Death Predictions for Episode 5
I'll start, this will just based on the characters that we know.
Javier García- Alive (If he dies, just WTF Telltale....)
Clementine- Alive (For obvious reasons)
Kate García- Dead (Not looking so good for her, I say that she's in critical condition and we get to say a few last words to her.
Eleanor- Determinant (Choice to sentence her to death or not)
Tripp- Dead
Ava- Dead
Gabriel García- Alive
David García- Alive
Joan- Determinant (Have a choice to kill her again)
Clint- Determinant (But you don't have a choice to kill him in Episode 5)
Conrad- Determinant (Can live throughout the series)
We'll that's my predictions, let me hear yours.
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i agree, but i don't expect david to survive. kate is the emotional death. i'd say gabe's survival is 50/50
I use to be sort of fine with Clem dying this season. Yet, she really has been the best/worst part of the season. Not because she was a bad character but more so of how she was used. I feel like they ripped any sort of emotional attachment you may have had coming from S2. Just feels really dull overall.
So, I wouldn't be mad if they killed Clem. At least they won't be able to use her to make people interested in another season.
Here are mine:
David, Tripp, and Joan are the ones I see as most likely to kick the bucket. Rufus, Max, Lingard, Ava and Clint are also determinate, so at least one of them may die as well. I imagine that Conrad may be determinate for the final time since he's seemingly been a water test for how long Telltale can keep a determinant character around.
It seems pretty obvious that Clementine and Javier will most likely make it,so I won't spend much thinking power on them. I don't see/want Kate, Gabe, or to a lesser extent Eleanor dying off given how things are going so far and how they've gone in the past.
I don't know about emotional, but I definitely want a happy ending. One that involves the Garcias going/staying their separate way from Clementine as she goes about her business, as always planned.
I don't like the idea of most characters potentially dying anyway.
Absolutely yes. Need to beat those sexist overtones.
I always wanted him to live and that has not changed. I don't think he should have to "redeem" himself, but I suppose he should have a determinate scene along those lines for those who killed Conrad.
No, there'd literally be no point. This hasn't really been his story as Telltale has stated anyway.
I honestly can't tell you. Ava's already determinant,
unfortunately, so I suppose that's a reason I wouldn't mind.
I suppose multiple endings would work better here given the less focused direction and the variety of determinant choices.
I've got this feeling that David's gonna die...
David, Tripp/Ava/, Joan/Clint, Kate and Eleanor.
Man, when Tripp gets shot he looks like he's about to get up... but he gets shot in the neck so he won't stand for 2 seconds
Javi - Alive. They can only pull the Lee thing once
Clem- Alive. Duh.
Gabe - Alive. I don't want it, but I feel like they're trying to build his character for next season.
Kate - Determinant
David - Determinant
^I'm convinced it's gonna be a "save one or the other" situation here between David and Kate. Otherwise, Kate is dead.
Either way she won't live in my playthrough. Gotta back up my bro.
Eleanor - Hopefully Determinant. Gotta punish that snake.
Tripp/Ava - Determinant. I think you can choose for them to help you but if they don't, they can live. That's my theory
Max - Determinant. They were originally just gonna kill him off but decided against it. I hope they pull a Conrad and have this guy stick around.
Conrad - Determinant. My boi is immortal
Clint - Dead. He's a good guy, but he died so easily in Ep 4. So I think they're gonna kill him off. I want him Determinant though.
Lingard - Determinant
AJ - Alive
Lonnie - I don't even remember if I killed him so I assume dead.
Ava will die no matter what

Tripp will die no matter what
Clem will live forever more
Gabe will live (Fuck you, Gabe)
AJ will live (probably)
Lingard will die if you didn't kill him
Javi alive but they did kill Kenny and Lee so I'm not sure
Kate will live possibly. She did a Glen on us XD
Javi and Clem - Alive
David - Dead
Kate - Dead
Gabe - Dead
Tripp - Dead
Ava - Dead
Eleanwhore - Dead
Conrad - Dead
Joan / Clint - Dead
AJ - Dead
Lingard - Dead
Max - Dead
Javi and Clem - Alive
David - Alive
Kate - Determinant
Conrad - quadruple Determinant
Clint - Determinant
Lonnie - Dead
Rufus - Dead
Gabe - dead ((Thought telltale will probably do something to redeem him during the episode like they usually do.))
Dr Lingard - Determinant
Tripp/Ava - Double Determinant.
Joan- Double determinant ((Althought to be fair we all known everyone s gonna kill her if she s still alive.))
Javier - Alive
Clementine - Alive
Alvin Jr. - Dead
Kate - Dead or alive
Gabe - Dead
David - Dead
Eleanor - Dead or unknown
Tripp - Dead
Ava - Dead
Paul Lingaurd - Dead
Rufus - Dead
Max - Dead
Lonnie - Dead
Joan - Dead
Clint - Dead
Conrad - Dead
Paul Monroe "Jesus" - Alive
clem- alive
javi- alive
kate- determinant?
david- dead
gabe- alive?
eleanor- determinant?
conrad- determinant
tripp/ava- dead
joan- determinant
clint- dead
lonnie, max, lingard, rufus- same status, i don't see them returning
Clementine - DEAD...
