Choosing to save a young child's life is quite possibly the lowest form of basic human decency. I'd give it to him if it weren't for all the times he openly joked about, threatened and acted out child abuse on Clementine and Sarah. Plus Troy probably knew Carver would be pissed if anything happened to Clem.
and was visibly uncomfortable with kenny being beaten.
And in that same scene he can bash an eleven year old's head with the butt of his gun and call her a little shit. Having a conscience does not excuse him from his actions, in fact it almost makes his willingness to hurt children even worse.
I don't like the guy either but your statement is rather extreme.
It's implied he forced Jane to give him sexual favors in exchange for her freedom, he hits kids without hesitation and he acts like a dick in every scene he's in for no reason. I stand by what I said. Troy's a monster and deserves no sympathy.
Though I will admit in hindsight I'm a bit uncomfortable with the intensity of some of the other descriptions. I don't normally like to throw around insults. I meant what I said though, so I'll leave it like it is.
Troy saved Clementine's life
Choosing to save a young child's life is quite possibly the lowest form of basic human decency. I'd giv… moree it to him if it weren't for all the times he openly joked about, threatened and acted out child abuse on Clementine and Sarah. Plus Troy probably knew Carver would be pissed if anything happened to Clem.
and was visibly uncomfortable with kenny being beaten.
And in that same scene he can bash an eleven year old's head with the butt of his gun and call her a little shit. Having a conscience does not excuse him from his actions, in fact it almost makes his willingness to hurt children even worse.
I don't like the guy either but your statement is rather extreme.
It's implied he forced Jane to give him sexual favors in exchange for her freedom, he hits kids without hesitation and he acts like a dick in every scene he's in for no reason. I stand by what I said. Troy's a monster… [view original content]
I didn't say that his behavior is excusable. I'm just refuting the original statement that there is literally nothing likeable about him. He saved Clem's life and had something of a conscience. I'm not saying hes a great guy or that he didn't do bad shit.
Troy saved Clementine's life
Choosing to save a young child's life is quite possibly the lowest form of basic human decency. I'd giv… moree it to him if it weren't for all the times he openly joked about, threatened and acted out child abuse on Clementine and Sarah. Plus Troy probably knew Carver would be pissed if anything happened to Clem.
and was visibly uncomfortable with kenny being beaten.
And in that same scene he can bash an eleven year old's head with the butt of his gun and call her a little shit. Having a conscience does not excuse him from his actions, in fact it almost makes his willingness to hurt children even worse.
I don't like the guy either but your statement is rather extreme.
It's implied he forced Jane to give him sexual favors in exchange for her freedom, he hits kids without hesitation and he acts like a dick in every scene he's in for no reason. I stand by what I said. Troy's a monster… [view original content]
I see what you mean. I didn't recall those two things when I wrote that, I just remembered how much of an asshole he was. I still don't think saving Clem's life and having a conscience makes him likable but I guess it does show he's human at least.
I didn't say that his behavior is excusable. I'm just refuting the original statement that there is literally nothing likeable about him. He… more saved Clem's life and had something of a conscience. I'm not saying hes a great guy or that he didn't do bad shit.
You are an idiot...first assume David would know he was there in Richmond right off the any case it would have been late … morethe next day or even longer before they could get there...Badger hit them at close to sunup...he was not going in there at night because the herd had hit the place. So if Badger had got to them...which he would....then Gabe and Mari and Kate would more than likely be walkers...after his psycho group had fun with them first.
I see what you mean. I didn't recall those two things when I wrote that, I just remembered how much of an asshole he was. I still don't think saving Clem's life and having a conscience makes him likable but I guess it does show he's human at least.
He was coming else was he there to shoot Mariana? Badger and his group were always going to be there at that moment...a moment in which Javi would have been in Richmond or near Richmond....but in no shape to help save Kate and the kids from Badger who showed up at just stop, your argument is wrong.
He was coming else was he there to shoot Mariana? Badger and his group were always going to be there at that moment...a moment i… moren which Javi would have been in Richmond or near Richmond....but in no shape to help save Kate and the kids from Badger who showed up at just stop, your argument is wrong.
