Plot Idea's for Season 4!
So, here is my idea for the storyline of Season 4 which I think would be a creative and interesting route to go. Please post some ideas for your concepts! Who knows, maybe Telltale will stumble upon this and draw some inspiration!
I'd like for Season 4; to focus on Clementine finally tracking down AJ by going on an adventure. She travels to the Farm that Linguard mentioned, only to find it in complete ruin. With clues about the character we're soon to meet scattered around the hub that is at this farm. She see's reminiscences of kids toys and some of AJ's drawings and investigates believing AJ to have somehow survived. Because she can't give up not at least without a body. As she follows a track; along her adventure she finds remains of items etc. Which give her both a trail and some kind of idea of who's she's tracking.
Eventually through her adventure she meets up with a young man who in fact survived what happened at the ranch; and had in fact saved AJ on his own and been raising him all by himself for the past few months alone! And has even grown extremely attached to AJ! As has AJ to him; AJ is his "little dude" or whatever. At first the young man doesn't believe that Clementine knows who AJ is; and assumes she's somehow out to get him and AJ for some reason which Telltale can elaborate on. Clem and the dude can have conflict over AJ etc. because he's been raising AJ instead of Clementine; who to him is suspicious and a complete stranger. So, Clementine's got the hard journey of getting AJ back from someone who's not a bad person, in-fact is a good carer for her AJ, and one that AJ's come to love as a carer too! Maybe taught him to walk etc. There can be a critical moment in the season where the young man starts to believe Clem; and it can be done in a situation whereby he learns Clementines name; after AJ's randomly said "Clem" to the young man a few times. That's when the young man is like "Oh! Snap! You're the Clementine he's going on about!?" and the two trust eachother and continue on their adventures. However, Clementine wants to take AJ back to Richmond. And this person wants to take AJ back to a place he's heard of that exists. But's never been there. (or maybe he has or something who knows). That's the gist of the story. The story is based around your interactions with this man and the adventures/situations all 3 of you fall into. Maybe from Zombie Hordes and Bandits. Etc.
Now, depending on your Clementine and the interactions between your Clem and this young man. People may have a different relationship to him. Some players might really like him, and try and befriend him; because he seems a cool dude and they can try and convince him to come to Richmond back with Clementine and AJ. Others players may have a more disagreeing conflicting relationship, resulting in Clem eventually Killing him over AJ, Other alterations where Clem can end up loving him, or a wildcard kinda thing where he gets bit (either indirectly, accidentally or purposely by a desperate sneaky clem) and it goes sad. All endings would be dependent on how you play your Clem and the dialogue options as a result of the type of Clem you have at the end of ANF. Clem wanting to go back to Richmond to raise AJ, and the young man wanting to travel to another place with AJ because of his own reasons. I think it could be a really interesting story to tell; where it's not that one side is bad or the other. But how perception of an individual can be important.
I'd like throughout the story to have some fan-catering flashbacks to Christa- relating to her advice for Clem on how to raise a child. And the explanation to how Christa's baby died in those 2 years of apocalypse. Also, i think one of the groups they run into being Lilly and catering to survivors of old season to which we never got closure. Stuff like that to put those rumours to bed. Make those open-ended questions knotted and so we can leave them be. Have Joan or Clint be found along the journey. Cater to you're fanbase and tie up some of these loose ends on the way.
I'd hope to get the ending with all 3 of us going back to Richmond with the Garcia's and finally Clementine being happy amongst a healthy community in Richmond supported by the Kingdom and Jesus. Happy Ending to Clem's Story. But of course; there are alternate Endings like i mentioned above. Perhaps an alternate ending for some players is making it to the young man's location and it turns out to be Rick's Group. And it ends with Clem, the young man and AJ living with them.
We've had enough of Clem meeting different survivor groups and getting separated and being on her own again and then again meeting another group and this cycle continues.
Season 1 group, luke's group, prescott, richmond etc. I dont think it'll be exciting to see same thing happening over again.
Maybe we can have something different than introduction of MORE new characters.
It'd be better to see old characters returning, Christa, Lilly and many others have not been confirmed dead...
