This started with Jane who threatened Arvo and robbed him from his gun. Clementine was involved with this, even though she was innocent when she refused to steal the medicines. But the group of enemies won't understand this! They would just attack everyone from the other group.
You should understand this actions always cause trouble. A gun is needed to survive in the ZA, and when you rob someone from this, you practically kill this person.
So why calling me hypocrital? The Howe's group started this in the first place.
Very hypocrital to deny this as well.
He was grieving and blindly acting of anger and revenge for believing Clem killed his sister.
That is hypocritical of you to say that when recently you criticised Kenny for his actions he acted like which was also through grief and anger.
Hence why I said most of the blame lays on Jane and Luke, as they slacked off when they should've been keeping watch, forcing Rebecca to run… more to the deck halfway to the deck while in labor and it's sorta implied that she died from internal bleeding. So without Carlos around to fix that, the ensuing exhaustion of traveling in that condition did her in.
Don't forget Kenny made the situation worse by beating and abusing this kid.
You don't understand. Arvo ambushed the group and got Luke killed and Kenny had no reason not to beat him up
At the power station was a disgusting act anyway to beat up a clearly grieving kid that way.
The kid even helped to find the house with food and Kenny still beat and abused the kid. There was no reason at all to beat Arvo those tines. If you agreed eoth this you are a cruel person yourself, even more than Kenny.
Kenny finally confessed to Clem how wrong he had been and would never do that again determinantly.
Also, Kenny was abusing him long before that and outright beating him in the house was just escalation.
Well to be fair if you watch… more/play the scenes again you'll see that it was more push and shove rather than beating him up before reaching the house unless you count the determinant KO to shut Arvo up at the power station
I can see you are just covering your ears yelling "la la la la Ican'thearyou la la la". Look I am not trying to degrade Kenny's character. I am just exposing the hypocrisy of Gabe haters and Kenny worshipers. Prime example, one which you yourself mentioned.
Christ, here we go again with this point. No matter what Kenny said he is still not responsible for Lee looking like an asshole. Lee is the one who had the option to kill or leave the girl. The only reason you think Kenny made Lee look like an asshole is because he informed Lilly of what he did or didn't do instead of keeping it to himself. There are consequences to your actions and this is it.
The exact thing can be said about Gabe exposing Javi to the group. In fact take a look for yourself:
Christ, here we go again with this point. No matter what Gabe said he is still not responsible for Javi looking like an asshole. Javi is the one who had the option to kill or leave Conrad. The only reason you think Gabe made Javi look like an asshole is because he informed Tripp of what he did or didn't do instead of keeping it to himself. There are consequences to your actions and this is it.
However we both know that's not how things go. You Kenny fans cut him a crap ton of slack yet Gabe literally does the same thing and you all want his head. There is no difference in how Kenny acts and how Gabe acts. They literally do the same exact thing and yet you all go through extreme lengths to justify Kenny's actions. Forget the motives, the actions are the exact same.
Kenny is impulsive and spills the beans and you defend him, praise him even. Gabe is impulsive and spills the beans and you bash him, calling for his head. This is the point of this discussion. Kenny and Gabe are very similar and if you can't see that you are blinded by your own bias. And fyi I don't hate Kenny and I don't like Gabe but its so hard to ignore how Kenny gets away with doing shit and Gabe gets crucified for doing the exact same thing. But plenty of people can see this point. If you can't, well you are just blind.
Well, like I said, the alcohol incident did not lead to anything so it was pointless bringing it up.
What Gabe did was stupid and da… morengerous, that was my point. You are claiming that we shouldn't even consider it a fuck up because it did not lead to anything. I assume by that you mean Kates death. This is nothing more than foolish dude, in a real life situation this could have caused the heart to experience a significant shock and even death so claiming it wasn't a fuck up on Gabe's part is simply wrong.
There are plenty of critisisms you made about Kenny that ultimately made no real altercation to the course of the story and its events.
I don't care who it is and if they're unarmed. If anyone is threatening my family you bet your ass I would pull a gun on them.
Good to see the mind set of the person i'm arguing with. All Conrad did was point fingers (physically and verbally). He did not hurt Javi nor did he even seem … [view original content]
Just to clarify, he didn't take the blame for Clementine taking the radio, he took the blame for forcing Clementine over and over to get that goddamn radio.
I posted this on a thread a while back when someone stated that Kenny didn't care about anyone but himself and i feel this post i made is to… moretally fitting why Kenny is better than whiney Gabe. Not really relevant to your thread but its a big fuck you for your opinion on Kenny:
* It's not as if he didn't offer to give a man and a little girl, 2 strangers he just met, a lift in his pick up truck with his family towards where they were headed:
* It's not as if he didn't save a man's life at the drugstore after an assumed racist old man knocked him on his ass and left him to die:
* It's not as if he didn't ever go out hunting for the group to make sure they all got food:
* It's not as if he didn't help kill walkers from attacking a man stuck in a bear trap along with 2 scared teenagers who needed help:
* It's not as if he didn't show concern for the determinant man or boy they rescued from the woods whe… [view original content]
I didn't know about the alcohol but that hardly matters since it didn't translate to anything.
