Man, I look at the left one and can immediately tell its from S2E3 when carver is taking you to his camp. The one on the right...? Yeah... no clue what scenes that's from. Standing outside the Richmond gates, maybe?
@Graysonn , I remember you being able to activate the hooded Clem model by digging in the files. Now... call me crazy... because I've finally caught up and played all the current episodes of A New Frontier... but I 99% positive that when Clem pointed her shotgun on me in our first encounter in "Ties That Bind: Part 1", she had her hood up. Totally wish I took a screenshot. She had it up until after she got the apple.
Whats wierd is that they showed that she had it on in the previously on for ep3. But when I played Episode 1 it wasn't on. If what your saying it true then it could be a glitch.
@Graysonn , I remember you being able to activate the hooded Clem model by digging in the files. Now... call me crazy... because I've final… morely caught up and played all the current episodes of A New Frontier... but I 99% positive that when Clem pointed her shotgun on me in our first encounter in "Ties That Bind: Part 1", she had her hood up. Totally wish I took a screenshot. She had it up until after she got the apple.
!["When Walking Dead meets Hollow Man" ( ] Not photoshop. Either a glitch, or it happens because I reinstalled the game with only ep1 & 4. Damn this forum code. Can someone help me fix this?
@Graysonn , I remember you being able to activate the hooded Clem model by digging in the files. Now... call me crazy... because I've final… morely caught up and played all the current episodes of A New Frontier... but I 99% positive that when Clem pointed her shotgun on me in our first encounter in "Ties That Bind: Part 1", she had her hood up. Totally wish I took a screenshot. She had it up until after she got the apple.
Maybe it was a glitch. I just started A New Frontier this weekend after downloading episodes 1-3. I may play through it again, but I have a feeling I won't see it again...
Whats wierd is that they showed that she had it on in the previously on for ep3. But when I played Episode 1 it wasn't on. If what your saying it true then it could be a glitch.
So guys i just yesterday uploaded a video of full Clemy and Gabe dialog in Truck in EP4, think some of you guys might interested in that, because you can't hear the full dialog in the game itself:
So guys i just yesterday uploaded a video of full Clemy and Gabe dialog in Truck in EP4, think some of you guys might interested in that, because you can't hear the full dialog in the game itself:
Ooh, that's awesome. I love this. Clem even cheated lol.
This scene reminded me that Clem is still very much a child. Before that I never considered her one.
So guys i just yesterday uploaded a video of full Clemy and Gabe dialog in Truck in EP4, think some of you guys might interested in that, because you can't hear the full dialog in the game itself:
I think it's in episode 3 when David comes to grab Javi from quarintine.
I love that shot of Javi after shooting Badger. His expression isn't "Yeah take that asshole!" it's"Omg I just shot him in the gut."
Okay, so forget about the previous screens I put. They were too many and I was just spamming the thread. I'm just gonna put here my favourite ones.
"His name was Lee. He taught me how to shoot a gun."
"I’m alone. Everyone I know is gone. It’s just me now."
Why you should think twice what stupid shit to tell Nate.
Because he'll never let you live it down.
Okay, that's actually pretty funny.
I actually left this as my canon save, hoping for a "happy" reunion where Nate would still call him Asswipe. Too bad that reunion hasn't happened =P.
Our girl, getting hurt all the time.
I love Clems two wavy curls.

@Graysonn , I remember you being able to activate the hooded Clem model by digging in the files. Now... call me crazy... because I've finally caught up and played all the current episodes of A New Frontier... but I 99% positive that when Clem pointed her shotgun on me in our first encounter in "Ties That Bind: Part 1", she had her hood up. Totally wish I took a screenshot. She had it up until after she got the apple.
Whats wierd is that they showed that she had it on in the previously on for ep3. But when I played Episode 1 it wasn't on. If what your saying it true then it could be a glitch.
Anyone else think that the first one looks like Sam?
Sam is the exact reason why I chose the dog-shadowplay. Imagine Clementine to remember him this way.
this is true art.
I admite that Kenny's shadow puppet and Aj's reaction were perfect.
!["When Walking Dead meets Hollow Man" ( ] Not photoshop. Either a glitch, or it happens because I reinstalled the game with only ep1 & 4. Damn this forum code. Can someone help me fix this?
I really miss season 2 man...
Are you sure? For me, in the actual game she doesn't but in the 'Previously, on the Walking Dead' scene for episode 3 she does.
If that's the case though that's pretty cool.
Maybe it was a glitch. I just started A New Frontier this weekend after downloading episodes 1-3. I may play through it again, but I have a feeling I won't see it again...
What’s the most important thing in this world?
So guys i just yesterday uploaded a video of full Clemy and Gabe dialog in Truck in EP4, think some of you guys might interested in that, because you can't hear the full dialog in the game itself:

great. thankyou for this. i finally have a easier way to get cancer quicker
Ooh, that's awesome. I love this. Clem even cheated lol.
This scene reminded me that Clem is still very much a child. Before that I never considered her one.
I love these screenshots ♥
"Family is what you make it." ❤
Got some from Ep 4

I miss that hardhead so much
All I can think is:
Luke: What's the most important thing in this world?
Clem: Kenny.
Made a comparison thing between the concept art of Javi and Clem and their final models in game.
Clementine's face is really different though
Awww... man. That final shot is amazing but it breaks my heart.