Clem's story is not limited to just finding a baby whose fate isnt even confirmed dead or alive, her story is about survival on her own, her story is about her developing personality and strong character from a young age and how she handles the world around her. These are enough for telltale to carry on for a couple of seasons and combined with additional storylines and old characters, the future seasons can be really overwhelming
Yep, agree! Hope we will have lots of Seasons with playable Clem =D
Javier turns bad and screws up Richmond.
Clem's gotta take him down because reasons.
Yes! When Clementine returns to Richmond after she finds AJ, she finds that Richmond is now more corrupt than it was before it's downfall... In order to increase food supply, Javier resorted to cannibalism. He's been abducting citizens from Richmond and farming them for meat, but of course, no one knows yet...
that escalated quickly
God... Your profile pic got me emotional yet again
Telltale should appoint you guys lmao
My Idea (EDIT):
First we get a Clem flashback.
Present Day: Clem arrives at the Mc Carroll ranch that Dr. Lingard mentioned. Before entering, she comes across one of the guards; a teenage boy with a similar upbringing to her own.
The boy, Chester C, is 14 years old. Just a few months away from 15. He has blue eyes, and black hair in a mushroom cut. He is tough as nails like Clem, he's a fighter like Jesus, and has a good sense of humor like Javier. He generally uses a crossbow for long range encounters, and a Machete for close ones.
Just a few months ago during a raid by New Frontier, he lost his older brother, who had been his mentor since the Z.A. began. His father died in a war before the apocalypse started, so his mother was all he had left at this point.
Clem manages to find A.J. with Chester's guidance, but just as she gets ready to leave, bandits show up. For a moment she loses track of A.J. Depending on player choice, Clem can either look for A.J. and meet up with Chester, or help hold off the bandits so Chester can go after him.
Regardless of what Clem chooses, Chester is unable to save his Mom as the ranch is burned.
We then get a Chester flashback before the apocalypse, to the day he heard about his father dying while in the line of duty. He and his brother Joseph are playing catch at that time.
Present Day: With nowhere else to turn, Chester goes with Clem and A.J. back to Richmond. They set up camp along the way and (Determinantly) share an alcoholic drink. The following day they come across the Slaughterhouse. To be continued...
Clem dies in the first minute by a walker and the story focuses on her in the afterlife with Gabe. The end.
Clementine heads to the farm and reunites with AJ and to her surprise (those who chose) Jane/Kenny.
Clementine had caught the common cold, and was bedridden for some time. An incident occurs (bandits or walkers) and Jane/Kenny hide Clem while they distract the invaders. And what happened in the flashbacks of ANF was a part of Clem's delirium. (A long shot but c'mon, one can hope).
That's just part of what I have planned. Just reunions with faces from previous entries and work on survival and character growth.
That's all I can come up with.
A plot where AJ can be alive or dead at the end of the season, depending on your choices. Of course this won't happen but I'd like it
I like this new guy already. He sounds like MORE of a badass than Clementine actually.
Another Cliffhanger. Well shit. At least we'd know A.J. would live if this happened.
Oh I don't know maybe bringing Kenny back or at least Lilly. Oh and if she does meet new survivors in season 4 I hope it's not just a bunch of young dumb shits. seriously is Kenny and Lee the only good older people they can come up with?
wow this season 4 prediction sorta ... i imagined it all cool
my story
clem has a flashback(determate) (my story) her and gabe in a safe place after a car accident with david their talking while shes patching up and their talking about ajand her plans on when she leaves the when the flashback ends macorral ranch is down the road with aj on the yard playing with these elderly people and he sees clem in the distance and says ''clem'' then the elderly couple looks back with suprise and she runs toward aj and when she picks him up the elderly couple or wondering who is she so she explains and they want proof that ajs hers so on their way to richmond clem and he couple hit a camp of bandits with then hold them hostage but not aj while shes knocked out she gets a flashback with lee and the dairy farm where he says ''fight thats all you can do'' she ends up waking up looking a a camp fire seeing aj crying and the couple getting beat up she sits p yelling leave them alone and theier cannibals so they talk really messed up to her so she spits in their face . the bandits say ''you shouldnt have done that'' than shoot the couple than out of nowhere a group with lilly and a young boy same age as clem that is tough as nails come shooting them down clem grabs aj and lilly and her look at each other with a small smile and thats when lilly starts asking questions on how she got aj than the boy tell clem on how lilly found him stuck in a bad place and saved them they make their way back to richmond and thats whee javeir woders who they are and a conflict happens but one of the cannibals made it out and trys to attack themwhill lilly and her gruop are getting a tour and clem catching up with her as they were shooting happens by the wall and they evacuate... to be continued sorry i got tired of typing i tried to include the ideas tht a seen in the recent comments so yah
sorry for my bad spelling
Are you sure it's not father Joseph.... xD

Real talk, Far Cry 5 looks dope.
