I got the same, except I grabbed Kenny's hat before leaving Wellington, and Clem trusted my ability to handle myself, and went with whoever I didn't go with.
You're right about it not seeming bad ass. I like this though only because it was right about my Clementine. I just wish it showed more descriptions of her personality to see how accurate it really is.
I kinda wish there was a bit more to the Clem personality screen (or maybe fewer outcomes or each outcome put into divisions). They just put down your choices and cool little title but I'm not really sure what it's supposed to mean.
Like what's the difference between a Liberated Warrior and a Graceful Gunslinger? Or a Sympathetic Sharpshooter and a Dedicated Friend?
I don't even know because it didn't fucking show up when I finished the episode and now, 3 days later, I still can't check.
Great game, Telltale. Works perfectly, perfect story, perfect everything. /s
I don't even know because it didn't fucking show up when I finished the episode and now, 3 days later, I still can't check.
Great game, Telltale. Works perfectly, perfect story, perfect everything. /s
Clementine wasn't even a supporting character or even important at all in ANF with trivial dialogue and existing for fan appeal. I have no clue how/why they could even make a diverse "my Clementine" result.
"A Liberated Warrior"
-Was alone with AJ.
-Tearful Farewell.
-Shot David in the shoulder.
-Went with whoever I did not choose.
A Reformed Loner. Is it good?
I wonder if I'll ever have the pleasure to find out, as my stats remain broken.
I got the same, except I grabbed Kenny's hat before leaving Wellington, and Clem trusted my ability to handle myself, and went with whoever I didn't go with.
Mine's not showing up, although it's probably because I'm playing on a PS4.
She bacame a trusting fighter by taking kennys hat in Wellington and going where I went in the finale.
You're right about it not seeming bad ass. I like this though only because it was right about my Clementine. I just wish it showed more descriptions of her personality to see how accurate it really is.
It's not platform's fault, I'm on PC and have the same problem.
I dont see anyone with enlightened combater yet
I changed my ending and my Clem ended up as "A Survival Strategist"
Same exact thing
My Clementine became a 'Reformed Loner'. Did anyone else get this?
Xbox here. Same shit.
Sadly, I do not know because it didin't pop up for me, nor does it in the choices screen... telltale pls fix
I don't even know because it didn't fucking show up when I finished the episode and now, 3 days later, I still can't check.
Great game, Telltale. Works perfectly, perfect story, perfect everything. /s
I got spirited and assured.
I just realized something.... is this the 42 Clementines they were yapping about?
I got "Liberated Warrior"
I kinda wish there was a bit more to the Clem personality screen (or maybe fewer outcomes or each outcome put into divisions). They just put down your choices and cool little title but I'm not really sure what it's supposed to mean.
Like what's the difference between a Liberated Warrior and a Graceful Gunslinger? Or a Sympathetic Sharpshooter and a Dedicated Friend?
A survival warrior
My sarcasm detector is going insane!
Didin't show up for me either.
I think I'm gonna replay the episode in a week and hope it shows up then.
I played the game the complete opposite on two different playthroughs and got Trusty Fighter clem on both, lol.
Did seriously no one else get this?
renewed soul
I got the same as you wolf!
, glad telltale put effort in this. made me appreciate the season when I once wasn't
Am i the only one who got "Free Spirit"?
Clementine wasn't even a supporting character or even important at all in ANF with trivial dialogue and existing for fan appeal. I have no clue how/why they could even make a diverse "my Clementine" result.
A reformed loner
My clem become SELFLESS AND SURE