Honestly, What do you like/dislike from New Frontiers characters' looks/designs?
Let me start first:
- I like Kate's socks malfunction.
- I like the design of Mariana's jacket.
- I like how Telltale gave Joan a skunk-like hair XD it suits her personality, which is stinks.
- I like that Clint seems to be an emotionless, stoic guy.
- I think David looks funny, because his chin is too much for me to handle.
- I think Gabe's face looks too mature for his age. And I think he needs to discard his beanie hat away.
Now, it's your turn! Tell me your opinions!
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I think Javier looks flawlessly sexy
Except when he doesn't have a beard in flashbacks. Then he looks like a dweeb.
I wholeheartedly agreed with you
I don't understand why characters don't change clothes. You are bathing infrequently and killing walkers, possibly homeless....your clothes are going to STINK and probably get infested. Clothes are much easier to find than food. So why is Javier still wearing his baseball jersey?
How else are people gonna know he's Javier Garcia? Y'know, THE Javier Garcia? The Baseball player????????
That's what bugging me all this time...
And, how the hell Clem, Gabe or Mariana managed to find new clothes that were a perfect fit for their growing bodies?
You could easily find kids/teenagers' clothes looking in houses for supplies.
Bhahaha he must be TWDG's Tom Brady.
That's something a lot of tv-shows and movies (especially animated ones) suffer from. How hard can it be to add some additional clothing textures, especially in a "simple" game like Telltale's cutscene-collections?
I really like Javi's design. Probably my favorite right after Kenny S2. Speaking of which, Kenny's beard in Episode 4's flashback was good as well. Sure, not as great as the old S2-style, but hella better than in the first flashback of ANF. Ava has a great overall design as well.
I agree. I also like Kate's.
Javier is a charmer and handsome. Beard is very good on his look. He is also an athlete due to his baseball carrier so his pyhsical qualities are good as well.
Clem is looking very beautiful. I liked her appearence this season.
I liked Eleanor appearance as well. She is a beautiful Asian woman and her outfit is okay.
I wanna know why clem thinks it is a good idea to go scavenging for clothes and only wearing one pair. Literally nobody changes their clothes, they can just find a duffel bag and cram what they can into it but noooo "I'm just gonna wear the same clothes for about a year so I'll stink so I can go on to hug a stranger after telling him my story, who will also stink"
i wonder if that's what Clem and Javier thought of when they hugged each other in Ep 3 XD
Well clem's gross enough to wanna rub guts on herself to get away from herders despite being a distance away from them somImdoubt it will affect her. (Love you really, clem)
Clementine will remember that.
Clementine will deal with that
Umm actually, in her wiki page, her ethnicity is Asian-American.
Just to be super technical, the "sock malfunction" you're talking about is actually just Kate wearing an ankle brace.
In general, I like the increased fidelity on character models/textures. Lighting and shaders seem to have seen an improvement as well. Basically, everything involving the rendering of the character models is nice. Although I do think they went a bit overboard on the more 'realistic' look. It's most definitely still stylized, but when you see all the details and bumps on a character's face in comparison to the flatter details of S1 and S2, it's definitely a bit off-putting.
But the main thing I don't like? How they do hair in ANF. In the first two seasons, the characters' hair was modeled directly onto their heads. In ANF, hair is its own separate thing from the rest of the character model. The upside of this is that it allows for basic hair physics (swaying in the wind, etc), but the downside is it ends up looking a lot less natural, if not out-of-place on certain characters, namely some of the generic background NPCs. Notice how most characters with a beard outside of Tripp, Jesus and ep 4 Kenny look... well, not so good? If it was just a full beard modeled directly onto them instead of a bunch of beard hairs plastered all over their face, most of them would look better.
As for individual characters... well, I gotta be honest, I pretty much like them all. But if I had to pick stand-out designs... Javier, Clementine, Ava, Conrad, Kate, and ep 4 Kenny. In my opinion, obviously.
As for dishonorable mentions... the ep 1 versions of Kenny and Jane, Edith, and that's it, really.
well I didn't notice that before. Thanks for the info!
Yeah I know what you mean by 'went a bit overboard on the more 'realistic' look'. But I can't complain, they did a good job for that, I must say.
Maybe you're right, but still, it's unlikely to find clothes that fits perfectly to your frame by searching randomly.