Clementine-Who cares
That Paul Guy-Who cares
Kate-Hopefully Alive
Tripp-Hopefully Dead, Determinately Alive
Eleanor-Alive, Might Die
Conrad-Hopefully Alive, Determinately Dead
Max-Determinately Dead
David-Alive, Might Die
Ava-Hopefully Alive, Determinately Dead
Joan-Determinately Alive, Likely Dead
Clint-Determinately Alive, Likely Dead
Lingard-Hopefully Alive, Determinantly Dead
Fern-Might Die
Shades-Chick-Alive, Might Die
The Specialist-Hopefully Dead
Who's gonna die, I wonder indeed! If Telltale wanted to give the player a little more agency in how they ax the cast, I do have one idea, after replaying the Mass Effect Original Trilogy recently. Personally, I'd really dig a whole Suicide Mission thing in The Walking Dead, a la Mass Effect 2, where you make choices about who goes where to try and stop The New Frontier and, depending on your choices, your crack team will either kick boat loads of ass or get completely and utterly ruined.
This is the flow chart people refer to for one mission - admittedly, the last mission - of Mass Effect 2, to try and get their precious squaddies out of the Collector Base alive:
Like, holy crap! Look at all those variables! Flowcharts get me all excited, and this one is no exception. The skinny of the mission is this: Throughout the final mission, your team is split up and you, as Commander Shepard, have to pick who goes where to keep people alive and achieve your objectives properly.
Each crew member has strengths and weaknesses - for example, a tech expert isn't as good at leading people as a military sergeant, and a scrawny alien can't hold their own in a fight as much as a big muscle bound beast. Putting people in the wrong 'spot' on your team leads to either overwhelming success or a pyrrhic victory. Just imagine the tension of having to pick who goes where to restore order to New Richmond and, depending on your past choices in the season and the characters themselves, people would live or die when it came to succeeding in their mission.
That's just one idea for how they could have a massive 'slate wipe' of characters - there's a reason the last mission of Mass Effect 2 is referred to as the 'meat grinder of squad mates', especially to the uninformed, unprepared or uncaring. Alternatively, you could just have it be a good ol' "no matter what happens everyone will die", which they seem to like a lot - at least, looking at the previous seasons and how they treated Kenny and Jane (I'm still so salty about the latter.)
Sorry if this isn't really the answer to your question you were looking for, it was just an idea that popped into my head. Off the top of my head, if I had to pick people to live and die, I wouldn't be blown away if it was just Clementine and Javier left standing at the end of the season - neither surprised, nor impressed, though.
I have too much free time on my hands, and came up with this idea for making past choices matter - kinda - in a flow chart below. It's just a Work in Progress, as it's nearly two in the morning at the time of writing, but maybe you all will like the ideas I have - or maybe I just suck, writing linear stories is more my thing than this choices mumbo-jumbo. I'll try and finish this after college tomorrow, but this is the sort of thing that I'd like to see for choices and 'team composition' in the new episode. So, yeah, W.I.P, check back tomorrow and I might have some more to share - or I might totally forget, hehe. Hope you enjoy!
i really wish they did that althought most of the characters in the next game did not get a large role or had replacements for them there were 2 of these that were still prominent characters even thought they could be dead and they had no replacements which was Tali and Garrus.
Conrad, David and whoever wasn't shot in Episode Four.
I predict I will try to get every single person killed, except Clementine.
They said it's "their most tailored episode to date" and all the bloodshed and heart breaks will be on YOUR shoulders...
Fixed it
I honestly think whoever you let live will die next episode.
:O imagine if this time it would be a choice between him and somebody else, but if you killed him or he is already dead then the other person would be automatically saved.
just because it's tailored doesn't mean there will be this many determinant deaths. i see it as how javi's relationships develop throughout the course of the episode. i just don't see this many determinant characters, telltale has already shown us that they can't handle it.
Possibly determinant
Episode 5 Deaths/Unknowns:
Javi - Unknown
David - Shot dead by Gabe (Determinant), Shot dead by Javi (Determinant), Shot dead by Clementine (Determinant), Unknown (Determinant)
Gabe - Devoured by walkers (Determinant)
Kate - Shot dead by Javi (Turned, Out Of Mercy).
Eleanor - Shot dead by Javi (Determinant, Unknown (Determinant)
Tripp/Ava - Unknown (Determinant)
Conrad - Devoured by walkers (Sacrificial, Determinant)
Lingard - Bit by walker, shot out of mercy by Javi (Determinant)
Jesus - Unknown
For the other characters, they won't appear in Episode 5:
Joan, Clint, Lonnie, Max.
Everyone except Javi, Clem and unfortunately Gabriel.
(Not including determinated chars. It's obvious they're going to die anytime soon.)
I think that's all..
You we're spot on MrShyGuy. That's insane!