Who Clem decides to go with in Episode 5
Whenever I played the Episode 5 of the new frontier and I got to the part where Javier can choose to go with Kate or David and Gabe. Clementine said that she would choose whichever choice I didn't and said that she had my back. What does this mean to my relationship with her? I've heard some say that if she doesn't go with Javier that means I did choices against her but every choice I did was for her and I always did what she wanted.Was there something I did wrong to Clem at some point that I wasn't aware of?
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I got the same answer from Clem. As far as i know there are 3 different answers.
1) She goes with you
2) She goes where she wants to (every gameplay I've seen she went after Gabe)
3) She says Javi and Clem should split up ( Thats what i got)
People say its about how you treated Clem. I sided with her nearly all the time ( Said she was justified to shoot Eli, Shot Conrad and Injected Lingard with whatever, however I opened the door for David in EP3 where Clem threatens you).
To be honest, I'm not really sure what affects this, but its definitely something I've mentioned.
(also, after you get the choices menu Your Clementine, it says : Clem decided it would be better if they'd split up, Saying that Javier can take care of stuff himself, so can Clem).
Clem also went the opposite way of me in my playthrough, and in the end it said something akin to "Clementine, wanting to save as many lives as possible, thought it was best to split up, as she trusted Javier to be safe", I also sided with her every time I got.
On another note, in the choices menu in the game, I cant seem to see any of my episode 5 choices, is it like that for you too?
Yeah I don't know that's bugging me: I sided with Clem every freakin' time but in that scene she chooses to go with Kate, really have no idea why this happens. Also I didn't get a screen with "How your Clementine ended up" or however it was, it was just missing from my credits scene.
In my playthrough she went after Gabe and David regardless of my choice. I really do wonder what part of the story you have to do to make her choose what you want her to choose.
They aren't showing up for me either. My choices are all glitched because I'm missing EP1 and EP5 and some of EP 2 lol.
I have my ep5 choices and they appear in the choices menu. I guess its some bug or somethin.
I guess she trusts Javi enough to let him go alone. I dont see any reason why she would do it otherwise since i was on her side all the time.
On my end card it said that she went the opposite of me to save as many lives as possible and because she trusted Javier to be safe
Kind of sucks, i got no character card for my playthrough. I guess it was bugged or something.
In my playthrough she followed me no matter where i'd go, even though I supported her all throughout the season. So other factors must be involved
Interesting. I actually chose NOT to shoot Conrad, yet Clementine said she'd go wherever I went.
I let David in, Saved Conrad, didn't kill the doctor and she said she was going wherever I did. I need to figure out how to split it up!
My game is bugged as well, I have completed episode 5 twice now, and I still cant see my episode 5 choices in the main menu
Hope it doesnt screw with future games if I import my save
call her touble maker and get her lock up and dont shoot conrad and let david in i guess that will work i dont know lol
I did this and she said she was going after Gabe
I did the same as you except I didn't kill Lingard, and she chose to go wherever I went, that must be a factor then?
I didn't get one either, none of my end screens were about Clem
My episode 5 choices didn't show up in the game itself but showed up on the telltale website
Do I have the play the episode again to see the end cards? Because Clem's did not show up for me and I want to see it
I haven't played with my Kenny walkthrough yet (I normally go with my alone Clem ending first), but I think if Clem left Wellington with Kenny, Clem goes to follow Javi no matter what:
I went with Kenny and Clem chose to do the opposite of whatever i picked.
In my playthrough I had Clem Leave Wellington with Kenny also but clem still chose to do the choice Javier did not do so there has to be another factor.
Thats really interesting because I just opened up the Clem Character Card (It wasnt working when I first played the game) and it says that My Clementine was the "Free Spirit" and that she did the opposite choice of Javi because she thought it would be best to go alone, so I guess she does it for various reasons.
I stayed with Kenny in season 2, and I did everything for Clementine, except killing Lingard, but she chose to make the opposite choice of mine, I wonder how to make her decide save Gabe no matter what, or at least go with me, Because I wanted David alive at the end. BTW I got "A free spirit" Clementine don't know how or why.
This post did make me start thinking though, what if the reason Clem Chooses to go isnt because of how Javi treated her, but the choices you made as her in the flashbacks?
There's an option with the doctor where you let her decide.. Not just 'do it' or 'not do it' - but she decides. I went with that option and it seems to be the only difference between me and dangerous arnie - so that may be the clincher.
As usual, you all are right lol. I just replayed with my Kenny save file and Clem chose to split up from Javi. In my first save file, which I believe was the Clem alone ending, I took Conrad's deal; while in my Kenny save file, I killed Conrad. So I have no fucking idea how Clem chooses to either stay with Javi, split up, or go after Gabe no matter what...
They used previous choices from past seasons in order to make a personality for her.
Based on that template and possibly the relationships she builds during season 3 she will chose either to follow/split or go for a specific option.
Basically it depends on how you raised her.
Yeah I was confused. I did an entirely new playthrough because I assumed having Conrad live meant she wouldn't stick with me.
I loaded up my old save file to do another ending and she ended up sticking with me despite me not killing conrad, not killing lingard, and letting David in the room.
I saved Jane and she stayed with me
I dunno, I just think its terribly bugged, when I played the episode the first time I got all the end credit cards, but none of my choices showed up in the choice menu, then I tried replaying the episode, and it still didnt show up
I dunno, I just think its terribly bugged, when I played the episode the first time I got all the end credit cards, but none of my choices showed up in the choice menu, then I tried replaying the episode, and it still didnt show up
Its must be something about previous season as well, because on my end card it said that she went the opposite of Javi to save as many people as possible, and that she trusted Javier to be safe, and I have supported Clementine in every possible choice, so I dunno
I am having some sort of idea that she sticks with you if you arent fully supportive of her throughout the season, but you still help her sometimes, because in my game, Clementine went whereever I did not, and in the end credits it said something like, "wanting to save as many people as possible, Clementine split up with Javier because she trusted him to be safe"
She did the same to me and I did everything for Clem except letting David come in in Episode 3. On the choices it said 53% of players had Clementine split up and do her own plan. Clem even said she can always rely on me.
Same I said she spent many days with Kenny and AJ until a tragic event changed all their lives.
It said
This is from my original save file where I am alone. She chose to stick with me on this choice.

And this is from my Wellington save file.She chose to go after Gabe and David.

I had the exact same choices except I killed Conrad and Clem said she wouldn't stick with me.