You mean Conrad? Pointing a gun at a man wh… moreo was threatening his uncle and having enough restraint not to shoot him?
The rest is just like Kenny. Kenny made Lee look like an asshole for killing/not killing the girl on the streets. Kenny cause a big divide in his group for not listening to plans and being overly aggressive. He is the reason there is no more cabin group. See...hypocrite. Whatever Gabe is guilty of so is Kenny. Only difference is Kenny is a grown ass man. Gabe is a teen.
Just to clarify, he didn't take the blame for Clementine taking the radio, he took the blame for forcing Clementine over and over to get that goddamn radio.
At the power station was a disgusting act anyway to beat up a clearly grieving kid that way.
The kid even helped to find the house with food and Kenny still beat and abused the kid. There was no reason at all to beat Arvo those tines. If you agreed with this you are a cruel person yourself, even more than Kenny.
Kenny finally confessed to Clem how wrong he had been and would never do that again determinantly.
Well again he only does that if the player is mean enough not to convince Kenny to come and sit by the fire. Plus the only reason Kenny did that to Arvo at the power station is because he was yelling his head off! I agree he didn't need to knock him out but the point is, Kenny did what he had to, to shut him up or else god knows if walkers would show up
At the power station was a disgusting act anyway to beat up a clearly grieving kid that way.
The kid even helped to find the house with fo… moreod and Kenny still beat and abused the kid. There was no reason at all to beat Arvo those tines. If you agreed eoth this you are a cruel person yourself, even more than Kenny.
Kenny finally confessed to Clem how wrong he had been and would never do that again determinantly.
Clementine was involved with this, even though she was innocent when she refused to steal the medicines
Determinant that she refuses to steal. Please don't forget that.
So why calling me hypocrital? The Howe's group started this in the first place. Very hypocrital to deny this as well.
You obviously didn't understand what i was referring to. I wasn't talking about who started what. I called you hypocritical because you are defending Arvo for his anger and grief over losing his sister but you tear Kenny apart for his bad actions which also highly contribute to the anger and grief he has suffered previously as well so why is that? What justifies Arvo's but not Kenny's? Are you also defending Arvo for shooting Clem? Because that is 10 times worse than what Kenny did to him
This started with Jane who threatened Arvo and robbed him from his gun. Clementine was involved with this, even though she was innocent when… more she refused to steal the medicines. But the group of enemies won't understand this! They would just attack everyone from the other group.
You should understand this actions always cause trouble. A gun is needed to survive in the ZA, and when you rob someone from this, you practically kill this person.
So why calling me hypocrital? The Howe's group started this in the first place.
Very hypocrital to deny this as well.
Clem is just a kid and her decisions doesn't make Kenny's abusive behavior right.
He was the adult supposed to make sane choices wether Clem is mean or not.
He shouldn't beat a grieving unarmed and uptied kid knock out.
Very cowardly act.
It was clear Kenny was losing it.
I don't know who you are to agree this, while all of the group was very shocked.
You act like Clem as a kid should make all the right decisions and she is like a god responsible for kenny's disgusting actions.
Damn, she was just 11 years old!
At the power station was a disgusting act anyway to beat up a clearly grieving kid that way.
The kid even helped to find the house with … morefood and Kenny still beat and abused the kid. There was no reason at all to beat Arvo those tines. If you agreed with this you are a cruel person yourself, even more than Kenny.
Kenny finally confessed to Clem how wrong he had been and would never do that again determinantly.
Well again he only does that if the player is mean enough not to convince Kenny to come and sit by the fire. Plus the only reason Kenny did that to Arvo at the power station is because he was yelling his head off! I agree he didn't need to knock him out but the point is, Kenny did what he had to, to shut him up or else god knows if walkers would show up
Oh yeah,definitely. If he didn't coerce his friend's into having an affair, been a dick to certain citizens, clash with Luke's way of doing things, or presumably try to corrupt Sarah, the Cabin Group wouldn't have had to leave in the first place.
Clem is just a kid and her decisions doesn't make Kenny's abusive behavior right.
I never said Kenny's abuse was right but he always had a reason why he did what he did.
He was the adult supposed to make sane choices wether Clem is mean or not.
He shouldn't beat a grieving unarmed and uptied kid knock out. Very cowardly act.
Like i said, the scene was determinant and the abuse never happened at the power station in my play through. Sane choices??? So you think it was ok to just allow Arvo to scream at the top of his lungs and put the entire group in danger? Kenny was the only one who took the initiative to shut him up when everyone else didn't seem bothered that a herd of walkers could surround them due to the noise. How was his decision not sane?? So what do you do? Gag him? Ask him politely "Oh Mr Russian boy who hardly understands any English, please keep your voice down old chap! We don't want our dear walker friends crashing the party"! Yeah right!