How would he....Javi would still have to talk to his guarantee how NF court system worked...really would they even bother a leader for something as trivial as assault and gas theft? Not could have been days. Meanwhile Badger was returning and his group would have cleared out the few walkers that were there and then probably killed Kate and the Kids. We just do not I do not blame Clem...hell it could be argued her wrecking the truck saved Javi and Kate and Gabe.
Sorry for calling you an idiot by the way...was not cool.
Tripp is pretty dumb and he loses his cool over every little thing
Ah, so he's just like Kenny, then!
In all honesty though, I wouldn't say he's that similar to them, but he does remind me of both Kenny and Abraham. He has shades of the two characters. Appearance, obviously. The somewhat outlandish figures of speech Abraham uses (in both the comic and TV), the vulgarity, the temperament, and so forth.
I'll come right out and admit it though. I like Tripp quite a lot, and part of that comes from the fact that he reminds me of Abraham and Kenny-- two of my all-time favorite characters from the franchise, even if the similarities aren't that great. And yeah, maybe Tripp isn't the most developed or nuanced character, but you know what? I don't really care. Considering a character to be one of your favorites and considering a character to be one of the best are two different things. I like Tripp, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I think he's some intricate, meticulous character. There's other characters on my favorites list that aren't necessarily the most nuanced, either (Luke, Omid, etc)
Yeah, the series prides itself on emotional attachment and deep characters, but that doesn't mean every single character has to be complex. I don't see the problem with having a simpler character that delivers some funny lines now and again, or just tends to be a pleasant person to be around. I mean hey, when you think about it, ain't that kind of thing liable to happen in real life, too? You don't always get to see the depths of a person you work with, or otherwise affiliate with. Sometimes you just see the broad side of a person, without all the flaws and quirks and kinks. Doesn't stop you from possibly considering them a friend, though.
Can you explain how Tripp is similar to Abraham in any way besides appearance?
People like to say that Tripp is like Kenny/Abraham/etc bu… moret he has none of the fire, heroism, or values that those men possessed. Tripp is pretty dumb and he loses his cool over every little thing.
Unfortunately Tripp lived because I chose Ava (I hate Tripp), and I really want to just kill him because I feel like he's gonna be a threat since he really hates Javi now
Tripp is pretty dumb and he loses his cool over every little thing
Ah, so he's just like Kenny, then!
In all honesty though, I wo… moreuldn't say he's that similar to them, but he does remind me of both Kenny and Abraham. He has shades of the two characters. Appearance, obviously. The somewhat outlandish figures of speech Abraham uses (in both the comic and TV), the vulgarity, the temperament, and so forth.
I'll come right out and admit it though. I like Tripp quite a lot, and part of that comes from the fact that he reminds me of Abraham and Kenny-- two of my all-time favorite characters from the franchise, even if the similarities aren't that great. And yeah, maybe Tripp isn't the most developed or nuanced character, but you know what? I don't really care. Considering a character to be one of your favorites and considering a character to be one of the best are two different things. I like Tripp, but that doesn't necessarily mean tha… [view original content]
How would he....Javi would still have to talk to his guarantee how NF court system worked...really would they even bother a le… moreader for something as trivial as assault and gas theft? Not could have been days. Meanwhile Badger was returning and his group would have cleared out the few walkers that were there and then probably killed Kate and the Kids. We just do not I do not blame Clem...hell it could be argued her wrecking the truck saved Javi and Kate and Gabe.
Sorry for calling you an idiot by the way...was not cool.
Ben had no blame for Ducks and Katjaa's death, its just Kenny grabbing for the last pieces of rope to blame someone for their deaths as a last resort since he has nothing else left
You aren't serious surely? Ben "was" indirectly to blame for Duck being bitten, he even admits it himself in Episode 4. Katjaa died as a result of what happened to her son which is also indirectly Ben's fault. If you want to go one further, you could say Lee was to blame for finding the supplies Ben had stashed for the bandits. Or if you want to go even further than that, you can blame Lilly for their deaths for not wanting to leave the Motor Inn when Kenny tried his best to persuade her and everyone that they should leave because of the bandits.
look at the post I made below. Someone's indirect fault is a thing, yes, but it is simply stupid and when someone indirectly kills someone without wishing to do so, blaming him for the death and giving him punishment for it is legit fucking stupid. You do that you're just in denial about someone's death not accepting it to let go.