To say the truth from the first time I saw him, the desing of gabe's face looks awful in my opinion I don't know how but in some way looks bad not so bad but I don't feel good when I look to it.
So he isn't photogenic at all XD
Yeah, Gabe's face definitely bothered me on occasion as well. I've gotten used to it, and it helps that he's not frowning all the time anymore but his face was definitely the 4th worst in Part 1.
I'll copy some stuff from my own thread in a bit, but out of the New Frontier Cast, here's how I'd rank them:
On a lighter note, I agree with most of the OP's observations. Didn't notice Kate's "socks" though.
Just because it's fun to make fun of them, I'm gonna have little more fun with the flashback models.
Kenny is definitely the worst because the moment the camera panned in front of Clementine towards the left, with AJ visible in the background, and then you gradually see what looks like a melting action figure or a early PS2 model that got a hasty/incomplete paint job for HD, I was like "Problem!” The funny thing is it looks like they started on his model early on in development They likely didn't get around to making sure they textured it so that he looks like he belongs in-game: as a result, his proportions are relatively the same but everything else is shit, namely his leaf rubbing beard and an eye-patch in place of the bandage-pad.."
Jane looks even more like something out of Planet of the Apes than she did before, with feathers for hair like the Raptors from Jurassic Park III. Unlike Kenny, she looks like she somewhat belongs in this artstyle but her proportions are pretty bad since her head looks like it doesn’t belong on her body, which is bloated btw. And I love how 5% of that 69 lbs went to her face. Goddamn, when they said it'll go straight to your thighs, they fucking meant it! "That asshole family ran off with half our food," indeed.
Edith is arguably the best looking of the three, as her proportions make her not look like too much of a humanoid abomination and her textures are fine since she actually fits into this universe. However, she looks simultaneously better and worse somehow though that’s probably just the artshift and the darker colors.
And since I’ve already commented on AJ, I’ll instead note that “Young!” Clementine appears to be her 13 year-old head after either being attached to a smaller body or they simply dressed her up to make her look younger.
Okay, and serious talk here: Does anyone else think Gabe looks a little uncanny?

Maybe its another example of ANF!Clementine compared to previous characters, but something about his face looks a bit too chiseled for his age.
. * Will add more later.
Trying to decide if I like Joan's design or not. Her Sweeney Todd hair is pretty distinguishable and the orange & yellow vest pops nicely while also going with her cargo pants and knee-highs. On the other hand, she's somewhere between Gabe and Max in uncanniness; seriously, I swear her glassy eyes are constantly derping out. And is she wearing a Christmas Sweater?!

I'll have to mull over whether Clint's is good or just acceptably plain, as his color scheme is very dank, but it seems to go well with his one-with-the-dirt look/personality and the gloves that match his hat are a nice touch as well.
Lol no his not, the camera puke bcause of his face.
Ikr, I get used to his face too a little. But I still had that bad feel when I look to his face.
I really like Ava's design and Clem's aged design. ( By default I also like Mariana's design ).
I prefer Javier with a beard, and strangely enough I like David except his hair. Something seems to have gone amiss with his hair - like Playdough fun factory or Lego figurine wrong with his hair. Kate was done really well as well as Eleanor.
I might be in the minority, but I like Dr Lingard's design. They did the sunken face, and drugged expressions well. He has a defeated humanity to him.
Gabe needs to lose the beanie. I'm guessing he has one just because the design team must be having hair issues considering how the textures have been improving since Ep 1/2, but the beanie itself just doesn't look good.
Happy Clementine is all what I care about. IMO one of the best things in this season.
Also, she looks absolutely amazing with that shotgun she had at the begining, wish we could see her using it more often.
I absolutely love Clementines face this season, her smile and eyes especially, but she is the only character who I feel like have managed to show real emotion with facial animations, maybe its just because Im very attached to her, but the few times when Clementine smiles this season is just beautiful
Clementines smile and her face in general is basically the highlight of this season for me
I know right! Especially every time he is frowning, it looks weird for me too..
I like the old season engine better.
Well, Kate was wearing an ankle brace, thanks to @Deltino. All this time, I thought she was just wearing one sock only XD
How ignorant I can be.
Just like what I said before, his face looks too mature for his age.
I just hope Telltale know what they're doing with their characters' designs.
I like to call it 'skunk hair' though XD