That being said the slaughterhouse better be the second coming of christ given all the hype people have for it.
Now my first concerns are how you plan to explain how Javier turned into this villain. What caused this downfall of a hero? Is it that he values the same morals but with stricter ties (like Superman in Injustice), or he completely changed them?
Is the reason for whatever caused his development - realistic? Can we create a sympathy with this villain by knowing that we would have done the same in his situation?
But I do also have a major change I wish to add: The entire story happens on a much wider scale than Richmond. Maybe a thousand times more impactful to the world around. Maybe a new faction, hidden underground with technology and biomedical scientists, reveal themselves to the world. Maybe they have advanced bio-weapons beyond what we comprehend in the wastelands we know now.
having to be responsible for all lives in Richmond, not just his remaining family. easy to become morally grey when you have to face the harsh reality that you cant keep everyone alive without raiding.
Clem finding AJ, meeting survivors (whom she doesn't stay with long term), and on her journey she passes through random communities to refuel/sleep for the night. If this happens to be Telltales last Season with Clem, it'd cool to end the game with Clementine introducing herself and AJ to the people of The Hilltop (obviously if it gets rebuilt by then) and if it's still destroyed then wherever Carl, Maggie, and Jesus are - this would most likely mean she'd meet Rick at the same time as well; the reason I want her to become apart of The Hilltop community over the other 2 is because she's already met Jesus, she met Glenn and Hershel in the past (and they were very connected to Maggie), and of course because I can see an awesome relationship between Clem and Carl in the future.
Fortunately, my friend is writing up some ideas on the website. It basically outlines some of the ideas I talked about here but in much greater detail. Pretty slick, though it hasn't been posted yet.
yea. but what about the ending with gabe dead??
i was trefering about my ending sorry but the flasback woild be of them playing euchre
so im just gonna put this up but im pretty sure we all known telltale s gonna destroy Richmond and only keep if we re lucky , Very lucky 2 of the determinants from A new frontier ((Which would probably be Gabe and Conrad ... Why conrad? Cause telltale still needs their poster boy for ´´Our choices matter´´. meaning if we go back to richmond season 4 would be with Javi , Clem, ((Determinant)) Conrad , Gabe ((As for kate and David they would probably just pull some retarded excuse with when you arrive at Richmond you find them but you get separated from them and never find them again Christa style.))
I hope Javi will follow Clem's journey to help her to find AJ, this time you're playing as Clem. There's a two way that Javi treats Clem depends how your attitude it was in S3 (good or bad to Clem).
I like the idea of finding clues on what's happened to AJ and where they might have gone. That's what I loved about season one where you had to find things and puzzle solving for example in season one when your in the tunnel and you have to find a way to distract the walkers so you can walk past or work out how to use the train, I'm hoping that we will also have an "old friend" pop up. Whether it be Lily or Christa. (Christa be interesting as she lost her baby and maybe use AJ as a substitute) I really hope they do more action rather than just watch it and click on what you want to say
I think we'll come all this way and AJ won't recognize Clem. David said he was a brat, which is strange because the AJ we knew was always super chill. I wonder if he's being raised by bad people.
Seems like Clementine is determined to die with AJ being new protagonist, which sucks
I hope we won't meet a new group but actually create a new group just like in s1. A new group with returning characters and new characters
plot twist: Javier was part of the St. Johns family
Here's an idea:
Release a remaster twdg series
Add more consequences of choices (like Clem hates you when you dropped Ben)
Add a few more characters and plot points
Probably build up Carver army massacre mystery a bit more, maybe even in S1
Have characters that actually survive 1 or 2 seasons
Add more and unique gameplay, that actually works
It's really bad when this company's main factor are choices and they can't even make them hard.