It wasn't a nice thing to watch and it wasn't the best thing to ultimately do to someone i admit and i totally understand how you view that scene and how you feel sorry for Arvo but equally please look at it from Kenny's point of view as well Bonbon! He did it to protect everyone else because Arvo was stupidly drawing noise! Honestly what would you do if you were there? Sit back and drink rum and do nothing? Because that would be very naive of you otherwise.
It was clear Kenny was losing it. I don't know who you are to agree this, while all of the group was very shocked.
Again you misunderstand me completely. When have i said I agreed with what he did? I haven't. Fact is I don't agree with the way he handled the situation, however unlike you, i DO understand the REASON behind his decision to do what he did to Arvo as I explained above. Someone who is "losing" it would not have the ability to consider the group's safety as Kenny did when Arvo wouldn't shut up. The group can look as shocked as they like. What you should be asking yourself is, why the hell is the "shocked" group acting like Arvo is their friend when this kid had moments earlier with his Russian pals ambushed the group? As if anyone would be nice to someone involved in trying to kill them!
You act like Clem as a kid should make all the right decisions and she is like a god responsible for kenny's disgusting actions. Damn, she was just 11 years old!
And yet the writing of Season 2 terribly had all the characters look to the 11 year old for advice and to make adult decisions for them. How stupid was that? For example, the adults couldn't even work out how to turn a windmill off when all Clem did was pop the key in and turn the ignition. Ridiculous. A god responsible for Kenny's actions? What are you trying to say here? As i have kindly asked, please look at things from another perspective instead of being one dimensional. I'm not trying to change your views but it would be nice if you at least appreciated the reasons behind what you call in your opinion his "disgusting" actions.
Clem is just a kid and her decisions doesn't make Kenny's abusive behavior right.
He was the adult supposed to make sane choices wether Cle… morem is mean or not.
He shouldn't beat a grieving unarmed and uptied kid knock out.
Very cowardly act.
It was clear Kenny was losing it.
I don't know who you are to agree this, while all of the group was very shocked.
You act like Clem as a kid should make all the right decisions and she is like a god responsible for kenny's disgusting actions.
Damn, she was just 11 years old!
Anyway, to put it short and meta like: Kenny is an overexposed Creator's Pet living off nostalgia and Jane was an overprominent Self-Insert that's actually a worse one.
I know right?
Anyway, to put it short and meta like: Kenny is an overexposed Creator's Pet living off nostalgia and Jane was an overprominent Self-Insert that's actually a worse one.
Say what you want but the point is, it would have been Clem if he hadn't took her place and that to me was a damn decent thing to do regardless of anything else that had happened
Besides, the person who should really be blamed is Luke. It was his plan in the first place, he fucked up and got caught and if he hadn't then who knows if the plan had worked and Carver doing what he did possibly wouldn't have happened anyway
I think most ppl relate to Kenny in this forum.
If you disagree with them, they get butthurt and they will either: rage quit on the discussion or you will never hear the end of it, in other words - a neverending whine fest, just like Kenny!
And yet the ones who I believe start the arguments are the Kenny haters who also can't accept that there are those that like him. Haters never have a good thing to say. Kenny fans such as myself feel the need to defend him because all you guys ever do is speak ill of him because you know it's going to cause arguments so what do you expect especially with the comment you just made insulting us? Guess you got your wish. I reckon you only said what you did to get a reaction
I think most ppl relate to Kenny in this forum.
If you disagree with them, they get butthurt and they will either: rage quit on the discussion or you will never hear the end of it, in other words - a neverending whine fest, just like Kenny!
I'm not intending for this to get heated and you can hate Kenny all you want but when you insult those that like him then naturally we are going to argue about it. The same could be said when you guys disagree anything that we say about the character. Same difference.
I think most ppl relate to Kenny in this forum.
If you disagree with them, they get butthurt and they will either: rage quit on the discussion or you will never hear the end of it, in other words - a neverending whine fest, just like Kenny!
Just admit you agreed with Kenny beating a helpless kid.
Determinant or not, it was still in Kenny's nature to act like a cruel asshole if Clem didn't stop him. Kenny admitted himself he lost it.
You could make him stop to scream if you just left the damn kid alone. He needed time to grief.
I still wonder what is wrong with you to agree with this lol.
You just try hard to prove you are right wich is clear you're not.
Clem is just a kid and her decisions doesn't make Kenny's abusive behavior right.
I never said Kenny's abuse was right but he always… more had a reason why he did what he did.
He was the adult supposed to make sane choices wether Clem is mean or not.
He shouldn't beat a grieving unarmed and uptied kid knock out. Very cowardly act.
Like i said, the scene was determinant and the abuse never happened at the power station in my play through. Sane choices??? So you think it was ok to just allow Arvo to scream at the top of his lungs and put the entire group in danger? Kenny was the only one who took the initiative to shut him up when everyone else didn't seem bothered that a herd of walkers could surround them due to the noise. How was his decision not sane?? So what do you do? Gag him? Ask him politely "Oh Mr Russian boy who hardly understands any English, please keep your voice down old chap! We don't want our dear walker fri… [view original content]
Just admit you agreed with Kenny beating a helpless kid.
