What Does everyone think of the Novel Series and does anyone think Telltale should have done it

So i have been reading The Walking Dead Novel Series about Lilly Caul so far and let me say its been Great so far. I'm reading through Fall Of The Governor Part 1 right now. Someone told me they wished Telltale would have done it instead, So i thought to myself what would have been better a bunch of Series about Lilly Caul like for instance. Season 1 would be about Road To Woodbury, Season 2 would be about Fall of The Governor Parts 1 and 2, and Future seasons would be about the other books. For me i am glad Telltale didn't do it and am glad we got a Series of Novels for that character. But what are your thoughts would you have liked that idea or are you happy with the books.
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Lilly book? I want!
Its about Comic Lilly not the Game Lilly
I just searched Lilly caul, the comic Lilly looks like game Lilly, also in the mobile game (road to survival) you can shoot Lilly who is in colour and looks just like Lilly.
The Game Lilly and Comic Lilly are two very different characters, And Road To Survival does follow the comic storyline but it isn't canon to the comics if i make sense. So The Devs could Spice things up with comic stuff since its they're game. So yeah Comic Lilly survives the Governor attacks and doesn't get shot
Oh I thought it was cannon with cannon choices, because Lilly leads Woodbury right?
I am reading through Fall Of The Governor Part 1 so not read Part 2, Decent, Invasion, or Search and Destroy yet and plan on to reading them before Return To Woodbury comes out this October. But yeah i heard she starts leading Woodbury
Yes comic Lilly and game Lilly are two separate characters and the novels cover the story of comic Lilly.
As far as how the novels are I suggest you either stop reading the series after The Fall of the Governor books or at least don't take them too seriously if you do read them. The series definitely took a step down with 'Descent' and 'Invasion' and though I just started 'Search and Destroy' it doesn't seem to be turning out any better than the previous two.
For 'Rise of the Governor', 'Road to Woodbury', and 'Fall of the Governor' Bonansigna was really following an outline given to him by Kirkman. Once they passed the prison part of the story though Bonansigna was completely on his own and it really shows now that he is on his own.
Though the comic is about a zombie apocalypse Kirkman still tries to make the characters in the comic act realistically and follow real world logic. Bonansigna however has taken the term 'artistic liberties' about as far as a person can possibly take them. Characters do things that are absolutely absurd and things are in the book that absolutely should not be in the book if this story is supposed to take place in the same world we live in.
For instance a big part of 'Descent' and 'Invasion' was them finding Underground Tunnels that according to the books (after Kirkman left the project) was the Underground Railroad. Now we did have the Underground Raildroad in real world history however it was not Underground Tunnels in anyway shape or form.
That to go along with a massive amount of editing errors and inconsistencies and you get the impression that Bonansigna and the editors (if these books are edited at all anymore) simply don't give a flip about making anything of quality and our just churning them out half assed because they know people will still by them because it says 'Walking Dead' on the cover.
I continue to buy these books because they are very easy reads and I am interested in finding out the fate of Lilly Caul. However after I am done with them I neither read, look, or hardly even think of them ever again.
I believe there is one more book left in the Lilly Caul saga which will be released this fall and we should likely know her fate by then (we better at least). If they want to make more books after that covering some different characters they definitely need to put more effort into it and hire a writer who will give the franchise more respect than Bonansigna has.
In terms of rather or not I would have liked to see TellTale do it. Well even though I think the current novels have turned into junk I still prefer reading something over playing a game. Though the TellTale games are good as someone who is a fan of the franchise and not just a fan of the games I prefer having that one story that you can say this is how it happened. Instead of the game where they try to include multiple different possible scenarios to appease gamers.
If the game was just one story like (for instance) Last of Us was then I wouldn't mind TellTale covering Lilly Caul's story. But with the decision TellTale has made with having multiple endings and multiple different ways you can play the game then I would not want them to touch Lilly Caul's story.
Lilly was originally Lilly Caul until Kirkman said YOLO and started to sell these novels.
It would be interesting to find out what went on behind the scenes during that time. Was Kirkman not as involved with the making of season 1 as we are lead to believe he was and thus didn't know TellTale was trying to use Lilly Caul?
Was Kirkmah knowingly allowing multiple stories to be told about her and in the end would decide which one he liked best and would make that the official Lilly Caul story?
