I think that you're right...maybe not fighting david plays a bigger factor then we think. I didn't choose to fight David, and I almost always took Clem's side. She said she would go after Gabe for me and later said she had my back. Both my Gabe and Kate got to live..
That's interesting I got ending 2 but I always sided with clementine she even thanked me when we where on the water tower I thought that cho… moreice was based on not fighting David. As I didn't and I think clem thought I wouldn't have it in me to kill David if it came down to that
Kate and Gabe lived in my game. I only disagreed with Clem once: I let David in. Clem told me to go with Kate and that she was going to help Gabe.
Gabe survived because he shot David when he turned. I think this might not have anything to do with Clementine, but actually with how you raised Gabe throughout the season and how much he admires his father. He did tell Javi he wanted to be like him, not like David, in my game, so maybe he had an easier time shooting David because he didn't see David that much as his father and role model anymore.
Well, I dont know what I did (supported Clem at every turn), but the game told me "Clementine will help whoever you dont help" as in, she would go the opposite way of me, so I went after Gabe and David, but David got killed and Gabe survived, Kate was also killed, Im actually very satisfied with my ending, however I dont know why David died, because it seems like he should have survived, dont know if it has something to do with him taking Gabe by force? or does he always do that?
Confusing, I guess there are several more factors aside from her relationship with Javi. It may be influenced by past choices in Season 1 and Season 2.
Gabe can either be put down by Javier or himself. Or Gave can survive the Season.
Kate can survive the Season. Or turns into a walker and can be shot by Javier. She can also be unknown depending if Javier is in a relationship with her or not.
David can either be put down by Gabe or Javier. Also he can be a walker or be unknown or alive.
Well, in my game, Clementine said she would do the opposite of what I did no matter what, as in, she would help Kate if I went after David and reverse, I went after David and ended up with only Gabe alive
First time poster. Any way to edit the OP post?
The information in the last two endings is wrong. It's the reverse. Clem will follow Kate… more if she's friends with Javi; Gabe, if she is at odds with Javi; and if you both agreed and disagreed with her, she will stick with Javi.
No in this case it's pretty accurate actually. What excuse is there for not giving Tripp the same treatment as Conrad? Why couldn't Kenny or Jane have been incorporated into the story in a way that would have felt more natural to fans? They didn't want to because it would've required them to go the extra mile. They decided going a little further was too hard and too costly for them.
Yea that's what is making the most sense for me I'll definitely have to go back and test it. Just wish their was a rewind feature so I didn't have to play the whole episode again lol
I think that you're right...maybe not fighting david plays a bigger factor then we think. I didn't choose to fight David, and I almost alway… mores took Clem's side. She said she would go after Gabe for me and later said she had my back. Both my Gabe and Kate got to live..
Kate and Gabe survived in mine as well but I did not have a strained relationship with clem either. I sided with clem on every single thing I think...maybe that's how you get them to live as well. I basically got the happiest ending possible lol
This is weird.... I sided with Clem on everything and she decided to stick with me no matter what. So I think it has more factors into what she will choose. Because if the OP's information would be correct then my Clem would not have come with me.
Yea that's what is making the most sense for me I'll definitely have to go back and test it. Just wish their was a rewind feature so I didn't have to play the whole episode again lol
Okay... To be honest, this is what I've been wanting from a Telltale game for ages. Having an ending based on the cumulative data of your choices throughout the season, and not a "push button A for ending A, button B for ending B, or button C for ending C."
Telltale putting that Data to really good use! Finally! As well as having a slightly-detailed look back at your relationship with other characters and their fate of life or death, during the end choices card. Yes. In terms of determinant stuff, this is the best.
you will be given 2 options, I think one being "come with us (to Richmond)" and the other "keeps walk away (letting him go on his own, separated way from Javi"
Why couldn't Kenny or Jane have been incorporated into the story in a way that would have felt more natural to fans? They didn't want to because it would've required them to go the extra mile. They decided going a little further was too hard and too costly for them.
And that's the reason I will look upon them with scorn.
No in this case it's pretty accurate actually. What excuse is there for not giving Tripp the same treatment as Conrad? Why couldn't Kenny or… more Jane have been incorporated into the story in a way that would have felt more natural to fans? They didn't want to because it would've required them to go the extra mile. They decided going a little further was too hard and too costly for them.
Interesting how many endings we have again...