You obviously think very little of me to not listen to what i said. I will not admit it because i already told you I didn't agree with it. Agreeing with something someone does is completely different to "understanding the reasons" behind an action. For example, such as Lee may not agree with the group stealing supplies from the station wagon but he understood why the group did it. For survival.
Try and comprehend what i am getting at Bonbon instead of assuming wrongly and insulting me.
Determinant or not, it was still in Kenny's nature to act like a cruel asshole if Clem didn't stop him.
And once again you didn't answer my question before. Are you saying that you would continue to let him scream which would put your life in danger? Or would you do something to shut him up? You didn't say what YOU would do. As i also said before, it wasn't a great thing to do to Arvo but Kenny did what he felt was needed to protect the group and all you can say in defence is "he was a cruel asshole". Great argument there Bonbon, especially since you seem to never look at it from my point of view either.
Kenny admitted himself he lost it.
Lol no he didn't. Show me a screenshot where he said those words?
You could make him stop to scream if you just left the damn kid alone. He needed time to grief.
Funny, because it was Mike who caused Arvo to scream in the first place so if anyone should be blamed it's him for causing it. And how do you know Arvo wouldn't have carried on screaming? Like you said, he was grieving and people do mad things when they grieve.
I still wonder what is wrong with you to agree with this lol.
Right ok so now you are making it personal by being horrible and stating i have something wrong with me just because my opinion is different to yours. Nice Bonbon. You'll go far with that attitude. Learn to accept others opinions and maybe i'll respect you.
You just try hard to prove you are right wich is clear you're not.
Ohhh is that so? And you think you're right do you? Guess what kid, you certainly aren't either because there is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. You are deliberately instigating an argument and not looking at another person's perspective when it comes down to this topic. You have a typical one dimensional view and are just as much to blame for not accepting my opinion or even listening to it so why should i hear you out when you just insult me because you can't accept my view?
Just admit you agreed with Kenny beating a helpless kid.
Determinant or not, it was still in Kenny's nature to act like a cruel asshole if … moreClem didn't stop him. Kenny admitted himself he lost it.
You could make him stop to scream if you just left the damn kid alone. He needed time to grief.
I still wonder what is wrong with you to agree with this lol.
You just try hard to prove you are right wich is clear you're not.
So now you are actually telling Mike was the one who made Arvo scream.
So it would be more logically Kenny should have beaten Mike for doing this?
And yes there is something wrong with you to agree to beat a helpless tied up kid knock out because he is grieving for his sisters dead and screams because he want to be left alone for a moment.
And you are using everything for advocating Kenny he did everything right. Including an excuse this all is determinant if you decide not to play mean as Clementine.
Kenny should have made the right decision himself, not an 11 year old girl's advice.
It is like when the girl tells you to shoot yourself, you should shoot yourself.
And Kenny started to beat the kid again in the house where was actually food. The kid actually didn't lie snd was helping st the moment. Yes Kenny was a violent nutcase at that moment. This shocked Clementine and even Jane.
And you didn't listen well too.
If Clem asks Kenny to not spoil a nice evening, Mike would have left the screaming kid. The screaming kid would have been quiet anyway.
This was my answer before: just leave the boy alone!
Just admit you agreed with Kenny beating a helpless kid.
You obviously think very little of me to not listen to what i said. I will … morenot admit it because i already told you I didn't agree with it. Agreeing with something someone does is completely different to "understanding the reasons" behind an action. For example, such as Lee may not agree with the group stealing supplies from the station wagon but he understood why the group did it. For survival.
Try and comprehend what i am getting at Bonbon instead of assuming wrongly and insulting me.
Determinant or not, it was still in Kenny's nature to act like a cruel asshole if Clem didn't stop him.
And once again you didn't answer my question before. Are you saying that you would continue to let him scream which would put your life in danger? Or would you do something to shut him up? You didn't say what YOU would do. As i also said before, it wasn't a great thing to do to … [view original content]
So now you are actually telling Mike was the one who made Arvo scream.
So it would be more logically Kenny should have beaten Mike for doing this?
Mike wasn't the one screaming Bonbon so no it would not be logical to beat Mike up because HE wasn't the one putting the group in danger. How many times do i have to say this to you? Mike didn't know Arvo was going to scream did he? The difference is, Kenny saw Arvo as an ongoing threat, Mike on the other hand was someone Kenny at least trusted more than Arvo. Also as i have kept constantly telling you that you STILL ignore is that the group were recently ambushed by Arvo and his friends and any normal person would be very wary of that and would look at someone as a danger if they had been involved in people trying to rob and kill them, they wouldn't be treating Arvo nice after that. That's like saying Mark would still be nice to the St John's despite the fact they cut off his fucking legs! It's unrealistic.
And yes there is something wrong with you to agree to beat a helpless tied up kid knock out because he is grieving for his sisters dead and screams because he want to be left alone for a moment.
For fucks sake, i have to keep repeating myself because you just aren't listening or ignoring everything i have said. Let me start again.
Copy and pasted from before:
Agreeing with something someone does is completely different to "understanding the reasons" behind an action. For example, such as Lee may not agree with the group stealing supplies from the station wagon but he understood why the group did it. For survival.
