Your Clementine became...

So how many variations ended up being put in the game for clementine at the end? Mine ended up as a "Graceful Gunslinger". What did everyone else get?



  • Mine had to do with Solidarity. She learned to take care of her group, and only kill when necessary - maim in other instances. Really fit all the seasons with her for me.

  • Mine became a "Free Spirit" where she basically just took charge and did things independently

  • I got Survival Strategist.

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned

    A Survival Expert

  • Got "Free Spirit" dunno really how or why

  • I got "A Renewed Soul"

  • I don't think I even got one for Clementine. Probably just an error though.

  • "Uncompromising, Unstoppable, Unbitten"

    No offense, but that one pwns all.

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned

    I didn't either at first, but it showed up a few hours later in the Choices screen.

    I don't think I even got one for Clementine. Probably just an error though.

  • My Clem was:
    A Reformed Loner.

    • Clementine and AJ traveled solo through dangerous territory, fighting off walkers and barely surviving.
    • In her short time [you got that right] with the New Frontier, Clem showed hope and Grace, trusting in others but looking out for AJ first and foremost.
    • When Javi and David fought at the water tower, Clem remembered a similar fight long ago. She took control of the situation by putting a gun to David's head, stopping the violence before it escalated.
    • Once David left on the truck with Gabe, Clem honored her commitment to those loyal to her in choosing to follow her friend Javier's lead.
  • Graceful Gunslinger.

  • My Clementine was "An Apocalyptic Protector".

  • "Bruised but not broken"

  • Apocalyptic Philosopher
    And no I got no idea what thats supposed to mean either...

  • My Clem was a Reformed Loner.

    -Clementine and AJ traveled solo through dangerous territory, fighting off walkers and barely surviving.
    -In her short time with the New Frontier, Clem showed hope and Grace, trusting in others but looking out for AJ first and foremost.
    -When Javi and David fought at the water tower, Clem remembered a similar fight long ago. She took control of the situation by putting a gun to David's head, stopping the violence before it escalated.
    -Once David left on the truck with Gabe, Clem honored her commitment to those loyal to her in choosing to follow her friend Javier's lead.

  • A Liberated Warrior

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

  • graceful gunslinger

  • How can I find my Clementine? After I finished gameplay ep 5 choices didn't show up at all in the game credits, I can see through the Telltale account and now they do show in the game menu. But not Clementine description. Any help, please?

  • Debatable.

    IggyPopYo posted: »

    "Uncompromising, Unstoppable, Unbitten" No offense, but that one pwns all.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Oh neat, I seem to have gotten one no one else has yet

    enter image description here

  • That makes both of us then!

    Deltino posted: »

    Oh neat, I seem to have gotten one no one else has yet

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Aside from this pic in the other thread, I hadn't seen people put the events for this title.
    enter image description here

  • I just realized. Is this the 42 different Clems we were promised before the season started?

  • That's what I was wondering. I guess we have to list them all now...

    Batteries posted: »

    I just realized. Is this the 42 different Clems we were promised before the season started?

  • I replayed the episode, still can't get any of these stats to show up except for the main choices. No who my Clementine Became nor my relationship summaries with other characters.

  • You have to go into 'extras' and then 'Your choices' on the main menu to find out who your clementine became.

    I replayed the episode, still can't get any of these stats to show up except for the main choices. No who my Clementine Became nor my relationship summaries with other characters.

  • Mine was a Free Spirit.

  • Good luck with making a game with 42 possibilities for one character. Don't fool ourselves. Our choices won't matter once again.

    Batteries posted: »

    I just realized. Is this the 42 different Clems we were promised before the season started?

  • mine became a thot. damn it

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2017

    enter image description here

    Haven't seen anyone else in the thread with this one.

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