I wonder how telltale wants to continue another season (if there will be any) with so many endings. Lets hope it focuses on Clem and we never have to go back to Javiers story, even though i like him.
you will be given 2 options, I think one being "come with us (to Richmond)" and the other "keeps walk away (letting him go on his own, separated way from Javi"
I went along with Conrad's plan and I let David in, but Clementine still said she'd go wherever Javi went. I understand what leads to the fates of Kate, Gabe, and David at this point. I just don't understand what factors into Clementine's decision to do one of four possible things. I wish someone of Telltale staff could give us a spreadsheet or something. I'm not holding my breath though.
I don't think the relationship determines whether Kate goes missing. As far as I'm aware, she only goes missing if Clementine is the only person with her.
Gabe can either be put down by Javier or himself. Or Gave can survive the Season.
Kate can survive the Season. Or turns into a walker and… more can be shot by Javier. She can also be unknown depending if Javier is in a relationship with her or not.
David can either be put down by Gabe or Javier. Also he can be a walker or be unknown or alive.
Yes, if you and Clem go after Gabe and David first rather than either or both of you going to help Kate, both Gabe and David live, though David decides he wants to leave. I believe if you ask him to come back to Richmond and help, Javi sees him in Richmond and Gabe tells Javi 3 days later that David isn't talking to him. Not sure what happens if you don't tell him to stay - I assume he goes 'missing' like Kate.
I think it's about your decisions in S2. The only time I disagreed with clem was when she wanted to let David outside (i'm not letting my brother outside with walkers just to please a girl I just met) and still, she went with Kate.
Helping Gabe and David
3.-Gabe lives, Kate and David die. You must have a strained relationship, disagreeing with her at almost every turn. (Technically, Kate doesn't die, she just disappears)
Wrong, I sided with Clem almost every time and still had that ending.
Okay...my ending is this one:
3.-Gabe lives, Kate and David die. You must have a strained relationship, disagreeing with her at almost every turn. (Technically, Kate doesn't die, she just disappears)
But my relationship with Clem is very good. I covered her in Prescott, I killed Conrad, I killed Lingard .
Helping Gabe and David
3.-Gabe lives, Kate and David die. You must have a strained relationship, disagreeing with her at almost every tur… moren. (Technically, Kate doesn't die, she just disappears)
Wrong, I sided with Clem almost every time and still had that ending.
Yeah, it would be a lot easier if they focus on Clem not only because she was the focus for the past two seasons, but because she sets off to find AJ regardless so they only have to take care of one scenario rather than having to deal with 4 different scenarios which they weren't able to pull off with season 2 endings.
Interesting how many endings we have again...
I wonder how telltale wants to continue another season (if there will be any) with so many endings. Lets hope it focuses on Clem and we never have to go back to Javiers story, even though i like him.
Well, as it's shown in the game, you can't save David in time from the walkers if you go by your lonesome. But if you go with Clem, you can actually save David.
David always takes Gabe by force, regardless of your relationship (or lack of it) with Kate.
Well, I dont know what I did (supported Clem at every turn), but the game told me "Clementine will help whoever you dont help" as in, she wo… moreuld go the opposite way of me, so I went after Gabe and David, but David got killed and Gabe survived, Kate was also killed, Im actually very satisfied with my ending, however I dont know why David died, because it seems like he should have survived, dont know if it has something to do with him taking Gabe by force? or does he always do that?
Gabe can either be put down by Javier or himself. Or Gave can survive the Season.
Kate can survive the Season. Or turns into a walker and… more can be shot by Javier. She can also be unknown depending if Javier is in a relationship with her or not.
David can either be put down by Gabe or Javier. Also he can be a walker or be unknown or alive.
Helping Gabe and David
3.-Gabe lives, Kate and David die. You must have a strained relationship, disagreeing with her at almost every tur… moren. (Technically, Kate doesn't die, she just disappears)
Wrong, I sided with Clem almost every time and still had that ending.
I got endings 3 and 4 mixed up. It's actually the reverse. Clem will go with Kate if you side with her, while she will follow Gabe if you disagreed with her. But I might be wrong, since there could be other factors which influence the decision (like the choices from Seasons 1 and 2)
Okay...my ending is this one:
3.-Gabe lives, Kate and David die. You must have a strained relationship, disagreeing with her at almost ever… morey turn. (Technically, Kate doesn't die, she just disappears)
But my relationship with Clem is very good. I covered her in Prescott, I killed Conrad, I killed Lingard .