So please understand that I do NOT agree with Kenny's violence towards Arvo BUT i completely understand HIS REASONS BEHIND HIS ACTIONS whether it is right or wrong. Do you get it now????
If Kenny was beating up Arvo for absolutely no reason then that would be different and my opinion would have changed drastically but he didn't beat him up for no reason and you know this, or you deny it because you aren't understanding his reasons which i have also explained several times to you which i will also highlight again here:
Kenny was the only one who took the initiative to shut him up when everyone else didn't seem bothered that a herd of walkers could surround them due to the noise Arvo was making. He did it to protect everyone else because of that danger.
You still haven't answered my question which is what would you do if you were there Bonbon and someone was screaming putting your life in danger? Tell me!? Are you seriously saying you would do nothing if on the off chance he continued screaming or crying loudly?
Finally i will report you if you personally insult me again saying "i have something wrong with me" when you are wrongly accusing me of something that isn't true. I have been a member if these boards for 4 years and I don't need this shit.
And you are using everything for advocating Kenny he did everything right. Including an excuse this all is determinant if you decide not to play mean as Clementine.
It's not a fucking excuse at all. That is what happened in the game or didn't happen. How was i to know that scene was included if it never took place in my play through? That's like having 2 different Kenny's. And i really do not care what you are saying now because i DO think Kenny was the only one keeping the group safe during that scene with Arvo because of the reasons i stated above. Don't make me repeat them again. You can hate my opinion all you want. I really don't fucking care anymore tbf.
Kenny should have made the right decision himself, not an 11 year old girl's advice.
What on Earth are you talking about now?? Clem's advice about what? If Clem doesn't convince Kenny to sit with the group round the fire that is why he confronts Arvo.
And Kenny started to beat the kid again in the house where was actually food. The kid actually didn't lie snd was helping st the moment.
Kenny was angry and blamed Arvo for Luke's death because believe it or not, Kenny obviously cared about Luke in some ways because he looked sad when it happened. He beat Arvo in the house because Arvo said "fuck you" to him so naturally given the short tempered guy Kenny is, he hit him. Arvo was stupid to say that to be honest because he knew Kenny would react like that. Once again, i do not agree with what he did to him but as i said before, he was given a reason to do what he did which I understand (i don't agree but understand). Yeah i have to repeat myself in case you still misunderstand me.
Yes Kenny was a violent nutcase at that moment. This shocked Clementine and even Jane.
You really fell down the Telltale trap door didn't you? Always blindly seeing what Telltale want you to see yet you fail to look deeper into the situation and make it sound like Kenny had no reason to do what he did...which he did.
And you didn't listen well too.
Oh i have listened to you but unfortunately that has to work both ways. Sadly it seems like it's not the case with you though.
If Clem asks Kenny to not spoil a nice evening, Mike would have left the screaming kid.
Please explain what you are trying to say here?
The screaming kid would have been quiet anyway. This was my answer before: just leave the boy alone!
Yeah so we'll just let him scream and allow walkers to turn up and kill the group right? Yeah good idea. We'll just leave the boy alone. Again you fail to blame Mike for being the one to start Arvo screaming in the first place though.
If you wish to continue this probable pointless debate then fine but we'll be here for a very long time. Just be aware of that. I just wish you would be a little bit considerate for my views instead of insulting me and i hope i have made myself clear about what i said about Kenny
So now you are actually telling Mike was the one who made Arvo scream.
So it would be more logically Kenny should have beaten Mike for doin… moreg this?
And yes there is something wrong with you to agree to beat a helpless tied up kid knock out because he is grieving for his sisters dead and screams because he want to be left alone for a moment.
And you are using everything for advocating Kenny he did everything right. Including an excuse this all is determinant if you decide not to play mean as Clementine.
Kenny should have made the right decision himself, not an 11 year old girl's advice.
It is like when the girl tells you to shoot yourself, you should shoot yourself.
And Kenny started to beat the kid again in the house where was actually food. The kid actually didn't lie snd was helping st the moment. Yes Kenny was a violent nutcase at that moment. This shocked Clementine and even Jane.
And you didn't listen well too.
If Clem asks Ke… [view original content]
So now you are actually telling Mike was the one who made Arvo scream.
So it would be more logically Kenny should have beaten Mike for doin… moreg this?
And yes there is something wrong with you to agree to beat a helpless tied up kid knock out because he is grieving for his sisters dead and screams because he want to be left alone for a moment.
And you are using everything for advocating Kenny he did everything right. Including an excuse this all is determinant if you decide not to play mean as Clementine.
Kenny should have made the right decision himself, not an 11 year old girl's advice.
It is like when the girl tells you to shoot yourself, you should shoot yourself.
And Kenny started to beat the kid again in the house where was actually food. The kid actually didn't lie snd was helping st the moment. Yes Kenny was a violent nutcase at that moment. This shocked Clementine and even Jane.
And you didn't listen well too.
