Gabe's******* How would you rewrite it?
Gabe's snitching the murder/death of Conrad to Tripp &/or Eleanor - How would you rewrite that?
I personally would want the drama to unfold anyhow; I did kill him in my playthrough. But I absolutely detested the way that they found out. "Oh crap, my nephew with a raging identity crisis reveals my bad secret." That was just.... *Sigh. I personally would have written it that they needed to go back through the tunnels and Tripp ended up finding Conrad's body with a bullet. Or maybe a villain finds the body and tells Tripp. Or Javier can personally tell Tripp. It just felt like it was forced out of Gabe's character when I just started to like the poor kid.
What would you have written instead? How would the horrifying reveal go down?
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I wouldn't mind if Gabe just blurted it out accidentally instead of intentionally. It seems a bit weird especially if Gabe broke you out at the start. You don't have to even change the scene much, just make Gabe look regretful.
I COULD just make it determinant based on how u interact with Gabe during that scene. In this case, as long as u don't directly INSULT Gabe, he'd just punch a wall and leave the room. He WOULD however say later on that he was HALF-TEMPTED to tell Javi off at that point. That's one way it could be changed.
Another would be to prevent it all together by having Clem intercede by leading Gabe to another room and then talking to him. And then she'd bring him back out before the scene is over. Javi would ask later, "What did you say to Gabe if you don't mind me asking?" Clem would say "Only what I had to."
I would've handled it in similarly to how Lee could choose who to tell about his past in Season 1. You would be able to choose to tell Tripp and/or Eleanor about killing Conrad in a hub . Depending on how you worded it they would either be grateful that you told them the truth or a little pissed off that you held the murder from them for so long.
It really doesn't make any sense that Gabe would hold killing Conrad against Javi considering if you didn't shoot Conrad Gabe calls him a coward.
I'd make it determinate to your interaction and treatment of him--as it should be!
Holy smokes, I didn't even think of that--that's brilliant! Maybe Joan determinately put Lonnie on sanitation duty and he found the body.
I believe that's part of Gabe's running duality of wanting to be able to do things that his dad would approve of, but having too much of a conscious to do so comfortably. This, along with his implied inferiority complex, makes him prone to reprimanding others for their flaws and wrongdoings.
Not have had Gabe in the game in the first place.
Easy. Have an option to slap Gabe in his stupid face, "tell him off", have him killed instead of Ava and Tripp or not have had Gabe in this game in the first place.
Make it where he yells about Conrad's death to Javi out of blind frustration and immediately regrets it the second it comes out of his mouth. Also make it where him blurting it at all is determinant depending on how you treated him.
Honestly, I don't even know if I would want to touch that scene considering how far after the fact it is.
Maybe we could just patch in Tripp asking "Has anyone seen Conrad?" "Where's Conrad?" throughout episode 3 when the cameras not facing him, and while every conversation carries on normally. Then have that scene in episode 4 be the culmination of Tripp being pissed everyone keeps ignoring his question, and have Javier carefully break it to him.
"So Tripp... Remember when I said he lost it in the tunnel? Right after you heard a gunshot and only me and Gabe came out? I kinda, mighta shot him in the face. I was gonna tell you, but everytime you asked I was talking to someone or doing something or silently contemplating the meaning of existence. So its kinda your fault that I didn't tell you, you don't interrupt the boss when he's doing stuff."
Something like that.
He ignored the your life is precious comment as if he would put his life below Conrad's. What if Javier said "I don't like Conrad" and Gabe says "You like Conrad? If you liked him so much why did you kill him?!"
If you don't kill Conrad, Gabe is actually quite cool and helpful this episode. Apart from the stabbing. Sooooo maaaaybbeee don't kill Conrad?
He still calls you a coward for doing that
Only for that 1 scene, and he never mentions it in any other episode.
true shit
What is wrong with you?
wrong comment lol
Yea, so I'm not going back to replay an abysmal episode just to make the writing better. That's kinda not something I should have to do.
finally someone who aggress this episode is ass.. i was looking at ppl's reviews. 8 outta 10. tf?!?!
Lol don't be lazy XD I've played season 3 countless times so I'm sure that you can do it just once.
He judges your choice no matter what you choose. Does he even ever make up his mind?
The hell are you talking about? Are you talking about the scene in the room where Gabe flips out if you kill Conrad because that doesn't happen at all otherwise. The closest he eve comes to that moment was him flipping out because he wanted to be more of a help
Just not have this crap in the first place and let Tripp and co be told immediately after it happens or dont blurt it out later.
Kill Conrad
Gabe: Then how come you shot Conrad? He tried to bargain with you.
Javi: I saved your life too, in case you didn't remember that part.
Gabe: So what? You shot him. You killed him.