You fanboys need to stop wanting TWD games all the time.
I'm not begging for one buddy right, And don't you come on here and talk shit about what i want, And we can Beg for more Walking Dead Games about Comic stuff if we want. It was us Comic Fans that made TWD so Big in the first place so STFU right. And change your name Idiot i know someone with a similar name to that right so go back to whatever Telltale Game series you started on. #FUCK YOU
Walking Dead is becoming a bit over saturated in the media these days.I have enjoyed most of what's been released but what's available already is more than enough I say. But as long as folks are willing to pay for it. I'm sure they'll be folks willing to make it.
I'm not asking for it to be milked, TBH its not really milked for me because i only read the Comics and Novels and Play the games. I don't watch the show and its shitty Spin offs. If i did watch the Show and that Spin off then it would be milked for me but since the ComicVerse doesn't get enough attention as the ShowVerse then it doesn't feel milked to me.
You can beg for more TWD games about comic stuff all you want but just stop asking telltale to be the one to make it and anyway even if they did make it your all still bitch and cry and I bet you were bitching about E5 ending yet you still want more TWD game from them.
FUCK You Buddy, I don't know who the Fuck you are but you must have a pretty Sad life to come here and Attack me in my own Post. Pretty Sad In My Opinion. Go back to your Attic and continue to Troll People on the Internet because you probably don't have a Life LOL. PS How The Fuck would i Bitch
I read all of them so far and I like them very much too. I thought David would pull a Philip Blake on Javier and blame him for Mariana's death. I kept thinking about the novels throughout this season due to the relationship between the brothers.
Same, That Fight reminded me of the fight Philip and Brian had lol. But The Book version was kinda done better IMO with Brothers and that
You much have issues because I've never meet someone who says the word FUCK so many times I think you need too see a doctor.
Me a Doctor you don't even know me and yet you think you know everything about me, Go FUCK Yourself, I'll get my friend Sean to TRACK you down and get you boi, don't test me
I know you. your it little cunt on twitter who bitch and crys all the time. you seem to have a sad life so instead of attacking me you should do something about your life.
I don't know. It looks like Kirkman is the only fan of Lilly-- besides me, of course.
Abeille I actually thought Rise of the Governor book that focused on the Phillip and Brian Blake relationship was pretty good. Have you read the last three books as well that take place after the prison arc in the comics? I am currently about halfway through Search and Destroy and you can just skip over about half the book just by skimming over all the adverbs and adjectives he uses to describe scenes.
He used that same writing style in the first books as well and at that time it was ok because the characters would have been in shock by what they were seeing and it was a good way to describe the horror. Now that they are trying to tell stories that take place roughly about the same point the comics currently are at that same writing style has just gotten old.
I'd be a bit careful before you guys gain enough attention to get banned or whatever.
The first book is alright enough but the other ones are nearly unbearable. Like, they are seriously so bad. Jay Bonansinga has a fragile understanding of TWD universe and timeline, but the first book is cool for the lore.
I agree. I often wonder at times if Jay has even read the comics.
It is disgraceful to have a writer that is so estranged from the source material.
I got so confussed with the Timeline in Fall of The Governor part 1 so its been apparently two years since the Outbreak began. Like i thought The Governor attacked The Prison like about a year into the apocalypse but i don't know
That's not accurate because I believe Andrea said she has counted approx. 2 years while they are at Alexandria. The comic timeline can be weird sometimes but the book timeline just jumps the shark.
Oh Alpha150 just forget about the timeline altogether from this point forward. Jay creates his own timeline. Yes according to the comic it hasn't been any longer than a year. The timeline is just one of the things that he creates his own rules for.
Starting with 'Descent' I just had to forget about everything I knew about The Walking Dead comic universe in order to be able to keep on reading.
VengefulKenny yeah the war with the Saviors takes place roughly about the two year mark. Within the past twenty issues or so Eugene has mentioned that they have been at Alexandria for about three years now (he tells Stephanie that).
I sure will
Yes! I'm waiting for Return to Woodbury later this year. Rise of the Governor is my favourite of the released books.
I like that he describes everything on detail, though, although I feel like he could describe the survivors a little better. He usually only mentions a couple of key characteristics when it comes to the living.
Calm down, gentlemen.