Wow, I'm not surprised But only 2 % of people told ...
Clementine: "If I bring AJ back with me, Will you teach him too?".
Javier: "If you find him, and he's happy ... Let him be happy."
"Leave him be."
My reasoning for telling Clementine this is because I don't think she need to lose her childhood by taking care of a kid someone else would be more capable of looking after.
What are other people's thought process for this decision?
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Kinda the same reasoning I had.
Well... it's an apocalyptic world and no one is getting to be child anymore. They have to grow up and learn survival fast, because if they don't - tthe human race is doomed. And Clem.. she has not been a kid since(at least my Clem) shot Lee back in S1.
That is what I told her as well. If he's safe and well provided for in that kind of world, it's the best thing he could've hoped for. Being a single mother is hard and that's in today's society, let alone in the kind of environment Kirkman's world has become.
I'd be interested to know though, if he is found safe and well provided for, and whomever he was given to wasn't willing to give him to Clementine - how many people would attack them for it? ( aka fight for him ) Could they bring themselves to do harm to someone who'd done nothing but give AJ a home for the sake of simply keeping him with Clementine?
As Clementine, I felt I wanted to take care of AJ. Rebecca trusted HER to take care of him, so I encouraged her to bring him back to Richmond.
If we're talking about survival, the best thing for AJ is getting taking care of by a community of people that have experience of looking after children. Clementine shouldn't have this experience, although the game makes it seem like Clementine can handle anything, no problem.
This is probably why people overlook Clementine's own life. Since we are shown that Clementine can handle anything we assume there isn't anything else for her to do. Hence, being a parent should be no problem. If her character was portrayed realistically we would realise she is a kid that still has lots to learn.
I personally feel she should take an apprenticeship from somebody in a community so she can have a valuable skill set for the apocalypse.
I agree. Personally, I don't think she should of been able to keep AJ in the alone ending.
Well given the percentage of people that sided with Clementine over the 'Killing Eli' choice and 'Killing Conrad' choice, I would expect a majority of people to attack them. Assuming, that is what Clementine is hinting towards, in game.
Yeah, I understand why Clementine would do it. I'm assuming you would make decisions in Clementine perspective throughout the game. I do believe that this is one of ANF biggest faults. I would of forgiven it if it turned out Clementine was just using the player. Since that is not the case, it just makes those choices seem inconsistent with the rest of the game.
Reassuring to see someone else also had the same outlook.
It's not really Javier's call to give this sort of advice to Clementine. They've known each other for maybe 3 days, so realistically speaking no fucks should be given. He can't possibly understand how much AJ means to Clem, also Clementine shouldn't entirely rely on some's guy thoughts. This whole conversation seemed off. If realism ever comes back to this series, this single scene will have no effect on Clem's future decision.
I told Kenny in his dying moments that I would protect AJ and Kenny remembered that and said he didnt trust AJ with anyone else.
So I told her to bring back the boy and that's exactly what we're going to do.
A wise guy once told Clementine, "Family is what you make it." In my playthrough, Clem chose family over safety when she left Wellington side by side with Kenny and AJ. Safety is worthless if you can't share your life with the people you love.
Don't worry, I doubt this will effect future Walking Dead content. You are right about Javier, but this game did forcefully portray their relationship as close. That being said, I don't think Javier's words are unwise here.
Clementine has protected AJ. Although, would disturbing AJ's peaceful life be worth it? Especially when you could focus on improving your own life? Your promise to Kenny is endearing, but don't let it control all your actions. Allow yourself to let new information change your decisions.
I told Clem to bring AJ back. If she bring AJ back to Richmond she can raise home in a community with other people. They could build a life togeather. I think it would be a good story arc for Clem's character after everything she went through. Also on a slightly darker side, I always assumed that Clem's obsession with AJ is because she has nothing else left to live for.
Clementine is the only person left who knew AJ's parents and the people that raised him. She is the closest thing he will ever have to family and Clem has the most incentive out of anybody to keep him safe.
Perhaps AJ is being protected at the ranch for now, but who knows how his caretakers would deal with him if he became a burden or they ran out of supplies. Safety is useless without family who truly love you and care for you. That's why Lee told off Vernon, that's why many players stayed with Kenny instead of staying in Wellington.
AJ could be in danger for all we know, Clementine being motivated to protect him will work out. I can change decisions based on new information and did so all season long, but family is the most important thing in this game and I just have to see my promise through.
Well... she found a community - the Garcias(Javi, Kate..), but people hate them, so we will probably just see them once more..
Plus, I was talking about Clementine's childhood - she has never been a child... not ever since Lee found her and took care of her. Then in the end of season 1 and the whole season 2 she had to take some pretty hard decisions - for example shooting Rebecca. Mentioning Rebecca - she trusted Clem, so yes.. my Clem can take care of AJ and the only community she needs now is Javier.
I had to tell her that getting him back was the right thing.
They've been together for so long, I couldn't try to separate them like that, they're like siblings!