Some feasible ideas about Season 3 (not the ANF)
I have got some ideas for season 4 or season 3 if you would like to think ANF as a bonus season (I prefer calling ANF a bonus season ,since it's story is totally different from the older two).
Lets talk about ANF first,it is,,well,,ok.but comparing to S1 and S2,it is bad.Because we dont really care about javier and his family,or more precisely,we care more about Clementine,Kenny,Jane(And i cant believe telltale killed Kenny,,)so ,Telltale,you can make ANF a bonus season,and the followings are my ideas for Season 3:
1.S3 story can start after S2 ending and before Kenny's and Jane's death.And in it ,Clem should be 11-12 years old,telltale can just use the clementine model in S2.
2.Telltale can separate S3 into 4 parts,each with its own story,about what happened after S2 4 endings:Stay with Kenny or Jane,or in Wellington,or alone.teeltale can make each around 3-5 episodes long.And most importantly,MAKE CLEMENTINE THE MAIN PLAYABLE CHARACTER.
3.I dont mind telltale change back to the S2 art style,I know you guys are getting better and better about graphics,but guess what,I like S2's artstyle just as much as S3's .so if it help you guys focus more about the story and make OUR CHOICE MATTERS MORE,I would be glad if u guys use the S2's artstyle.
4.In case,due to ANF,some players might think it is wasting time to play the S3 because it doesnt matter in the future.Telltale,you can tell the players that the ANF is just a bonus season,like a glimpse to the future.And make a S4 or something like that,which story start after ANF,in it ,the choices you make in S3 will influence the story,like some people appear in S3 can return,something like that.
These are my ideas.And if you really think about them,THEY ACTUALLY WORKS PRETTY WELL.think about it:
1.telltale kill kenny and jane,make a lot of players mad,and they create some whole new character that a lot of players dont really want to know,If telltale could do S3 like what I suggest,or just using as the main idea,people will feel happy as they are going to see and survive ,explore the TWD world with Kenny and Jane again,and play as the beloved character-Clementine,the only one that really matters in the TWD series.Telltale,That's how you can make a Good story-to make people feel like they are attached to the character in the game.You have done it well in S1 and S2,please,we want the feeling back.
2.In the ANF series,the story merely mention anything about what happened after S2 ending, i meant in at least 1 -2 year after it.So telltale, it would be easier cause you guys dont have to worry about conflict between story. is the best way to start a story with Clementine.I guess we all know that The TWD series can be so successful,it is all because of her.She is the one that matters the most.I can hardly think anyone will refuse a whole new season with Clementine as the main character.Old players who have played S1 or S2 would definitely love it,and new players will come in too.It wont hurt to make a new story with her,in fact,I think it definitely will helps.
Telltale,Please ,would you guys take some time to read this?I really think it helps.If anyone agree with me ,please help me spread the ideas. I appreciate it.Because I really want this to happen.
Thanks for reading
Note:i wrote this article in a reply section in another discussion,I just thought I should start a new discussion because I think it is good and I want more people to see it.Just in case anyone might find it strange to see the same article in different places.
How old are you?... (Rhetorical question)
if telltale wouldnt finish off everyone and brought back some old characters, it would still feel like a continuation of the previous seasons. Now the only old character is Clementine, who doesn't really fit in to the story IMO. It's more about Javier's family. So that way it feels like a whole new game. But personally i would want a season not between ANF and season 2 but just after ANF cause otherwise i think it would be boring. (You already know the fate of everyone)
If you r saying that there is some grammer mistakes in the artical,well,English is a foreign language to me.So I might say something strange to you guys because I dont know the best way to express my ideas.Sorry if I cause any bad feelings.
Yeah,that's why I wrote Telltale can do a season 4 if they use my ideas.Of course,we all know Kenny and Jane are dead right now,but,for me,it wouldnt bother me to meet them again in another new story happens before their death.Have you replayed any telltale's game?If so,that means you dont really care you already know what the story could be,you just wanna play it again.Plus,it doesnt really bother to know Kenny and Jane will die when playing a whole new story,because most of us just want to see them more.But I know what you are trying to imply,well,telltale can do another season when they finish doing S3(if they use my ideas),then,it can be after the ANF and some of the character in S3 can return!So I dont think it would bother you.Just my opnion.
I had your ideas more in mind xd
Can never help but LOL when ANF is so bad people are refusing to believe it's "season 3" entirely and something else.
Yeah its not actually season 3. But thats because there never was going to be a season 3. Wont be either.
I dont think so,it One of a few games telltale is known for for most people,they wouldnt want their players down.
Care to explain what you mean?
I wish it was true but it's not.
There is no way they would be so bold as to blatantly mislead people into thinking THIS was the season 3 that was being created. Only for there to actually be a REAL season 3 on the way too.
What they did was shady and dishonest. THAT would be taking it even further. They wouldn't even have a single excuse too. The Michonne series was seperate and that was made absolutely crystal clear. So why the confusion here? (assuming they made another season 3). It would only solidify the claim they misled people on purpose.
You talk about 'we' don't care about Javier and his family.
Who is 'we'?
Just speak for yourself.
Change the 'we' into 'I'.
Because this text does not make you look good.
I am one of the many who likes Javier.
And I already care more about him than the season 2 cast, with exception of Kenny.
Hold on.I gotta say by that "we" I was saying those who love S1 and S2 much more than ANF.But If you think it might cause misunderstanding ,then I am going to change the word.just one problem though,how do I change it?Cant find the edit button for discussion artical.
Ok I got it.
Some of your ideas seem childlish (No offense).
Ok i get it Its fine I have to improve my english.makes me look dumb cause i am writing like a kid .i will rewrite with better languages.I kinda feel like a idiot.
No, no dude chill. Not saying you're an idiot, I just don't really agree with your ideas.
As much as we don't want it to be, ANF is season 3...