I got endings 3 and 4 mixed up. It's actually the reverse. Clem will go with Kate if you side with her, while she will follow Gabe if you di… moresagreed with her. But I might be wrong, since there could be other factors which influence the decision (like the choices from Seasons 1 and 2)
Kate dies/ David and Gabe alive: My first ending, gives closure for Kate and Javi's relationship. The choice to shoot her or not reminded me of Kenny with Duck in season 1 and Lee's death but I didn't find it that sad either even if I liked Kate, there's closure. David came back but was distant and at least Javi kept his father's promise until the end so there's that.
Kate and Gabe live/ David dies: Clearly one of the happiest ending in TWD universe there is (if you like Kate and Gabe at least), especially if you accepted Kate's feelings last episode. It looked like a fairytale ending. Only flaw was David's off-screen death which was very anticlimactic even if Gabe told us his last words, it didn't felt like a closure to Javi and David's relationship.
David dies/ Kate goes missing/ Gabe lives: This one gives a clearer closure to Javi and David's relationship, and Kate's fate being unknown unlike the one where we clearly see her zombified form led for me to believe she might come back in the future (if there's no body = not officially dead), only issue is why didn't she come back 3 days later? Kate's unknown fate is the only reason why I don't consider this to be a "bad ending".
Kate lives/ David and Gabe die: To me this is clearly the darkest ending, no resolution to David and Javi's relationship, Gabe who I consider to be the Clementine to Javi's Lee dies and in a scene paralleling a reversed season 1's ending which led to the most emotional death of this season (IMO).
My favorite ending is the Kate and Gabe alive because it's really refreshing to finally have a true "happy ending" especially compared to the first two seasons where the protagonists could end completely alone, Javi still has at least one family member with him no matter how "dark" it gets.
And the fact that Clem still leaves either way...ughhhh.
I think that you're right...maybe not fighting david plays a bigger factor then we think. I didn't choose to fight David, and I almost always took Clem's side. She said she would go after Gabe for me and later said she had my back. Both my Gabe and Kate got to live..
Kate and Gabe lived in my game. I only disagreed with Clem once: I let David in. Clem told me to go with Kate and that she was going to help Gabe.
Gabe survived because he shot David when he turned. I think this might not have anything to do with Clementine, but actually with how you raised Gabe throughout the season and how much he admires his father. He did tell Javi he wanted to be like him, not like David, in my game, so maybe he had an easier time shooting David because he didn't see David that much as his father and role model anymore.
Well, I dont know what I did (supported Clem at every turn), but the game told me "Clementine will help whoever you dont help" as in, she would go the opposite way of me, so I went after Gabe and David, but David got killed and Gabe survived, Kate was also killed, Im actually very satisfied with my ending, however I dont know why David died, because it seems like he should have survived, dont know if it has something to do with him taking Gabe by force? or does he always do that?
Gabe can either be put down by Javier or himself. Or Gave can survive the Season.
Kate can survive the Season. Or turns into a walker and can be shot by Javier. She can also be unknown depending if Javier is in a relationship with her or not.
David can either be put down by Gabe or Javier. Also he can be a walker or be unknown or alive.
Well, in my game, Clementine said she would do the opposite of what I did no matter what, as in, she would help Kate if I went after David and reverse, I went after David and ended up with only Gabe alive
No in this case it's pretty accurate actually. What excuse is there for not giving Tripp the same treatment as Conrad? Why couldn't Kenny or Jane have been incorporated into the story in a way that would have felt more natural to fans? They didn't want to because it would've required them to go the extra mile. They decided going a little further was too hard and too costly for them.
Yea that's what is making the most sense for me I'll definitely have to go back and test it. Just wish their was a rewind feature so I didn't have to play the whole episode again lol
So siding with an emotional 13 year old decides on if you get a better ending or not.
This is weird.... I sided with Clem on everything and she decided to stick with me no matter what. So I think it has more factors into what she will choose. Because if the OP's information would be correct then my Clem would not have come with me.
It rick rolled me so hard.
Here's what I want to know: If you ask David to stay in the ending where you and Clem save him and Gabe, does he always return to Richmond?
Who cares they will all just die anyway or have no screentime like Conrad. Fuck this series
EDIT: why is everyone acting as if this is a good thing have you all already forgotten how they handled the season 2 endings
There's a youtuber who didn't fight back with David but Gabe still dies.
Okay... To be honest, this is what I've been wanting from a Telltale game for ages. Having an ending based on the cumulative data of your choices throughout the season, and not a "push button A for ending A, button B for ending B, or button C for ending C."
