
Well you could also blame Clem for that but also no one else besides Jane tried to keep her warm
It's an uphill battle to become both an ok guy... and a dick.
Unlike Kenny who is only a dick and never an ok guy.
Yes, so much this. I'm calling it right now, Travis' Special Forces Dad Mini Series.
David, Dr. Lingard, Joan, and Clint. Would love to see the origins of the New Frontier's Diamonds.
As Clem mentioned ANF were decent peoples before.
I would've thought so anyway.
If she was evil, then she'd definitely be new to it.
Ava isn't evil at all.
I think she just helped Clem and AJ.
But she is a tough personality.