And i totally get what you are saying and i do agree and know Ben didn't mean what he did, I thought you were basically saying that Ben had no part in their deaths at all which we all obviously know that isn't true. Indirect or not, I'm just saying that i understand Kenny's reasons for being so angry because anyone else would be as upset as he was if finding out your whole family died because of a dumb thing a kid did. Everyone is different in that situation though. Anyway, Kenny forgives Ben in the end and makes up for it for what he does in the alleyway for him.
But still its javi's mistakemistake his the one who drived to the junkyard his the one who took the gas. Hell if they didn'T go to the junkyard from the first place they might never met the new frontier and mariana will stay alive its javis mistake its javi's.
What Javi knew where the junkyard was anyway and it took them a DAY to get there for no reason at all. David would've got Javi there sooner and brought some people with him making Marianas survival chance much higher
But still its javi's mistakemistake his the one who drived to the junkyard his the one who took the gas. Hell if they didn'T go to the junky… moreard from the first place they might never met the new frontier and mariana will stay alive its javis mistake its javi's.
Not sure if you're joking but Kenny is actually a really smart guy who only truly loses his temper over big things.
Thanks for the explanation on Tripp though, I can see how his way of speaking is similar to Abraham. He says strange sayings that you get the feeling he says quite often, and he cusses a lot and get angry easily when talking to other people.
I really can't see many similarities with Kenny besides that he worked on a truck and has a beard. They both can have tempers but so do a lot of people.
I just never really enjoy Tripp's company. He is very quick to make snarky/threatening comments and when he isn't being a jerk he is just obsessing over Eleanor. And since like you said he isnt the most developed character, I really have no idea how he will react to me killing his friend and now choosing for Ava to live over him.
Tripp is pretty dumb and he loses his cool over every little thing
Ah, so he's just like Kenny, then!
In all honesty though, I wo… moreuldn't say he's that similar to them, but he does remind me of both Kenny and Abraham. He has shades of the two characters. Appearance, obviously. The somewhat outlandish figures of speech Abraham uses (in both the comic and TV), the vulgarity, the temperament, and so forth.
I'll come right out and admit it though. I like Tripp quite a lot, and part of that comes from the fact that he reminds me of Abraham and Kenny-- two of my all-time favorite characters from the franchise, even if the similarities aren't that great. And yeah, maybe Tripp isn't the most developed or nuanced character, but you know what? I don't really care. Considering a character to be one of your favorites and considering a character to be one of the best are two different things. I like Tripp, but that doesn't necessarily mean tha… [view original content]
Kenny was extremely well written, deep Character. No one can compare at the moment (except Clementine, complexity-wise).
Surprise, they're both S1 characters.
Its weird because I don't think Tripp is like Kenny at all. Kenny was just one of a kind. I can't describe it really. Apart from one or 2 mo… morements when Tripp gets angry, it really doesn't resemble Kenny really. I can see why some think so though. If Tripp was Kenny's replacement, then Telltale failed miserably
The gas looked abandoned
Looked but it wasn't
Clem didn't knew that there is a girl is gonna git killed if she stops the truck so its unfair to blame clem.
Yeah, that Kenny thing was just a joke on my part. Besides, who's in the market for yet another Kenny argument?
Tripp shares more similarities with Abraham than he does Kenny. Although if you ask me, I wouldn't say Tripp loses his cool at every little thing, either. In fact, I think most of his temper is warranted.
Being a bit angry towards Javier and Clementine in episode 1? Considering that someone ended up getting shot and killed while in their company, can you blame him for being mad? He even asked them not to cause any trouble before. Besides, he was still willing to listen to their side of the story, he only locked them up as a precaution until he could make sense of things.
