Am I the only one that thinks Kate is a bit fucked up?
She's got a crush on her brother in law, she would ditch the father of her son and daughter to die to get out of there with Javi so she can make sweet love with him. Every second she gets she's saying forget David let's get the fuck out. That is one fucked up wife, she isn't loyal to her husband and is treacherous.
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I can't take her advances at all if she would betray David so easily why wouldn't she do the same to you if another man came along? She's got the mark of the traitor.
All I can think of when it comes to her is the mathematics of the broken cup flashback:
Woman sending you hints + woman treating you like your crazy when you bring up those hints in front of someone else = scaaaaandalous woman
Honestly, I've thought she was pretty messed up way back when the flashbacks made it obvious how little Javier had been around, and she was shown talking about running away with him because marriage was too much for her. You know, when Javier was talking about only staying with them until he gets back on his feet, implying he hadn't been back long.
The whole romance feels less Pride and Prejudice and more Edward and Bella to me.
She is...literally and figureatively.
I think she is fine...just a person who is in a marriage that is sorta screwed up due to David's issues....not saying it is all his fault...her pot smoking, though to be honest does not seem to be a problem with her.
4 David being cooped in a van with Javier and she did not want to run off? I would say she found her ideal mate.
Plus she stepped up and became an equal partner with Javier raising David's children...clearly she is flawed
Not at all.
She was in a completely toxic relationship with a potentially abusive husband, who disappeared when shit hit the fan. Meanwhile, he's our boy Javi being a borderline hero for the past 4 years helping her raise 2 children in the apocalypse.
I'd be mindblown if she didn't fall for him in that situation, and vice versa too be honest.
Kate's a troubled gal who chose to accept serious responsibilities that clash with her free-spirited nature. Javier reminds her of that former freedom and running away with him means leaving the most tedious of those ties, being the new wife of the hottempered David, behind.
Gabe and Mariana aren't her kids--she's their stepmom, remember? (Though admittedly Mariana does look like her)
It's been 4 years and she probably presumed she'd never see David again and moved on from him. They didn't seem that close in the first place.
Eh, I'd say your view on a relationship/marriage is fucked up.
Javier is her "brother in law". So? Who cares? How is that important? He is just a normal human being like everyone else. And why do you say Kate isn't loyal? Because she is still officially "married" to a garbage person?, even though such social constructs like a marriage hold absolutely no value anymore, they are meaningless in a world like this. There is no government, no world order. Money is worthless and so is a marriage certificate. So, there is no need for a formal divorce.
And even if the marriage was still official, why would you think it means Kate should stay loyal to an asshole who wanted to abandon his entire family. Loyal to a guy who at least verbally abused her. Wtf. Marriage does NOT mean you have to play the submissive dog towards your husband/wife no matter what.
Yeah shes more than a "little" fucked up after that car crash
Yeah I really dislike Kate. She wasn't bad in the first episode, but her character quickly went downhill for me from there. I hate how she is so willing to abandon David. I find it a bit cruel that you can just walk away from your "husband" without any trace of sympathy, even if your relationship wasn't exactly on good terms.
In terms of her and Javi, I don't find it that big of a deal that shes technically married and throwing herself all over Javi (only because David was gone for awhile and it's only natural to develop feelings for someone you've been with for so long in such harsh conditions). However, in my play through i still refuse to ship the two of them.
Flawed? Yes. Fucked up? No.
Kate has her faults but there's nothing mentally wrong with her. In fact she's one of the most stable people in this universe.
Notice how Kate and Cunt both have 4 letters.
It's heavily implied that Kate is often afraid of David and that their home life in the past was somewhat volatile (nothing has implied that he openly hit her or anything, but he doesn't need to for their relationship to be shitty). She wants away from him for a reason. It's not just about her being a bitch.
David isn't evil but he's sure as shit an aggressive, violent asshole. I don't know how people missed how crappy his and Kate's relationship was.
its not her kids its her step mom. and david treated her like a bitch. but tbh i agree. if she would rather be with javi. she needs to directly leave david. not try and stab him in the back.
I disagree. I would imagine that if life continued normally, she would have gotten a divorce long ago. She clearly lost any love for her husband from the flashbacks. David himself admitted that all they do is fight every day and that Kate always had her foot half way out the door. Its not that she is disloyal, she simply no longer wants to be married to David because she really hates him from before the apocalypse.
I think what's more worrying is that she is ready to ditch her step-children (or just Gabe at this point) for Javi. She is supposed to be a mother-figure to Gabe, seeing as she is his step-mother and has been in his life since he was a young child. As far as I've seen, Kate has shown little care for her step-children and seems to only care about whether she's going to get with Javi and whether they will escape the New Frontier together. Surely if she was the mother-figure in Gabe's life, she would be thinking about his welfare, regardless of whether she wants to get back with David or not? She can't just stop caring about her step-kids even if she's not with David anymore.