Telltale putting that Data to really good use! Finally! As well as having a slightly-detailed look back at your relationship with other characters and their fate of life or death, during the end choices card. Yes. In terms of determinant stuff, this is the best.
you will be given 2 options, I think one being "come with us (to Richmond)" and the other "keeps walk away (letting him go on his own, separated way from Javi"
There's nothing to do with Conrad (keep Kate and Gabe alive)
As you can see on this gameplay, Kate, Gabe AND Conrad are alive in the end.
And that's the reason I will look upon them with scorn.
Season 4 is already confirmed
I know. I'm asking if he will always return if you ask him to.
I guess it depends with how you treated David throughout the game.
If you stay loyal to him as his little brother, then maybe he will be convinced to return to Richmond
I went along with Conrad's plan and I let David in, but Clementine still said she'd go wherever Javi went. I understand what leads to the fates of Kate, Gabe, and David at this point. I just don't understand what factors into Clementine's decision to do one of four possible things. I wish someone of Telltale staff could give us a spreadsheet or something. I'm not holding my breath though.
I don't think the relationship determines whether Kate goes missing. As far as I'm aware, she only goes missing if Clementine is the only person with her.
And javier death scene with a big troll what should been for David and Kate to fix their married
I heard that David can stay in Richmond alive. Is this true?
Yes, if you and Clem go after Gabe and David first rather than either or both of you going to help Kate, both Gabe and David live, though David decides he wants to leave. I believe if you ask him to come back to Richmond and help, Javi sees him in Richmond and Gabe tells Javi 3 days later that David isn't talking to him. Not sure what happens if you don't tell him to stay - I assume he goes 'missing' like Kate.
I think it's about your decisions in S2. The only time I disagreed with clem was when she wanted to let David outside (i'm not letting my brother outside with walkers just to please a girl I just met) and still, she went with Kate.
Wrong, I sided with Clem almost every time and still had that ending.
Okay...my ending is this one:
3.-Gabe lives, Kate and David die. You must have a strained relationship, disagreeing with her at almost every turn. (Technically, Kate doesn't die, she just disappears)
But my relationship with Clem is very good. I covered her in Prescott, I killed Conrad, I killed Lingard
Yeah, it would be a lot easier if they focus on Clem not only because she was the focus for the past two seasons, but because she sets off to find AJ regardless so they only have to take care of one scenario rather than having to deal with 4 different scenarios which they weren't able to pull off with season 2 endings.
Well, as it's shown in the game, you can't save David in time from the walkers if you go by your lonesome. But if you go with Clem, you can actually save David.
David always takes Gabe by force, regardless of your relationship (or lack of it) with Kate.
For curiosity's sake, how can David turn into a walker? In most playthroughs I have seen, he is either put down by Javier or Gabe.
My guess is choices from Season 1 and 2 also influence Clem's decision, molding her character. It's rather confusing.
I got endings 3 and 4 mixed up. It's actually the reverse. Clem will go with Kate if you side with her, while she will follow Gabe if you disagreed with her. But I might be wrong, since there could be other factors which influence the decision (like the choices from Seasons 1 and 2)
Whoever you end up with in S2 plays a HUGE role in where she'll go.
My thought on each endings
Kate dies/ David and Gabe alive: My first ending, gives closure for Kate and Javi's relationship. The choice to shoot her or not reminded me of Kenny with Duck in season 1 and Lee's death but I didn't find it that sad either even if I liked Kate, there's closure. David came back but was distant and at least Javi kept his father's promise until the end so there's that.
Kate and Gabe live/ David dies: Clearly one of the happiest ending in TWD universe there is (if you like Kate and Gabe at least), especially if you accepted Kate's feelings last episode. It looked like a fairytale ending. Only flaw was David's off-screen death which was very anticlimactic even if Gabe told us his last words, it didn't felt like a closure to Javi and David's relationship.
David dies/ Kate goes missing/ Gabe lives: This one gives a clearer closure to Javi and David's relationship, and Kate's fate being unknown unlike the one where we clearly see her zombified form led for me to believe she might come back in the future (if there's no body = not officially dead), only issue is why didn't she come back 3 days later? Kate's unknown fate is the only reason why I don't consider this to be a "bad ending".
Kate lives/ David and Gabe die: To me this is clearly the darkest ending, no resolution to David and Javi's relationship, Gabe who I consider to be the Clementine to Javi's Lee dies and in a scene paralleling a reversed season 1's ending which led to the most emotional death of this season (IMO).
My favorite ending is the Kate and Gabe alive because it's really refreshing to finally have a true "happy ending" especially compared to the first two seasons where the protagonists could end completely alone, Javi still has at least one family member with him no matter how "dark" it gets.