What was the point of that choice even?
Standing with David when he goes up to the roof.
Seriously wtf was that choice even about and what effect did it have on the game? He still gets mad and tries to beat you up no matter what even if you didn't have any relationship with Kate. Would it be not better if he didn't try to fight you if you stood with him? Argh whatever.
Things like this make me feel that they decided to stop writing Episode 5 and just released whatever they had at the time.
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Yeah, I don't get that scene either since, outside of being an obvious "David is a great, totally deep and complex man", he gives more or less the same speech whether you stand with him or not.
i dunno maybe he wants to check if Javi trusts him and doesnt think he s gonna push him off the roof or something to see if Javi thinks he s actually that unstable.
I know, but if that was the case, that choice would've have some clear repurcussions.
I would've liked the choice of Javi pushing him over the edge. Would've prevented lots of drama then and there.
According to someone in the details thread, it is one of the major choices that impacts your overall relationship with David and determines what message you get during the credits.
I was thinkin the same thing!
I don't know. I stood with him and David's relationship card still said adversarial.
Well the point of it was to see if you trust him.
To be honest, the only reason I went up there was because I knew TellTale wasn't going to randomly kill off Javier by having David push him off the roof before the end of the episode.
I disagree. If anything that's a very important scene to determine where Javier stands regarding his relationship with David.
Trust and family bond have been themes that kept on coming back for the whole season. You've had several characters trying to give you their opinion about a family member you haven't seen for a long time. It's your choice to trust them over him or the other way around. Your choices with Clementine are also about how much you trust her and her judgement so, she, herself, can ultimately decide to trust you or not. You get to talk with Gabe about trust, Eleanor betrays you and pretty much everyone betrays David.
At the beginning of Episode 5, David lost everyone's trust and David trusted nobody but Javier and Gabe ( and Kate ????? ) given how he was just betrayed by a community he clearly used to care about . Once he saw everyone scared of him, he wondered if the only man who came up to talk to him actually trusted him.
I don't know, you guys keep on complaining about the lack of character development but then you get an actual meaningful and powerful scene about one of the main characters and you just decide there was no point in that scene because it didn't prevent David from fighting Javier. I don't get it.
The same way some want to care about characters and want them developed but beg for them to get killed because they don't like them right away. How do you develop dead characters ? It doesn't add up.
The fight, in itself, had more to do with David slowly losing it as he felt everyone turned his back on him. As I said before, he was just betrayed by the community that ''saved him'' on a psycholagical level ( as said in episode 3 ). With the community betraying him he clearly lost it... He clung onto Javier even though he kept on dragging him verbally. That's pretty obvious as everytime he needed help for anything he asked his brother or son/looked at his brother or son for help. The ''David felt betrayed'' if you don't agree with him in the flashback is also very telling of the type of relationship they share. When things get too intense he'll expect you to have his back, that's why, unfortunately, everytime something goes wrong he'll also snap at Javier. The people who's opinion matter the most are the people he'll be the most strict with and for the longest time ( Javi and Gabe ). Generally you won't see him behave the same way with Clementine in present time. She'll keep on insulting , judging him, mistrust him... but he is not as harsh with her.
When Javier stands on that roof David opened up to him. If anything Kate making him think Javier, the man he opened up to a few hours before, was also betraying him the whole time, would have made him snap even faster. The closer David is to Javier the worse the whole ''betrayal'' is ( even when you didn't romance Kate so didn't betray him at all ). That, and there's the whole jealousy history going on.
It was not even about Javier and Javier alone but he was just disappointed more than once in this whole game : Badger and Max first, Joan and Clint second, the public watching as he tried to tell Joan was lying third, then he felt let down by Kate and Gabe, even if Gabe did nothing but expressing his opinion about what he's done.
Who's left ? Only Javier.
He doesn't even have to know Kate cheated, just to imagine Javi would do that to him is enough to make someone like him snap. Kate's behaviour for the whole game wasn't helping either...Even if you are Pro-David for the whole game she will still show how much she cares about Javier, a charming guy she was with for 4 years, and ~not so much~ for David, her husband. That makes a man imagine the worst.
To go back to the actual roof scene :
In the end you get an adjectif to qualify your relationship with David and if I believe the counts someone made, that moment count for 4 points out of a total of 7. Unfortunately, there's a bug and whether or not you did it it says '' You distanced yourself from David when he needed it the most'' which basically prevent you from having the ''brotherly'' relationship title... but hey... I doubt it had much effect in the game. I don't know.
I understand you would want the scene to have more impact though, wouldn't we all ? I just felt like it was such a great and important scene in itself that it didn't have to have an impact on the fight to be there.
When I first got up to the roof I thought David was gonna jump. SO why would I get up there?
To follow him to the ends of the earth.
Or the pavement--Pizza for everyone!