If Clem asks Ke… [view original content]
I wasn't aware Gabe was widely disliked character. He's not Ben who fails at basic logic when it comes to barricades. Ben was intentionally written as someone players might want to get rid of, Gabe isn't.
This started with Jane who threatened Arvo and robbed him from his gun. Clementine was involved with this, even though she was innocent when she refused to steal the medicines. But the group of enemies won't understand this! They would just attack everyone from the other group.
You should understand this actions always cause trouble. A gun is needed to survive in the ZA, and when you rob someone from this, you practically kill this person.
So why calling me hypocrital? The Howe's group started this in the first place.
Very hypocrital to deny this as well.
TLDR, when did Kenny become a ratting bitch?
Finally the whole group was full of misfits in season 2.
Just read back what I had written before.
At the power station was a disgusting act anyway to beat up a clearly grieving kid that way.
The kid even helped to find the house with food and Kenny still beat and abused the kid. There was no reason at all to beat Arvo those tines. If you agreed eoth this you are a cruel person yourself, even more than Kenny.
Kenny finally confessed to Clem how wrong he had been and would never do that again determinantly.
Yeah, had they kept in more of what they originally planned, Mike would've been a reformed Scavenger.
I like Kenny and Gabe. I hate Jane.
I can see you are just covering your ears yelling "la la la la Ican'thearyou la la la". Look I am not trying to degrade Kenny's character. I am just exposing the hypocrisy of Gabe haters and Kenny worshipers. Prime example, one which you yourself mentioned.
The exact thing can be said about Gabe exposing Javi to the group. In fact take a look for yourself:
Christ, here we go again with this point. No matter what Gabe said he is still not responsible for Javi looking like an asshole. Javi is the one who had the option to kill or leave Conrad. The only reason you think Gabe made Javi look like an asshole is because he informed Tripp of what he did or didn't do instead of keeping it to himself. There are consequences to your actions and this is it.
However we both know that's not how things go. You Kenny fans cut him a crap ton of slack yet Gabe literally does the same thing and you all want his head. There is no difference in how Kenny acts and how Gabe acts. They literally do the same exact thing and yet you all go through extreme lengths to justify Kenny's actions. Forget the motives, the actions are the exact same.
Kenny is impulsive and spills the beans and you defend him, praise him even. Gabe is impulsive and spills the beans and you bash him, calling for his head. This is the point of this discussion. Kenny and Gabe are very similar and if you can't see that you are blinded by your own bias. And fyi I don't hate Kenny and I don't like Gabe but its so hard to ignore how Kenny gets away with doing shit and Gabe gets crucified for doing the exact same thing. But plenty of people can see this point. If you can't, well you are just blind.
Just to clarify, he didn't take the blame for Clementine taking the radio, he took the blame for forcing Clementine over and over to get that goddamn radio.
If you let Ben die in season 1, Kenny will bring it up when you'll get back.
Pretty sure Carver is the reason most of the cabin group died, since he was the one chasing after them and all.
He stopped her from owning up and getting the shit beaten out of her. Same thing.
I like Kenny, Gabe and Jane but I hate myself.
I win.
Well again he only does that if the player is mean enough not to convince Kenny to come and sit by the fire. Plus the only reason Kenny did that to Arvo at the power station is because he was yelling his head off! I agree he didn't need to knock him out but the point is, Kenny did what he had to, to shut him up or else god knows if walkers would show up
Determinant that she refuses to steal. Please don't forget that.
You obviously didn't understand what i was referring to. I wasn't talking about who started what. I called you hypocritical because you are defending Arvo for his anger and grief over losing his sister but you tear Kenny apart for his bad actions which also highly contribute to the anger and grief he has suffered previously as well so why is that? What justifies Arvo's but not Kenny's? Are you also defending Arvo for shooting Clem? Because that is 10 times worse than what Kenny did to him
Clem is just a kid and her decisions doesn't make Kenny's abusive behavior right.
He was the adult supposed to make sane choices wether Clem is mean or not.
He shouldn't beat a grieving unarmed and uptied kid knock out.
Very cowardly act.
It was clear Kenny was losing it.
I don't know who you are to agree this, while all of the group was very shocked.
You act like Clem as a kid should make all the right decisions and she is like a god responsible for kenny's disgusting actions.
Damn, she was just 11 years old!
Oh yeah,definitely. If he didn't coerce his friend's into having an affair, been a dick to certain citizens, clash with Luke's way of doing things, or presumably try to corrupt Sarah, the Cabin Group wouldn't have had to leave in the first place.
Might as well hope on the train of conflict.
I [mostly?] like Gabe, have grown to dislike Kenny, and will probably always hate Jane.
I never said Kenny's abuse was right but he always had a reason why he did what he did.
Like i said, the scene was determinant and the abuse never happened at the power station in my play through. Sane choices??? So you think it was ok to just allow Arvo to scream at the top of his lungs and put the entire group in danger? Kenny was the only one who took the initiative to shut him up when everyone else didn't seem bothered that a herd of walkers could surround them due to the noise. How was his decision not sane?? So what do you do? Gag him? Ask him politely "Oh Mr Russian boy who hardly understands any English, please keep your voice down old chap! We don't want our dear walker friends crashing the party"! Yeah right!