Getting all pissy when he's in Richmond? First of all, he's being held in a cell by the people that destroyed his home. Secondly, he gets kicked out of Richmond, while the same people decide to keep the woman he cares about. Smacking Javier's hand away? That one's mostly him being embarrassed at the fact that he just got laid out. Meant to be more humorous than anything. Losing his cool with Javier? Also stems from the fact he's getting kicked out and forced to leave a friend behind, on top of all the stress of the past few days.
Losing his shit after he learns that Conrad got killed? He says it himself-- the way Javier explained the situation back in episode 2, Tripp believed that the walkers got Conrad. Now he learns that all this time, Javier was the one that actually killed him, and practically lied to his face about it. Sure, maybe shooting Conrad was justifiable, but I doubt Tripp's going to see things that way a minute after learning that someone he considered a friend killed another one of his friends. Most people that got a bombshell dropped on them like that probably wouldn't be too interested in listening to reason. Let him have his outburst, and try to explain the situation again once everything's cooled down a bit.
I can see how his sarcastic/snarky/aggressive attitude could get on your nerves though. But given that I'm a snarky bastard myself, I'd be a downright hypocrite if I held that against him. And given that the guy being forced to stay around the people that destroyed his home, can you really blame the guy for not being in the best of moods? I mean, Kenny gets a bit more aggressive than usual in Around Every Corner, but given his family just died less than a full day ago, I can cut him some slack for having an even shorter fuse. Similarly, it's been what, like 3 or 4 days since Prescott got destroyed? And Tripp's pretty much stuck dealing with the people responsible for it. People usually aren't that nice when they're forced to be around people they don't want to be around.
Quite frankly, I think Tripp has handled everything that's been thrown at him pretty well. Javier causing trouble in Prescott after he first shows up? Gets a bit annoyed at first, but gets over it. Prescott gets destroyed? Soldiers on, and doesn't really blame Javier for it (even Tripp himself wanted to open fire and risk it, so can he really blame Javier? If Javier chose to open fire, he'd be a hypocrite to hold it against him. If Javier surrenders, he just stuck his neck out and was willing to sacrifice himself to them. I think Tripp realized that even if Javier inadvertently lead them to Prescott, it was them alone that decided to annihilate the place.)
Learns that someone he's been traveling with killed his friend? Worst he does is push Javier and tell him to fuck off. He could've taken it much worse than he did.
Basically gets handed a death sentence by Javier? He puts aside his feelings to focus on the situation at hand-- the people shooting at them-- and covers Javier (albeit reluctantly).
Ah, so he's just like Kenny, then!
Not sure if you're joking but Kenny is actually a really smart guy who only truly loses his tempe… morer over big things.
Thanks for the explanation on Tripp though, I can see how his way of speaking is similar to Abraham. He says strange sayings that you get the feeling he says quite often, and he cusses a lot and get angry easily when talking to other people.
I really can't see many similarities with Kenny besides that he worked on a truck and has a beard. They both can have tempers but so do a lot of people.
I just never really enjoy Tripp's company. He is very quick to make snarky/threatening comments and when he isn't being a jerk he is just obsessing over Eleanor. And since like you said he isnt the most developed character, I really have no idea how he will react to me killing his friend and now choosing for Ava to live over him.
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion/outlook or not, but bear with me here-- if you ask me, characters like Kenny are more the exception than they are the rule, even in S1. Kenny, Lilly, Ben, Clementine, and Lee are pretty much the top five characters when it comes to complexity and depth. The rest of the cast across all three seasons fall somewhere below those five-- anywhere from extremely interesting, mostly interesting, sorta interesting, conflicting, polarizing, unlikable, and dull as a rock. That's not to say the rest of the characters are bad by any means, but I think people oversell the 'complex characters' spiel a little bit when it comes to this game.
Like, the characters are pretty fucking great and I love the grand majority of them, don't get me wrong, but I dunno if I'd consider them the absolute top of the line cream of the crop, you know what I mean? Again though, that's not a bad thing. For me, emotional attachment is the most important part of a character. If I care about the character, if I'm able to sympathize with them and understand them, then that's good enough for me. Anything else is a bonus. I think we all have at least one character from a cartoon, comedy, or an action movie that we feel attached to. That one character you'd actually feel bummed out about if they died or something. You don't necessarily need a deep, complex character to get people to really care about what happens to them. Getting someone attached to a character that has a lot of complexity is just icing on the cake.