I think they shouldn't wait for the comics to continue and just make it take place directly after season 3.
Here is a plot idea for season 4...make the story about Clementine.
Some would say that Clem doesn't need another story because she has already "grown up".
I beg to disagree. In order for her to get more character development the writers need ask themselves: What role does Clementine have in The Walking Dead continuity?
Due to the collapse of civilization, humanity is socially, culturally and politically trying to redefine itself. She can probably become an agent of that change.
Season one Clementine was a representation of the hopes and ideals of humanity. Hopefully, future character development will allow her to reclaim some of that essence of her former self. She can grow up to be a leader of a new settlement or become a founding mother of a new nation just like Alexander Hamilton. She could channel that optimistic energy in areas that are both cultural or social. She could become a Leonardo Da Vinci like figure where she can use her creativity to usher a new cultural renaissance in post-outbreak America.
Her potential as a character can even go further in the post- apocalyptic universe. Her strong sense of hope could allow her to become a legendary figure akin to archetypes such as Moses, Plato, Confucius, Jesus, Muhammad, and Joan of Arc. She could probably start a new religion. Who knows. Maybe in a thousand years into the zombie outbreak, every survivor will worship her as "our Lady Redeemer" kind of like the Prophet Andraste from the Dragon Age universe.
All I'm saying is that there are a lot of future possibilities for Telltale to shape the character of Clementine. She doesn't have to be limited as "a little girl who is trying to survive the apocalypse". I hope they abandon the "just trying to survive" trope for a lot of the characters because I think it's not only limiting their character development but also their roles within the story.
I also think that Clementine's story shouldn't just be her trying to find A.J. I think that Clementine should find A.J by the end of the first episode of season 4.
I always get crazy ideas for stories whenever someone comes up with a tiny snippet like that...
I do that, like, all the time. (See my Wolf S2 and Minecraft Battlefield Mode stories...)
It starts with a flashback where you see Clementine drawing something at school, the kids in her class are bullying her, and teasing how her hair looks, Clementine glares at them and continues drawing, then the drawing morphs into the folded drawing of AJ, that clementine had tucked in her pants. Clementine stares at it for a little while, then she ''sighs'' and tucks it back in her pants. She continues walking, and she sees a little black dot in the distance. Clementine stops and stares at it for a while, she is trying to see what it is by squinting her eyes. With gun in hand, she slowly walks towards the black dot. She finally sees what it is, and it appears to be a cat looking at her with big green eyes. Clementine looks at the cat with a bit of confuse, because she hasn't had seen a cat for a long time. Clem decides what she should do with it..''uhmm...should is eat you buddy?'' but Clementine doesn't have a lighter that works properly. The cat purrs and bunts its head at clementines knee, clementine knees down to the cat and strokes the cats fur, ''how did you survive for so long little fella'' Clementine says. The cat is very thin, and you see its bones, the cat is at this point rolling on the ground, purring very loudly. ''atleast you are still is pretty rare these days to be that you know, but I have to go now. I have to find someone really close to me'' Clementine stands up and walks away. But what Clementine didn't noticed was that the little cat had followed her. Then the cat suddenly jumps on Clementines shoulder! Clementine clearly in shock, and almost had a heartattack, looks at the cat who is now on her shoulder. ''you are really different aren't you? I really don't have any food for you i'm sorry'' The cat is knocking its head at Clementine head now...''Ok then....if you really don't want to leave me alone.. you should come along then, AJ would really like you! Uhmm..what should I call you...uhh I don't know yet.. we''ll discuss that with AJ''
I kind of though about this little beginnings story from a book I read called ''A street cat named Bob'' (it's a story that really happened!) and I also had some experienced with feral cats who were really sweet, and kind. Without them even having any food. So I thought that it would be nice if Clementine had something sweet happening to her like this, I don''t know.
here under you see the images of Bob the cat, and its owner, its a really cute heartfelt story, (a movie had been made too about them too btw)
enter image description here
Anyway I thought it would be cute if clementine had a little furry partner on the way while she is trying to find AJ I don't know.