It wasn't a nice thing to watch and it wasn't the best thing to ultimately do to someone i admit and i totally understand how you view that scene and how you feel sorry for Arvo but equally please look at it from Kenny's point of view as well Bonbon! He did it to protect everyone else because Arvo was stupidly drawing noise! Honestly what would you do if you were there? Sit back and drink rum and do nothing? Because that would be very naive of you otherwise.
Again you misunderstand me completely. When have i said I agreed with what he did? I haven't. Fact is I don't agree with the way he handled the situation, however unlike you, i DO understand the REASON behind his decision to do what he did to Arvo as I explained above. Someone who is "losing" it would not have the ability to consider the group's safety as Kenny did when Arvo wouldn't shut up. The group can look as shocked as they like. What you should be asking yourself is, why the hell is the "shocked" group acting like Arvo is their friend when this kid had moments earlier with his Russian pals ambushed the group? As if anyone would be nice to someone involved in trying to kill them!
And yet the writing of Season 2 terribly had all the characters look to the 11 year old for advice and to make adult decisions for them. How stupid was that? For example, the adults couldn't even work out how to turn a windmill off when all Clem did was pop the key in and turn the ignition. Ridiculous. A god responsible for Kenny's actions? What are you trying to say here? As i have kindly asked, please look at things from another perspective instead of being one dimensional. I'm not trying to change your views but it would be nice if you at least appreciated the reasons behind what you call in your opinion his "disgusting" actions.
How the hell did that develop?
According to OP, you're still a hypocrite though, since you can't like one OR the other.
I know right?
Anyway, to put it short and meta like: Kenny is an overexposed Creator's Pet living off nostalgia and Jane was an overprominent Self-Insert that's actually a worse one.
I like Kenny.
And dislike Gabe.
Call me a hypocrite.
Protecting someone from a sort of pain indirectly caused by yourself is hardly justifiable.
Say what you want but the point is, it would have been Clem if he hadn't took her place and that to me was a damn decent thing to do regardless of anything else that had happened
Holy shit, same!
Besides, the person who should really be blamed is Luke. It was his plan in the first place, he fucked up and got caught and if he hadn't then who knows if the plan had worked and Carver doing what he did possibly wouldn't have happened anyway
I think most ppl relate to Kenny in this forum.
If you disagree with them, they get butthurt and they will either: rage quit on the discussion or you will never hear the end of it, in other words - a neverending whine fest, just like Kenny!
And yet the ones who I believe start the arguments are the Kenny haters who also can't accept that there are those that like him. Haters never have a good thing to say. Kenny fans such as myself feel the need to defend him because all you guys ever do is speak ill of him because you know it's going to cause arguments so what do you expect especially with the comment you just made insulting us? Guess you got your wish. I reckon you only said what you did to get a reaction
I'm not intending for this to get heated and you can hate Kenny all you want but when you insult those that like him then naturally we are going to argue about it. The same could be said when you guys disagree anything that we say about the character. Same difference.
Just admit you agreed with Kenny beating a helpless kid.
Determinant or not, it was still in Kenny's nature to act like a cruel asshole if Clem didn't stop him. Kenny admitted himself he lost it.
You could make him stop to scream if you just left the damn kid alone. He needed time to grief.
I still wonder what is wrong with you to agree with this lol.
You just try hard to prove you are right wich is clear you're not.
Shit just got real.
Well, I don't hate either, so...what am I?
A reasonable human being?
You obviously think very little of me to not listen to what i said. I will not admit it because i already told you I didn't agree with it. Agreeing with something someone does is completely different to "understanding the reasons" behind an action. For example, such as Lee may not agree with the group stealing supplies from the station wagon but he understood why the group did it. For survival.
Try and comprehend what i am getting at Bonbon instead of assuming wrongly and insulting me.
And once again you didn't answer my question before. Are you saying that you would continue to let him scream which would put your life in danger? Or would you do something to shut him up? You didn't say what YOU would do. As i also said before, it wasn't a great thing to do to Arvo but Kenny did what he felt was needed to protect the group and all you can say in defence is "he was a cruel asshole". Great argument there Bonbon, especially since you seem to never look at it from my point of view either.
Lol no he didn't. Show me a screenshot where he said those words?
Funny, because it was Mike who caused Arvo to scream in the first place so if anyone should be blamed it's him for causing it. And how do you know Arvo wouldn't have carried on screaming? Like you said, he was grieving and people do mad things when they grieve.
Right ok so now you are making it personal by being horrible and stating i have something wrong with me just because my opinion is different to yours. Nice Bonbon. You'll go far with that attitude. Learn to accept others opinions and maybe i'll respect you.
Ohhh is that so? And you think you're right do you? Guess what kid, you certainly aren't either because there is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. You are deliberately instigating an argument and not looking at another person's perspective when it comes down to this topic. You have a typical one dimensional view and are just as much to blame for not accepting my opinion or even listening to it so why should i hear you out when you just insult me because you can't accept my view?
