GOTG Episode 2 Waiting Thread - Rated by Aus, Releasing June 6th, New Key Art, Trailer Out Now



  • Yeah. Episode 1 was really just the setup however, and all the discussion was elsewhere in other separate threads. Waiting threads these days are mostly just for hype and info. Not much theorizing. Those are outside.

    I do remember the days of TFTB episodes. Man, theories galore, huge waiting threads, it was fun. Nothing has been that good since. The only thing that came close was Batman.

    buntingsir posted: »

    I'm so excited for more funky music and atmospheric flashbacks and everything. And hopefully there will be more room for discussion after the second episode. It's just so odd to see only 5 pages on the waiting thread.

  • I miss those days...They were good times....

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah. Episode 1 was really just the setup however, and all the discussion was elsewhere in other separate threads. Waiting threads these day

  • Eh, Batman section wasn't that active either. Then again it was still better than GotG subforum, that's practically a ghost town.

    But agreed about TftB. Those were the days...

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah. Episode 1 was really just the setup however, and all the discussion was elsewhere in other separate threads. Waiting threads these day

  • Sure the discussions are elsewhere, but for now there's not many of them. So I hope for some annoyingly mysterious cliffhangers to happen in the next episodes. C: Will be great.

    The good old days, huh. Mostly I remember TFTB waiting threads for constant 'I can't wait anymore' type of messages. Waiting together was kind of weird excruciating fun.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah. Episode 1 was really just the setup however, and all the discussion was elsewhere in other separate threads. Waiting threads these day

  • Well I tried to create some discussions but they always got like two comments each and it seemed pointless to even try after that.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Sure the discussions are elsewhere, but for now there's not many of them. So I hope for some annoyingly mysterious cliffhangers to happen in

  • Exactly, it seems like not many people are visiting this section of the forum, due to lack of interest or some other reasons. It's understandable I guess, with TWD around. Besides we're only getting started with GOTG.
    I just hope it picks up after the next episode.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well I tried to create some discussions but they always got like two comments each and it seemed pointless to even try after that.

  • It might get a little more popular after ANF is finished but probably not by a lot.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Exactly, it seems like not many people are visiting this section of the forum, due to lack of interest or some other reasons. It's understan

  • As soon as the ANF Episode 5 launch ends, next in line will be Episode 2, so I could see us getting a little more later this week, like screens and a trailer.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    A trailer on Thursday would be my guess.

    As soon as the ANF Episode 5 launch ends, next in line will be Episode 2, so I could see us getting a little more later this week, like screens and a trailer.

  • edited May 2017

    That reminds me, they haven't released any screens lately (not counting the key arts) to promote the TWD episodes, did they? Last time they did that was with ANF Ep 1-2 I think. Strange...

    As soon as the ANF Episode 5 launch ends, next in line will be Episode 2, so I could see us getting a little more later this week, like screens and a trailer.

  • No, they haven't... Interesting.

    Pipas posted: »

    That reminds me, they haven't released any screens lately (not counting the key arts) to promote the TWD episodes, did they? Last time they did that was with ANF Ep 1-2 I think. Strange...

  • After that excellent roller coaster of a finale for Walking dead I'm ready for some good vibes in space.

  • Spoiler

    I wasn't that impressed with this Walking's finale, but it did do the job of closing things up, setting up a (most likely sooner rather than later) extra DLC content, and giving us that beloved complete choices end screen of detail-atoria! -- very much akin to Season 1.

    And now.... Excitement flows through me to finally continue Telltale's Guardians series! June 6th can't come soon enough.

    After that excellent roller coaster of a finale for Walking dead I'm ready for some good vibes in space.

  • Guardians could actually be good for me because for the past couple days all I've wanted to do is cry and talk about ANF's finale. XD

    After that excellent roller coaster of a finale for Walking dead I'm ready for some good vibes in space.

  • Yeah, the tonal whiplash will be interesting, playing this only a week after ANF Ep 5. :p

    After that excellent roller coaster of a finale for Walking dead I'm ready for some good vibes in space.

  • edited May 2017

    the tonal whiplash will be interesting

    WALKING DEAD (represented by a gif):
    "Death! Gore! Apocalypse!"

    enter image description here

    GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (represented by a gif):
    "Sweet Jams! Camaraderie and Family! Spaaace!"

    enter image description here

    Man, I hadn't really taken that into account yet. I'm all fired up from that Walking finale, and now I have to segue into the happier, intense, and groovin' tunes of Guardians. All I can think of for now is TWD....

