Am I Wrong For Rejecting Kate?!?

I FriendZoned her okay. I feel like an asshole. But am i wrong for doing that. I just thought that it may be a little wrong for her to be running off to javi, When she is still married to david (even though she does not want to be with him i feel like she should talk to david about it) (and as much as i dislike gabe i feel like it would be pretty fucked up for his dad's wife to be going out with his uncle behind his dad's back. I mean if i was in his position id be pretty fucking pissed) plus it feels like javi likes kate doesnt matter how you play (but if you reject kate your not being true to yourself)
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Dude, if you felt that Javier shouldn't get with Kate, that's totally up to you man. The only way it's wrong is if you did it purely to hurt her feelings by breaking her heart.
Also, it's worth noting that Gabe almost certainly knows about their flirting but just doesn't care enough to comment or perhaps even have a problem with it.
You're not "wrong" per se, but I think its better to ship them be used they've been together for 4 years... Naturally being with someone this long alone with only your kids and the only person blocking the relationship is presumed dead (David), they would've become a thing. Some people chose this because it felt like the relationship was forced, but they are playing 4 years into the apocalypse, not showing any time in-between.
Not saying your opinion is wrong, just pointing out reasons why the relationship isn't really forced.
I don't think you're wrong at all man. It's totally up to you. Having a brother of my own, I couldn't ship javi and Kate because doing that to your brother, even after he's died, just seems wrong to me, and something I'd never do. Their relationship is showed to have begun to get flirty before the zombie apocalypse, and that was something I could never do irl, so I projected my views onto javi, and I don't regret it. She's willing to ditch David and let him die, how heartless could you be?
It is your playthru dude....and you can always play a second save file to do things differently.
Kinda hard to get a divorce in the apocalypse to be fair.
Not really. There's no real wrong choice there. You either want to be with Kate or you don't.
I refused her as well. But that doesn't mean I liked doing it.
I mainly did it because of David. If Kate talks it out with David and they part ways, then perhaps. But not while things are standing as they are. (Given Kate is still alive after that cliff-hanger.)
It's all subjective. There's no right or wrong answer technically. Really all depends on your personal viewpoint on Kate.
I notice if you kiss kate in episode 1 and if you ditch her in episode 4 like friendzone her she slap the crap out you lol
Is it wrong to not bang your brothers wife?
Oh my....
No, not at all. Don't let the majority - or Telltale's blatant forcing of the relationship - make you feel bad.
No, you're not wrong, you did the right thing. Now imagine this, having sex with your brothers wife?! like wtf, its really disguisting.
Understandable, considering you pretty much took advantage of her and lead her on.
Yeah, it is kinda amusing how Javi's been shipped with someone else's sloppy seconds.
This isn't really a matter of right and wrong. It's more of whether you like Kate or not
true thats y i said no.
yeah telltale do be forcing relationships too much in this game
How? I thought you can only have one save file?
The romances in this game are terrible, it feels like I'm watching some kind of crappy sitcom instead of playing a game that is supposed to be all about survival, Javi tries to bang his brothers wife, Tripp is constantly crying over Eleanor, Gabe is in love with Clem, it's not good writing, it's not interesting storytelling, it's just garbage.
Remember season 1 where you had to just survive? Looting a store with Kenny for food, meeting new survivors and gaining their trust like the Saint Mark brothers, stuff like that.
But no, it's just constant action with a few whitty quotes mixed in.
Nah, Kate turned into such a bitch. She argued with David quite a lot, but it was never physically abusive - and if there was abuse of ANY kind then she could have divorced him. I don't mind her leaving David, but I do mind that she wants to try getting with her husband's (or ex-husband's) brother. That pissed me off and made me lose some respect for her. I understand that sometimes you can't control your feelings, but you can control yourself. Show some self-respect, some dignity by not doing some crap like that. But episodes 1 & 2 version of Kate was awesome and down to earth.
naw man. I thought it was weird too but fuck it, we're literally in the zombie apocalypse and could die at any moment so I totes went for it
On pc at least we can have five saves.
Lol how? I did not knoe about it
Go to settings menu Save Files is top of the list.
this just reminds me of how Yogcasthannah s treating David just because of the episode 2 Flashback.
She just hates him for that and never seems to lay off the guy.
Thank modern thinking for that. The people who hate David have automatically jumped to the conclusion David is a wife abuser despite there flat out being no actual evidence of this lmfao. All because of a 1 minute interaction that doesn't get fully fleshed out.
All we REALLY know is David seems to have some issues seemingly from dealing with the military. But its cool for Kate to act outraged your not willing to run away with your brothers wife and kid suddenly....
It always felt to me like something had already happened between the two of them. It's been a long time to be cramped up together.
Well she's unhappy with (David) because of that he was always talking about war and not only that he would want her too take care of his kids. She likes Javier because he's kind and gentile and caring about Gabe/Marriana.