So now you are actually telling Mike was the one who made Arvo scream.
So it would be more logically Kenny should have beaten Mike for doing this?
And yes there is something wrong with you to agree to beat a helpless tied up kid knock out because he is grieving for his sisters dead and screams because he want to be left alone for a moment.
And you are using everything for advocating Kenny he did everything right. Including an excuse this all is determinant if you decide not to play mean as Clementine.
Kenny should have made the right decision himself, not an 11 year old girl's advice.
It is like when the girl tells you to shoot yourself, you should shoot yourself.
And Kenny started to beat the kid again in the house where was actually food. The kid actually didn't lie snd was helping st the moment. Yes Kenny was a violent nutcase at that moment. This shocked Clementine and even Jane.
And you didn't listen well too.
If Clem asks Kenny to not spoil a nice evening, Mike would have left the screaming kid. The screaming kid would have been quiet anyway.
This was my answer before: just leave the boy alone!
Mike wasn't the one screaming Bonbon so no it would not be logical to beat Mike up because HE wasn't the one putting the group in danger. How many times do i have to say this to you? Mike didn't know Arvo was going to scream did he? The difference is, Kenny saw Arvo as an ongoing threat, Mike on the other hand was someone Kenny at least trusted more than Arvo. Also as i have kept constantly telling you that you STILL ignore is that the group were recently ambushed by Arvo and his friends and any normal person would be very wary of that and would look at someone as a danger if they had been involved in people trying to rob and kill them, they wouldn't be treating Arvo nice after that. That's like saying Mark would still be nice to the St John's despite the fact they cut off his fucking legs! It's unrealistic.
For fucks sake, i have to keep repeating myself because you just aren't listening or ignoring everything i have said. Let me start again.
Copy and pasted from before:
Agreeing with something someone does is completely different to "understanding the reasons" behind an action. For example, such as Lee may not agree with the group stealing supplies from the station wagon but he understood why the group did it. For survival.
So please understand that I do NOT agree with Kenny's violence towards Arvo BUT i completely understand HIS REASONS BEHIND HIS ACTIONS whether it is right or wrong. Do you get it now????
If Kenny was beating up Arvo for absolutely no reason then that would be different and my opinion would have changed drastically but he didn't beat him up for no reason and you know this, or you deny it because you aren't understanding his reasons which i have also explained several times to you which i will also highlight again here:
Kenny was the only one who took the initiative to shut him up when everyone else didn't seem bothered that a herd of walkers could surround them due to the noise Arvo was making. He did it to protect everyone else because of that danger.
You still haven't answered my question which is what would you do if you were there Bonbon and someone was screaming putting your life in danger? Tell me!? Are you seriously saying you would do nothing if on the off chance he continued screaming or crying loudly?
Finally i will report you if you personally insult me again saying "i have something wrong with me" when you are wrongly accusing me of something that isn't true. I have been a member if these boards for 4 years and I don't need this shit.
It's not a fucking excuse at all. That is what happened in the game or didn't happen. How was i to know that scene was included if it never took place in my play through? That's like having 2 different Kenny's. And i really do not care what you are saying now because i DO think Kenny was the only one keeping the group safe during that scene with Arvo because of the reasons i stated above. Don't make me repeat them again. You can hate my opinion all you want. I really don't fucking care anymore tbf.
What on Earth are you talking about now?? Clem's advice about what? If Clem doesn't convince Kenny to sit with the group round the fire that is why he confronts Arvo.
Kenny was angry and blamed Arvo for Luke's death because believe it or not, Kenny obviously cared about Luke in some ways because he looked sad when it happened. He beat Arvo in the house because Arvo said "fuck you" to him so naturally given the short tempered guy Kenny is, he hit him. Arvo was stupid to say that to be honest because he knew Kenny would react like that. Once again, i do not agree with what he did to him but as i said before, he was given a reason to do what he did which I understand (i don't agree but understand). Yeah i have to repeat myself in case you still misunderstand me.
You really fell down the Telltale trap door didn't you? Always blindly seeing what Telltale want you to see yet you fail to look deeper into the situation and make it sound like Kenny had no reason to do what he did...which he did.
Oh i have listened to you but unfortunately that has to work both ways. Sadly it seems like it's not the case with you though.
Please explain what you are trying to say here?
Yeah so we'll just let him scream and allow walkers to turn up and kill the group right? Yeah good idea. We'll just leave the boy alone. Again you fail to blame Mike for being the one to start Arvo screaming in the first place though.
If you wish to continue this probable pointless debate then fine but we'll be here for a very long time. Just be aware of that. I just wish you would be a little bit considerate for my views instead of insulting me and i hope i have made myself clear about what i said about Kenny
Yeah just what i thought. Silence...
TeamKenny wins
I wasn't aware Gabe was widely disliked character. He's not Ben who fails at basic logic when it comes to barricades. Ben was intentionally written as someone players might want to get rid of, Gabe isn't.
I hate arvo but Kenny its self bastard but good person he love clem i dont hate and like GAbe