My point being, for me personally: emotional attachment > character complexity. They often go hand in hand, sure, but you know what I mean. And I think this game has excelled at that.
Relatively speaking, however, I personally think the characters of this game-- across all seasons-- are pretty high up the list when it comes to video games in general, although I'll admit that the bar for the writing of video games isn't all that high yet. I mean, it's really only been within the past decade or so that people have realized the potential games have as a storytelling medium, so that's understandable. Any step forward counts as progress, right?
Kenny was extremely well written, deep Character. No one can compare at the moment (except Clementine, complexity-wise).
Surprise, they're both S1 characters.
There's really only two characters that I truly dislike; Danny St John and Badger. Quite frankly, those two are just filth. The kind of people who are better off dead. Probably doesn't come as a surprise that they're two of the only characters I've killed throughout the entire game series so far.
Yeah, that Kenny thing was just a joke on my part. Besides, who's in the market for yet another Kenny argument?
Tripp shares more similar… moreities with Abraham than he does Kenny. Although if you ask me, I wouldn't say Tripp loses his cool at every little thing, either. In fact, I think most of his temper is warranted.
Being a bit angry towards Javier and Clementine in episode 1? Considering that someone ended up getting shot and killed while in their company, can you blame him for being mad? He even asked them not to cause any trouble before. Besides, he was still willing to listen to their side of the story, he only locked them up as a precaution until he could make sense of things.
Getting all pissy when he's in Richmond? First of all, he's being held in a cell by the people that destroyed his home. Secondly, he gets kicked out of Richmond, while the same people decide to keep the woman he cares about. Smacking Javier's hand away? Tha… [view original content]
There's really only two characters that I truly dislike; Danny St John and Badger. Quite frankly, those two are just filth. The kind of peop… morele who are better off dead. Probably doesn't come as a surprise that they're two of the only characters I've killed throughout the entire game series so far.
Clint was an asshole.
If he didn't side with Joan after what Max revealed, this mess wouldn't have started.
Instead he told David peoples don't follow his orders anymore and let David arrested.
After this stuff he got Tripp/Ava killed.
Prick deserved to die after his betrayal.
(There's going to be a lot of harsh language in this post, please keep that in mind.)
Season 1:
* Larry- For obvious reasons. He did… more have funny lines though.
* Lily- Only for shooting at Carley/Ben. That was completely uncalled for.
* The St. Johns- Creepy Cannibals.
* The Save Lot bandits- Especially the one that wasted five bullets on a guy he already shot in the face. Save the ammo you ass.
* The pregnant woman in the Crawford video tape- That doctor was just doing his job, you selfish bitch.
Season 2:
* Carver- Do I really need to explain why?
* Michelle (The girl who shot Omid)- Another "survival of the fittest" bandit and when shit hit the fan she couldn't even live up to that title. Good riddance.
* Troy- There's absolutely nothing likable about the guy. He's a monster with no redeeming qualities.
* Jane- She ditched a baby in the cold and provided no explanation as to why. What did she think Ken… [view original content]
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion/outlook or not, but bear with me here-- if you ask me, characters like Kenny are more the excep… moretion than they are the rule, even in S1. Kenny, Lilly, Ben, Clementine, and Lee are pretty much the top five characters when it comes to complexity and depth. The rest of the cast across all three seasons fall somewhere below those five-- anywhere from extremely interesting, mostly interesting, sorta interesting, conflicting, polarizing, unlikable, and dull as a rock. That's not to say the rest of the characters are bad by any means, but I think people oversell the 'complex characters' spiel a little bit when it comes to this game.