Actually, she only got shot because she didn't wanna leave Mariana's body behind, gets on her knees in a futile attempt to convince Gabe to leave with them, and Javier only gets caught because she was feeling bad about the fact that he apparently didn't wanna be with them anymore.
I'd say she cares plenty.
Yeah she's fifty shades of fucked up.
Gabe and Mari are Kate's kids? Pretty sure I heard she was a step-mom. I could be mistaken.
Kate is their mother. Just not the biological mother, but STEP-mother. So you heard right.
Yes, i find her extremely ridiculous, in nearly every scene. I mean, come on bitch, it's been four years and you've been trying to get in his pants since before shit hit the fan - if he was AT ALL interested, you'd know by now.
Sidebar: if you are in a relationship you don't wanna be in anymore, don't fucking be in it. Don't try and fucking drag your significant other's family down with your sinking marriage.
She's delusional at best.
I'm not fond of Kate or David. Kate is too flighty and David is too...butthurt? Even when Javi tries to be close to him, David pushes him away over and over again.
I do appreciate that she cares so much for the children, though, seeing as they aren't biologically hers.
Which is funny cause I think Mariana looks dangerously close to her. But yeah, that's a definite point for why she's my second favorite new character.
Okay, but her husband was abusive, treated her like crap, and wanted to leave her and the kids anyway (discussed in Episode 4)... So, no I don't really blame her. It's not like she started a relationship with Javi knowing David was alive. That would be screwed up.
Destructive mindsets like this one are a key-factor why so many poor women hold themselves down and stay with their abusive husbands, instead of reporting them to the police and moving on with their lives to seek better people.
You dislike Kate because she abandons David? Why? Please explain. What makes you think a garbage person like David who gave up his family and didn't have his anger under control is worth to stay with?
Why would that be "screwed up"?
You already recognized that David is garbage. And in a world like this, a marriage certificate is worthless. Who cares if she is still "married" to David? This marriage already existed only on a piece of paper even before the apocalypse happened.
She was in abusive relationship but stayed with david because the kids needed a mother figure. She was done with david a while ago. The kids were the only reason she stayed but she couldn't deal with it anymore with what happened with mariana and how gabe's acting and been acting.
She wants to get away from that and I don't blame her or fault her. She fell in love with javier. Her actions towards him weren't bad. She held his hand and they hugged.
That's as far as things went when david was in the picture. After david wasn't in the picture and she thought david didn't make it you were able to take things further by kissing her if you wanted to. If you decide you want to be with her she wants to tell david. Even before that she wanted david to know she was done with him.
I like Kate and don't think there's anything wrong with her. I found myself genuinely siding with her most of the time. I was all for getting out of the New Frontier base even before she brought it up so I totally agreed with her on leaving
You know what else has four letters, love. As in I love Kate.
Gabe and Mariana are as much Kate's kids then any biological mother would be. She does have a responsibility to her son and daughter inlaws. I think deep down inside Gabe thinks the same way. And wouldn't want leave Kate if David situation was reversed.
She can leave. But it is up to Gabe to choose who he wants to stay with. As long as Gabe loves David, he has the right to his son.
Mmmm, I mean it comes down to how moral someone wants to be. Do you stay faithful to your shitty but technically legit marriage or run off with the person you love who treats you right? Yes, I don't like David at all but it would be understandable if Kate felt guilty for being with Javi if she had known David was still out there, which obviously she didn't so it doesn't matter anyway. I personally like her with Javi way more, either way.
Im not saying hes worth staying with, she has every right to leave and even be with Javi if she wants. I just don't like how she is willing to ditch David all the time when his life is in danger. Its obvious that David cares for his families safety, and even took Kate in and saved her life. So i just think its pretty savage for her to just be like "Nah lets leave him to die and deal with the problems that we caused".
"Honey, dis town was fucked up before we got here."
"Throws up in corner"
How is it savage? That guy is still an asshole.
Look at all the responses towards Javi, look at what he did to Clementine. This, together with all that happened before the apocalypse isn't forgotten only because David starts to cling to Kate as if she was his property.
If he was my former husband, I'd shoot him before the rest of us take a hike out of Richmond.
As soon as you treat your husband/wife like garbage, you loose any right to be treated with "faithfulness". Also, you can't force a person to feel a certain way. If the love is gone, that's how it is. Just go separate ways and move on with life, it's pretty simple.
That is what David has to face, that's what Kate has every right in the world to do.
Totally agree with you. It's that I understand some people won't view it this way (for various reasons... some that are just outrageous). For me, Kate is much better off with Javi for all the reasons you've said and more.