Spare Conrad
Gabe: You're fucking coward. A fucking coward
One thing I would have done was to make Gabe look regretful for his hasty words. Like I want to see "Oh my god, what have I done?" on his face. The fact he doesn't show any of it, makes him highly unsympathetic in my eyes.
Make this scene determinant if Javier does not immediately tell Tripp back in Episode 2 that he had to shoot Conrad to save Gabe's life, where Gabe only snitches on his uncle in front of everyone if he treats his nephew terribly throughout the season, and then sells out his nephew first for accidentally causing his shoulder to be slashed up by a Richmond guard.
Or make it so that he accidentally let slip about what has happened to Conrad to everyone, where he realizes his grave error and tries his best to convince Tripp and Eleanor that Javier was justified in his actions, and then apologizes to his uncle for 'fucking things up per usual', showing that Gabe is more angry at himself than anyone else for saying too much.
Those are in 2 completely different episodes and Gabe doesn't ever care afterwards. I'm talking about episode 4, btw.
ok so here s how i think it should have been handled i think if conrad was dead then Tripp and Eleanor would both betray the group and Ava would be executed . Joan would convince Tripp by showing Conrad s shot body that she found in the sewers and then she would shown it at David s hanging something like: ´´And it looks like the brother is just as bad as you can see he has murdered one of the people from his own group!´´ and then she would shown Conrad s dead body in a casket too althought i would also add to that scene Lingard being there defending David if he s alive because he is one of the leaders of Richmond .
ok so here s how i think it should have been handled i think if conrad was dead then Tripp and Eleanor would both betray the group and Ava would be executed . Joan would convince Tripp by showing Conrad s shot body that she found in the sewers and then she would shown it at David s hanging something like: ´´And it looks like the brother is just as bad as you can see he has murdered one of the people from his own group!´´ and then she would shown Conrad s dead body in a casket too althought i would also add to that scene Lingard being there defending David if he s alive because he is one of the leaders of Richmond .
I think it really should come down to how you treat gabe, I can buy javi hiding it like I bought lee hiding his past (still should have had the option though). But Gabe snitching like that if you have sided with him in decisions just makes zero sense, honestly it makes little sense if you treat him like shit, javi saves his life and episode 2 he clearly approves of you doing it
Gabe "You shot him.You kill him!"
1)You little pricks!
2)I save your asses!
3)Kick his ass
4)Shoot him <--------[I rather choose this one]
Yeah, a worrisome implication throughout this episode is that Gabe may be very incontinent about his own appreciation of life, whether it be his or someone else's. I don't think he's an outright Death Seeker or even a Blood Knight, mind you, but it was still a little worrisome.
This! So much this!
Even if it's thats the case then all it does is make Gabe into an unlikable character who is willing to throw Javi under the bus when he doesn't get his way. And the writers are still trying to ship him with Clementine, a character that WE, the player, have controlled and molded in her past.So Telltale is trying to tell us that OUR Clementine likes and possibly has a crush on Gabe, the boy that the player more than likely hates because of a confrontation Clementine herself witnessed.
It's still bad writing either way.
His dialogue was perfect in that scene, but everyone's reactions should've been determinant as well as whether or not he would snitch anyway.
I just got to that scene actually on itsreal85's channel. I was pissed at Gabe's attitude really. He reminds me of Nick with hormonal problems.
Ok? Not playing something that was terrible multiple times isn't laziness, it's not playing something that was terrible. I have numerous games that ended up being terrible that I'll never touch again, because they're not worth playing again. Conrads never going to anything but a corpse with a hole in his head in my game for that reason, the laziness was on the part of the writers for haphazardly writing a character so terrible, then hoping if they make him better people will go back and change their choice. That's just a stupid way to excuse what they did with his character.
No, it's called being a lazy shit and not spending 4 hours of you're life which you're doing nothing with
I hope I don't upset you when I say you are also in the minority when you say a new frontier is terrible, so it is not terrible, that's just the minorities opinions where the majority enjoy it. It seems hater runs rampent on the forums whereas lovers are scattered throughout various websites.
Agree both of you.
I can't even imagine how Clem could fall for Gabe in any way.
Granted, a young boy doesn't have to be as tough as Clem, for me personally as a player, but a Gabe is way too off. He's the exact opposite of Clem. Not calm, reckless, immature.
Clem's pretty mature for her age, not reckless (if you don't count the fit in the storage room where you let David in), keeps a level head in dangerous situations, and most importantly, doesn't act like a brat even though she's in her puberty as well as Gabe. (She can be edgy, but that's nothing compared to Gabe.)
At least Nick was sympathetic. While his actions were reckless and resulted in people dying, you can tell that he was immature and inexperienced. He also had a certain amount of innocence and he was genuinely a good person.
Not that it would have made much of a difference, but I wish we could have said something like how Gabe literally said "Shoot him Javi"