Like, the characters are pretty fucking great and I love the grand majority of them, don't get me wrong, but I dunno if I'd consider them the absolute top of the line cream of the crop, you know what I mean? Again though, that's not a bad thing. For me, emotional attachment … [view original content]
Season 1: Larry, Lilly, Vernon, St. Johns, The Stranger
Season 2: Sarah, Troy, Bonnie, Jane, Arvo
A New Frontier: Joan, Badger, Lonnie, Eleanor, Gabe
Dont worry dude.Badger already dead ( ',_,' )
He did that because he was ordered not to let anybody die. He would have definitely left her to die if Carver wasn't the boss, no less.
Choosing to save a young child's life is quite possibly the lowest form of basic human decency. I'd give it to him if it weren't for all the times he openly joked about, threatened and acted out child abuse on Clementine and Sarah. Plus Troy probably knew Carver would be pissed if anything happened to Clem.
And in that same scene he can bash an eleven year old's head with the butt of his gun and call her a little shit. Having a conscience does not excuse him from his actions, in fact it almost makes his willingness to hurt children even worse.
It's implied he forced Jane to give him sexual favors in exchange for her freedom, he hits kids without hesitation and he acts like a dick in every scene he's in for no reason. I stand by what I said. Troy's a monster and deserves no sympathy.
Though I will admit in hindsight I'm a bit uncomfortable with the intensity of some of the other descriptions. I don't normally like to throw around insults. I meant what I said though, so I'll leave it like it is.
I apologize for my attention-thirsty and self-pitying comment(s).
That was an example of the original intention, but they toned his character down--A LOT!
And I for one am grateful for it.
I didn't say that his behavior is excusable. I'm just refuting the original statement that there is literally nothing likeable about him. He saved Clem's life and had something of a conscience. I'm not saying hes a great guy or that he didn't do bad shit.
I see what you mean. I didn't recall those two things when I wrote that, I just remembered how much of an asshole he was. I still don't think saving Clem's life and having a conscience makes him likable but I guess it does show he's human at least.
Except we know that wouldn't happen as we saw Badger and the others left the junkyard dickhead
Yeah, I kinda wish he had tagged along so we could have some proper, more relevant development with another character--but NOPE!
He was coming else was he there to shoot Mariana? Badger and his group were always going to be there at that moment...a moment in which Javi would have been in Richmond or near Richmond....but in no shape to help save Kate and the kids from Badger who showed up at just stop, your argument is wrong.
Yeah to ambush them I doubt Badger is going to ambush them if he sees David
How would he....Javi would still have to talk to his guarantee how NF court system worked...really would they even bother a leader for something as trivial as assault and gas theft? Not could have been days. Meanwhile Badger was returning and his group would have cleared out the few walkers that were there and then probably killed Kate and the Kids. We just do not I do not blame Clem...hell it could be argued her wrecking the truck saved Javi and Kate and Gabe.
Sorry for calling you an idiot by the way...was not cool.
Ah, so he's just like Kenny, then!
In all honesty though, I wouldn't say he's that similar to them, but he does remind me of both Kenny and Abraham. He has shades of the two characters. Appearance, obviously. The somewhat outlandish figures of speech Abraham uses (in both the comic and TV), the vulgarity, the temperament, and so forth.
I'll come right out and admit it though. I like Tripp quite a lot, and part of that comes from the fact that he reminds me of Abraham and Kenny-- two of my all-time favorite characters from the franchise, even if the similarities aren't that great. And yeah, maybe Tripp isn't the most developed or nuanced character, but you know what? I don't really care. Considering a character to be one of your favorites and considering a character to be one of the best are two different things. I like Tripp, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I think he's some intricate, meticulous character. There's other characters on my favorites list that aren't necessarily the most nuanced, either (Luke, Omid, etc)
Yeah, the series prides itself on emotional attachment and deep characters, but that doesn't mean every single character has to be complex. I don't see the problem with having a simpler character that delivers some funny lines now and again, or just tends to be a pleasant person to be around. I mean hey, when you think about it, ain't that kind of thing liable to happen in real life, too? You don't always get to see the depths of a person you work with, or otherwise affiliate with. Sometimes you just see the broad side of a person, without all the flaws and quirks and kinks. Doesn't stop you from possibly considering them a friend, though.
he s probably gonna help out for now because of Clementine but he s probably not staying for Javier since he hates him now.
i dont really hate any character in particular but i do have a strong dislike for Jane and Kate.