Nah. I ship her with Javi, so I disagree with most of the players here (IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING JOB TO DECIDE WHETER SHE SHOULD LEAVE HER HUSBAND OR NOT YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE TO PLAY ALONG SHE'S NOT A FUCKING OBJECT IF SHE DOESN'T LOVE HIM THEN LET HER IT'S HER FUCKING LIFE) , but if you don't "like her that way" there's nothing wrong.
Yes, Hub. Exactly! I hope I'm not reaching a bit too far, but it kind of reminds me of that whole relationship with Kenny in season 2. You have an individual who obvious has some mental issues, and others are just treating them like garbage. But I'm thankful with some of the dialogue choices in the flashback with Javier & David in episode 4 where you can tell David, "Help me understand." Sometimes people who are going through battles with personal demons inside just need someone patient that won't quit on them. I also see it like this, Kate decided to marry this man. There was something that had her fall in love with him, and I believe - albeit everyone's different - that if you once loved someone, you'd at least care about their well-being.
Actually your not far of on that Kenny thing at all.
During episodde 3 when Clem was kicked out by David. I was like okay dude I am going to screw this guy over on every possible way I can. However the ending of ep3 made me feel stupid for doubting David. So far for me it felt like the story was trying to trick us on David so I honestly don't see him as a wife abuser for that. Hes the guy they didn't want to know about the raiding of other towns....why?! because they know he wouldn't be cool with it. David isn't perfect and he very well COULD have abused Kate. But so far the story isn't claiming he did and it's telling us he has ptsd maybe? I say maybe because I know people look to pick apart words. Thats pretty twisted how David is a victim himself but gets ZERO sympathy and is automatically a wife abuser. There is a a dozen reasons Kate could be afraid to upset David that don't DIRECTLY mean hes abusing her.
But with Kenny yeah the feeling is very similar IMO with how people view David. It was strange to me how little sympathy for Kenny some people seemed to have for him. The guy is living in a zombie apoc and had to prepare for the reality he was going to watch his son die and possibly have to do it himself. Only to then SUDDENLY lose his wife to suicide out of NOWHERE only to watch another man (for me) shoot his son in the face and kill him. Only to then later find some relief wit ha new group possibly find love again but lose her to more violent apoc stuff. Seriously the fact Kenny didn't go ABSOLUTELY loony tunes after that is beyond hard to comprehend. The people who had a problem with him seemed to completely not give a shit about his suffering though. Oh he yells!! WAAA!!!
Interestingly enough, I think this does bring to mind a key difference: David is an ex-soldier whose been trying to what's best for the people under his responsibility for quite a while now with a stabler head than he used to have; Kenny was a fisherman who already lost his family and losing his girlfriend(?) on top of getting smacked down caused unstable, aggressive behavior in a man who previously smashed an old man's skull in front of his daughter.
One's inherently more concerning than the other.
Knowing that it's Javier's brother's wife, to decline Kate's offer of being more than friends, is the morally right decision. Having two brothers myself, I couldn't betray their trust by making sexual advances towards their future wives, and therefore implementing that same mindset into Javier, I can't bring myself to doing that in good conscience.
You and like 20% of the fans are right meanwhile the rest got with Kate so Javier can get laid.
You're not wrong for doing that. I've rejected her as well. If you don't want to be with her it's okay, this is a game about choices after all! I felt bad for her because she was really heartbroken and sad, but there was no way I'd get with her. I just "didn't see it" as Javi said haha. I feel bad for those who got slapped in their game though lol, I didn't have that problem as I've been rejecting Kate since day 1.
Most of the time I'm in the minority, especially when it comes to relationships in TT's games (I've rejected every single relationship hints/moves from Telltale, except when it came to Bigby and Snow from TWAU. The couples from their other games, I've rejected them all. I think I'd be more willing to go for ships if I was playing as a woman, as I'm a girl myself and more interested in guys, I get small crushes on male characters so as a result I have gay ships. I just can't see female characters that way usually so it makes me uncomfortable when the game pushes it on me unless I really ship it. lol), so don't worry about it. One time, I was literally just 0.5% in a choice from Tales from the Borderlands. My best record. Really though, it's your game. Enjoy it and play it the way you want to!
Yes, and that's to be expected. For example, there are some people who have a bias towards Clementine, even if her actions are questionable to say the least. Meaning that, they will subject their morals to being whatever Clementine decides as right. If you ask me, the main reason why people have chosen to romantically involve themselves with Kate, is because of it being a fictitious world based around The Walking Dead universe. Had this been a real life scenario, where your (not necessarily you) brother or sister was in David's position, those same people would probably think twice before considering shacking up with a relative's spouse.
I'm sure a lot of people's choices will change if they were in Javier and Clem's shoes.
I couldn't agree with you more. The consequences that players suffer here, if any, are not nearly as daunting of a reality, as if this were a real life situation.