Anyone feel like Season 3 doesn't have much big deaths?
There doesn't seem to have been any big deaths compared to Season 2. Of course that little girl got killed and I did kill Conrad but didn't care much for him. I just feel the most likely liked characters aren't going to die for a long time. In season 2 lots of favorite characters just die die die, but in Season 3 it feels like we're getting a really long break from losing central characters. The death of Badger doesn't seem like a big deal for me because he was a bad guy so not really a shocker for me. I mean it doesn't even feel like there wasn't a very long introduction of Badger, there wasn't a build up to hate him as much as say Carver, Larry or St. Johns. And yeah I know people are going to say St Johns didn't build up to be hated but they still had a build up of appearing innocent and bam they're evil so still got that going on, and heck I didn't even know what Badger looked like I only got a glimpse of him once and that was it. I feel like we're on a really fast ride keeping all the favorite characters around and just throwing the minor ones out of the way.
Marianne I think was the only big death but yeah compared to season 1 and 2 it's not as much as it used to been. Is this better for some? Please tell me.
I hope so.
This will be a big improvement for Telltale.
Like we will have a group of sole survivors to at least start a community for next seasons.
Like Rick's community in the comics.
Clem and AJ being part of the community and future adventures with those kids.
Because the characters suck. They have no character development.
It's because the characters have not been written and developed to the point where their deaths have significant meaning and emotional responses.
Good I think whittling the cast away every episode and replacing them sucks and is a problem I have with the Walking Dead as a whole.
Wow, people, no one has died that's really been important. Tripp, Kate, David, Javier, Clementine, Conrad (Sort of), Jesus, Eleanor, and Gabe; these are the main important characters, and I am honestly glad that Telltale isn't killing off EVERY SINGLE character this time.
So, if no one dies in Episode 4, I'll be fine, I'm sure all of them will be dead by Episode 5 though if they go with the Season 1/2 approach, but I'd prefer them not too.
I'm glad they've taken a different approach opposed to the typical eliminate everyone by EP5.
Lol, it's kind of refreshing I think. Everyone is so used to characters dying left and right so we're always like: "Ok, who's going to die this episode?" Then Telltale be like: "Nobody trololoo!"
It's a lot better than the pointless season 2 shock value deaths with characters we barely knew. I'm glad we have an established cast for once. It shows hope in the future.
I think this is Telltale's response to a common complaint from Season 2, which was that major characters were dying too often, and didn't get the opportunity to fulfill all of their potential.
I'm glad that they've actually listened to at least some feedback.
(Though, I get the feeling there will be at least a few major deaths in Episode 4. Here's hoping Tripp lives to see another day.)
These ANF characters don't get much opportunity to reach their potential either. The episodes are just way too short for the amount of characters they're dealing with. That and the plot they have to work on as well only limits their development even more. Sure you can consider this complaining about episode length, but that's one of the most crucial elements to making a story; You need time. They've already done a lot of damage by releasing episode one and two with time ranges of only sixty minutes, even episode 3, which could have had hubs to increase the characters development had only ninety minutes. Comparing this to season one which could pack in so much content, you can see why this is one of ANF's biggest problems.
I completely agree. So far, I've been extremely disappointed with the level of character development some members of the cast have received. (Tripp and Eleanor, in particular.)
Still, killing off characters less frequently is a step in the right direction, at least.
I also agree with this. I am really hoping that they don't just systematically kill 90% of the cast or leave them out into an unknown or determinant status by episode 5. Otherwise if Telltale does decide to make Season 4, they'll most likely just do another restarting of completely different new characters instead of developing on the main cast, I call it Javier syndrome. (Cuz y'know, he was completely randomed into the game)
Maybe because after 3/4 years zombie appocalypse,all people getting badass.I mean they're being tough son of bitches.
Just like Clem.In episode 4 trailer,you see Clem punch and kill walker using a glass
Yeah, this season is easily the least death-ridden so far. About the only main character that has really died up to this point was Mariana, and determinantly Conrad, I suppose. And I like that. It's good to finally have a season of the game that isn't taking the "anyone can die" rule to the extreme. I mean, I get that character death is meant to be a relatively normal thing in TWD, but it gets harder and harder to care when you realize that 90% of the people you meet in a season will likely be dead by the end of it.
As for your point about Badger, I don't think he really was meant to be built up. I think of him less as a villain like Carver or the St Johns, and more of just an obstacle along our path, sort of like the bandits or the russians in S2. Characters like Badger or the bandits are essentially speed bumps in the grand scheme of things-- they're not really meant to cause an extreme amount of damage or leave a sizeable impact on our group, like the St Johns or Carver did, they're just some crazy assholes that mostly amount to being a pain in the ass.
I mean, not every person you find yourself squaring off against will be some formidable, intimidating, hate-worthy foe. In fact, if you did come into hostile contact with someone in the apocalypse, it most likely wouldn't be some big bad leader like Carver, or some twisted group of cannibals... it'd probably be some idiot bandit(s) trying to rob you, and quickly coming to regret that decision.
At least this way when characters die I'll actually feel it.
Isn't it a good thing though?
Yes and no.
Season 2 did feature a dramatic rise in deaths from the final chapter of episode 3 until the end of the season. Season 1 did as well, to a lesser extent, but the majority of characters who died or were left uncertain throughout both had far better development than that most of the new cast has received so far so it's probably for the best. Many of the characters we've got now could have died in the last episode and I'd have felt as indifferent as I did about Marianas death for this reason Besides, it might be nice to see a season end without nearly everyone we've encountered ending up dead or uncertain.
Even tho they lived for 3 episodes I only care for tripp and David anf cast
Yeah, now that you mention it, the only significant deaths so far are Marianna and determinately Conrad and/or Max. I think that's partially a result of, like a few other things, the backlash Season 2 got. In this case, ANF is going for both a less dark and complicated setup in part because they're likely building up a civil war for the finale and you need as many recognizable people as possible on the heroes side for that.
I feel like episode 4 is going to be a massacre
I think either David or Tripp is gonna die this episode.
The biggest highlight of this seasons which I wanted to happen in Season 2.
Honestly I don't think they'd have much impact until maybe the last episode. I feel like I barely know most of them
Well, we still have two episodes left so there's still a chance lots of people will die.
I do like this change of not many main characters dying though, it's a nice change-up from the first two seasons. More than half of the people from Lee's group died or have an unknown status and the entire cabin group dies in Season Two.
After Luke's death, Sarah's death, Rebecca's death... I'm scared of death. Do not kill, Telltale! Don't.