I wouldn't say Kenny loses his cool over "every little thing". Whenever he did, there was usually a very good reason for it in my opinion
Ahh an argument i am not part of...awesome lol
You aren't serious surely? Ben "was" indirectly to blame for Duck being bitten, he even admits it himself in Episode 4. Katjaa died as a result of what happened to her son which is also indirectly Ben's fault. If you want to go one further, you could say Lee was to blame for finding the supplies Ben had stashed for the bandits. Or if you want to go even further than that, you can blame Lilly for their deaths for not wanting to leave the Motor Inn when Kenny tried his best to persuade her and everyone that they should leave because of the bandits.
Yay another Brit like me? Or Australian? Lol
And i totally get what you are saying and i do agree and know Ben didn't mean what he did, I thought you were basically saying that Ben had no part in their deaths at all which we all obviously know that isn't true. Indirect or not, I'm just saying that i understand Kenny's reasons for being so angry because anyone else would be as upset as he was if finding out your whole family died because of a dumb thing a kid did. Everyone is different in that situation though. Anyway, Kenny forgives Ben in the end and makes up for it for what he does in the alleyway for him.
But still its javi's mistakemistake his the one who drived to the junkyard his the one who took the gas. Hell if they didn'T go to the junkyard from the first place they might never met the new frontier and mariana will stay alive its javis mistake its javi's.
No. The gas looked abandoned unfair to blame it on Javier
Not sure if you're joking but Kenny is actually a really smart guy who only truly loses his temper over big things.
Thanks for the explanation on Tripp though, I can see how his way of speaking is similar to Abraham. He says strange sayings that you get the feeling he says quite often, and he cusses a lot and get angry easily when talking to other people.
I really can't see many similarities with Kenny besides that he worked on a truck and has a beard. They both can have tempers but so do a lot of people.
I just never really enjoy Tripp's company. He is very quick to make snarky/threatening comments and when he isn't being a jerk he is just obsessing over Eleanor. And since like you said he isnt the most developed character, I really have no idea how he will react to me killing his friend and now choosing for Ava to live over him.
Sound as a pound mate
Kenny was extremely well written, deep Character. No one can compare at the moment (except Clementine, complexity-wise).
Surprise, they're both S1 characters.
Looked but it wasn't
Clem didn't knew that there is a girl is gonna git killed if she stops the truck so its unfair to blame clem.
She was doing it for no reason Javi had no reason
Yeah, that Kenny thing was just a joke on my part. Besides, who's in the market for yet another Kenny argument?
Tripp shares more similarities with Abraham than he does Kenny. Although if you ask me, I wouldn't say Tripp loses his cool at every little thing, either. In fact, I think most of his temper is warranted.
Being a bit angry towards Javier and Clementine in episode 1? Considering that someone ended up getting shot and killed while in their company, can you blame him for being mad? He even asked them not to cause any trouble before. Besides, he was still willing to listen to their side of the story, he only locked them up as a precaution until he could make sense of things.
Getting all pissy when he's in Richmond? First of all, he's being held in a cell by the people that destroyed his home. Secondly, he gets kicked out of Richmond, while the same people decide to keep the woman he cares about. Smacking Javier's hand away? That one's mostly him being embarrassed at the fact that he just got laid out. Meant to be more humorous than anything. Losing his cool with Javier? Also stems from the fact he's getting kicked out and forced to leave a friend behind, on top of all the stress of the past few days.
Losing his shit after he learns that Conrad got killed? He says it himself-- the way Javier explained the situation back in episode 2, Tripp believed that the walkers got Conrad. Now he learns that all this time, Javier was the one that actually killed him, and practically lied to his face about it. Sure, maybe shooting Conrad was justifiable, but I doubt Tripp's going to see things that way a minute after learning that someone he considered a friend killed another one of his friends. Most people that got a bombshell dropped on them like that probably wouldn't be too interested in listening to reason. Let him have his outburst, and try to explain the situation again once everything's cooled down a bit.
