The season finale episode 5 : fFrp. The Gallows
Who's more exited then me to hear that the season finale in (ANF) is coming to a close.
I for one think the game has been good so far with the story in (episode 4 ) which was pretty intense (Telltale) has done an outstanding job with the Javier story in my opinion some parts were sad like in one of the flash backs when (Kenny) died and was devoured by (walkers) depending on the choices you did In the previous game.
Tell me : In the comments bellow on what do you think of the A New Frontier so far?
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I am in the minority but I actually have been enjoying A New Frontier and I can't wait for episode 5!
I've enjoyed episode 3 and 4. Overall, the game is at best, mediocre. Definitely not at the tier of Season 1 or even Season 2 but it's enjoyable for what it is.
Lackluster,underwhelming,poorly written,poorly paced,inconsistent characters,poor handling of characters,lack of character development,poorly executed fanservice and very short episodes that waste what little time it has.
I'm looking forward to seeing how they bring it all to a close. The journey through A New Frontier has been a bumpy road wrought with disappointments, and shining moments. With all of the criticisms I've had with the game since it's introduction, A New Frontier took chances : some that worked, and some that didn't. I admire their willingness to break from a formula they knew they could profit from, and attempt to address elements that the fans took issue with in the past and present - even if they didn't fully understand some fans frustrations.
Their progress up to the previous episode gives me hope, but history and that key art make me skeptical.
According to the ratings on the AppStore, ps store etc, you are actually in the majority. But here on the forums you are indeed in the minority.
Then instead of wasting your time on it don't waste your time at all and don't play it
They're sheep anyways.
Who? People who hate it or people who love it?
You already know the answer.
I did spend 24$ on this product and want to get my money's worth out of it. Not to mention in a fan of telltale and the walking dead. I have just as much right to voice my negative reception of the game as those who give a positive reception of the game. Also as I've been throughout the series which is hopeful that the finale is at minimum decent. As I've stated before just because I want something to be good doesn't mean it will be or It has been.
If I knew the answer I wouldn't have asked.
Lol 24 dollars can be earned within 1-3 days and it's been over 5 months, I doubt money is no longer your issue so you are free to go if you wish. Otherwise I'm just going to assume you like anf and are just trying to cause stuff with other fans for no reason.
Then you're slow on the uptake.
No reason to be a prick.
Please state the examples of me simply starting conflict with fans for no reason to simply rile people up. I have countlessly given in depth explanations as to why I dislike ANF and the problems with the series which I believe I have explained to you previously. Also I don't care if 24$ can be made in a day its hard earned money i spent on a product that I was genuinely excited and hopeful about.
Yeah, countlessly. Sorry to tell you this but this kinda pisses a few people off when you repatIvely express your hate over a video game.
It's not "hate" it's giving objective criticism which some people don't like which is fine.
I'm pretty sure criticism is just a nicer way of saying hate
Can't ever forget what they did to Kenny, but excluding that, I've been enjoying myself. Things picked up at episode 3, and episode 4 was really fucking good. So I'm excited about the finale and hopefully, we can get another season with just Clem & Javi. (Hell maybe even Kenny could get resurrected again.)
If that's how you want to perceive it. When you give objective criticism of flaws,errors,inconsistencies,glitches,poor writing,etc I'm not sure how you conclude that is hate simply because they are not giving it praise and saying how awesome it is.
Yeah but I'm pretty sure you are saying the game bad and you don't want anything to do with it, by doing this you are being negative and you clearly have a great distaste for anf.

I like Javi. I want him to have Clem status and not die. (not gonna happen though, sadly)
I like how you can protect Conrad. All determinants should be like this.
I like how I can pick my relationship for Kate and David.
I do not like Gabe/Clem romance.
I do not like the other characters. They bore me. (aside from max and clint. Tripp and Ava are okay but nothing spectacular. Needed time)
Joan went from reasonable to one dimensional
Kenny's death was insulting. (Though Jane's death I actually thought was fitting, tbh)
I wish there were more dialogue options and hubs.
I wish the episodes were longer and more eventful.
Clem is in an awkward position as a side character. Its nice to see her grow, but she can also steal the show.
Not to mention she isn't really doing anything aside from AJ stuff that surprisingly might not get resolved this season.
And you're slow on understanding basic human communication and questions
Gosh man, you don't have to be like that, if he asked you a simple question you answer it. Don't need to be such a dick.
I want ANF To be good, but that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore the blatant problems,errors and inconsistencies with it. If a game is a genuinely bad with numerous problems I don't see why you think someone is just "hating on it" because they aren't saying all smiles and rainbows about it. I've stated before good aspects of ANF from handling of determinant characters and having improvements in EP3. So I'm not intentionally going out of my way to "hate" this game so much as I'm simply giving a fair and balanced assessment of the series which is it has been overall pretty bad,falsely advertised and misleading. I didn't go into this joyful wanting to dislike ANF, however I'm not going to act as if something bad is good just because I want it to and I like the company. I've been optimistic of the series hoping that it would improve and EP1-2 would be a error of the past that we looked back and laughed at how bad it is compared to how good it became. Just because someone is giving harsh criticism doesn't mean they "hate" the content if the content to the individual is of poor quality. I don't understand why you seem to never be able to acknowledge or accept that there are fans who dislike the series because it is a poorly written product who want this to be good and want telltale to do better. Perhaps instead of constantly going after individuals who dislike the series perhaps you should try and see their perspective of it and accept that to some it simply is a bad product. I'm not going to go after people who like ANF and call them a "telltale kissass" or "fanboy" because I understand that despite personally disliking the series for the quality of the content that there are those who genuinely enjoy it which is fine.
I didn't read all of that like I never do any big ass essays that get sent to me, but I don't care if somebody hates it. I do care when they won't stop going on about how much they hate it and never talk about anything else.
Obviously you do care since you constantly respond to those who voice displeasure and disliking towards ANF. Also you can look at my feed which clearly shows me discussing far more than "hate" as you put it. Also this thread is asking me about my opinion of ANF which I stated. From my perspective it seems you simply have a problem with people who voice their opinion that is not giving ANF praise and saying how wonderful it is and negatively criticize ANF.
So you just assumed I blindly post hate content without even checking to see if that's true? Also as I've asked on other occasions to please provide the evidence of me becoming angry.
Seems to me that you're pretty angry with anf
He ded
How? I'm simply giving my analysis of the game. Also that was before you claimed i was becoming angry in our discussion. And as I've stated before just because I've given harsh criticism of the product that doesn't mean I "hate" the series. If a game has glitches,bad writing,poorly developed,etc which someone points out and criticizes doesn't mean they "hate" the product as they are giving a objective analysis of the problems with the product. And in most cases they do so in hopes of improvement to the series and the developers taking the feedback into consideration to improve the problems and errors with the content.
Yeees I am just decoding the cryptic files within the game's code mweeeeh. I'm taking the piss, don't worry. Games weren't meant to be analysed they were meant to be p,aged, other wise you are doing a fricking English test and not playing a video game. And most people don't realise how hard it is to make a video game, they are lucky a new frontier turned out the way it did because it takes YEARS to even get the graphics working.