End Relationship Stats
In the end you are shown your end relationship stats with David, Kate, and Gabe depending on your choices this season. I got Heartfelt with David, Mixed Signals with Kate, and Safety-First with Gabe. I was definitely Pro-David and tried to stabilize our relationship all season, with Kate I was unsure in the beginning wether to pursue a possible romance so I kept it friendly yet in the end I agreed to being together, and with Gabe I always sought to keep him safe above all else.
What did everyone else get and what choices did you make to impact your relationships with the characters?
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I also got heartfelt with David (tried to mend their relationship and not be argumentative), distant with Kate (I rejected her basically every time romantically, but was affectionate as family/friends), and considerate with Gabe (went after Gabe and David, tried to be nice and honest with him where possible).
Is there any way to see these again? I accidentally missed them, because I clicked Continue.
David = distant
Kate = distant
Gabe = fatherly
I believe clicking "Extras" on the main menu, then going on "Your Choices" and clicking Ep5, then clicking the arrow on the right will allow you to see them again.
On the iOS version, I can't seem to get to the Episode 5 choices at all. D :
There's a bug causing this on pc, might also be on ios
I got Heartfelt with David, Romantic with Kate & Distant with Gabe.
Heartfelt with David (I reluctantly love my impulsive idiot brother)
Romantic with Kate
Cautious with Gabe (I love my idiot impulsive nephew)
Isnt considerate sort of like half hate half like? Thats how i played with him and i got considerate. Hated him during ep 4 but he redeemed himself ep 5.
Maybe - I never really flipped out at Gabe if there was like a peaceful option (I agreed with a lot of things he was passionate about ie following David's plan). On that screen, it said it annoyed him when in ep 1 decided we should leave and not stay the night, and I did shoot Joan and Conrad which he disagreed with, so maybe this was what caused it, if it's a mixed feelings kinda result.
Well considerate suggests you care about him or his feelings so who knows. Id rather take it as though i simply "considered" him instead haha
David - Adversarial
Kate - Loving
Gabe - Safety First
David: Heartfelt
Kate: Distant
Gabe: Caring
David- Dysfunctional
Kate- Romantic
Gabe- Distant
I got Dysfunctional from basically agreeing with everything David said and following his lead, but I didnt take his hand at the start of the game, I crushed him at baseball and I hit him with the wrench in lieu of the embarrassingly corny "I love you" option, because I know own my brother would have appreciated the wrench far more than that cheesy line.
Kate, I was basically romantic before David entered the picture, then I cooled it and tried to keep pushing her toward David. However, she backed me into a corner in the truck and that apparently just locks you into the choice for Ep. 5.
I think I got Distant with Gabe because I was likewise trying to push Gabe towards David.
I didn't get anything cuz all my decisions in the game won't load for some reason, thanks Telltale!
David: Dysfunctional
Kate: Romantic
Gabe: Safety First
David: Heartfelt
Gabe: Considerate
Kate: Distant
My relationship with David was: Heartfelt
My relationship with Kate was: Distant
My relationship with Gabe was: Cautious
Extra Relationship bits:
David: Heartfelt
Kate: Distant
Gabe: Devoted