I can see how his sarcastic/snarky/aggressive attitude could get on your nerves though. But given that I'm a snarky bastard myself, I'd be a downright hypocrite if I held that against him. And given that the guy being forced to stay around the people that destroyed his home, can you really blame the guy for not being in the best of moods? I mean, Kenny gets a bit more aggressive than usual in Around Every Corner, but given his family just died less than a full day ago, I can cut him some slack for having an even shorter fuse. Similarly, it's been what, like 3 or 4 days since Prescott got destroyed? And Tripp's pretty much stuck dealing with the people responsible for it. People usually aren't that nice when they're forced to be around people they don't want to be around.
Quite frankly, I think Tripp has handled everything that's been thrown at him pretty well. Javier causing trouble in Prescott after he first shows up? Gets a bit annoyed at first, but gets over it. Prescott gets destroyed? Soldiers on, and doesn't really blame Javier for it (even Tripp himself wanted to open fire and risk it, so can he really blame Javier? If Javier chose to open fire, he'd be a hypocrite to hold it against him. If Javier surrenders, he just stuck his neck out and was willing to sacrifice himself to them. I think Tripp realized that even if Javier inadvertently lead them to Prescott, it was them alone that decided to annihilate the place.)
Learns that someone he's been traveling with killed his friend? Worst he does is push Javier and tell him to fuck off. He could've taken it much worse than he did.
Basically gets handed a death sentence by Javier? He puts aside his feelings to focus on the situation at hand-- the people shooting at them-- and covers Javier (albeit reluctantly).
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion/outlook or not, but bear with me here-- if you ask me, characters like Kenny are more the exception than they are the rule, even in S1. Kenny, Lilly, Ben, Clementine, and Lee are pretty much the top five characters when it comes to complexity and depth. The rest of the cast across all three seasons fall somewhere below those five-- anywhere from extremely interesting, mostly interesting, sorta interesting, conflicting, polarizing, unlikable, and dull as a rock. That's not to say the rest of the characters are bad by any means, but I think people oversell the 'complex characters' spiel a little bit when it comes to this game.
Like, the characters are pretty fucking great and I love the grand majority of them, don't get me wrong, but I dunno if I'd consider them the absolute top of the line cream of the crop, you know what I mean? Again though, that's not a bad thing. For me, emotional attachment is the most important part of a character. If I care about the character, if I'm able to sympathize with them and understand them, then that's good enough for me. Anything else is a bonus. I think we all have at least one character from a cartoon, comedy, or an action movie that we feel attached to. That one character you'd actually feel bummed out about if they died or something. You don't necessarily need a deep, complex character to get people to really care about what happens to them. Getting someone attached to a character that has a lot of complexity is just icing on the cake.
My point being, for me personally: emotional attachment > character complexity. They often go hand in hand, sure, but you know what I mean. And I think this game has excelled at that.
Relatively speaking, however, I personally think the characters of this game-- across all seasons-- are pretty high up the list when it comes to video games in general, although I'll admit that the bar for the writing of video games isn't all that high yet. I mean, it's really only been within the past decade or so that people have realized the potential games have as a storytelling medium, so that's understandable. Any step forward counts as progress, right?
There's really only two characters that I truly dislike; Danny St John and Badger. Quite frankly, those two are just filth. The kind of people who are better off dead. Probably doesn't come as a surprise that they're two of the only characters I've killed throughout the entire game series so far.
Whoa!! Essay posted lol
Eleanor and Joan seems like mother and son...
What about Randall?
Clearly you weren't here long.
Clint was an asshole.
If he didn't side with Joan after what Max revealed, this mess wouldn't have started.
Instead he told David peoples don't follow his orders anymore and let David arrested.
After this stuff he got Tripp/Ava killed.
Prick deserved to die after his betrayal.
Season 1: St. John brothers
Season 2: Bonnie, Troy
Season 3: Lonnie, Badger, Joan
Michonne: Norma, Randall
400 days cast: again Bonnie!
With a name like "Bonbon" I would've assumed Bonnie out of all people would've been your favourite
Yeah, seriously.
That's pretty awkward there.
I get you.