    EDIT: Okay... I replied to you in three different threads just now. Wow, oops. I promise I'll stop stalking for now. >:) ;)

    Yeah, the tonal whiplash will be interesting, playing this only a week after ANF Ep 5.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2017

    AChicken said:
    [gif of Rick casually getting smacked lightly with a shovel]

    Dude, there are probably kids reading this. Why are you posting such intense and horrifying gifs?!? :scream:

    AChicken posted: »

    the tonal whiplash will be interesting WALKING DEAD (represented by a gif): "Death! Gore! Apocalypse!" GUARDIANS OF THE GALA

  • "Sometimes to survive trauma, one must go through it himself". (or herself... no discrimination here.)

    AChicken said: [gif of Rick casually getting smacked lightly with a shovel] Dude, there are probably kids reading this. Why are you posting such intense and horrifying gifs?!?

  • I'm excited to see if we get an eventual trailer. :p

    Episode 1 started off a bit slow, but now that the plot is established, I can see Episode 2 hopefully picking up the pace where Episode 1 left off.

  • Well, IMO ANF is Telltale's best comedy yet.

    AChicken posted: »

    the tonal whiplash will be interesting WALKING DEAD (represented by a gif): "Death! Gore! Apocalypse!" GUARDIANS OF THE GALA

  • I think that still belongs to Tales from the Borderlands, quite honestly.

    Well, IMO ANF is Telltale's best comedy yet.

  • I don't know, I think Kenny and Ava's deaths and the shameless cashgrab at the end are funnier than anything in TftB.

    I think that still belongs to Tales from the Borderlands, quite honestly.

  • edited June 2017

    100% agree, I think this episode has massive potential and the fact that @mostlypoptarts has played it over 3 times already is getting me excited.

    I'm excited to see if we get an eventual trailer. Episode 1 started off a bit slow, but now that the plot is established, I can see Episode 2 hopefully picking up the pace where Episode 1 left off.

  • Javier does have a good handful of choice one liners, but ha I think I'm going to have to agree with Blind.

    Well, IMO ANF is Telltale's best comedy yet.

  • OHHHH I'M STUPID I was skimming your comment and thought you typed "GOTG" instead of "ANF".

    Eh, in that case, sure - you do you.

    I don't know, I think Kenny and Ava's deaths and the shameless cashgrab at the end are funnier than anything in TftB.

  • Hahahahaha...

    I find it more worrisome and agonizing that that had to happen to TWD.
    Tales is truly the best comedy, no irony involved there.

    ....In my humble opinion, of course.

    Well, IMO ANF is Telltale's best comedy yet.

  • Wouldn't mind pushing the date to june 12th .
    TBH I am still in the walking dead mood discussing , playing and watching all the possible scenes ,choices and outcomes .

  • Wouldn't mind pushing the date to june 12th . TBH I am still in the walking dead mood discussing , playing and watching all the possible scenes ,choices and outcomes .

  • It's like this game was made for use on the forums

  • I was hoping we'd get a trailer on Thursday, but it's looking like that's not going to happen.

    I'm excited to see if we get an eventual trailer. Episode 1 started off a bit slow, but now that the plot is established, I can see Episode 2 hopefully picking up the pace where Episode 1 left off.

  • Yeah, I'm really surprised we haven't gotten more. At this point, my next bet is Trailer on Monday and a teaser tomorrow. Still weird though.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I was hoping we'd get a trailer on Thursday, but it's looking like that's not going to happen.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I just checked the Steam database and it is now showing that episode 2 will be 3.26 GB on Steam.

    enter image description here

  • Remember back in the day when we thought over 1 GB meant a massive episode. I mean Episode 5 of ANF was over 3 GB and while it was only 75 mins it had a ton of branching narratives and enviorments, so that's something to look forward too at least, but still...Please be at least 90 mins.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just checked the Steam database and it is now showing that episode 2 will be 3.26 GB on Steam.

  • :D I am Groot!

  • Actually it was 95 minutes for me because i had more dialogues because of conrad and lingard and I died during a particular scene which was a lengthy death .

    Remember back in the day when we thought over 1 GB meant a massive episode. I mean Episode 5 of ANF was over 3 GB and while it was only 75 m

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Is that a leaked line from episode 2? :p

    I am Groot!


    OzzyUK posted: »

    Is that a leaked line from episode 2?

  • [Your avatar]

    DAAAHHHHHH, NO!! When I read this comment yesterday I was thinking "Hmm, I hope he doesn't change his avatar to the Clem/Gabe kiss scene...", one day later and LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!

    Sorry, I know this is off-topic but I needed to say that.

    OHHHH I'M STUPID I was skimming your comment and thought you typed "GOTG" instead of "ANF". Eh, in that case, sure - you do you.

  • It is so awesome that you always pop in to see us!

    I love your work. No one could ever play Bigby like you did.

    I am Groot!

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